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Tensions have flared becauseA.Malaysia's High Court used the word "Allah".B.a Roman Cathol

Tensions have flared because

A.Malaysia's High Court used the word "Allah".

B.a Roman Catholic newspaper used the word "Allah".

C.a Catholic newspaper was permitted to use "Allah".

D.Muslim groups don't allow newspapers to use "Allah".

更多“Tensions have flared becauseA.Malaysia's High Court used the word "Allah".B.a Roman Cathol”相关的问题


Two events have highlighted the tensions in recent years.A.extendedB.emphasizedC.distorted

Two events have highlighted the tensions in recent years.







听力原文:American law makers visiting Pakistan say President Pervez Musharraf may soon ann

听力原文: American law makers visiting Pakistan say President Pervez Musharraf may soon announce new measures to ease tensions with India. General Musharraf is to give a speech to the nation later this week. American Senator Joseph Lieberman said the Pakistani president may propose a plan to control militants in his country. Mr. Lieberman said he hopes both India and Pakistan withdraw troops from their shared border. He spoke in Islamabad. Indian officials say Islamic militants have attacked an Indian army camp in Kashmir. The officials say one Indian soldier and two militants were killed. Later Indian and Pakistani soldiers shot at each other across the border in northwestern Kashmir.

Q: When will President Musharraf give a speech?


A.Next week.

B.This week.

C.Last week.



Prime Minister Tony Blair and David Beckham were leading a last-minute charm offensive to
secure the 2012 Olympics for London — as a new row flared with leading rival Paris.

Mr Blair hailed the capital's "brilliant" bid to host the games and said the event would provide a "wonderful legacy" for British sport.

He was addressing a reception at the High Commissioner's residence in Singapore, attended by a glittering array of sporting stars led by David and Victoria Beckham.

Mr Blair, speaking alongside Lord Coe and his bid team, told guests: "We are very proud of our country and we feel we can make the Olympic movement proud of this bid as well."

Dignitaries at the event included the Princess Royal, Sir Steve Redgrave, Daley Thompson, Jonathan Edwards, Sir Matthew Pinsent, Denise Lewis, David Hemery. Tanni Grey-Thompson and Sir Bobby Charlton.

French officials were earlier angered by critical comments about the centrepiece Paris stadium— the Stade de France — made by two Australian consultants to the London bid.

Jim Sloman, the former chief operating officer of the Sydney Games, and architect Rod Sheard, had claimed at a press conference that the arena was not ideal for athletics, prompting anger from the Paris bid team.

Though the French team decided not to make an official complaint, relations have been further strained following comments said to have been made by French President Jacques Chirac.

Speaking ahead of the G8 conference in Scotland, the politician reportedly told German and Russian leaders that all Britain has ever done for European agriculture is "mad cow". He is also quoted as telling diplomats: "We can't trust people who have such bad food."

Mr Blair, who is due to head off to the G8 summit in Scotland before Wednesday's International Olympic Committee vote, refused to trade barbs with French president Jacques Chirac.

What does "the event" in paragraph two refer to?

A.London's bid.

B.London hosts the 2012 Olympics.

C.The 2012 Olympics.

D.None of the above.



The liberal view of democratic citizenship that developed in the 17th and 18th centuries w
as fundamentally different from that of the classical Greeks. The pursuit of private interests, with as little interference as possible from government, was seen as the road to human happiness and progress rather than the public obligations and involvement in the collective community that were emphasized by the Greeks. Freedom was to be realized by limiting the scope of governmental activity and political obligation and not through immersion(专注于) in the collective life of the polis. The basic role of the citizen was to select governmental leaders and keep the powers and scope of public authority in check. In the liberal view, the rights of citizen against the state were the focus of special emphasis.

Over time, the liberal democratic notion of citizenship developed in two directions. First, there was movement to increase the proportion of members of society who were eligible(合格的) to participate as citizens — especially through extending the right of suffrage(投票)— and to ensure the basic political equality of all. Second, there was a broadening of the legal activities of government and a use of governmental power to put right imbalances in social and economic life. Political citizenship became an instrument through which groups and classes with sufficient numbers of votes could use the state power to enhance their social and economic well-being.

Within the general liberal view of democratic citizenship, tensions have developed over the degree to which government can and should be used as an instrument for promoting happiness and well-being. Political philosopher Martin Diamond has classified two views of democracy as follows. On the one hand, there is the "libertarian" perspective that stresses the private pursuit of happiness and emphasizes the necessity for restraint on government and protection of individual liberties. On the other hand, there is the "majoritarian' view that emphasizes the "task of the government to uplift and aid the common man against the malefactors(作恶者) of great wealth". The tensions between these two views are very evident today. The tax-payer revolts and calls for smaller government and less government regulation clash with demands for greater government involvement in the economic marketplace and the social sphere.

The author's primary purpose is to ______.

A.study ancient concepts of citizenship

B.contrast different notions of citizenship

C.criticize modern libertarian democracy

D.describe the importance of universal suffrage



Political tensions may___the likelihood of a nuclear war



C.lead to




As interest grows, more and more schools are investing in remote learning. Why the huge up
surge of interest in remote learning? The Internet revolution is part of the answer. The Web now provides a formerly missing ingredient in distance education—quick and easy communication between students and instructors, and among classmates. In addition, demand for distance courses has increased thanks to the evolution of the information-based economy. "To stay employable, workers need to keep on learning," says Kay Kohl, executive director of the University Continuing Education Association. This trend has given rise to an older pool of graduate students: Today, more than half are over age 30, and nearly one quarter are over 40. Distance education often is a great fit for these working adults, many of whom find it difficult to skip a child's ballet lesson or fight rush-hour traffic to get to a university campus for class.

"I had always wanted a master's degree, but it's hard to suspend a career and a family for it, especially when the closest school of public health is four hours away," says Jerry Parks, 45, assistant health director for Albemarle Regional Health Services. As it turns out, he didn't have to move to get his degree: After three years of coursework via teleconferencing and the Internet, Parks is finishing up a master's from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

As more people turn to distance education, a debate has flared over whether it can be a good substitute for face-to-face instruction. Thomas Russell, author of a report titled "The No Significant Difference Phenomenon", argues that the two modes of instruction are equivalent as far as student learning is concerned.

But critics say that many of the studies cited in Russell's book are poorly designed, and they vehemently disagree with his point of view, "I don't think you can get any education over the Internet," says David Noble, a historian of technology at York University. "Education requires a relationship between people because it's a process of identity formation, encouragement, and inspiration. This only happens face to face."

What is the main reason for the workers to acquire further education?

A.They like to study.

B.They merely want to get the certificates.

C.They have to go on learning to keep their job.

D.They want to change their job.



According to Mr. Gorbachev, who is partly responsible for todays increase tensions?A.Europ

According to Mr. Gorbachev, who is partly responsible for todays increase tensions?



C.Soviet Union.

D.Western leaders.



According to the author, living food eaters are more subject to stresses and nervous tensi
ons than conventional eaters.






What are "atoms" understood by the computer system?A.The tensions preset for the story.B.T

What are "atoms" understood by the computer system?

A.The tensions preset for the story.

B.The characters designed for the story.

C.Episodes of, action of the story.

D.Events becoming of the characters.



Teenagers in the 1950s, who had to ______ an increasingly atomized family life and domesti
c and international tensions, scorned the sterile version of American life.





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