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听力原文:Which nation speaks slowest?(17)A.Polynesian.B.American.C.English.D.Japanese.

听力原文:Which nation speaks slowest?






更多“听力原文:Which nation speaks slowest?(17)A.Polynesian.B.American.C.English.D.Japanese.”相关的问题


听力原文:Cameroon in West Africa is a nation of(32)24 separate languages and 200 tribal gr

听力原文: Cameroon in West Africa is a nation of(32)24 separate languages and 200 tribal groups. (33)The nation is also divided by three religions which compete for the loyalty of he 8 million people. However, Cameroon has(35)managed to avoid problems with these ethnic and religious groups. This is partly due to its powerful president who has led the nation with authority for many years. In the past 10 years, Cameroon has also developed a strong economy. (34)Rubber, coffee, bananas, and cotton are among the major products that give economic security to the country.



B.Twenty - four.

C.Two hundred.




听力原文:Cameroon in West Africa is a nation of 24 separate languages and 200 tribal group

听力原文: Cameroon in West Africa is a nation of 24 separate languages and 200 tribal groups. The nation is also divided by three religions which compete for the loyalty of the 8 million people. However, Cameroon has managed to avoid problems with these ethnic and religious groups. This is partly due to its powerful president who has led the nation with authority for many years. In the past 10 years, Cameroon has also developed a strong economy. Rubber, coffee, bananas, and cotton are among the major products that give economic security to the country.



B.Twenty - four.

C.Two hundred.




听力原文: There are about two thousand and eight hundred languages in the world. According
to the investigation of linguists, the fastest speaking nation is French. A Frenchman speaks an average of three hundred and syllables per minute. The Japanese comes second, speaking three hundred and eleven syllables per minute.

The slowest speaking nation is the people of Polynesia island in the Pacific,

Both Americans and the British speak English; but it is interesting that tile British speak faster limn Americans. An Englishman speaks an average of two hundred and twenty syllables per minute while au American only speaks one hundred and fifty to one hundred and seventy-five.

Which is the fastest speaking nation?








听力原文: President Bush has defended the decision to go to war in Iraq following a highly
critical Senate study concluding that key pre-war U. S. intelligence judgments about Iraqi weapons capabilities were unsupported or overstated. The president also promised to work with Congress on reforming the nation's intelligence agencies. The Senate Intelligence Committee report issued Friday accuses the intelligence community of treating ambiguous evidence as conclusive, ignoring contrary evidence and not challenging assumptions about Iraqi weapons.

According to the Senate study, which adjective CANNOT be used to describe pre-war intelligence on Iraqi weapons?







听力原文:The Revolution resulting in America was the most significant event in American hi

听力原文: The Revolution resulting in America was the most significant event in American history. This country would not be here without it. The Revolution led to the making of the American Constitution. The constitution set up a basis upon which the most powerful nation in the world would grow. The Civil War is also one of the most influential events that helped to shape the United Slates. The division of the industrial North and slave-owning South resulted in the Civil War. If the South had won, the entire nation right now would be completely different. Half of our population would not have its freedom. No black person would ever have a high position in the government, such as mayor. Every single person's life would be completely different had the Civil War never occurred.

Time Magazine listed the one hundred most important events in American History. They included going to the moon, Watergate, World War Two, AIDS, the Industrial Revolution, and so on. However, at the very top of their list as number one was the atomic bomb. Some people agree with this, while others disagree. Some say that the bombing of Hiroshima was the most influential event in American History. Having this military power established the United States as the leading world country. Hiroshima ended World War Two and appointed America as the most powerful country on the entire earth; however, it leads to severe problems in the future. If there ever is a World War Three, no living thing on this earth would survive. As for now, some people believe that America is the leading country because of its advantage at the end of World War Two.


A.Wall Street Journal.

B.National Enquirer.

C.USA Today.




