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If you want to build confidence, you can ______.A.create an advertising for yourselfB.list

If you want to build confidence, you can ______.

A.create an advertising for yourself

B.listen to a great speaker a few minutes

C.write a speech to tell others your goals

D.recite a speech until you memorize it

更多“If you want to build confidence, you can ______.A.create an advertising for yourselfB.list”相关的问题


If you want to be liked and build self-confidence, you should think ______.A.negatively ab

If you want to be liked and build self-confidence, you should think ______.

A.negatively about others

B.positively about yourself

C.highly of others

D.directly of others



听力原文:W: Good morning, Mr. Tim. It's a long time since I had the pleasure of a visit fr
om you.

M: Yes, it must be three or four years. I haven't visited you since I called about my will. You helped me with that, you remember?

W: Yes, I remember. Do you want to make any changes in your will?

M: I don't think that will be necessary, but you'll tell me if it is, I left everything, you remember, to my wife, and after her death, to my son Jerry. I've about $ 15, 000 in shares of industrial companies. These bring in, after paying tax, about $ 1, 125 a year. Well, I'm earning a good salary now, and I shall get a good pension from my employers, so my wife and I can live fairly comfortably with this extra income. I want to buy some land and build a house for my son; he will need a house when he gets married. I'm thinking of building one and giving it to him.

W: Your son's lucky. So you want my help buying the land and building the house.

M: Yes, that's right. As soon as you've done what's necessary for buying the land, Jerry and I will see an architect.

W: Have you found a plot yet?

M: Jerry was in Edinburgh last Saturday and saw a plot he likes. My wife and I went there two days ago, and we liked it, too. I'd like you to make the necessary inquiries for me.

W: I'd be pleased to do that. I shall have to write to the Local Authority and inquire whether it is allowed to build a house on your piece of land. You've not allowed to build a house without permission from the Planning Authority. And sometimes the Authority decides that a house must be built of stone, and not of brick, so that it doesn't spoil the surrounding village.

How long have they not met each other?

A.Half a year.

B.Two years.

C.Three or four years.

D.More than five years.



听力原文:W: Good morning, Mr.Tim.It's a long time since I had the pleasure of a visit for

M: Yes, it must be three or four years. I haven't visited you since I called about my will. You helped me with that, you remember?

W: Yes, I remember. Do you want to make any changes in your will?

M: I don't think that will be necessary, but you'll tell me if it is. I left everything, you remember, to my wife, and after her death, to my son Jerry. I've about $15,000 in shares of industrial companies. These bring in, after paying tax, about $1,125 a year. Well, I'm earning a good salary now, and I shall get a good pension from my employers, so my wife and I can live fairly comfortably with this extra income, I want to buy some land and build a house for my son; he will need a house when he gets married. I'm thinking of building one and giving it to him.

W: Your son's lucky. So you want my help buying the land and building the house.

M: Yes, that's right. As soon as you've done what's necessary for buying the land, Jerry and I will see an architect.

W: Have you found a plot yet?

M: Jerry was in Edinburgh last Saturday and saw a plot he likes. My wife and I went there two days ago, and we liked it, too. I'd like you to make the necessary inquiries for me.

W: I'd be pleased to do that. I shall have to write to the Local Authority and inquire whether it is allowed to build a house on your piece of land. You've not allowed to build a house without permission from the Planning Authority. And sometimes the Authority decides that a house must be built of stone, and not of brick, so that it doesn't spoil the surrounding village.

How long have they not met each other?

A.Half a year.

B.Two years.

C.Three or four years.

D.More than five years.



听力原文:W: Good morning, Mr. Tim. It's a long time since I had the pleasure of avisit fro
m you.

M. Yes, it must be three or four years. I haven't visited you since I called about my will. You helped me with that, you remember?

W: Yes, I remember. Do you want to make any changes in your will?

