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听力原文:M: Hi, Helen. I didn't expect to see you here. How is it going these days? Your f

ace looks pale.

W: Yes, I am nearly worn out, I can't stand it any more.

M: What's up?

W: Being a working mother is so difficult. I have to do the chores and look after the kids and husband after a hard day's work.

M: I see. Well, I suggest you to think about a daycare center or hire a babysitter so that you can save some time.

W: It sounds wonderful! Now I see eye to eye with you. What I am going to do first is to find a good daycare center for my little Tommy.

Why did the woman's face look pale?

A.Because she was ill.

B.Because she was in a bad mood.

C.Because she was tired.

更多“听力原文:M: Hi, Helen. I didn't expect to see you here. How is it going these days? Your f”相关的问题


听力原文:M: Hey, Helen. Why aren't you ready? It's almost 7 o'clock.W: I'm sorry, Paul. I'

听力原文:M: Hey, Helen. Why aren't you ready? It's almost 7 o'clock.

W: I'm sorry, Paul. I'm not going. I have to study.

M: But you can study later. Don't you want to go?

W: No, not really. I don't like dinner parties.

M: But what can I tell the' Browns?

W: Just tell them I'm sick.

What will Helen do later?


B.Go to sleep.

C.Go to the dinner party.



听力原文:M: Hi, Helen. How did your driving test go? Did you get your driver's license yet

W: So far, I've just taken the written test. I did well enough on that, but I still have to take the road test.

M: I remember when I took the road test a few years ago. The first time I took it, I failed.

W: You failed! But you're such a good driver! What happened?

M: Well, I took a left - hand turn from the right lane, and the examiner told me just to turn around and go back to the testing center. It was pretty embarrassing.

W: My big problem is parallel parking. I just can't seem to get a car into those little spaces.

M: If you like, we can go out in my car before you take the road test and practise parallel parking.

W: That would be great. I've just got to get my license. I can't believe that I have a car that my parents gave me just sitting in my garage, and I can't even drive it.


A.A test in a composition ciass.

B.A road test.

C.The written test for her driver' s license.

D.A road.



听力原文:M: Helen. Do you want me to try to repair that broken bike of yours?W: Thanks, bu

听力原文:M: Helen. Do you want me to try to repair that broken bike of yours?

W: Thanks, but I already had it taken care of.

Q: What has happened to the bike?


A.Someone fixed it.

B.Helen sold it.

C.Helen repaired it.

D.It's been thrown out.



听力原文:Man:Hi, Helen. Any phone call for me while I'm away?Woman: No, Bill. What did you

听力原文:Man: Hi, Helen. Any phone call for me while I'm away?

Woman: No, Bill. What did you get from your lunch-break shopping?

Man: I've got this new pullover, but I m not sure if it really suits me. What do you think of it, Helen?

Woman: Well, it's very nice as far as I can see, but put it on first. Then I'll tell you if it suits you. No hurry. We still have about half an hour to go before our office time.

Man: I tried on about a dozen. This one isn't what I wanted really.

Woman: Why did you buy it then?

Man: The salesman sold it to me before I realized what had happened. He just never stopped talking and he told me some story about the latest fashion and special reductions. Before I could say anything, he'd wrapped it up and taken my money.

Woman: Well, it doesn't look too bad. But haven't you put it on inside out and back to front?

Man: Inside out and back to front? Well, I can't tell the back from the front with these high-neck pullovers. I really wanted one with a V-neck.

Woman: It's a good thing it's got sleeves at the top or you'd put it on upside down as well. Still, I think it suits you quite well.

Man: I went out to get a blue pullover with a V-neck, short sleeves and a pattern and I came back with a white one with a high neck, long sleeves and no pattern.

Woman: You must be too easy to take in. You've got to learn to stand up to these high pressure salesmen. They'll sell you all sorts of things you don't want if you don't watch out.

Man: Next time I'll send my wife. She'll probably sell something to the salesman.


A.He's bought his wife a present.

B.He's missed an important phone call.

C.He's dismissed his new secretary.

D.He's popped out shopping.



听力原文:M: This is the second time you have been late this week, Helen.W: I'm sorry, sir.

听力原文:M: This is the second time you have been late this week, Helen.

W: I'm sorry, sir.

M: You'll have to do better than that, or I might find it necessary to let you go.

W: It won't happen again, I promise.

What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.They are friends.

B.They are teacher and student.

C.They are employer and employee.



听力原文:W: Hello, this is Sarah speaking.M: This is Hilton clinic. I'm calling to remind

听力原文:W: Hello, this is Sarah speaking.

M: This is Hilton clinic. I'm calling to remind you of your biannual checkup at 10:00 on Thursday, July the 16th.

W: I'm sorry but I have a previous engagement that day. Could you reschedule it for either July 20th or 21st? I' d like to see Dr. Helen.

M: Hold on please. Dr. Helen isn' t available on the 21st, but I can put you in a time with her for 10 a. m. on the 20th. How does that sound?

What is the purpose of the man' s call?

A.To get a prescription filled

B.To confirm an appointment

C.To cancel the appointment

D.To postponed the appointment



听力原文:M:Hi,Kate! Which Class are you in?W:Hi,Tom! I'm in Class Four,Grade Six.Q:Which C

听力原文:M:Hi,Kate! Which Class are you in?

W:Hi,Tom! I'm in Class Four,Grade Six.

Q:Which Class is Kate in?







听力原文:W: Hi, Peter.M: Hi, Mary. I'm glad to meet you here.Q: What is the relationship b

听力原文:W: Hi, Peter.

M: Hi, Mary. I'm glad to meet you here.

Q: What is the relationship between the speakers?


A.They are friends.

B.They are strangers.

C.They are brother and sister.



听力原文:W: Hi, could you lend me the camera, David?M: Hi, Alice. I'd like to, but it belo

听力原文:W: Hi, could you lend me the camera, David?

M: Hi, Alice. I'd like to, but it belongs to Jane.

Who wanted to borrow the camera?






听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. Where are you going?W: Oh, hi, Bob. I'm on my way to the library. M:

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. Where are you going?

W: Oh, hi, Bob. I'm on my way to the library.

M: I just wondered if you wanted to go to a concert with me.

W: I'd love to, but I can't. I can't relieve all the work I have today.

Where is the woman going?

A.To the cafeteria.

B.To the movie theater.

C.To her dorm room.

D.To the library.

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