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We have hoped to get the house but another couple______against us all the time.A.are biddi

We have hoped to get the house but another couple______against us all the time.

A.are bidding


C.had bidden

D.is bidding

更多“We have hoped to get the house but another couple______against us all the time.A.are biddi”相关的问题


We ________ to start our own business, but we never had enough money.A) have hopedB

We ________ to start our own business, but we never had enough money.

A) have hoped

B) hope

C) had hoped

D) should hope



Acceptance of Chronic IllnessFor chronically i11 patients, giving up the hope that they wi

Acceptance of Chronic Illness

For chronically i11 patients, giving up the hope that they will get better may actually lead to more happiness, U.S. researchers suggest.

"Hope is an important part of happiness, but there's a dark side of hope. Sometimes, if hope makes people put off getting on with their life, it can get in the way of happiness," Dr. Peter A. Ubel from the University of Michigan Health System said in a university news release.

He and his colleagues studied patients who'd just had a colostomy (结肠造口术), which means their colons (结肠) were removed and they had to have bowel (肠) movements in a pouch (小袋) outside the body. At the time of the surgery, some patients were told the procedure was reversible and they'd have a second operation in a few months to reconnect their bowels. Other patients were told the colostomy was permanent.

The patients were followed for six months, and the researchers found that those without hope of regaining normal bowel function were happier than those with reversible colostomies.

"We think they were happier because they got on with their lives. They realized the cards they were dealt, and recognized that they had no choice but to play with those cards," Ubel said. "The other group was waiting for their colostomy to be reversed. They contrasted their current life with the life they hoped to lead, and didn't make the best of their current situation. "

The study, published in the November edition of Health Psychology, also may explain why people whose spouse (配偶) dies often recover better emotionally over time than those who get divorced, the researchers said.

That's because people whose husband or wife dies have closure (结束), while those who get divorced may still have hope for some chance of making up, they explained.

Chronically ill patients may be happier______.

A.if they keep thinking of their past.

B.if they believe they'll recover.

C.if they put off moving on.

D.if they manage to get on with their life.



A boy aged eight who suffered brain damage at birth has spoken his first words after makin
g friends with a dolphin. Well-wishers raised more than $10,000 to send Nikki Brice to Miami for treatment at a therapy center where handicapped youngsters are encouraged to swim with dolphins.

After eight years of silence, Nikki's mother, Tabitha was astonished to hear him say "in" as she helped him out of the pool where he had been swimming with four dolphins, including their most famous, Flipper. Since that first breakthrough, eight days ago, he has learnt to say "please" and "duck".

Family, friends and celebrities including the Spice Girls, the musician Ben Elton and film-actress Deborah Kerr helped to raise the money for him to spend nearly three weeks at the Human Dolphin Therapy Center at Miami's Sea-quarium. The center uses 40-minute sessions with trained dolphins alongside intensive conventional therapies. The conventional therapies included the usual one-to-one speech therapy sessions.

Although Nikki had been nervous, his mother said that he soon enjoyed playing with the dolphins. Mrs. Brice, 30, said: "On the third day he was swimming in the dolphin enclosure. We hadn't been there for long when Nikki was told to get out of the water, at the end of the session, and he stood very quietly at the edge of the tank."

"Nikki must have thought he wasn't going to be allowed to go swimming with the dolphins again because he suddenly pointed at the water and said 'in'. He was telling us he wanted to get back in to the water. We just stood there in shock because it was so unexpected. Once we got over it we quickly told him he could go in again and he soon cheered up. For years, I have hoped to hear Nikki speak."

The person in charge of Nikki's treatment is David Nathanson, who pioneered dolphin therapy 20 years ago. The center claims to have helped more than 1,000 children to overcome problems, from brain damage to learning difficulties. However, the reasons behind is still unknown.

According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE about the boy in the story?

A.He has a heating problem.

B.He suffered brain damage at birth.

C.He is afraid of dolphins.

D.He cannot swim.



听力原文:Woman: OK... now, next we'd better discuss the recruitment plan for staff at the
new factory in Dinsdale. I don't think we'll have any problems, do you ?

Man: No, not really. I mean, it's in a pretty good location for accessing a large workforce so we should have our pick. Anyway, I would have thought that our new policy of letting staff choose when they work within a certain time frame. will appeal to lots of people.

Woman: Yes, I think we may miss out on the high- fliers who are looking to get up the ladder quickly, but it's more important to get a core of stable staff.

Man: When did you want to start advertising?

Has the Board agreed on numbers yet?

Woman: Oh yes, that was decided before that last meeting when the top brass met - that's why they're pressing us to do something. I don't want to initiate it just yet, but we do need to do it in advance of the holiday period.

Man: Well, OK. But I don't think there's any point in going ahead until the factory is nearly completed, is there? That way, we'd have plenty of time for planning.