M: I don't think that will be necessary , but you'll tell me if it is. I left everything, you remember, to my wife, and, after her death, to my son Jerry. I've about $ 15 000 in shares of industrial companies. These bringin, after paying tax, about $ 1 125 a year. Well, I'm earning a good salary now, and I shall get a good pension from my employers, so my wife and I can live fairly comfortably with this extra income. I want to buy some land and build a house for my son. It's time he get married, and he needs a house. I'm thinking of building one and giving it to him.

W: Your son's fortunate. So you want my help buying the land and building the house.

M: Yes, that's right. As soon as you've done what's necessary for buying the land, Jerry and I will see an architect.

W: Have you found a plot yet?

M: Jerry was in Edinburgh last Saturday and saw a plot he likes. My wife and I went there two days ago, and we liked it, too. I'd like you to make the necessary inquiries for me.

W: I'd be pleased to do that. I shall have to write to the Local Authority and inquire whether it is allowed to build a house on your piece of land. You're not allowed to build a house without permission from the Planning Authority. And sometimes the Authority decides that a house must be built of stone, and not of brick, so that it doesn't spoil the surrounding village.

How long have they not met each other?

A.Half a year.

B.Two years.

C.Three or four years.

D.More than five years.



听力原文:M: My doctor says I need an outside interest to get my mind off my work.Can you s
uggest a hobby?

W: Yes,I can suggest a hobby.Electronics might be fun,but you don't want a hobby that requires a lot of expensive equipment,do you?

M: No,I don't want to buy expensive equipment.I just want to do something that is relaxing and enjoyable. Do you think collecting umbrellas would be interesting?

W: Collecting umbrellas! I've heard of a lot of unusual hobbies,but I've never heard of that one. You don't play a musical instrument,do you?

M: Yes,I play the violin,but I want to do something different.What's your hobby?

W: My hobby is stamp collecting.I've just started collecting stamps and it's a lot of fun.Have you ever had a stamp collection?

M: No,I've never had a stamp collection.It takes a long time to build a good stamp collection.doesn't it?

W: Yes,building a good collection takes a long time, but a rare set of stamps can be very valuable. I can see that you're not interested in stamp collecting,but how about spots?

M: Yes, I am interested in sports.I want something I can do on weekends.Do you think golf or tennis would take my mind off my job?

W: Yes,I think they would.

Why does the man need an outside interest?

A.To free his mind off work.

B.To enrich himself.

C.To make new friends.

D.To kill the time.



听力原文:As you probably know, log structures are gaining popularity. They are no longer j

听力原文: As you probably know, log structures are gaining popularity. They are no longer just the simple country homes that we think of as the traditional log cabin. Some upscale homes now incorporate natural round logs in sealing beams and walls. People seem to think that the rounded logs give their homes a cozy warm atmosphere. And even people who want to build a traditional log cabin on their own can buy a kit with precut logs that fit together like pieces of lig-saw puzzle. Before showing you some slides of modem log houses, I'd like to give you a little historical background on the subject.

Log cabins were first built in the late 1600s along the Delaware river valley. The European immigrants who settled there brought centuries' old traditions of working with logs. And in this heavily wooded area logs were the material in hand. Log cabins were the most popular in the early 1800s with the settlers who were moving west. They provided the answer to the pioneer's need for a sale and sliding boards for windows. But the log buildings that have probably had most influence on modern architects are those of the mountain retreats of wealthy New Yorkers. These country houses which were popular in the early 1900s typify what's known as the Adoroundyx style. Now let's look at those slides.

What is the speaker mainly discussing?

A.Traditional European architecture.

B.Techniques for building log cabins.

C.The history of log structures.

D.How to build a home by yourself.



?Read the article below about how to build your career.?Are sentences 16-22 on the opposit

? Read the article below about how to build your career.

? Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page 'Right' or 'Wrong' ? If there is not enough infor-mation to answer 'Right' or 'Wrong', choose 'Doesn't Say'.

? For each sentence 16-22, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.

Building Your Career

At one time in the United States, joining an organization meant you would most likely be employed with that same organization for life. You would start at the bottom step of the hierarchy and, through seniority, climb the ladder to success. Today the average person beginning a career in the United States will probably work in tan or more jobs for five or more employers before retiring. So getting a job after graduation is only one step toward building your career.

