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Nick had an unusually clever mind, so his success had been ______ and never in doubt.A.hop

Nick had an unusually clever mind, so his success had been ______ and never in doubt.





更多“Nick had an unusually clever mind, so his success had been ______ and never in doubt.A.hop”相关的问题


Nick had an unusually clever mind, so his success had been______ and never in doubt.A.hope

Nick had an unusually clever mind, so his success had been______ and never in doubt.







Nick had _______ the fuel gauge _______ and spread through his inexperience.







听力原文:W: I bumped into Nick at the salon yesterday. He looked great, but I noticed that
he had a very strange kind of walk.

M: Last month he told me that his knees hurt. Last week he had the operation.

Q: What happened to Nick?


A.He failed to attend the salon the day before.

B.He fell down the steps when he walked.

C.He had an operation on his knees.

D.He knocked the woman down while walking.



The jolly, red-suited man who () into your home every year to leave you gifs hasn'
t always been so jolly. The real Saint Nick was a Turkish monk who lived in the 3rd century. He was () for being charitable and selfless, eventually becoming the patron saint of sailors and children. According to legend, he was a rich man thanks to an () from his parents, but he gave it all away in the form. of gifts to the less fortunate. He eventually became the most popular saint in Europe and, through his alter ego. Santa Claus, remains so to this day. But how did a long dead Turkish monk became a big, fat, reindeer. riding pole dweller?

The Dutch got the ball rolling by celebrating the saint- called Sinter Klaas- in New York in the latc-18" century. Our old friend, Washington Irving, included the legend of Saint Nick in his seminal History of New York as well, but at the turn of the 181 century, Saint Nick was still a rather () figure in America.

On December 23, 1823, though, a man named Clement Clarke Moore published a poem he had written for his daughters called “An Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas," better known now as ‘T’ as the night before Christmas." Nobody knows how much of the poem Moore invented, but we do know that it was the spark that () lit the Santa fire. Many of the things we associated with Santa一a sleigh, reindeer, Christmas Eve visits一came from Moore's poem.





D. skips




C. remarked













A. actually

B. generally

C. eventfully

D. eventually



听力原文:M: Hello, Nick Brown speaking.W: Nick, this is Helen. How are you?M: Oh, hello, H

听力原文:M: Hello, Nick Brown speaking.

W: Nick, this is Helen. How are you?

M: Oh, hello, Helen. I'm fine. I've got to come across to the States next week to visit a customer in Boston. I'd like to take the opportunity of stopping over in New York to check out the arrangements for the Electronic Exhibition.

W: Oh, that would be fine. When are you planning to be here?

M: My appointment in Boston is on Tuesday next week, so I'll be passing through New York on Monday. My plane gets in early afternoon so I'd like to see the exhibition center during the afternoon, and then discuss the final arrangements with you, and perhaps see the restaurant where we're planning to hold the reception.

W: I see. Well, let me check my, calendar ... Ah, I'm afraid Monday's a problem for me next week, Nick.

M: Oh, well, that's a pity. What about your assistant, what's his name?

W: You mean Gregg ... Gregg Anderson. Yes, he might be free, but I'll have to check with him.

M: Good. My plane gets into JFK round about two o'clock, so I'll fax you with the details and then perhaps you could confirm whether someone can meet me.

W: We'll do our best, but we have an awful lot going on right now. It's a very busy time of year for us.

M: Yes, I understand, but it would be a shame not to meet up while I'm over.

W: Oh, yes, of course. I just wish we had known about it a little sooner.

M: Well, I'm sorry about that, but this trip's only just come up. Anyway, thanks very much. It's nice to talk to you. I look forward to seeing you next week.

W: Ok, Nick. Bye.

M: Bye.


A.To see a customer.

B.To check out the arrangements for the exhibition.

C.To see Gregg Anderson.

D.To sign a contract.



听力原文: The U. S. Space Agency NASA says Russia's orbiting Mir space station has lost it
s primary and backup oxygen sources. If the problem is not fixed, the 3 - member crew would have to abort the mission. But, a Russian space official in Moscow told Ruters News Agency that only the primary generator developed trouble and that the unit was repaired by the crow. More about the latest problem on heard the space station from VOA 's Nick Simming.

"The U. S. Space Agency says Mir's two primary sources of oxygen have stopped working and now there is only several days'supply of oxygen inside Mir's cabin. Mir's backup oxygen generating candles failed Monday just after the normal oxygen supply system used by the spacecraft un- expectedly shut down. That normal oxygen source, a method that extracts oxygen from water, had been turned off for several days to conserve energy while Mir's crew performed re- pairs. But when the system was activated Monday, it overheated and automatically shut down. NASA's problem is not fixed soon, the two Russians and one American on board will have to abort. This problem is the most serious to plague the space station which has endured power loses, computer mal- function and even a collision with a supply vessel all in the past six months. Nick Simming VOA News, Washington."

The U.S. Space Agency NASA says ______ orbiting Mir space station has lost its primary and backup oxygen sources.







