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Software programs "spiders" are used toA.gather e-mail addresses for companies such as Yah

Software programs "spiders" are used to

A.gather e-mail addresses for companies such as Yahoo and Hotmail.

B.leave e-mail addresses on the message board for third parties.

C.create a new e-mail account.

D.search for e-mails addresses.

更多“Software programs "spiders" are used toA.gather e-mail addresses for companies such as Yah”相关的问题


The unauthorized (未经授权的) copying of computer programs by American businesses alone de

The unauthorized (未经授权的) copying of computer programs by American businesses alone deprived software publishers of $1.6 billion last year, a figure that swells to nearly $ 7.5 billion when overseas markets are included. "Industry's loss on a global 【C1】______ is astonishing", says Ken Wasch, head of the US software Publishers Association. 【C2】______ first glance, software piracy (盗版) seems no different from 【C3】______ of any other copyrighted materials. But software is not really like other intellectual 【C4】______ . Books and videotapes can be copied only by 【C5】______ that are relatively 【C6】______ and expensive, and the product is 【C7】______ quite as good as the original. Software, on the other hand, is easily 【C8】______ , and the result is not a scratchy second- generation copy 【C9】______ a perfect working program. The rapid growth of electronic networks only 【C10】______ the problem, for it allows anyone with a computer and a modem to 【C11】______ software silently and instantaneously. More than 90 countries around the world are already 【C12】______ to the Internet, a global network that reaches a(n) 【C13】______ 25 million computer users. How to 【C14】______ this increasingly rampant(猖獗的) piracy? The publisher's first 【C15】______ was to control it through technical means: by putting 【C16】______ in their programs 【C17】______ prevented users from copying them. This 【C18】______ worked for a while, or at least until determined pirates found ways to 【C19】______ it. 【C20】______ the codes also made it difficult for legitimate users to copy programs onto their hard drives.








To search for any information needed on tomorrows Web, one only has to______.A.go through

To search for any information needed on tomorrows Web, one only has to______.

A.go through screen after screen of irrelevant data

B.ask the Web to dispatch some messenger to his door

C.use smart software programs called "agents"

D.explore Web sites by the thousands and pick out what"s relevant



SEATTLE (Reuters) - In its second dtente in as many months, Microsoft Corp. on Friday said

SEATTLE (Reuters) - In its second dtente in as many months, Microsoft Corp. on Friday said it has partnered with longtime rival Oracle Corp. to make it easier for Oracle's database software to work with Windows.

The deal, the first of its kind between two of the leading software makers, will provide tools for developers to write programs that work with Oracle's corporate database products, which compete with Microsoft's SQL Server database software.

The alliance also reflects efforts by Microsoft to rein in its rivalry with other big software and technology companies, as customers seek to lower costs by making products from different vendors run more smoothly together.

What is true about Microsoft and Oracle?

A.They used to be good partners.

B.They used to be rivals

C.They are rivals now.

D.They are one company now.



These days, everybody buys computer software. Consumers purchase all kinds of software, f

These days, everybody buys computer software.

Consumers purchase all kinds of software, from games for the kids to highly sophisticated professional programs and everything in between. Computer software has become part of everybody's daily life, and this is just one more thing adding to an ever-growing problem. The excessive packaging on computer software is joining catchy wrappers, durable plastic and cardboard boxes, plastic jugs, and other types of packaging in the trash. Everything we buy is packaged in one way or another. When we get our purchases home, we unwrap them and throw the packaging in the trash. It then ends up in the nation's garbage dumps. Communities all around the country are struggling with the problem of where to put all this waste. Much of this excessive packaging serves only to make the products more attractive to consumers. It catches the eye but does not really protect the goods from damage.

Environmentalists are asking consumers to say "No!" to wasteful packaging practices. Please purchase only those products that come with a minimum of packaging or that are packaged in 100% recycled materials.

What is this article about?


B.Computer software

C.The use of garbage dumps

D.A problem with packaging



听力原文:This week some big internet sites were so busy that they stopped working. Hackers

听力原文: This week some big internet sites were so busy that they stopped working. Hackers or people who break into other people's computers did it. Experts think programs called Tribal Village were used.

The programs worked like time bombs. The hackers put software on other people's computers. The people do not even know. The software just sits and waits until the hacker starts it. When the hacker wants, all the computers call the same web site. This week Yahoo, Amazon and CNN were called.

The costs are growing. These web sites make money from advertising. People go to the web sites for information and news. If the web site is not, working, they will go to other sites.

Yahoo got many calls. It was like 104 million people dialing in at once.

The website AntiOnline put the software on its site. They hope someone will make a fix.

The only way to stop the hackers is to stop them from getting into computers. Now it is easy to get into many computers.

Webmasters are in a tough spot. The goal is to have a site open and easy to reach. This also makes them open to hackers.

Why do hackers do this? Probably because other hackers will praise them. The hackers could also be sick and tired of the commercialization of the Internet. 5o far all of the targets have been very large, mid very commercial.


A.Someone who breaks into and uses someone else's computer.

B.Someone who breaks commercials.

C.Someone who fixes someone else's computer.

D.Someone who does not know about computers.



While a personal computer should continue to perform. predictably for years, veteran W
indows users know all too well that system instability is a fact of life. Yet you can minimize the glitches that you experience with your computer by heeding the tips below.

2. If you run Windows 98 or Windows Millennium, your computer should have at least 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM--and more if you find that your hard drive is churning a lot as you work with your applications. You can also get by with 128 MB of RAM if you use Windows NT or Windows 2000, but these operating systems will run much more smoothly if you have 256 MB of RAM or more.

