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It isn‘t easy to put up with people who are impolite.A.tolerateB.acceptC.swallowD.take

It isn‘t easy to put up with people who are impolite.





更多“It isn‘t easy to put up with people who are impolite.A.tolerateB.acceptC.swallowD.take”相关的问题


听力原文:Google Inc.is trying to establish an online reading room for the New York public
library as well as libraries at four universities -- Harvard, Stanford, Michigan and Oxford in England -- by scanning stacks of hard-to-find books into its widely-used Internet search engine. Scanning books so they can be read through computers isn't new. But Google's latest commitment could have the biggest impact yet, given the breadth of material that the company hopes to put into its search engine, which has become renowned for its processing speed, ease of use and accuracy.

Google's latest efforts to establish an online reading service might have the biggest impact because:

A.it will use a search engine with the fastest speed

B.it will put into its search engine a large number of books hardly available otherwise.

C.it is famous for its search engine which is accurate and easy to use.

D.it will put into its search engine the most extensive materials ever known to have been scanned.



听力原文:M: I'm sorry I'm late, Cindy.W: That's all tight, Joe. My house isn't that easy t

听力原文:M: I'm sorry I'm late, Cindy.

W: That's all tight, Joe. My house isn't that easy to find. But you know, you wouldn't have gotten lost if you had a "smart" car.

M: A smart car? What's that?

W: I just read a magazine article about some new technology that can make a car smart. One device is a computerized map display and a synthesized voice, you must enter the address where you want to go, and the voice tells you how to get there, street by street.

M: Hey, that's just like my brother. He never gets lost, and he's always telling me the best route. So what else will smart cars be able to do?

W: Well, the article said that they'll be equipped with radar warning systems that will warn drivers if they're getting too close to other cars with an alarm signal, and they'll even put on the brakes if the drivers don't.

M: Tell me, Cindy, will these cars be smart enough to fill themselves up with gas?

W: Not that I know of. Why do you ask?

M: Well, I'm late not because I got lost—I'm late because I ran out of gas on the way over here.


A.From a newspaper advertisement.

B.From a magazine article.

C.From a television program.

D.From an automobile dealer.



听力原文:M: I'm sorry I'm late, Cindy.W: That's all right, Joe. My house isn't that easy t

听力原文:M: I'm sorry I'm late, Cindy.

W: That's all right, Joe. My house isn't that easy to find. But you know, you wouldn't have gotten lost if you had a "smart" car.

M: A smart car? What's Bat?

W: I just read a magazine article about some new technology that can make a car smart. One device is a computerized map display and a synthesized voice, you must enter the address where you want to go, and the voice tells you how to get there, street by street.

M: Hey, that's just like my brother. He never gets lost, and he's always telling me the best route. So what else will smart cars be able to do?

W: Well, the article said that they'll be equipped with radar warning systems that will warn drivers if they're getting too close to other cars with an alarm signal, and they'll even put on the brakes if the drivers don't.

M: Tell me, Cindy, will these cars be smart enough to fill themselves up with gas?

W: Not that I know of. Why do you ask?

M: Well, I'm late not because I got lost—I'm late because I ran out of gas on the way over here.


A.$ 5

B.$ 15

C.$ 30

D.$ 250



听力原文:M: I'm sorry I'm late.Rose.W: That's all right,Vic.My house isn't that easy to fi

听力原文:M: I'm sorry I'm late.Rose.

W: That's all right,Vic.My house isn't that easy to find.Many of my friends have trouble finding the way when they come for the first time.But you know,you wouldn't have gotten lost if you had a"smart"car.

M: A smart car?I have never heard of that before.What's a smart car?

W: I just read a magazine article about some new technology that can make a car smart.One device is a computerized map display and a synthesized voice,you must enter the address where you want to go,and the voice tells you how to get there,street by street.

M: Hey,that's just like my brother.He never gets lost,and he's always telling me the best route.So what else will a smart car be able to do?

W: Well,the article said that they will be equipped with radar warning systems that will warn drivers if they're getting too close to other cars with an alarm signal,and they will even put on the brakes if the drivers don't.

M: Tell me,Rose,will these cars be smart enough to fill themselves up with gas?

W: Not that I know of.Why do you ask?

M: Well,I'm not late because I got lost--I'm late because I ran out of gas on the way over here.

What do we learn about a"smart"car according to the woman?

A.It uses new technology.

B.It is installed with a robot.

C.It is as clever as human.

D.It can talk with people.



--The book isn't easy for Jack to understand, is it?-- ______. His foreign language is far
better than expected.

A.No, it isn't

B.I'm afraid not

C.I don't think so

D.Yes, it is



—The book isn't easy for Jack to understand, is it?—______. His foreign language is far be
tter than expected.

A.No, it isn't

B.I'm afraid not

C.I don't think so

D.Yes, it is



Why doesn't the girl like the brown wallet?A.There isn't a place to put pictures.B.It's to

Why doesn't the girl like the brown wallet?

A.There isn't a place to put pictures.

B.It's too big and heavy.

C.She doesn't like the color.



A.He is confident he will get the job.B.His chance of getting the job is slim.C.It isn

A.He is confident he will get the job.

B.His chance of getting the job is slim.

C.It isn't easy to find a qualified sales manager.

D.The interview didn't go as well as he expected.



听力原文:M: I have not decided whether to buy an apartment or to rent one.W: It isn't easy

听力原文:M: I have not decided whether to buy an apartment or to rent one.

W: It isn't easy to choose, is it?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.It doesn't matter which apartment the man chooses.

B.It's a difficult decision.

C.She doesn't like either apartment.

D.The marl should choose a different apartment.



听力原文:Man:Hi, Helen. Any phone call for me while I'm away?Woman: No, Bill. What did you

听力原文:Man: Hi, Helen. Any phone call for me while I'm away?

Woman: No, Bill. What did you get from your lunch-break shopping?

Man: I've got this new pullover, but I m not sure if it really suits me. What do you think of it, Helen?

Woman: Well, it's very nice as far as I can see, but put it on first. Then I'll tell you if it suits you. No hurry. We still have about half an hour to go before our office time.

Man: I tried on about a dozen. This one isn't what I wanted really.

Woman: Why did you buy it then?

Man: The salesman sold it to me before I realized what had happened. He just never stopped talking and he told me some story about the latest fashion and special reductions. Before I could say anything, he'd wrapped it up and taken my money.

Woman: Well, it doesn't look too bad. But haven't you put it on inside out and back to front?

Man: Inside out and back to front? Well, I can't tell the back from the front with these high-neck pullovers. I really wanted one with a V-neck.

Woman: It's a good thing it's got sleeves at the top or you'd put it on upside down as well. Still, I think it suits you quite well.

Man: I went out to get a blue pullover with a V-neck, short sleeves and a pattern and I came back with a white one with a high neck, long sleeves and no pattern.

Woman: You must be too easy to take in. You've got to learn to stand up to these high pressure salesmen. They'll sell you all sorts of things you don't want if you don't watch out.

Man: Next time I'll send my wife. She'll probably sell something to the salesman.


A.He's bought his wife a present.

B.He's missed an important phone call.

C.He's dismissed his new secretary.

D.He's popped out shopping.

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