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听力原文:W: Let' s shop around because we' ve got to buy two gifts, one for our parents fo

r their 20th wedding anniversary, and one for Sally' s 30th birthday.

M: Okay, how about this blow dryer? It' s a real bargain. I heard the last blow dryer she bought doesn't work any more! It hasn' t even been a month yet.

W: Oh, really? No wonder that was cheaper than mine. How about this DVD player for our parents? They sell like hot cakes.

M: Good! But let's pay by credit card because I have no cash now.

What are they buying for their parents?

A.DVD player

B.Blow dryer

C.Washing machine

D.Hot cake

更多“听力原文:W: Let' s shop around because we' ve got to buy two gifts, one for our parents fo”相关的问题


Section A听力原文:M: These vegetables look so fresh and they are only 25 cents a pound.W:

Section A

听力原文:M: These vegetables look so fresh and they are only 25 cents a pound.

W: Let's take more, and how about some apples and oranges too?

Q: Where are the two speakers?


A.In a garden

B.In a shop

C.In an orchard



听力原文:M: What's wrong with your new electric cooker? Let me see if I can fix it.W: Oh,

听力原文:M: What's wrong with your new electric cooker? Let me see if I can fix it.

W: Oh, I had the shop replace it with a new one this morning.

Q: What did the woman do this morning?


A.She had the cooker changed.

B.She bought a new cooker.

C.She had her cooker repaired.

D.She returned her new cooker.



听力原文:M: It's Julia's birthday tomorrow.W: Are you sure? I think it should be the day a

听力原文:M: It's Julia's birthday tomorrow.

W: Are you sure? I think it should be the day after tomorrow.

M: Well, let me see. Oh, I'm sorry. You're fight. It is the day after tomorrow. Shall we buy her a gift?

W: Yes, of course. Shall we get her a new pen?

M: That sounds good. But I think it's better to buy her a box of chocolates.

W: Julia doesn't like sweet things. Didn't you know that?

M: You're right. Er... I know. We can give her a record, for she loves music very much.

W: That's great. Let's go to the music shop now.

When is Julia's birthday?

A.The next day.

B.The day after next.

C.The day they had the talk.



听力原文:W: Excuse me.M: Yes.W: I bought this MP3 here yesterday but it doesn't work.M: Oh

听力原文:W: Excuse me.

M: Yes.

W: I bought this MP3 here yesterday but it doesn't work.

M: Oh, let's see what's wrong.

W: This button doesn't work. When I push it nothing happens.

M: You're right. I'll give you another one. Show me your receipt.

What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The shop doesn't work.

B.The button can't be pushed.

C.The woman wants to change her MP3.

D.The woman has lost her receipt.



听力原文:M:It's Julia's birthday Today.W:Are you sure? I think it should be the day after

听力原文:M:It's Julia's birthday Today.

W:Are you sure? I think it should be the day after tomorrow.

M:Well, let me see. Oh,I'm sorry. You're right. It is the day after tomorrow. Shall we buy her a present?

W:Yes, of course. Shall we get her some flowers?

M:Flowers are lovely. But I think it's better to buy her a nice box of chocolates.

W:Julia doesn't like sweet things. Didn't you know that?

M:You're right. Er... I know. We can give her a record. She loves music.

W: That's a good idea. Let's go to the music shop and choose one for her.

When is Julia's birthday?

A.The next day.

B.The day after next.

C.The day they had the talk.



听力原文:M: When I have a day off, I will check our TV set to see what's wrong with it.W:

听力原文:M: When I have a day off, I will check our TV set to see what's wrong with it.

W: I would feel much better if you left it alone and let the repair shop look at it.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She hasn't been well lately.

B.She feels unhappy without a TV.

C.She wants it to be fixed by an expert.

D.She wants him to repair it at once.



听力原文:M: It's Alice's birthday tomorrow.W: Are you sure? I think it should be the day a

听力原文:M: It's Alice's birthday tomorrow.

W: Are you sure? I think it should be the day after tomorrow.

M: Well, let me see. Oh, I'm sorry. You're right. It is the day after tomorrow. Shall we buy her a present?

W: Yes, of course. Shall we give her some flowers?

M: Flowers are lovely. But I think it's better to buy her a nice box of chocolates.

W: Alice doesn't like sweet things. Didn't you know that?

M: You're right. Er...I know. We can give her a record. She loves music.

W: That's a good idea. Let's go to the music shop and choose one for her.

When is Alice's birthday?

A.The next day.

B.The day after next.

C.The day they had the talk.



听力原文:M: Lucy, if you are going to Naomi' s party tomorrow night, could you pick me up?
My car's at the garage until this weekend.

W: No problem, Jerry. What time should I pick you up?

M: Let' s see. I should be home by 6: 00, but I need some time to get ready. So how about a quarter to seven?

W: Well, I won't make it then. I have to prepare dinner for my son. I'll be there at 7:30.

Where is the man' s car?

A.In a parking area

B.In a repair shop

C.At Lucy' s house

D.At the man' s house



听力原文:Do you think the cafeteria will be open so early?(A) Maybe not. Let's try the cof

听力原文:Do you think the cafeteria will be open so early?

(A) Maybe not. Let's try the coffee shop downstairs.

(B) I think we're just in time.

(C) Until 9 p.m. on weekdays, I believe.





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