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He ate so much ______ he hadn't had a meal for days.A.even ifB.as ifC.even thoughD.unless

He ate so much ______ he hadn't had a meal for days.

A.even if

B.as if

C.even though


更多“He ate so much ______ he hadn't had a meal for days.A.even ifB.as ifC.even thoughD.unless”相关的问题


Fred liked fish very much, and when he had enough money, he bought some in the market, and
took it home. But when his wife saw the fish, she always said to herself," Good! Now I will invite (邀请) my friends to lunch and we will eat the fish. They like fish very much. "So when Fred came home in the evening, the fish was never there, and his wife always said, "Oh, your cat ate it! She is a very bad animal!" And she gave Fred soup(汤) and bread for his dinner.

But one evening when this happened, Fred became very angry. He took the eat and his wife to the shop near the house and weighed (秤重) the eat carefully. Then he turned to his wife and said, "My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?"

Fred always bought fish in the market when ______.

A.he had enough money

B.he liked it

C.he came back from work



Fred liked fish very much, and when he had enough money ,he bought some in the market, and
took it home ,but when his wife saw the fish, she always said to herself, "Good! Now I will invite my friends to lunch and we will eat the fish. They like fish very much. "So when Fred came home in the evening, the fish was never there, and his wife always said," oh, your cat ate it! She is a very bad animal!" And she gave Fred soup and bread for his dinner.But one evening when this happened, Fred became very angry. He took the cat and his wife to the shop near the house and weighed the cat carefully. Then he turned to his wife and said, "My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?"

Fred bought some fish to ______ .

A.his home

B.the market

C.his office



Many studies have identified a strong link between suicide and diagnosable mental illness,
especially depression. So, because women suffer from depression at a much higher rate than men, they would seem to be at higher risk for suicide. Yet, women actually commit suicide about one fourth as often as men.

George E. Murphy, professor of psychiatry at Washington university school of Medicine in St. Louis, says that females may be protected because of the way they think about problems and interact with others. "Women process their experience with friends. They discuss their feelings, seek feedback, and take advice. They are much more likely to tell a physician how they feel and cooper ate in the prescribed treatment. As a result, women get better treatment for their depression."

That treatment may help protect them from suicide, but Murphy suggests there is more to it. The approach to problem-solving is what often lands a woman in a psychiatrist's office in the first place, and that approach may be keeping female suicide rates lower.

Murphy believes women are less inclined to commit suicide because their thinking is more inclusive. While a man might tend to throw aside seemingly peripheral(非本质的,边缘的)issues to get to the core of a problem, a woman might take more things into account. She may continue to seek input and process problems long after the point where men decide on a course of action. "She'll consider not just her feelings, but also the feelings of others-her family, the children, even acquaintances-and how these people will be affected by a decision like suicide. A man is much less likely to take those things into account. He makes his decision, and it's about him, so he does not feel the need to share it with anyone else."

What is the passage mainly concerned with?

A.The relationship between depression and suicide.

B.Men's higher risk of committing suicide.

C.Reasons for women's lower risk of committing suicide.

D.Causes of women's depression.



It was Monday, Mrs. Smith's dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.Consid

It was Monday, Mrs. Smith's dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.

Considering that there was no better way, Mrs. Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it: "Give my dog half a pound of meat." Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently: Take this to the butcher(卖肉者), and he's going to give you your lunch to- day.

Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butcher's shop. It gave the pa- per to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the lady's hand- writing and presently did as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up immediately.

At midday(正午), the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper a- gain. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.

The next day, the dog came again exactly at midday. And as usual, it brought a piece of pa- per in the mouth. This time, the butcher did not take a look at the paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers(顾客).

But, the dog came again at four o'clock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butcher's more surprise, it came for the third time at six o' clock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He said to himself, "This is a small dog. Why does Mrs. Smith give it so much meat to eat today?"

Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words on it!

Mrs. Smith treated her little dog quite ______.







