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Throughout most of its history, ______ was a major problem that plagued Ireland.A.emigrati

Throughout most of its history, ______ was a major problem that plagued Ireland.


B.population distribution

C.ethic conflict

D.birth control

更多“Throughout most of its history, ______ was a major problem that plagued Ireland.A.emigrati”相关的问题


Most Americans think that ice cream is as American as baseball and applepie.But ice cr
eam was known long before American was discovered.The Roman emperor Nero may have made a king of ice cream.He hired hundreds of men to bring snow and ice from the mountains.He used it to make cold drinks.Traveler Marco Polo brought back recipes for chilled and frozen milk from China.Hundreds of years later,ice cream reached England.It is said that King Charles I enjoyed that treat very much.There is a story that he bribed his cook to keep the recipe for ice cream a royal secret.Today ice cream is known throughout the world.Americans alone eat more than two billion quarts a year.

Charles I of England wanted to ()

A、make ice cream popular

B、keep the secret of ice cream for himself

C、develop new kinds of ice cream

D、bring ice cream recipes from China



听力原文:At this moment some 170, 000 young people throughout Britain are suffering what i

听力原文: At this moment some 170, 000 young people throughout Britain are suffering what is potentially the most tense and anxious time of their lives. That is the number of students currently preparing to sit for their A-levels -- examinations which will decide whether a student proceeds smoothly on to the next level of the academic ladder or whether six years of work at secondary- school level will end in the bitter disappointment of failure.

In the medical "stress-charts", examinations rank somewhere behind a death in the family, a divorce or even the loss of a job; but the symptoms of anxiety are all the more weakening because they are before the event rather than after it, but many in themselves are enough to bring about the student's worst fears -- failing.

The most crucial point about pre-examination stress is that it is something the student catches from other people. He or she is not, after all, the only person with an interest in the examination result. The pride of parents is risky, and of teachers who may see the results as measure of their own professional worth. The line between well-intentioned encouragement and harmful pressure can be a fine one, and easily crossed.








听力原文:Most Americans think that ice cream is as American as baseball and apple pie. But

听力原文: Most Americans think that ice cream is as American as baseball and apple pie. But ice cream was known long before America was discovered.

The Roman emperor Nero may have made a kind of ice cream. He hired hundreds of men to bring snow and ice from the mountains. He used it to make cold drinks. Traveler Marco Polo brought back recipes for chilled and frozen milk from China.

Hundreds of years later, ice cream reached England. It is said that King Charles I enjoyed that treat very much. There is a story that he bribed his cook to keep the recipe for ice cream a royal secret. Today ice cream is known throughout the world. Americans eat more than two billion quarts a year.


A.They think that ice cream is very new.

B.They know that ice cream is brought from Europe.

C.They think that ice cream was an American idea.

D.They don't know what ice cream is.



In most circumstances you should keep your visual aids on display throughout the speec



Most anti-virus programs are scheduled to perform. a background check_____ throughout the
day on a set schedule.







听力原文:A(man): Hi, Mice. I hear that you are planning to have a dog in your house. Is th

听力原文:A(man): Hi, Mice. I hear that you are planning to have a dog in your house. Is that true?

B(woman): Yeah. But I am not so sure now. I'd love to have one because I think dogs are good companions.

A: Sure. I think most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their byes. If you are thinking of buying a dog, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and whether the dog is likely to be happy in the surroundings you can provide.

B: So. What's you advice?

A: Specialist advice is available to help you choose the most suitable breed of dog. But in part, the decision depends on common sense. Most breeds were originally developed to perform. specific tasks. So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, you should choose a breed that has the right size and characteristics.

B: I have not decided yet, you know. I just thought dogs are lovely and they will do things you want them to do.

A: That's half true. You must be ready to devote a good deal of time to train the dog when it is young and give it the exercise it needs throughout its life. Dogs are demanding pets. The best time to buy a baby-dog is when it is between 6 and 8 weeks old so that it can transfer its affection from its mother to its master. If baby dogs have not established a relationship with the human being until they are over three months old, their strong relationship will always be with dogs. They are likely to be too shy when they are brought out into the world to become good pets.

