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We won't give ______ even if we should fail ten times.A.inB.upC.awayD.off

We won't give ______ even if we should fail ten times.





更多“We won't give ______ even if we should fail ten times.A.inB.upC.awayD.off”相关的问题


听力原文:Hi Sarah, it's me, John. Something's come up at work and I won't be able to meet

听力原文: Hi Sarah, it's me, John. Something's come up at work and I won't be able to meet you until 6. That won't really give us enough time to have dinner before the 7 o'clock movie, like we planned. Would you mind terribly if we ate after the movie? We'll get out at about 8; that's not too late, at least not for me. If we go before the movie, we'll have to rush, and worry about making it to the theater on time.

If we wait until afterwards, we can relax, take our time, and enjoy our meal. Anyway, I'm at the office; give me a call when you get this message. Bye!

What time does John say he can meet Sarah?







听力原文:W: If the weather is this hot tomorrow we may as well give up the idea of playing
tennis in the afternoon.

M: Oh, I don't think it will last long. The weather forecast says it will cloud over by mid-afternoon.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.They shouldn't change their plan.

B.They'd better change their mind.

C.The tennis game won't last long.

D.Weather forecasts are not reliable.



听力原文:M:May I take a make-up exam next week? W:It's not my policy to give make-up exams

听力原文:M:May I take a make-up exam next week?

W:It's not my policy to give make-up exams, but the circumstances in your case are exceptional.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The man is an exceptionally excellent student.

B.The woman is not allowed to give make-up exams.

C.The student's request will be granted.

D.The student won't be able to complete the course.



听力原文:W: What have you finally decided on?M: We want to hold a party to celebrate our g

听力原文:W: What have you finally decided on?

M: We want to hold a party to celebrate our graduation. Tomorrow we'll discuss the details. Allen has many good ideas. Do you think he'll come to the meeting and give us suggestions?

W: I think he'll come. What'll be difficult is getting him to speak before a large crowd.

What do we learn from the woman's remark about Allen?

A.Allen won't attend the meeting.

B.Allen has to go to another meeting.

C.Allen won't want to speak at the meeting.

D.Allen likes to make public speeches.



听力原文:W: It's so hot today !M: Yes. If it is still this hot tomorrow, we may have to gi

听力原文:W: It's so hot today !

M: Yes. If it is still this hot tomorrow, we may have to give up the idea of playing tennis in the afternoon.

W: Oh, I don't think it will last long. The weather report says it will rain this afternoon.

What does' the woman mean?

A.They shouldn't change their plan.

B.They should change their mind.

C.Weather forecasts are not reliable.

D.The tennis game won't last long.



听力原文: About 2 months ago, we ordered the new photo copiers that they were selling. But
they still haven't appeared. Now they've written to say they are sorry they weren't delivered on time. They expect to deliver them by the end of this week. That's lucky, be cause I was just about to write to complain about them taking so long. I won't write now, but I still don't think we ought to just accept it. So I'm going to give them a ring to talk about the problems. If we don't say any thing, then the same thing will just happen again next time. But I'd like to keep it informal for now.




听力原文:W: I want to go to the concert tonight, but it starts at ? ,and I have to work un
til 5. There won't be enough time to go home for dinner.

M: I've an idea, I'll pick you up after work and we'll eat downtown. That'll give us plenty of time to get to the concert.

W: It's a good idea.

What do we learn from this conversation?

A.The man and the woman will eat together.

B.The woman will go home for dinner.

C.The man will go home for dinner.

D.The man and tile woman will go home before the concert.



听力原文:Patient: Aaaagh !Dentist: But I haven't touched you yet. What are you shouting fo

听力原文:Patient: Aaaagh !

Dentist: But I haven't touched you yet. What are you shouting for?

Patient: You are going to touch me.

Dentist: Well, of course I am. How can I give you an injection without touching you. As soon as you've had the injection your gum will freeze and you won't feel a thing.

Patient: How do I know what you will do while I am asleep? You might rob me.

Dentist: Now let's not be silly. You won't go to sleep. We don't do that nowadays. This will just freeze the area around the tooth so that you cannot feel any pain while I am pulling out the tooth. That is all. You won't go to sleep. You can watch everything in that mirror above you. Come along now.

What is the relationship between the two people?

A.Customer and assistant.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Doctor and patient.



听力原文:M: Hey, honey, why do you look so happy?W: Great news. We just won $400 in the lo

听力原文:M: Hey, honey, why do you look so happy?

W: Great news. We just won $400 in the lottery.

M: Wonderful! How do we spend the money?

W: Well, I'm just thinking about it. Can we buy a new microwave stove?

M: With $400, we can afford the most expensive one.

W: Sure, but on second thought, don't you think our washing machine is out of style?

M: Well, that's still affordable. Hey, how about a camera? Look, we don't have a camera; a camera will give us a lot of pleasure. Why should we spend all our money on family appliance instead of some luxuries?

W: Well, I don't think it's a good idea.

M: Ok, let's think carefully about it.

W: Oh, How about something more exciting and attractive.

M: What is it?

W: Why not buy some jewelry? I need something that makes me more elegant and beautiful.

M: Well, in my opinion, you are pretty in your plain way.

W: Really, thank you, but I still insist on having a gold necklace.


A.Salesman and Customer.

B.The manager and the secretary.

C.Good friends.

D.Husband and wife.



听力原文:M: I'll stop by your office around 11 this morning with the contract. Is that oka
y with you?

W: Actually, why don't we just meet at the front lobby and go to a coffee shop near my office? Our office floor is being renovated, so we won't be able to talk about anything with all the noise around here.

M: All right, that sounds fine. Why don't I give you a shout when I get near there then?

W: That would be fine. I'll be waiting for your call soon. Oh, by the way, would it be okay if my manager sits in on the meeting? He is very interested in the deal, and he wants to ask you some questions that I can't answer.

Where will they most likely meet?

A.In the man's office.

B.In the building lobby.

C.In a coffee shop.

D.At the woman's house.

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