听力原文:The Mexican economy went of a cliff in the second three months of 2009, with the

听力原文: The Mexican economy went of a cliff in the second three months of 2009, with the Gross Domestic Product dropping 10. 3% from the same period last year, according to government 'figures. Analysts say the main cause of Mexico's nosedive is that the nation's economy is tied strongly to that of the United States, which is mired in the deepest economic downturn since the 1930s. Other factors dragging the Mexican economy down include a tourism decline caused by the H1N1 flu outbreak, declining oil and tax revenues, and fewer Mexicans abroad sending money back home. (9) Oil revenues, long Mexico's main source of money, have been hurt by lower global prices and declining production. Remittances from Mexicans working abroad, most of them in the United States, also have fallen victim to the economic downturn. Fewer jobs in the United States mean fewer opportunities for Mexicans to find work and send money home. (10) Remittances rank after oil in terms of revenue for the country. That revenue fell from $ 26 billion in 2007 to $ 25 billion in 2008, Mexico's central bank said, and is expected to decrease even more this year. Tourism, Mexico's third largest source of revenue, has declined steadily, since an outbreak of the H1N1 flu was first discovered in Mexico in April.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a cause of the current decline in the Mexican economy?

A.Strong ties with the U. S. economy.

B.Fewer job opportunities in Mexico.

C.Decline in tourism.

D.Decline in tax revenues.



听力原文:The Civil War came about as a result of many differences between the North and th

听力原文: The Civil War came about as a result of many differences between the North and the South. The differences had their beginnings in the early 1800s. Tensions continued to grow for several decades. When the war began in 1861, most American believed the conflict would not last long. Instead, it stretched into four years of bloody fight. In the end, more Americans died in the Civil War than in any war the nation had fought.

The disagreements between the North and the South centered on the following five issues: slavery, tariffs, taxes, political power in the House of Representative, and political power in the Senate. People in the North had strong feelings about each of these issues. So did the people in the South. Each side had reasons for the way it felt.

Many people in the North did not believe in slavery. They thought the people of the South should not own slaves. Although some southerners opposed slavery, most felt they needed slaves to raise cotton and tobacco, which were the pillar economy. On the other hand, the North' s economy was based on manufacturing industry not plantation agriculture. The northern ers opposed slavery in the South since they had not enough people to work in their factories and wanted to get human resources. In the end the North won the war and the Union was saved.


A.In the early 1800s.

B.Several decades after its break.

C.In 1861.

D.In 1865.



听力原文: The British Museum originated in the private collections of Sir Hans Sloane, whi
ch he left to the nation on his death in 1753. He was a rich physician who devoted his whole life to collecting curiosities from all parts of the world. These curiosities, together with George the Second's library, were reopened to the public as the British Museum in 1759. Many valuable legacies, especially private libraries and collections of art, have been left to the Museum at different times.

An entire reconstruction of the original building of the Museum was begun in 1828, and was finished in 1852. Within the building is a large hall, from which open out passages and stairways to the various departments.

The treasures of the British Museum are so numerous that even so large a building could not hold everything, and the scientific and zoological collections have been housed in a separate building in Kensington, known as the Natural History Museum. Within the British Museum itself house the archaeological departments and the library, consisting of more than two million printed volumes with thousands of manuscripts.

What is the origin of the British Museum?

A.The private collection of Sir Hans Sloane.

B.The royal library of George the Second.

C.The national library.

D.The National History Museum.



听力原文:Washington Irving was America's first man of letters to be known internationally.

听力原文: Washington Irving was America's first man of letters to be known internationally. His works were received enthusiastically both in England and in the United States. He was, in fact, one of the most successful writers of his time in either country, delighting a large general public and at the same time winning the admiration of fellow writers like Scott in Britain and Poe and Hawthorne in the US.

The respect with which he was held was partly owing to the man himself, with his warm friendliness, his good sense, his gracious manners, his pleasant spirits, his artistic integrity, his love of both the Old World and the New. Thackeray described Irving as "a gentleman, who, though himself born in a very high sphere, was most finished, polished, witty, socially the equal of the most refined Europeans." In England he was granted an honorary degree from Oxford—an unusual honor for a citizen of a young, uncultured nation— and he received the medal of the Royal Society of literature; America made him ambassador to Spain.

Irving's background provides little to explain his literary achievements. A gifted but delicate child, he had little formal schooling. He Studied law, but without zeal, and never did practice seriously. He was immune to his strict Presbyterian home environment, frequenting both social gatherings and the theatre.


A.Harvard University.

B.Oxford University.

C.Cambridge University.

D.Yale University.



听力原文:The elevator is broken again. (A) We'll have to take the stairs. (B) He hasn't sp

听力原文:The elevator is broken again.

(A) We'll have to take the stairs.

(B) He hasn't spoken yet.

(C) Yes, there are eleven.





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