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She was not worried. She was not afraid.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesn't say.

She was not worried. She was not afraid.



C.Doesn't say.

更多“She was not worried. She was not afraid.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesn't say.”相关的问题


The woman can’t find her keys, so she looks worried.()



How did Lisa feel when she was asked to identify herself?A.She left worried.B.She felt hap

How did Lisa feel when she was asked to identify herself?

A.She left worried.

B.She felt happy.

C.She felt nervous.

D.She felt puzzled.



The angry woman sat in the station office. "The railway should pay me $12. "She said to Ha
rry, the man who【21】the ticket. "My ticket was【22】May 22nd, and there was【23】train from Jersey that night. My daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me$12."

Harry was worried. He remembered【24】the woman a return ticket. After he【25】the Jersey timetable for May 22nd, he knew she was right. However, had he made【26】mistake?【27】what to do, he smiled at the child, "Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?" he said to her. "Yes," she answered shyly. "The seashore was【28】and I can swim【29】!"

"That's fine," said Harry. "My little girl can't swim a bit yet. Of course, she's only three..."

Harry turned to the mother, "I remember your ticket, madam," he said. "30 you didn't get one for your daughter,【31】you?"

"Well," the woman looked at the child. "I mean she hasn't started【32】yet. She is only four. "

"A four-year-old child【33】have a ticket, madam. A child's return ticket to Jersey costs $13.50. So if the railway pays your hotel bill, you will【34】. $1.50. The law is the law, but since the mistake was【35】..."

Saying nothing, the woman stood up, took the child's hand and left the office.








听力原文:Mrs. Robinson had one small, son. His name was Billy. Mrs. Robinson loved Billy v

听力原文: Mrs. Robinson had one small, son. His name was Billy. Mrs. Robinson loved Billy very much, and as he was not a strong child, she was always afraid that he might get ill, so she used to take him to the best doctor in the town four times a year to be examined.

During one of these visits, the doctor gave Billy various tests and then said to him, "Have you had any trouble with your nose or ears recently?"

Billy thought for a second and then answered, "Yes, I have." Mrs. Robinson was very worried. "But I'm sure you've never told me that, Billy!" she said anxiously.

"Oh, really?" said the doctor seriously. ,And what trouble have you had with your nose and ears, my boy?"

"Well" answered Billy, "I always have trouble with them when I'm taking my sweater off, because the neck is very tight."


A.Because he was ill.

B.Because he was rather weak.

C.Because he was always afraid.

D.Because she loved him.



We have a rather small house, with only one spare (多余的) bedroom. You can imagine (想象)

We have a rather small house, with only one spare (多余的) bedroom. You can imagine (想象) our alarm (惊恐) when Aunt Clara wrote to say that she was coming with her children to stay for the weekend. Her family was not a small one, with four boys all under the age of twelve.

I sent off a telegram (电报) at once, explaining that our house was too small. Aunt Clara called us up the next morning. "I forgot to mention (提到) to you, "she said in her sweetest voice, "the boys will be bringing their tents (帐篷) . "

Even so, my wife was still worried. It was true we had a large garden, but there was still the problem of feeding (喂养) four growing boys.

"And what if it rains? " she added.

Luckily Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara. I pushed the boys, together with the luggage (行李) , into the back of the car, with great difficulty of course. The youngest sat in front, with Aunt Clara and me.

On the way home. I talked over the shoulder (肩) to David, the eldest boy, "I didn't see your tents among your luggage"

"The tents! " cried David. " My God! We left them at home."

We were not glad to have Aunt Clara's family with us because ______.

A.she and four boys

B.our house was small

C.it was the weekend

D.her family was not small



We have a rather small house, with only one spare(多余的)bedroom. You can imagine (想像)ou

We have a rather small house, with only one spare(多余的)bedroom. You can imagine (想像)our alarm(惊恐)when Aunt Clara wrote to say that she was coming with her children to stay for the weekend. Her family was not a small one, with four boys all under the age of twelve.

I sent off a telegram(电报)at once, explaining that our house was too small. Aunt Clara called us up the next morning. "I forgot to mention(提到)to you," she said in her sweetest voice, "the boys will be bringing their tents(帐篷)."

Even so ,my wife was still worried. It was true we had a large garden, but there was still the problem of feeding(喂养)four growing boys.

"And what if it rains? she added.

Luckily Saturday morning turned out to be bright and clear when I went to the station to meet Aunt Clara. I pushed the boys, together with the luggage(行李) ,into the back of the car, with great difficulty of course. The youngest sat in front, with Aunt Clara and me.

On the way home. I talked over the shoulder(肩)to David, the eldest boy," I didn't see your tents among your luggage"

"The tents!" cried David. "My God! We left them at home."

We were not glad to have Aunt Clara's family with us because ______.

A.she and four boys

B.our house was small

C.it was the weekend

D.her family was not small



听力原文:It was years since I had visited my hometown and I was determined to enjoy my sta

听力原文: It was years since I had visited my hometown and I was determined to enjoy my stay. I went to see my old friend, Tom Clark who, among other things, was a member of the Local Council. At the time Tom was busy making arrangements for a distinguished writer to give a talk on modern literature at the town library. As the subject interested me a great deal, I gladly accepted Tom's invitation to go with him.

Tom was going to introduce the guest speaker and that evening we went to the library to meet him. Since he had not yet arrived, I left Tom and went into the Reading Room where a large audience had already gathered. I was disappointed to find that I did not know a single person there. Just before the talk was due to begin, I saw Tom waving to me from the doorway. I went to him immediately, as he looked very worried. He explained that he had just received a telephone message from the writer's secretary. Our guest speaker had missed the train and would be unable to come!

While we were talking about the problem, Tom suddenly asked me if I would mind acting us speaker. I hardly had time Io think about the mutter when I found I was being led into the Reading Room to address the waiting audience!


A.She was greeted warmly by the large audience.

B.She met a lot of old friends.

C.She felt excited to find she knew everyone there.

D.She felt quite sad that she was a stranger there.



Many years ago when the summers seemed longer and life was less complicated, we had rented
a cottage 【26】______ a river in the heart of the country 【27】______ the whole family was going to 【28】______ a three-week holiday. There were four of us: me, Mum and Dad, and Mum's sister, Auntie June. Oh, and I mustn't forget to 【29】______ . Spot, our little dog. I was 【30】______ to go off by myself all day, 【31】______ I promised to be careful and took Spot with me for 【32】______ .

One day I was out fishing with Spot when we heard a lot of shouting in the 【33】______ followed by a scream and splash. I was a bit 【34】______ so I called Spot and we both hid 【35】______ a bush where we could see but not be 【36】______ . After a few moments, a straw hat came drifting down the river, followed by an oar, a picnic basket and 【37】______ oar. Then came the rowing boat itself, but it was 【38】______ upside down! A few seconds later my dad and Auntie June came running 【39】______ the river bank, both wet 【40】______ . Spot started barking so I came out of hiding and said hello. My dad got really angry 【41】______ me for not trying to catch the boat as it went past. Luckily, 【42】______ , the boat and both the oars had been caught by an overhanging tree a little further downstream, but not the hat or picnic basket. So I had to let them 【43】______ my sandwiches. Dad and Auntie June both made me 【44】______ not to tell Mum what had happened 【45】______ she would be worried.















A.He is upset.B.He is disappointed.C.He is confident.D.He is worried.

A.He is upset.

B.He is disappointed.

C.He is confident.

D.He is worried.

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