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I have two sisters, Kate and Mary. Kate is fifteen and Mary is twelve. They go to No. 12 M

iddle School. But Kate is in Grade Three and Mary is in Grade One. Kate likes to play ping-pong and Mary often plays basketball with some boys. Kate likes the light red or purple clothes, but Mary likes the black or green clothes.

Kate is older than Mary.



更多“I have two sisters, Kate and Mary. Kate is fifteen and Mary is twelve. They go to No. 12 M”相关的问题


第二节 短文理解2阅读短文,从各题所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案。I have two sisters, Kate and M

第二节 短文理解2


I have two sisters, Kate and Mary. Kate is fifteen and Mary is twelve. They go to No. 14 Middle School. But Kate is in Grade Three and Mary is in Grade One. Kate likes to play Ping-pong and Mary often plays basketball with some boys. Kate likes the light red or purple clothes, but Mary likes the black or green clothes.

Kate and Mary axe my ______.






The two sisters have entirely different temperament.A.educationB.aristocracyC.dispositionD

The two sisters have entirely different temperament.







The two sisters have entirely different temperament.A. education B. aristocracyC. disposit

The two sisters have entirely different temperament.

A. education

B. aristocracy

C. disposition

D. experience



第三节 短文理解2阅读下列短文,从[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选择一个正确答案。My sister and I looke

第三节 短文理解2


My sister and I looked forward to new clothes for the New Year. But one day my mother said, "Listen, children. We don't have enough money now. So only one of you can get new clothes." he silence (寂静) lasted for a few minutes. My tears (眼泪) were coming out.

"OK, I have an idea," my sister said. "I'll write 'new clothes' on a piece of paper and 'nothing' on another. We cast lots (抽签) to decide."

I agreed. While she was writing at the table. I found her clothes were old and she had grown too big for the clothes. I looked at my own. They were old, but still the right size for me.

"Pick one," my sister said.

I picked one and opened it. Two words ran into my eyes: NEW CLOTHES. I forgot my sad feelings and jumped up.

A few days later. I ran into the sitting room in my new clothes where my mother and my sister were reading. My sister gave me a smile and went on reading. My mother called me to her side and showed me two pieces of paper. On each of them was written: NEW CLOTHES.

Why could only one of the two sisters get new clothes?

A.The family was short of money.

B.The writer's sister already had new clothes.

C.The writer's sister did not want new clothes.



第三节 短文理解2阅读下列短文,从[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选择一个正确答案。My sister and I looke

第三节 短文理解2


My sister and I looked forward to new clothes for the New Year. But one day my mother said, "Listen, children. We don't have enough money now. So only one of you can get new clothes." he silence (寂静) lasted for a few minutes. My tears (眼泪) were coming out.

"OK, I have an idea," my sister said. "I'll write 'new clothes' on a piece of paper and 'nothing' on another. We cast lots (抽签) to decide."

I agreed. While she was writing at the table. I found her clothes were old and she had grown too big for the clothes. I looked at my own. They were old, but still the right size for me.

"Pick one," my sister said.

I picked one and opened it. Two words ran into my eyes: NEW CLOTHES. I forgot my sad feelings and jumped up.

A few days later. I ran into the sitting room in my new clothes where my mother and my sister were reading. My sister gave me a smile and went on reading. My mother called me to her side and showed me two pieces of paper. On each of them was written: NEW CLOTHES.

Why could only one of the two sisters get new clothes?

A.The family was short of money.

B.The writer's sister already had new clothes.

C.The writer's sister did not want new clothes.



听力原文:Have you got any brothers or sisters?(A) Yes, I am the only child. (B) No, my bro

听力原文:Have you got any brothers or sisters?

(A) Yes, I am the only child.

(B) No, my brother is a worker.

(C) Yes, I have a sister.







When Joan gave birth【C1】______the first boy in her family in three generations, she and he
r husband were ecstatic.【C2】______were her parents. Joan expected her older sister, Sally, to be just【C3】______delighted. Joan had always worshiped Sally—the beauty and the star of the family—and【C4】______at her achievements. But since the babys arrival, the sisters have become【C5】______Joan feels hurt that Sally seems completely【C6】______in little Andrew. Sally, who had no children, claims that her younger sister "acts【C7】______no one ever had a baby before". Neither Sally nor Joan understands that the sudden【C8】______in their family roles is the real cause of the current【C9】______Joan has finally【C10】______her dominant older sister—and Sally doesnt like it! Their present distance may be【C11】______but study shows that childhood rivalry doesnt just exist during the childhood. It can【C12】______a strong ingredient in sibling (兄弟姐妹) relationships throughout life. In a study at the University of Cincinnati, 65 men and women were asked how they felt【C13】______their brothers and sisters. Nearly 75 percent admitted【C14】______similar feelings. In a few cases, these emotions were sufficiently intense to have【C15】______their entire lives. Many adult brothers and sisters are close, supportive and affectionate—yet still need to【C16】______Two brothers I know【C17】______killers when on opposite sides of a tennis net. Off the【C18】______they are the best of friends. My own younger sister never fails to tell me when Ive【C19】______weight.... However, shes a terrible cook and that【C20】______me.








