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We can also cancel this policy straight away ______ you do not pay the premium. A.unless B.whether

We can also cancel this policy straight away ______ you do not pay the premium.

A.unless B.whether C.weather D.if

更多“We can also cancel this policy straight away ______ you do not pay the premium. A.unless B.whether”相关的问题


听力原文:Didn't they cancel the football game?(A) Alright, we can go then.(B) No, it was j

听力原文:Didn't they cancel the football game?

(A) Alright, we can go then.

(B) No, it was just postponed.

(C) Please speak with a counselor.







听力原文:W: It's time Makes You Think, and today our subject for discussion is "Exams: wha
t are they good for". Here in the studio to discuss exams we have Jason Green, educational psychologist Jason, I believe you are against exams.

M: Well, I wouldn't put it as bluntly as that. However, I'm not really in favor of exams as a testing device if they are all that is used to assess people's ability.

W: And why is that?

M: For a variety of reasons. Firstly, because I feel that examinations deviate from the aims of the educational process .The goal of exams becomes not learning itself, not increasing our knowledge, but rather the acquisition of pieces of paper which prove that, at some time or other, we were able to do something.

W: But, without exams, how else are other people to know what we can do? How else are selections to be made?

M: With some difficulties, I admit, but I would like to confine the issue to exams at school. I don't think that exams should be a central part of a person's study at school. They are far from being the most suitable way to assess whether learning has taken place and indeed, for some people, they may inhibit learning.

W: Of course, any examination system has its limitations, but I can't see any practical alternative to them. If you cancel exams, what would you put in their place?

M: Well, as I have said, I wouldn't cancel them altogether, but I would greatly reduce their importance as a testing device, and would instead place more emphasis on continuous assessment throughout the year and on project and assignment work. That would also have the merit of keeping students motivated and working hard instead of cramming for a few weeks, or even a few days, before the examination.

W: OK. Now, let's see how the audience look at this problem.


A.Because he has the idea that examinations have made the goal of exams becomes not learning, but rather the acquisition (获得) of the book knowledge.

B.Because he thinks exams can increase our book knowledge.

C.Because he thinks exams are completely useless.

D.Because the examination system has lasted too long in history.



听力原文:M: Could you tell me a bit about quality control at the factory? W: Well, there a

听力原文:M: Could you tell me a bit about quality control at the factory?

W: Well, there are four main quality control inspection points. We begin by visiting our suppliers to make sure we are happy with their quality control. Next, we inspect all goods on arrival at our factory and the third inspection point is during production. And the last stage is chemical analysis of our finished goods.

M: And what do you look for at each of the four inspection points?

W: Well each stage is different. With our suppliers, for instance, we inspect their quality control processes and, even more importantly,their factory hygiene. If we're not happy with their hygiene, we'll cancel the supply contract. As the goods is in stage, we make sure that order quantities are correct and the quality is OK. We also check the transport packaging. If the packing is damaged, the warehouse shelf-life can be reduced.

M: And what quality checks do you run during production?

W: We take samples to check there isn't too much cooking oil on the snack and that each snack has the minimum amount of flavouring. We also check the size of the snacks and their crispness.If the snacks are too oily, they go soft.

M: So that leaves the finished goods. What do you check for at the final quality control stage?

W: We check individual bags to make sure that the packet weight is above the acceptable minimum and that the packet is sealed properly. We also cheek the taste.

M: And how do you do that?

W: Well, we eat them. How else? We also do chemical analysis to check things like fat levels and other information that we have to put on the packets.

Questions 23-30

?You will hear a conversation about quality control.

?For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.

How many are there quality control inspection points.






听力原文:M Did you see the weather for this weekend? We're supposed to have stormy weather
starting Friday morning. Should we postpone our department outing? We could move it to the following Saturday.

W I wouldn't be able to make it because I'm going out of town that weekend. Why don't we just cancel the afternoon activities and keep it to lunch?

M That's a good idea. Do you think the others will mind?

W I think they would welcome the idea. We've had so much work this week; everyone is exhausted. I'll go talk to everyone and let them know what's going on. Could you also call the restaurant and make sure that we're seated inside?

When will the storm start?

A.On Thursday

B.On Friday

C.On Saturday

D.On Sunday



From the passage, we can easily infer that people using checking accounts also earn inter-



C.Doesn't say



—Can we please get a new air conditioner for our bedroom? —Can't you see that it' a not wo
rking right?

A.Do you have to repair it?

B.It is not very hot in this season;

C.I also think we should buy a new one.

D.What’s wrong with the one we have now?