听力原文:Wilt Chamberlain is retired now, but he used to be a famous basketball player. He

听力原文: Wilt Chamberlain is retired now, but he used to be a famous basketball player. He has set 65 different records, and still holds many of them. During the final years of his career, he drew a large salary and became very wealthy. He even built himself a 1.5 million dollar house. Yet, despite his personal success, he led his team to only one championship. His teams often won enough games to qualify for the final rounds, but they almost always lost in the finals. As a result, Wilt became determined to win one more championship be- fore he retired. In 1972, while Wilt was playing against a New York nick; team, he felt down and hit his wrist on the floor. He felt the pain immediately and knew that he had hurt himself badly. When a doctor examined Wilt, the doctor confirmed Wilt's fears. The doctor told Wilt that he had broken a bone in the wrist and that he could not play any more. Wilt ignored his doctor's advice. The next night, with his many fans watching in amazement, he not only played the entire game but he was outstanding. His team won the game and the championship. Wilt had his wish "To be a winner one last time."


A.Because he led his teams to many championships.

B.Because he set as many as 65 different records.

C.Because he still played the game after he retired.

D.Because he didn't stop playing even when he was seriously injured.



Recently in the Scottish Highlands, 260 theatergoers were led up a well-lit, pin-tree-line
d concrete path. Their destination? A vacant water plant. The large concrete space had the impersonal feel of an army camp—exactly the atmosphere the producers of Black Watch hoped to reproduce. The play is based on the true story of a Highlands troop sent overseas in 2004.

Essentially, site-specific theater refers to plays produced in places directly relevant to their action. At the Museum Hotel in Wellington, New Zealand, audiences filed into room 217 to watch a tale about the various personalities who had occupied the room over time. " I think people are tired of the same old plays in the same confines of space, " says Paul McLaughlin, who produced Hotel. "Drama happens all around us—at the bus stop, in a supermarket—so we attempted to show how people can interact with the space that surrounds them. "

To be sure, on-scene productions present their own set of challenges. Producers of Black Watch had to scout around London for a location for when the show comes to the British capital. But for many audience members, leaving the comfort of their theater seats makes for a more meaningful experience. "A lot of site-specific work challenges the way you look and think, "says Nick Kaye, a drama professor at the University of Exeter.

Site-specific shows can also satisfy the growing desire for individualized entertainment fueled by on-demand television and the Internet. In Faust, which the London-based theater group Punch-drunk just wrapped up, audience members got to pick what they wanted to see. Housed in an old five-story storehouse in east London, the play featured different settings. Audience members could choose to watch a scene and follow certain actors from location to location. Felix Barrett, the director of Faust, says today's theatergoers expect more than just the traditional audience-actor relationship. "What I wanted to do was to create a piece where the audience can carve out the night they want to have, and it stays with them. " Creating a strong sense of place goes a long way toward a-chieving that.

Recently, 260 Scottish people went to a deserted water plant_______.

A.to tour a newly-built military base

B.to watch a play about military life

C.to visit a military troop back home

D.to attend a military training program



Nick translation


Text 2Recently in the Scottish Highlands, 260 theatergoers were led up a well-lit, pin-tre

Text 2

Recently in the Scottish Highlands, 260 theatergoers were led up a well-lit, pin-tree-lined con- crete path. Their destination? A vacant water plant. The large concrete space had the impersonal feel of an army camp-exactly the atmosphere the producers of Black Watch hoped to reproduce. The play is based on the true story of a Highlands troop sent overseas in 2004.

Essentially, site-specific theater refers to plays produced in places directly relevant to their ac-tion. At the Museum Hotel in Wellington, New Zealand, audiences filed into room 217 to watch atale about the various personalities who had occupied the room over time. "I think people are tired of the same old plays in the same confines of space, " says Paul McLaughlin, who produced Hotel."Drama happens all around us-at the bus stop, in a supermarket-so we attempted to show how people can interact with the space that surrounds them. "

To be sure, on-scene productions present their own set of challenges. Producers of Black Watch

had to scout around London for a location for when the show comes to the British capital. But for many audience members, leaving the comfort of their theater seats makes for a more meaningful experience. "A lot of site-specific work challenges the way you look and think. " says Nick Kaye,a drama professor at the University of Exeter.

Site-specific shows can also satisfy the growing desire for individualized entertainment fueled

by on-demand television and the Internet .ln Faust, which the London-based theater group Punch-drunk just wrap.ped up, audience members got to pick what they wanted to see. Housed in an old five-story storehouse in east London, the play featured different settings. Audience members could choose to watch a scene and follow certain actors from location to location. Felix Barrett, the direc-tor of Faust, says today's theatergoers expect more than just the traditional audience-actor relation-ship. "What I wanted to do was to create a piece where the audience can carve out the night they want to have, and it stays with them. "Creating a strong sense of place goes a long way toward a-chieving that.

51. Recently, 260 Scottish people went to a deserted water plant________

[A] to tour a newly-built military base

[B] to watch a play about military life

[C] to visit a military troop back home

[ D] to attend a military training program

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