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The Channel Tunnel(海底隧道), to be opened officially by British Queen Elizabeth II and Fr

The Channel Tunnel(海底隧道), to be opened officially by British Queen Elizabeth II and French President Francois Mitterrand on March 8, links(连接) British and France for the first time since the Ice Age. The project spent eight years completing and cost an estimated(估计)$13.5 billion. The channel is considered an engineering wonder of the 20th century. Le Shuttle is the channel's specially built train. The total journey time between Calais, France and Folkstone Britain is 35 minutes. The service is scheduled to run 24 hours a day, seven days a week in both directions.

According to this piece of news, who first suggested digging the Channel Tunnel?

A.British Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ.

B.A French engineer.

C.Someone that hasn't been mentioned in the passage.

D.French President Francois Mitterrand.

更多“The Channel Tunnel(海底隧道), to be opened officially by British Queen Elizabeth II and Fr”相关的问题


The Channel Tunnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever ______.A.undergoneB.con

The Channel Tunnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever ______.







The Channel Tunnel was closed for 10 hours after the earthquake occurred.A.RightB.WrongC.N

The Channel Tunnel was closed for 10 hours after the earthquake occurred.



C.Not mentioned



A.The Atlantic Tunnel.B.The Pacific Tunnel.C.The Caribbean Tunnel.D.The Channel Tunnel

A.The Atlantic Tunnel.

B.The Pacific Tunnel.

C.The Caribbean Tunnel.

D.The Channel Tunnel.



The Channel Tunnel was closed for 10 hours after the earthquake occurred. A.Ri

The Channel Tunnel was closed for 10 hours after the earthquake occurred.



C.Not mentioned



If they built a Channel tunnel, you would ______.A.neither take a train nor go by carB.eit

If they built a Channel tunnel, you would ______.

A.neither take a train nor go by car

B.either take a train or go by car

C.only take a train

D.only take a bus



The Channel Tunnel is considered as a wonder because_________.A.it took nearly a hundred y

The Channel Tunnel is considered as a wonder because_________.

A.it took nearly a hundred years to complete this project

B.there have been so many difficulties in this great project

C.it has shortened the journey very much

D.the tunnel will be opened by both the queen and the president



The blizzard conditions worst affected those travelers hoping toA.take railways to France

The blizzard conditions worst affected those travelers hoping to

A.take railways to France and Belgium.

B.take the Channel Tunnel rail service to the USA and Belgium.

C.fly to France and Belgium.

D.take the Channel Tunnel rail service to France and Belgium.



Across the English ChannelTo swim across the English Channel takes at least nine hours. It

Across the English Channel

To swim across the English Channel takes at least nine hours. It's a hard work and it makes you short of breath. To fly over the Channel takes only twenty minutes (as only as you're not held up at the airport), but it's an expensive way to travel. You can travel by hovercraft if you don't mind the noise, and that takes forty minutes. Otherwise you can go by boat, if you dreams of being able to drive to France in his own car. "Not possible", you say. Well, wait a minute. People are once a gain considering the idea of a Channel tunnel or bridge.

This time, the Greater London Council is looking into the possibility of building a Channel link straight to London. A bridge would cost far more than a tunnel, but you would be able to go by rail or by car on a bridge, whereas a tunnel would provide a rail ]ink only.

Why is this idea being discussed again? Is Britain becoming more conscious of the need for links with Europe as a result of joining the EEC(欧共体) ? Well, perhaps. The main reason, though, is that a tunnel or bridge would reach the twenty square kilometers of London's disused dock land(船坞地). A link from London to the continent would stimulate trade and re-vitalize(使……重新具有活力) the port, and would make London a main trading center in Europe. With a link over the Channel, you could buy your fish and chips in England and be able to eat them in France while they were stiff warm!

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Swimming across the Channel takes less than four hours.

B.The idea of a Channel tunnel or bridge is a very new one.

C.It is considered to be more difficult to swim across the channel than any other means.

D.A tunnel or bridge would only reach as far as the coast.



听力原文:England became a stronghold of the Protestant version of Christianity during the

听力原文: England became a stronghold of the Protestant version of Christianity during the 16th Century. In thel7th century, the British people developed a system of government by parliament which was later copied in many other countries. During the18th Century, the great revolutions in farming and industry that later took place worldwide, began in Britain. Steam power, steam trains, coal mines and water power began to transform. the means of transport and production. The world's, first industrial cities grew in the Midlands. Then, in thel9th Century, the development of a massive British Empire brought power and wealth to the nation. By the time Queen Victoria took the throne in 1837, Britain had be come the world's greatest power.

Later on, in the 20th century, Britain played a vital part in saving Europe from the threat of Fascism during World War Two.

In1966, England won the Football World Cup and became World Champion. This is some thing many British people are very proud of.

Britain joined the European Community in 1973, but was still separated from mainland Europe. Finally, in 1994 the Channel Tunnel was opened, which links Britain back to the European continent.

The first men and women came to Britain over two and a half million years ago. They were hunters and gatherers of food who used simple stone tools and weapons.

Britain used to be joined to, the European land mass. It became an island separate from the rest of Europe about 8,500 years ago, when melting ice formed the English Channel.

Britain has been invaded by people from Italy, Germany, Scandinavia and France, each bringing with them their own languages and customs.


A.England won the World Cup.

B.Britain joined the European community.

C.The Channel Tunnel was opened.

D.Britain was invaded by the Romans.



East London has traditional ly been an area which has attracted immigrants.The chance

to find jobs in London has led to immigrants from many different parts of the world living there.Also, because it was the home of London s docks, it was easy for people to get there by ship.One famous bui lding in Brick Lane has been a church, a synagogue and is now a mosque Nowadays this part of London, which is known as the East End.is home to people from many different parts of the world.including Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.This means that there are many shops and restaurants selling ethnic food.In the past the East End was one of the poorest parts of London, but now it is becoming more fashionable and house prices are rising rapidly.This is because many people want to live near to where they work in the centre of the city.Also improved transport links to both other parts of London and to other countries via the Channel Tunnel train station and Dock lands Airport have attracted more people to the area.

21.East London has()

A.has never been a home for immigrants

B.has recently become a home for immigrants

C.has always been a home for immigrants

22.Immigrants are attracted by()

A.low house prices


C.ethnic food

23.London' s docks were()

A.easy to reach by plane

B.mainly in East London

C.a good place to find work

24.East London()

A.is a cheap place to live

B.has never been a cheap place to live in

C.ued to be a cheap place to live in

25.House prices are rising rapidly because()

A.it has good transport links and more people want to live there near the center of London

B.there are lots of jobs in East London

C.there are lots of good shops and restaurants

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