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The film Titanic tells about a very ______ love story which touches every spectator.A.roma

The film Titanic tells about a very ______ love story which touches every spectator.





更多“The film Titanic tells about a very ______ love story which touches every spectator.A.roma”相关的问题


How many companies were involved in producing the hydraulic part for the film Titanic?A.Th

How many companies were involved in producing the hydraulic part for the film Titanic?


B.Only one.





It is said in the passage that ______.A.major historical events can never repeat themselve

It is said in the passage that ______.

A.major historical events can never repeat themselves

B.both Titanic and Pearl Harbor are the historical reappearance

C.Pearl Harbor may have a better box office return than Titanic

D.Titanic is the most successful film in history



—Did you say you like the film TITANIC? —______, I said it's not bad.A.Not exactlyB.I don'

—Did you say you like the film TITANIC? —______, I said it's not bad.

A.Not exactly

B.I don't know why

C.You're great

D.That's all right



听力原文:W: The film of Titanic should have come out last May?M: We probably won't find it

听力原文:W: The film of Titanic should have come out last May?

M: We probably won't find it until next March.

Q: When was the film planned to come out?


A.Last May.

B.Next May.

C.Last March.

D.Next March.



听力原文:M: How about going to see Titanic?W: That sounds like a good idea. It's long time

听力原文:M: How about going to see Titanic?

W: That sounds like a good idea. It's long time since we saw a good film.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She has not enjoyed a good film for long.

B.She seems reluctant to see the film.

C.She believes the film if not worth seeing.

D.She has seen Titanic.



Moviegoers may think history is repeating itself this weekend. The summer's most anticipat
ed film, Pearl Harbor, which has opened recently, painstakingly recreates the Japanese attack that drew the United States into World War II. But that isn't the film's only reminder of the past.

Harbor invites comparison to Titanic, the biggest hit of ail time. Like Titanic, Harbor heaps romance and action around a major historical event. Like Titanic, Harbor attempts to create popular global entertainment from a deadly real life. Like Titanic, Harbor costs a pretty penny and hopes to get in even more at the box office. Both Titanic and Pearl Harbor unseal their tales of love and tragedy over more than three hours. Both stories center on young passion, triangles of tension with one woman and two men: In Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio and Billy Zane compete for the love of the same woman, a high society type played by a British actress named Kate (Winslet). In Harbor, two pilots (Ben Affelck, Josh Hartnett) fall for the same woman, a nurse played by a British actress named Kate (Beckinsale).

The scenes of peril also have similarities. Harbor has a shot in which soldiers cling for dear life as the battleship USS Oklahoma capsizes. The moment is recalled of the Titanic's climactic sinking scene in which DiCaprio and Winslet hang from the ocean liner as half of the ship vertically plunges into the water. In Harbor, one of its stars floats atop a piece of debris in the middle of the night, much like Winslet's character does in Titanic. And the jaw dropping action of Titanic is matched by Harbor's 40 minute recreation of Dec. 7,1941 attack on the United States' Pacific Fleet. Both films spent heavily on special effects. Harbor director, Michael Bay, for example, says.he kept salaries down so more could be spent on the visuals. Both movies shot their ship sinking scenes at the same location: Fox Studios Baja in Mexico. Harbor's makers have even taken a Titanic-like approach to the soundtrack. The film includes one song, There You'll Be, performed by country music superstar Faith Hill. Titanic, which is one of the best selling soundtracks of all time, also had only one pop song: Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On.

"If Harbor becomes a major moneymaker, filmmakers may comb history books searching for even more historical romance action material," says a critic.

What are the two things that the author of this article tries 'to compare?

A.The attack on Pearl Harbor and the sinking of the Titanic.

B.Historical fiction movies and successful box office hits.

C.The movie Titanic and the on-show-movie Pearl Harbor.

D.Sinking boats and famous actors.



The Business of Media ViolenceIn 2001, people around the world spent US $14 billion going

The Business of Media Violence

In 2001, people around the world spent US $14 billion going to the movies. The U.S. domestic box office alone hit US $9 billion—a 75 percent increase from 1991—and there are huge revenues from home video/DVD sales, rentals and spin-off merchandise. But even these profits are dwarfed by music, the largest global media sector. In 2000, sales reached US $37 billion, with music consumption high among young audiences everywhere. Video games are not far behind: global sales for 2002 were anticipated to be US $31 billion.

An Expanding Foreign Market

American media corporations earn fit least half of their profits from foreign sales. And global markets are growing fast as standards of living are rising around the world. Sales of TVs, stereos, VCRs and satellite dishes are increasing, and in the last decade or two, new and expanding markets have emerged in countries that have abandoned state control of media and distribution.

Today, U.S. films are shown in more than 150 countries world wide, and the U.S. film industry provides most of the pre-recorded videos and DVDs sold throughout the world. American television programs are broadcast in over 125 international markets, and MTV can be seen in more foreign households than American ones.

This international success has a tremendous impact nor just on the recipient countries, but also on the cultural environment of the U.S. To some extent, the tail is wagging the dog: more and more, the demands and tastes of foreign markets? are influencing what popular products get made in the U.S.

Action Sells: Film and Television

Nowhere is this influence more evident than in the film industry. In the U.S. and Canada, movies rated "G"(General) and "PG"(Parental Guidance) consistently brings in more revenues than R-rated films. Yet the number of G and PG films has dropped in recent years, and the number of restricted films has risen. Two-thirds of Hollywood films in 2001 were rated "R".

Film producers are unequivocal about why this is so: the foreign market likes action films.

Action travels well. Action movies don't require complex plots or characters. They rely on fights, killings, special effects and explosions to hold their audiences. And, unlike comedy or drama—which depend on good stories, sharp humor, and credible characters, all of which are often culture-specific—action films require little in the way of good writing and acting. They're simple, and they're universally understood. To top it off, the largely non-verbal nature of the kind of films that journalist Sharon Waxman refers to as "short-on-dialogue, high-on-testosterone" makes their dubbing or translation relatively inexpensive.

There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. The film Titanic made almost US $2 billion in worldwide sales as of 2001—making it the biggest-grossing movie of all time. The British film The Full Monty was an international hit; and My Big Fat Greek Wedding debunked all the profit formulas in 2002. But such offbeat successes are hard to predict. A flick such as Die Hard or Terminator is much more of a sure thing. Most film budgets today average US $75-100 million, so Hollywood studios don't like to take chances.

All this means enormous pressures on the American movie industry to abandon complexity in favor of action films. The effect is a kind of "dumbing-down" of the industry in general. Foreign investors are much less likely to invest in films focusing on serious social themes or women's issues, or ones that feature minority casts. Such films, however brilliant, are not where the big money is. Worldwide appeal determines casting and script. decisions and the overwhelming demand is for white actors and action.

Success breeds success, and the sheer ubiquity of these productions and all their spin-off products and businesses around t






Standard operating procedure is most at fault for the magnitude of the Titanic disaster.A.

Standard operating procedure is most at fault for the magnitude of the Titanic disaster.






No thing fuels cynicism for watching two titanic institutions wrangle over their reputatio





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