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He found a job for a “typist ” in the section of the newspaper.A) confidentialB) restr

He found a job for a “typist ” in the section of the newspaper.

A) confidential

B) restricted

C) classified

D) designated

更多“He found a job for a “typist ” in the section of the newspaper.A) confidentialB) restr”相关的问题


He _____ a job, but hasn't found it yet.

A.has been seeking

B.is seeking for


D.sought for



Scarcely__________(他大学毕业)when he found a job to support his family.

Scarcely__________(他大学毕业)when he found a job to support his family.



根据听到的内容作答____. A) He will quit his job in no time. B) He will do a part-time job
. C) He won't stay with Mr. William. D) He hasn't found a new job yet.



A.Because he didn't like the job.B.Because the Civil War broke out.C.Because he found

A.Because he didn't like the job.

B.Because the Civil War broke out.

C.Because he found another job as a typesetter.

D.Because his family asked him to do so.



His job at the hospital did not pay much, so he found another ().
His job at the hospital did not pay much, so he found another ().

A.on the spot

B.on the side



Why does lan think he was successful in his first job?A.He communicated well with colleagu

Why does lan think he was successful in his first job?

A.He communicated well with colleagues.

B.He found a new way of doing things.

C.He worked extremely hard.



Which of the following italicized parts is used as a subject?A.Mr. Smith said he found it

Which of the following italicized parts is used as a subject?

A.Mr. Smith said he found it hard to get along well with her.

B.The teacher asked us to collect more information about the subject.

C.It was pretty hard for him to bring up the child on his own.

D.The principal told me that my job was to teach them English.



听力原文:Do you still remember my cousin Brian. He had just graduated from technical schoo
l. But he quickly got himself a job, which really astonished us.


A.Brian would like to graduate from technical school soon.

B.Brian found a good job after finishing technical school.

C.Brian wondered who had got the job.

D.Brian goes to class every day before work.



听力原文:W: Have you found a job yet?M: No, and I'm getting discouraged. I went to the job

听力原文:W: Have you found a job yet?

M: No, and I'm getting discouraged. I went to the job market yesterday, but no one was really interested in hiring an English major.

W: I know what you mean. I was told by many of the companies there that they are looking for people with other skills. Fortunately, I am good at computing. I think I have a job lined up.

M: Tell me about it.

W: The first people I talked to said they were very interested in me, because I am familiar with Word Perfect. When they interviewed me, I was able to speak English better than the boss and he was very impressed with my combination of skills.

M: I was hoping to find a sales job with an import-export company.

W: You'd be good at that kind of job. Your English is very good. My older brother works for a Chinese American joint venture in Guangzhou and he is doing very well. He wanted me to go down there and work with him, but I think I would rather take this job here. If you would like, I will call him and ask him to help you find a job there.

M: I would really appreciate that. I know several of our classmates have found jobs there. It's a long way from home, but I hear the pay is good there. Thank you for your help.

W: Don' t mention it.


A.Because he was not interested in any job in the market.

B.Because he is not skillful at computing.

C.Because he is an English major.

D.Because the companies in the job market were looking for people good at English speaking.



Surveys have found that wages and benefits are not always the major determining factor for
employees who are looking to move between jobs. David Bikowski is a case in point. Last year he was laid off from his production job at a factory where he had worked for close to eight years. After several months of searching for a new job, he found employment at another factory in a nearby town. Although he would earn $100 a week less in the new position than he did at his old one, he took the job. He has a family to support and couldn't afford to stay out of work much longer. Just a few months after starting at his new position, he received an offer to return to his old job at his old salary. Bikowski decided to turn the offer down. Why? Because, he says, he finds that his new workplace is much less stressful than the old one. "We've been able to get by on what I've been earning at Strathmore (his new employer), and I know I'll be getting the usual raises as time goes on," he explains. "And it's better for my family in ways that money can't pay for. I'm more relaxed when I get home, I have better quality time with my kids. That's worth more than money to me." Bikowski represents a growing sentiment among the country's workforce. More and more workers are looking for less stressful lives, sociologists say. Work conditions are often given equal weight with wages and benefits when job decisions are made.

Why did David Bikowski leave his job?

A.He wanted a promotion.

B.He was fired.

C.He wanted more money.

D.He was laid off.

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