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Why was Valentine killed?A.He performed a lot of Christian marriages.B.He fell in love wit

Why was Valentine killed?

A.He performed a lot of Christian marriages.

B.He fell in love with a Christian girl.

C.He refused to accept the Emperor's offer.

D.He sent a love letter to the daughter of a prison guar

更多“Why was Valentine killed?A.He performed a lot of Christian marriages.B.He fell in love wit”相关的问题


Why was Valentine put to death in Rome?A.He married secretly.B.He fell in love with the ja

Why was Valentine put to death in Rome?

A.He married secretly.

B.He fell in love with the jailor"s daughter.

C.He performed marriages for young people secretly.

D.He refused to join the army.



听力原文:M: Hello, Mary. Why do you look so upset?W: Well, every February, candy, flowers

听力原文:M: Hello, Mary. Why do you look so upset?

W: Well, every February, candy, flowers and gifts are everywhere. But where is mine? I hate this St. Valentine's Day. Who on earth is this saint and why do we have to celebrate this holiday?

M: Oh, don't be so depressed; your Mr. Right is waiting for you not far away. Just be a little patient. And I can tell you that the saint himself was not very happy on this day either.

W: Why? That's interesting, tell me.

M: Well, there are several stories about this man from both Christian and ancient Roman traditions.

W: That means we are not very sure of the exact history of it, are we?

M: Yes, but we do know that February has long been a month of romance.

W: Then what happened to this Valentine? Why did you say it's a tragedy?

M: Well, one story said that Valentine actually sent the first "valentine" greeting himself. When he was a prisoner, Valentine fell in love with a young girl who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, he wrote her a letter, in which he signed "From your Valentine".

W: Wow, it's so sad and so romantic!

M: Well, so don't be upset anymore. At least your future Valentine will be there and alive.

W: That doesn't help. I'm still very frustrated.


A.They only send cards with "From your Valentine" written on it.

B.They exchange candy, flowers and gifts.

C.They go to church to pray.

D.They hold parties.



Why do people send valentines to each other nowadays?A.To celebrate the holiday.B.To mark

Why do people send valentines to each other nowadays?

A.To celebrate the holiday.

B.To mark Valentine's birthday.

C.To express their admiration for each other.

D.To show their love and affection.



Why do you ask your parents to take you to a store?A.To buy something to decorate the box.

Why do you ask your parents to take you to a store?

A.To buy something to decorate the box.

B.To see if there are better boxes for sale.

C.To learn how the shoppers make valentine boxes.



Why do people remembered Lincoln?A.He was a great lawyer.B.He freed the slaves.C.He was ki

Why do people remembered Lincoln?

A.He was a great lawyer.

B.He freed the slaves.

C.He was killed by a black slave.



Valentine History, Traditions and CustomsEvery February, across the country, candy, flower

Valentine History, Traditions and Customs

Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious Saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine's Day is covered in mystery.

But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains traces of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient practice? Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were killed.

February 14 is Valentine's Day. It is celebrated as a lovers' holiday today, with the giving of candy, flowers, or other gifts between couples in love. Valentine's Day has roots in several different legends that have found their way to us through the ages. In Rome it's said that it originated in 5th Century as a tribute (称赞) to St. Valentine, a Catholic bishop (主教).

For eight hundred years prior to the establishment of Valentine's Day, the Romans had practiced a special celebration in mid-February commemorating (纪念) young men's passage to the god Lupercus. The celebration featured a lottery (抽彩) in which young man would draw the names of teenage girls from a box. The girl assigned to each young man in that manner would be his female companion during the remaining years.

In an effort to do away with the special festival, Pope Gelasius ordered a slight change in the lottery. Instead of the names of young women, the box would contain the names of saints. Both men and women were allowed to draw from the box, and the game was to imitate the ways of the saint they drew during the rest of the year, Needless to say, many of the young Roman men were not too pleased with the rule changes.

Instead of the god Lupercus, the Church looked for a suitable patron saint (守护神) of love to take his place. They found an appropriate choice in Valentine, who, in A.D. 270 had been killed by Emperor Claudius. Claudius had determined that married men made poor soldiers. So he banned marriage from his empire. But Valentine would secretly marry young men that came to him.

When Claudius found out about Valentine, he first tried to change him. But Valentine reversed the strategy, trying instead to convert Claudius. When he failed, he was killed.

During the days that Valentine was imprisoned, he fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer. His love for her, end his great faith, managed to amazingly heal her from her blindness before his death. Before he was taken to his death, he signed a farewell message to her, "From your Valentine." The phrase has been used on his day ever since.

Although the lottery for women had been banned by the church, the mid-February holiday in honor of St. Valentine was still used by Roman men to seek the affection of women. It became a tradition for the men to give the ones they admired handwritten messages of affection, containing Valentine's name.

Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time, A.D. 200. He was imprisoned because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman emperor. Some legends say he was burned at the stake.

February 14 was also a Roman holiday, held in honor of a goddess. Young men randomly chose the name of a young girl to attend the festivities. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through Europe in the Middle Ages, and then to the early American colonies. Throughout the ages, people also believed that birds picked their mates on February 14!

In A.D. 496 Saint Pope Gelasius I named February 14 as "Valentine's Day". Although it's not an official holiday, most Americans observe this day. The firs






听力原文:Researchers do not know why people think some colours are warm and other colours

听力原文: Researchers do not know why people think some colours are warm and other colours are cool. However, almost everyone agrees that red, orange, and yellow are warm and that green, blue, and violet are cool. Perhaps warm colours remind people of warm days and cool colours remind them of cool days. Because in the north the sun is low during the winter, the sunlight appears quite blue. Because the sun is higher during the summer, the hot summer sunlight appears yellow.

People associate colours with different holidays. For example, red is associated with Valentine's Day. On February 14th, Americans send red hearts to people they love. People associate orange with Halloween in October and Thanksgiving Day in November. On October 31 st, many Americans put large orange pumpkins in their windows for Halloween. Many people wear green on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th. Violet is a dignified colour which is associated with Easter. On Easter Sunday, people decorate baskets with purple ribbons.

Many expressions in English use colours. These expressions show how people feel about the colours. For example, people associate red with a strong feeling like anger. When someone is very angry, people say that he or she sees red. Red is an active colour. A red-letter day is a lucky day. When criminals are caught in the middle of a crime, people say that they are caught red-handed. Green is the colour of grass and leaves. When someone grows plants well, people say he or she has green fingers. Blue is a sad, thoughtful colour. When someone is very sad, people say he or she is feeling blue. Blues is a kind of jazz that is usually very sad and slow.


A.A warm colour is a colour that is often used in restaurants.

B.A warm colour is a colour that gives off heat.

C.A warm colour is a colour near the red end of the light spectrum.

D.A warm colour is a colour that makes people feel upset.



Valentine is not only a day for lovers, but for friends and families.A.YB.NC.NG

Valentine is not only a day for lovers, but for friends and families.






The purpose of this passage is______.A.to talk about Valentine's DayB.to talk about the st

The purpose of this passage is______.

A.to talk about Valentine's Day

B.to talk about the story of Valentine

C.to talk about people's celebration on Valentine's Day

D.to talk about the popularity of celebrating Valentine's Day now in the world



According to this passage, Valentine's Day is______.A.a day on which birds select their ma

According to this passage, Valentine's Day is______.

A.a day on which birds select their mates

B.a holiday celebrated in honor of Valentine

C.a holiday celebrated for lovers

D.a day on which Valentine was killed by the Roman Emperor

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