After he became Chancellor Hitler had to accept a certain degree of routine. This was agai
nst his natural inclination. He hated systematic work, hated any discipline. Administration bored him and he usually left, as much as he could to others. When he had a big speech to prepare he would put off beginning work on it until the last moment. Once he could bring himself to begin dictating he worked himself into a passion rehearsing the whole performance and shouting so loudly that his voice echoed through the neighboring rooms. The speech composed, he was a man with a load off his mind. He would invite his secretaries to lunch praising and flattering them and amusing them. Most North Germans regarded such lack of discipline as a typically Austrian characteristic. In Hitler's eyes it was part of his artist nature: he should have been a great painter or architect, he complained, and not a statesman at all.

Hitler held strong views on art, and would put up with no disagreement. He passionately hated all forms of modern art. His taste was for the Classical models of Greece and Rome, and Romantic art of the nineteenth century. Gothic and renaissance Art were too Christian for his liking. He also looked on himself as highly musical, though his liking for music did not extend very much beyond the operas of Wagner, some of Beethoven and light operettas such as Lahar's Merry Widow. He was also fond of the cinema and when the Chancellery was rebuilt be had a little cinema put in, and frequently watched films in the evening, including many of the foreign films he had forbidden in Germany.

He had a passion for big rooms, thick carpets and tapestries, but apart from this he had very simple tastes. He like being driven fast in a powerful car; he liked cream cakes and sweets; he liked flowers, dogs and the company of pretty—not clever women; he liked being at home in the Bavarian mountains.

It was in the evenings that Hitler woke up. He hated going to bed, for he found it difficult to sleep, and after dinner he would gather his guest round the big fireplace and talk on every subject under the sun until two or three o' clock in the morning. Next morning he would not rise until eleven.

Hitler ate very little, and neither smoked nor drank. He kept a special vegetarian cook but declared that eating meat or cooked meals was a bad habit that had led to the decay of past civilizations. He never touched even tea or coffee and the chief reason for his dislike of stimulants seems to have been anxiety about his health. He took little exercise and had a horror of catching a cold or any form. of infection. He was depressed at the thought of dying early, before he had had time to complete his schemes, and hoped to add years to his life by careful dieting.

The author says that when Hitler came to power he ______.

A.decided not to do any work that he did not like doing

B.did not like to be controlled in his work

C.was obliged to work more regularly than he had done before

D.was forced to work more efficiently and much more quickly



Jim took his golf bag out of the car, wishing he had _____ freedom as Mr. Smith.

A.so much

B.so many

C.as much

D.as more



听力原文:Hello, everyone. I'm glad to be given a chance to tell you a story. Now I'll begi

听力原文: Hello, everyone. I'm glad to be given a chance to tell you a story. Now I'll begin. Once there lived a lion in a forest. Every day he went about to look for food. The small animals in the forest were all afraid of him. Not far from the forest there were four bulls. They were good friends, and often went about together. The lion tried many times to catch them, but could not do so. Every time he came near, the four bulls stood together to fight him, so he could do nothing to them. One day, the bulls had a quarrel. After that each went his own way. When the lion saw this, he was happy. Then he caught one bull and ate him up. Then he caught another. One by one he caught all the four bulls and ate them up.

That's all. Thank you.

Where was the lion living?

A.Near the lake.

B.In a forest.

C.By a hill.



The children are making so much noise that I can't hear ______ he is saying.A.thatB.thoseC

The children are making so much noise that I can't hear ______ he is saying.






Mr John has paid much attention to his weight reduction programs. Just last year, for exam
ple, when he was the main speaker at the company dinner, he said he had put on 30 pounds instead of losing the forty he had promised he would.

The year before that, he joined a health club. He exercised every day and ate less food. After three months however he began making excuses about why he couldn't go there more often.

As the health club failed to work, he joined Weight Watchers but stopped going because he was the only man there. And he hates following any of the diet programs. John's latest action is to join a walking club to "walk off" the weight.

He was ______ when he spoke at the company dinner last year.

A.lighter than the year before

B.heavier than the year before

C.with the Weight Watchers

D.planning to go on diet



He has done so much for the poor in his community that______(再怎么赞扬他都不过分).

He has done so much for the poor in his community that______(再怎么赞扬他都不过分).

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