听力原文:M: First of all, I'd like you to tell me a bit about what you've been doing.W: We

听力原文:M: First of all, I'd like you to tell me a bit about what you've been doing.

W: Well, I left school after I'd done my A-levels.

M: What subjects did you take?

W: French, German and art.

M: Art?

W: Well, I really wanted to study art. But a friend of my father's offered me a job—he's an accountant in the city

M: I see. In your application, you say that you only spent nine months with this firm of accountants. Why was that?

W: Well, to be quite honest, I didn't like it — so I got a place at the Art College a years ago.

M: Did your father mind?

W: Well, he was rather disappointed at first. He's an accountant too, you know.

M: Have you any brothers or sisters?

W: Two brothers, both at school. One's eleven, and the other's fifteen.

M: Right. What do you in your spare time?

W: I like jazz and folk music; I go to the theater occasionally and act a bit myself. I read quite a lot, and I've done a bit of photography. Also, rye traveled a lot.

M: Very interesting. Miss Smith. I think that's all I wanted to ask about your background.

What are the two speakers doing?

A.They are having a friendly chat.

B.One is interviewing the other.

C.They are talking about each other's family.

D.One is asking about the other's family background.



根据以下材料,回答题School DegreesIn the past, degrees were very unusual in my family. I re


School Degrees

In the past, degrees were very unusual in my family. I remember the day my uncle graduated. We had a huge party, and for many years my mother called him "the genius" and listened to his opinion. Today in comparison, five of my brothers and sisters have degrees, and two are studying for their masters". However, some people think that this increased access to education is devaluing degrees.

People have several arguments against the need for degrees. They say that having so many graduates devalues a degree. People lose respect for the degree holder. It is also claimed that education has become a rat race. Graduates have to compete for jobs even after years of studying.

Another point is that studying for such a long time leads to learners becoming inflexible. They know a lot about one narrow subject, but are unable to apply their skills. Employers prefer more flexible and adaptable workers.

However, I feel strongly that this move to having more qualifications is a positive development. In the past education was only for the rich; and powerful. Now it is available to everyone, and this will have many advantages for the country and the individual. First of all, it is impossible to be overeducated. The more people are educated, the better the world will be, because people will be able to discuss and exchange ideas. A further point is that people with degrees have many more opportunities. They can take a wider variety of jobs and do what they enjoy doing,

instead of being forced to take a job they dislike. Finally, a highly educated workforce is good for the economy of the country. It attracts foreign investment.

In conclusion, although there are undoubtedly some problems with increased levels of education, I feel strongly that the country can only progress if all its people are educated to the maximum of their ability.

What can we learn about the author‘s family? 查看材料

A.They used to disregard education.

B.They are overeducated now.

C.Few members were allowed to go to school in the past.

D.There are now more educated members than in the past.



When my father was getting ready for work, our【C1】______was ruled by knocks and words. One
【C2】______on the table meant "I am ready for my breakfast". Two knocks on the table【C3】______"I am ready for my tea".

【C4】______breakfast he said, "Boots." The paper was【C5】______for him over the back of an armchair. Today's paper was put on the chair for his【C6】______, and his boots were brought to him, freshly brushed. He read【C7】______, at the same time putting on his boots and lacing them【C8】______. After finishing one boot, he said, "Bus." At that【C9】______one of the girls went outside to the garden gate【C10】______waited there. Her job was to stop the bus【C11】______it came. It came early sometimes, and it had to【C12】______my father.

"Overcoat, hat. "One of my sisters had already【C13】______his overcoat. Now she held it【C14】______for him and guided his arms into it. Then she【C15】______his jacket down under the coat. Another girl【C16】______his hat, nicely brushed. "Handkerchief, pipe. "They were brought and put, with his tobacco, into his pockets. He【C17】______the window and said either "Walking stick" or "Umbrella". It was handed to him. Ready now, he was【C18】______reading the newspaper.

He didn't put it down【C19】______he heard the shout "Bus coming!" Then he kissed my mother and went out. The girls all breathed freely.

【C20】______lucky a man is to have a wife and five daughters at home!






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