Employers am seeking people who are able and willing to adapt to diverse situations, who thrive in an ever-changing workplace, and who continue to learn throughout their careers. Employers want team players with strong work records. So try to gain skills you can market in various industries. Join networks of professional colleagues and friends who can help you stay informed of where your occupation, industry, and company are going. As you search for a permanent job that fulfills your career goals, take interim job assignments, consider temporary work or freelance jobs. Employers will be more willing to find (or even create) a position for someone they've learned to respect, and your temporary or freelance work gives them a chance to see what you can do.

American people used to change jobs frequently.



C.Doesn't Say



【C1】______a doubt there are countries that offer interesting advantages for entrepreneurs,

【C1】______ a doubt there are countries that offer interesting advantages for entrepreneurs, self employed and business owners. 【C2】______ most people don't know about them. That is 【C3】______ we have build up this web site. It shall guide you through the different types of companies and jurisdictions. Below we want to describe which advantages and benefits an incorporation can mean 【C4】______ you. There are many reasons to incorporate your business:

a corporation has a professional outlook 【C5】______ a sole proprietor

separate clearly 【C6】______ private and business

protect different business activities individually

reduce your personal liability 【C7】______ case of bankruptcy

achieve tax benefits

avoid heritage claims

gain investors by selling company shares

build up new credit

expand globally and attract international customers

【C8】______ you choose Whitherspoon, Seymour & Robinson Corp. you will additionally have low incorporation and maintenenace fees, absoluetely no hidden charges, a reliable partner and at all time free consultation and advice. Also, we will handle everything for you. You won't even have to leave your office 【C9】______ any time for the incorporation. You can ask all your questions 【C10】______ email, fax or phone, place the order online and get the company kit delivered right to your door.




听力原文:M: Honey, the football game is about to start. And could you bring some chips and
a bowl of ice cream? And... uh... a slice of pizza from the fridge.

W: Anything else?

M: No, that's all for now. Hey, hon, you know, they're organizing a company basketball team, and I'm thinking about joining. What do you think?

W: Humph!

M: "Humph", what do you mean "Humph"? I was the star player in high school.

W: Yeah, twenty-five years ago. Look, I just don't want you having a heart attack runnig up and down the court.

M: So, what are you suggesting? Should I just abandon the idea? I'm not that out of shape.

W: Well... you ought to at least have a physical examination before you begin. I mean, it has been at least five years since you played at all.

M: Well, okay, but...

W: And you need to watch your &et and cut hack on the fatty foods, like ice cream. And you should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.

M: Yeah, you're probably right.

W: And you should take up a little weight training to strengthen your muscles or perhaps try cycling to build up your body. Oh, and you need to go to bed early instead of watching TV half the night. M: Hey, you're starting to sound like my personal doctor!

W: No, I just love you, and I want you to be around for a long, long time.


A.A basketball team.

B.A football team.

C.A cycling team.

D.A weight training program.



听力原文:Venice is the "Queen" of the Adriatic Sea. Every year thousands of people from al

听力原文: Venice is the "Queen" of the Adriatic Sea. Every year thousands of people from all over the world travel to Italy to visit the city. Do you know why they like to go there for a visit?

Venice is a very beautiful city. It is quite different from other cities in the world. There aren't any roads or streets in the city so there aren't any cars or buses. There are many canals in the city. There is one big canal and one hundred and seventy-seven small canals. People move up and down the canals in boats to go to work, go shopping or visit their friends.

But Venice is sinking. It is going down and the water is going up. In 2040 Venice will be under water. The Adriatic Sea will cover the city. The Venetians love their city and they want to stay there, so they want to save Venice from the sea. They do not want to leave. How can they save Venice? They can build some strong huge walls and gates in the sea. The gates will close to keep too much water out. Thus Venice will not sink.


A.There are 177 canals in Venice.

B.Venice is sinking into the Adriatic Sea.

C.There are many kinds of boats on the canals.

D.There aren't any roads or streets in Venice.

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