Woman: Hmm... that's a good point. Well, let's aim for that then. I'll try and get a date out of the Director. Right, now Mr Dawson asked me what we thought about appointing somebody to oversee all this because we're both going to be tied up here. I suggested to him that they send someone down from Head Office but he didn't seem very keen.

Man: I don't think that's a good idea because they won't know the local situation. We'd be better off putting it in the hands of a recruitment agency - they could do all the initial filtering. The manager at the new factory wants to be involved but he can step in to help later on, which means we'd have some internal control.

Woman: Yes, that's a good idea. I'll suggest that. I also had a discussion with Mr Dawson about what kind of experience we would be looking for in new staff. I was quite surprised actually because he said he didn't think we need people to have done exactly the same thing as long as they had about four or five years' general work experience. But I pointed out to him that if we just take anybody from any field then we're bound to end up with a lot of wastage because alot of them will turn out not to be suitable. So I proposed that we appoint people who've worked in something similar. As long as they've got a rough idea of what the job involves, that's the main thing.

Man: Yes, I agree. Will the new staff get the same deal as everybody here?

Woman: What did you mean?

Man: Well, the canteen and everything?

Woman: Let me have a look.., yes, more or less. There's the travel allowance, but we are going to look at that over the next couple of years to see if we are going to retain it or not. It's one of the possible cost savings. Also, although we're building a canteen there, we're getting outside caterers in - it'll be much cheaper than the system we've got here. The staff will have to pay slightly more because the company won't be making a contribution but it won't be much more. And then, there's the discount policy that staff get on our products - I mean, that operates across the company so it wouldn't work any differently.

Man: Will any staff move over to the new factory from Head Office, do you think?

Woman: Possibly - not the old-timers maybe, but some of our new staff might prefer to finish their training there if it's easier travelling for them. We'll be offering the same courses in both places. I guess, really, it's going to depend on whether they see better prospects for themselves at the new place. It will be a different set-up in some ways.

Man: Are we offering any incentives to persuade them to move?

Woman: Well, the salaries won't be going up, if that's what you mean! Actually, we're going to pilot a new system there - a kind of scale of rewards for targets achieved - it's hoped that will attract them. But it wouldn't be fair if we offered any kind of modification to the c

A.the possibility of rapid promotion

B.the location of the new factory

C.the flexible working hours



Frank Webb, an American pilot who first flew a glider at the age of 14, made his first fli
ght alone on his 16th birthday and got his commercial pilot's license(执照) on his 18th birthday.

After serving in the US Navy (海军) for 20 years, being a Boeing flight instructor, and working with Alaska Airlines for more than three years, Webb signed a contract with Shenzhen Airlines last May to captain domestic routes in China. Though he is an experienced pilot, he feels the same nervousness as he did on his first flight.

Captain Webb said that the "Sept. 11" incident did not have a direct influence on his decision to move to China to work. "Safety is in fact tighter in the United States and I am not worried about a terrorist attack," he said. "The main reason I came to China was that my children would have a chance to see the world and experience international living."

Webb has not experienced any in-flight emergencies(紧急情况) during his term in China although he said the weather here was generally more changeable than in the United States. "The weather changes tend to be great from north to south. We may be flying in a snow storm in Harbin, and then later that same day we may be flying through a tropical rain shower approaching Shenzhen," Webb said.

While Webb had more flexibility (灵活性) to deal with the weather in the United States, he said air traffic control in China was more strict and allowed fewer deviations(偏离).

Speaking of planes often being late in China, Webb said that in America, being late was one of the few things that would get him in trouble. "In China, on the other hand, it seems there are many things that can get you in trouble with the boss, but being late is not one of them." Webb does everything in his power to keep his flights on schedule.

"They provide really excellent service during flights. Western flight attendants just serve passengers. But the Chinese attendants will also check on the crew to see if we need anything," Webb said.

Webb was engaged in a contract with Shenzhen Airlines as ______.

A.he was afraid of the influence of "Sept. 11"

B.he got a better pay there than in the US

C.he thought more for his children

D.he hoped to see the beautiful sights in China



Why did Greg Woodburn gather worn shoes?A.Because he believed running can bring good healt

Why did Greg Woodburn gather worn shoes?

A.Because he believed running can bring good health, friendships and confidence.

B.Because he thought it was a waste of money to get rid of worn shoes.

C.Because he wanted to help the poor children who don"t even have shoes.

D.Because he hoped more children would like to help strangers like him.



Before we move we should have a garage sale to get rid ______ some of this furniture.A.for

Before we move we should have a garage sale to get rid ______ some of this furniture.







We will have you seated as soon as we get a table available.英译中



We should concentrate on making people have more access to get healthy food.

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