B: Thank you so much for bring such valuable advice, Tom. I think I am readier than before to have my own dog now.

Why does the woman want to have a dog?

A.Because she is lonely.

B.Because she loves to protect a pet.

C.Because she thinks dogs are good companions.

D.Because she just lost one dog.



听力原文: Today I'd like to say something about taxis. I think it's beneficial to all new-
comers. Most people are likely to travel by taxi when they arrive in America. Actually, taxis here come under the heading of luxury travel. In Chicago, for example, the meter reads almost $1.00 before you even move! Furthermore, they're sometimes not only hard to find at the busy hours of a day but also if the weather turns had.

Generally speaking, taxis are metered throughout the country, but there are some cities, for example, Washington D. C. , where they operate on a distant zone system.

If you find yourself sharing a cab with several strangers, you will often be expected to pay full price, unfair though that may seem. Nothing is uniform. in the US. Furthermore, rules vary from one city to in other.

If you want to make a complaint about taxi service, note the driver's number and name. When you write to the company, be sure to keep a copy of your letter.

How do the Americans think of the taxi?

A.It's a useful means of travelling.

B.It benefits a lot to all Americans.

C.It's hard to find all the time.

D.It is a luxury and Americans seldom take it.



听力原文:M: So you're visiting San Francisco?W: Yes, I just got here the day before yester

听力原文:M: So you're visiting San Francisco?

W: Yes, I just got here the day before yesterday. And you?

M: I'm a native.

W: Oh, really? Everyone else I've met so far has been a tourist like us. I was beginning to think that maybe there were no natives.

M: Well. San Francisco has a lot of different ethnic groups, so you might think you're seeing a lot of foreigners. But in fact, the city has a population of about 700 000 people.

W: What are the different ethnic groups?

M: Well, after whites, the largest one is blacks.

W: I thought it was Chinese.

M: It's true that San Francisco has the largest Chinese community outside Asia. But there are many more blacks here than Chinese.

W: That's interesting. Don't most of the Chinese people live in China-town?

M: Well, no, they live throughout the city, but China-town is definitely the center of Chinese culture here. That's where you'll find the best Chinese restaurants, bookstores, art theaters, things like that.

W: How about the Japanese? Doesn't San Francisco have a large Japanese population too?

M: No, actually there are only about 12 000 Japanese people here, but we do have an area called "Japan-town" that has Japanese restaurants and bookstores.

W: You seem to know a lot about this city.

M: Well, most San Franciscans think their city is pretty special. We like to talk about it. Besides, I teach ethnic history at the university here.

W: No wonder you know so much!

What is the largest ethnic group in San Francisco?

A.The blacks.

B.The whites.

C.The Chinese.

D.The Japanese.



听力原文:Welcome, everyone, and thank you for visiting Greenfield Botanical Garden. My nam

听力原文: Welcome, everyone, and thank you for visiting Greenfield Botanical Garden. My name is Victor, and I'll be your guide for today. This garden was once a garden that belonged to Ms. Mary Whiten, who was the wife to the first governor of the state, the Honorable James Whiten. Then through numerous neighboring acquisitions throughout the history of the garden's 112-year-old life, it has quadrupled in size. With an increase in international trade, flowers, herbs, and other exotic plants were added to the extensive list of displays, including the Japanese June plant, the Chinese fern, and the African scarlet rose. Finally, ten years ago, this garden was officially recognized as a historical site with a tribute paid to Ms. Mary Whiten's efforts to preserve some of our country's most distinctive and rare breeds of plants.

What are the listeners doing?

A.Receiving tips about gardening.

B.Taking a tour of a historic site.

C.Learning about the governor.

D.Buying exotic plants.



The visitors will ______.A.visit most famous tourist attractions of ChinaB.learn a lot abo

The visitors will ______.

A.visit most famous tourist attractions of China

B.learn a lot about the past and present of China

C.have a deep impression of China's past, present and future

D.have a hard trip throughout China

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