听力原文:W: Hello. I made a reservation under the name of Rohan. I would like to speak to
Mr.Clinton please, because I have to cancel my hotel reservation. I just got a phone call from my travel agent, and they said my flight to London has been delayed because of heavy rain.

M: Mr. Clinton is not here at the moment. I can help you with it. Would you like to cancel for tomorrow or for the entire long weekend?

W: I am not really sure. Don't I have to pay a 50% charge for tomorrow because I am canceling at the last minute? If I have to pay a penalty for the other days, I like to cancel only for tomorrow, but if there is no cancellation fee, I'll like to cancel everything.

M: Yes, you have to pay the penalty for tomorrow. But there is no other penalty about the other days. We don't charge you anything. That is our hotel policy.

What does the woman want to do?

A.Cancel her reservation

B.Reschedule her plan

C.Make a reservation

D.Get a plane ticket



From: Lettore Books Online [order-info@lettorebooks.com]To: Andrea Polokov [apolokov@amail

From: Lettore Books Online [order-info@lettorebooks.com]

To: Andrea Polokov [apolokov@amail.com]

Subject: Order Confirmation

Dear Andrea Polokov:

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Lettore Books Online

What does this e-mail confirm?

A.An order is being processed.

B.A delivery method has been changed.

C.An item has been discontinued.

D.A shipment has been sent.



听力原文:Man: Now the conference has started, I feel pleased with our preparation. The spe
akers have been popular with audiences - we could ask one or two more next year. The centre we've booked is fine for this time, but the rooms are already being used to their full capacity. If we don't look elsewhere, we'll have to restrict delegate numbers next year. So, we should consider other options. Perhaps the location could also be more convenient for people coming by train.

&8226;You will hear another five recordings. Five people are phoning about conference arrangements.

&8226;For each recording, decide what the speaker's purpose is.

&8226;Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;After you have listened once, replay the recordings.

A. to request travel information

B. to book a meeting room

C. to postpone an appointment

D. to suggest a future change of venue

E. to ask for a conference programme

F. to cancel a reservation

G. to invite a guest speaker

H. to confirm their attendance



听力原文:M: Hi,I'm calling about the ad for the apartment found in today's newspaper.W: Ok

听力原文:M: Hi,I'm calling about the ad for the apartment found in today's newspaper.

W: Okay. What would you like to know?

M: First of all,how big is it?Oh,and…is the apartment furnished at all?

W: It's a two-bedroom apartment with a living room,dinning room and kitchen,and one bathroom. There's also a place for a washer and dryer. The apartment is partially furnished with a refrigerator,a stove,and my grandmother's old dishwasher.

M: Your grandmother's old dishwasher?Okay. What's the rent?Does that include utilities?

W: It's $950 a month. But you could always split the cost with a roommate. The rent includes gas and electricity,but not the phone bill.

M: Oh,yeah. Well,can I rent month-to-month,or do I have to sign a lease for a longer period of time?

W: We require a 6-month commitment for the apartment,and if you cancel the agreement anytime during that period,hey…you lose your deposit.

M: Oh,and how much is the deposit?Do I get my deposit back after I move out?That's assuming that I even move in.

W: It's $400,and,of course,this money is used to repair damage or general wear and tear on our apartment. like the leaks in the old roof from last year's snow storm. Generally speaking,we return the deposit, minus a small fee for,you know,cleaning the apartment for the next tenant,but if you trash the place, then don't expect to get anything back.

M: Okay. Oh,um…how close is the apartment to the university campus?

W: It's about eight blocks from campus,but you can catch a number of busses right out in front.

M: Oh,so,then,if there's a busy road out front,is it noisy?

W: Well,there are always trade-offs: it's a little noisy with the road outside and the airport behind you,but the place is really convenient because there's a supermarket and shopping center right across the street. Just keep the windows closed and a pair of ear plugs handy,and you'll be fine.

M: One last question. Are pets allowed?

W: Well,you can keep small pets like a hamster in a small cage,but we don't allow larger animals like dogs, cats,or snakes. Things like that.

M: Well,I have a rat that I keep in a cage. Will that be okay?

W: Um,as long as it doesn't escape,I guess that's okay.

M: Uh…Is it possible for me to drop by and visit the apartment tomorrow morning?

W: Sure,but just remember we rent the apartment on a first-come,first-serve basis,so there's no guarantee it'll still be available then.


A.It includes a washer and dryer.

B.The apartment is partially furnished.

C.The rent is over $ 900 a month.

D.Gas and electricity are included in the rent.

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