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A lot of experts have expressed their concern over belief, or to be more exact, the lack o

f belief, in our society. What kind of role can belief play in our society? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: Belief

更多“A lot of experts have expressed their concern over belief, or to be more exact, the lack o”相关的问题


The writer claims that it is important for specialists to be able to travel because ______

A.there are so many people working in similar fields

B.there is a lot of social unrest at universities

C.their follow experts are scattered round the world

D.their laboratories are in remote places



Groups of experts often come up withA.better solutions than individuals.B.worse solutions

Groups of experts often come up with

A.better solutions than individuals.

B.worse solutions than individuals.

C.no solution at all.

D.a lot of solutions.



Because young people nowadays don' t read much,A.they find TV very entertaining.B.they hav

Because young people nowadays don' t read much,

A.they find TV very entertaining.

B.they have a lot of time for other pastimes.

C.they have enough time to talk to one another.

D.even college students can't write very well.



Groups of experts often come up with ______.A.better solutions than individualsB.worse sol

Groups of experts often come up with ______.

A.better solutions than individuals

B.worse solutions than individuals

C.no solution at all

D.a lot of solutions



A stranger in England will be surprised to find that in that country A) people hav

A stranger in England will be surprised to find that in that country

A) people have little knowledge of football.

B) girls are more interested in football than boys.

C) even small boys know a lot about football.

D) children are not interested in football at all.



The writer claims that it is important for specialists to be able to travel because______.

A.there are so many people working in similar fields

B.there is a lot of social unrest at universities

C.their follow experts are scattered round the world

D.their laboratories are in remote places



The industrial psychologist's job function differs from that of the efficiency experts in
that the former ______.

A.places great emphasis on maximum production

B.never cares about the increase of production

C.is mainly concerned with worker's satisfaction

D.worries a lot about those workers in poor working conditions



A lot of experts are suggesting that Chinese history should be included in college educati
on, and some even propose that it should be added as a compulsory course. The reasons given vary from individual to individual, but it seems that the majority of them agree on the importance of having Chinese history in our college education. What do you think about it? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: Should Chinese History Be Made a Compulsory Course in College Education?



听力原文:After teaching three years in Shanghai, I asked to go to a remote area. I finally

听力原文: After teaching three years in Shanghai, I asked to go to a remote area. I finally made it. I have always thought that experts should be sent not only to big towns where there is a lot of opportunity to talk to English speakers, but also to remote areas. My experiences in Nanping, Fu jian, strengthened my opinions.

I recently spent a month in Nanping, teaching English to teachers of English from North Fu jian. It was an experience I shall never forget. There were about 50 teachers, their ages ranging from 19 to 65. There was also a wide range of levels. Most of them had never met a native English speaker before, and few had been on courses taught by an English-speaking expert. I was very impressed with the way in which they worked together. The more advanced students patiently helped the less advanced. They spent considerable time -- some till late into the night going over the material they had learnt.

The students were full of enthusiasm and made the most of the month's course. I learnt a lot more about China. It was a very worthwhile experience, and I hope to have the opportunity to do so again. It was a perfect example of what can be achieved with good cooperation.

Why did the speaker want to work in Nanping?

A.He thought experts were more needed there.

B.He wanted to have a good time there.

C.He was invited to work there.

D.He didn't like to stay in Shanghai any longer.



Like many high school heads, Mike Warbel had a plan ready when the bad news came. It prove
d useful, yet【C1】______made him feel any better after two student lovers【C2】______suicide. A sadly high number of people of his same【C3】______face similar difficulties About 2,000 high-school students kill themselves each year.

After accidents and murders, suicide is another【C4】______cause of death for high-school students. According to a【C5】______calculation, one out of every five high-school students has thought seriously about attempting【C6】______, and one in 14 has made an actual【C7】______.

Faced with this【C8】______, teachers and people who are in【C9】______of the schools are struggling to find good ways to prevent suicide and【C10】______with its bad effects. Many schools lack fun-time workers【C11】______to deal with mental illness, and experts【C12】______completely different advice about suicide prevention methods.【C13】______that must be dealt with after the suicide axe also very【C14】______; people who are managing the important affairs of the schools try to【C15】______deep sorrow without describing a death in a way that might encourage【C16】______. "When you're talking to a big class and saying a lot of things about suicide, different people【C17】______different words," said Dr. David Shatter, a Columbia University psychiatrist(心理医生)who heads the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Other experts,【C18】______agreeing that care must be taken, say teachers shouldn't【C19】______from direct mention of suicide. "People don't commit suicide because somebody mentioned it. It can be a huge【C20】______to hear the word, and be able to talk about it."

Experts suggest emphasizing that most suicides result from mental illness and result in deep pain on families.






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