3. Beta software, by its very nature, is pre-release software—meaning that it still has significant known bugs (or defects). The same goes, unfortunately, for many shareware programs. The authors of shareware programs, typically, have much less time and fewer resources available for testing their programs. Consequently, it&39; s far more common to find shareware software that is buggy.

4. No-name hardwares may be cheaper and sometimes just as good as name-brand products, but name-brand products usually became well-known because of their reliability. It&39;s also wise to buy products from reputable companies because Windows will more often support the hardware that you purchase. If you are starting out with computers, it&39;s also a good idea to buy ready-made systems from major manufacturers. These are likely to have tested thoroughly with your operating system, and you will generally experience fewer problems.

5. No matter how well your system runs when you get it, the day will come when it will need to be replaced. Hopefully, you will replace it because the technology has become outdated, but you may need to replace it also because the hard drive crashes or you begin experiencing problems that no one can figure out. That&39;s why it&39;s important to back up your important files regularly. Whether you use a tape backup device or a CD-RW drive, it&39;s important to map out a regular backup schedule and to stick to it.

Paragraph 2 ______

A. You Should Ensure That You Have As Much Memory (RAM) in Your PC As You NeedB. Do Prepare for DisasterC. Keeping a PC Running Smoothly Is Very DifficultD. Make Sure You Buy Good HardwareE. Avoid Installing Beta(试用自版) Software And Shareware SoftwareF. Install&39; as little software as possible

Paragraph 3 ______

A. You Should Ensure That You Have As Much Memory (RAM) in Your PC As You NeedB. Do Prepare for DisasterC. Keeping a PC Running Smoothly Is Very DifficultD. Make Sure You Buy Good HardwareE. Avoid Installing Beta(试用自版) Software And Shareware SoftwareF. Install&39; as little software as possible

Paragraph 4 ______

A. You Should Ensure That You Have As Much Memory (RAM) in Your PC As You NeedB. Do Prepare for DisasterC. Keeping a PC Running Smoothly Is Very DifficultD. Make Sure You Buy Good HardwareE. Avoid Installing Beta(试用自版) Software And Shareware SoftwareF. Install&39; as little software as possible

Paragraph 5 ______

A. You Should Ensure That You Have As Much Memory (RAM) in Your PC As You NeedB. Do Prepare for DisasterC. Keeping a PC Running Smoothly Is Very DifficultD. Make Sure You Buy Good HardwareE. Avoid Installing Beta(试用自版) Software And Shareware SoftwareF. Install&39; as little software as possible

Before you use a computer system, you should know ______.

A. the computer will slow downB. to fix something that isn&39;t brokenC. how to keep your PC stableD. copy files from the hard disk onto two sets of floppy disksE. your system is running wellF. the authors have much less time for, testing their programs

When a hard disk gets too full, ______.

A. the computer will slow downB. to fix something that isn&39;t brokenC. how to keep your PC stableD. copy files from the hard disk onto two sets of floppy disksE. your system is running wellF. the authors have much less time for, testing their programs

To save data, it is a good idea always to ______.

A. the computer will slow downB. to fix something that isn&39;t brokenC. how to keep your PC stableD. copy files from the hard disk onto two sets of floppy disksE. your system is running wellF. the authors have much less time for, testing their programs

Many shareware programs are buggy because ______.

A. the computer will slow downB. to fix something that isn&39;t brokenC. how to keep your PC stableD. copy files from the hard disk onto two sets of floppy disksE. your system is running wellF. the authors have much less time for, testing their programs




School children will have a more difficult time skipping classes in the future if a softwa
re program that lets parents monitor their children catches on.

A start-up company called School-Soft, based in Cupertino, Calif., unveiled an upgrade to its software that lets parents monitor their child's performance in school over the Internet.

The company has developed software that runs on Corp.'s popular Palm-Pilot handheld computers. School-Soft resells the Palm-Pilot to schools, pre-loaded with School Soft software, plus programs to run on a school's network server. School teachers can then enter into the Palm-Pilot student attendance data, grades, homework assignments, activities and the like, which is sent to the school's central server. Later, parents with either Internet access or just a telephone can access the school's server for updates from the teacher. Before the software upgrade, parents could only access the system via the telephone.

Jim Weldon, School-Soft founder and chief executive, said the company at present has an installed base of about 330 schools around the United States, and that the software was used for children in kindergarten all the way up to secondary school. "In high school, parents really want to track activities, grades, etc.—how do they get on track to go to college?" said Weldon. "Children also have access as well to their academic records...Sometimes you don't know where you are."

When asked if many children have objected to their parents using the software, Weldon said that most are aware of the advantages the software can provide, such as letting them know about grades and performance issues in school—long before report cards arrive.

The old copy of the software______.

A.is internet based

B.is telephone based

C.is well accepted

D.is well programmed



How did Dr. Min first learn about the Osaka Publishings software programs?A.By visiting a

How did Dr. Min first learn about the Osaka Publishings software programs?

A.By visiting a branch office in Japan.

B.By hearing about it from his coworker.

C.By attending a presentation by Dr. Sasaki.

D.By participating in a survey for the software programs.



Software includes () etc


B.all kinds of files

C.video games


E.mobile application



Many of these 'decision-support' programs are poorly conceived and can be a waste of both
time and money.

A. plan

B. game

C. computer

D. software

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