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Did Grandma seem forgetful at the holiday parties last month? It could be time to put her

on a diet. Sharply【C1】______calories(卡路里)improves memory in older adults,according to a new study.

Research on the benefits of an extremely low-calorie diet【C2】______back to the 1930s, when scientists found that rats lived【C3】______to twice as long when they ate less than control animals. And how about in human? To fill that【C4】______, scientist Agnes and her colleagues at the University of Muenster【C5】______50 healthy elderly subjects. The【C6】______volunteer was 60 years old and overweight. The researchers【C7】______assigned the volunteers to one of three groups. Twenty people were instructed to reduce their daily calorie【C8】______by 30%, while still eating a【C9】______diet. Another 20 were told to keep their calorie intake the same but increase their【C10】______of unsaturated(不饱和的 )fatty acids. The【C11】______10 volunteers did not change their diets.

After 3 months, all of the volunteers【C12】______a memory test in which they were shown 15 words and asked how many they could remember after 30 minutes.【C13】______average,those in the calorie-restriction group showed a 20%【C14】______over their baseline memory scores taken before they started their diets. Subjects in the other two groups showed【C15】______or no improvement. "Our study【C16】______provides some of the first【C17】______on the impact of calorie restriction on memory in the elderly, but this study has to be【C18】______up now," Floel noted. Her team plans to【C19】______larger studies to determine exactly【C20】______calorie restriction enhances memory.






更多“Did Grandma seem forgetful at the holiday parties last month? It could be time to put her”相关的问题


The old man did not seem to attach any importance()the question.







What did Shelley seem to give first priority to In buying her dress?A.Price and style.B.Co

What did Shelley seem to give first priority to In buying her dress?

A.Price and style.

B.Color and price.

C.Style. and quality.

D.Quality and material.



第三节 短文理解2阅读下列短文,从[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选择一个正确答案。Grandma was a good st

第三节 短文理解2


Grandma was a good storyteller, and she had a lot of interesting stories to tell children. There was the story of how the little boys were taught to listen to grown-ups. One day when they were out on the grassland, there was a fine. Their father shouted, "Fall down on your faces!" They did, and the big fire went over them and they weren't hurt(受伤). There was also the story of three boys at school. Each of them received something to eat. One stored his food for himself, and the mice (老鼠) ate it; one ate all of his, and he got sick; and who do you think had the best time? Of course, the one who shared his food with his friends. Then there was the little boy who ran a- way from home and stayed away all day. When he came home after supper, he found the family sitting around the fire and nobody said a word. He couldn't stand it and said sorry to the family. And there was one about a very lazy(懒惰的) man. He didn't want to work at all even if he was hungry. Of course, he died of hunger.

In this text we read about Grandma's ______ ?

A.happy life

B.interesting stories

C.lazy children



If you're relying on Grandma to help with child care, it's time to reconsider. A new study
of more than 54 000 women found that those who watched their grandkids 9 hours a week or more were 55% more likely to have a heart attack. These women may have less time to take care of their own health, says lead author Sunmin Lee, ScD, of the Harvard School of Public Health. Younger kids may pose more risk because they need more care.

"However willing your mom might seem, it's up to you to figure out how much she can really handle," says Meredith Minkler, DrPH, a public-health professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and an expert on grandparents as caregivers. "It's not just about physical health. Older adults need time to connect with people of their own age. Social isolation is a major risk factor for illness." If your mom helps out, make sure she has breaks during the day, as well as "vacations" at regular intervals.

The writer of the text suggests that ______.

A.grandparents take care of younger children

B.young people be careful about their parents

C.old women spend more time taking care of their own health

D.child care by grandmas be considered



回答题。 My Parents&39; ChangeMy surprise over the past few winters has been the personal


My Parents&39; Change

My surprise over the past few winters has been the personality transformation my parents go through around mid December as they change from Dad and Morn into Grandpa and Grandma. Yes, they become grandparents and are completely different from the people I know the other eleven and a half months of the year.

The first sign of my parents&39; change is the delight they take in visiting toy and children&39;s clothing stores. These two people, who usually dislike anything having to do with shopping malls, become crazy consumers. While they tell me to budget my money and shop wisely, they are buying up every doll and dump truck in sight.

And this is only the beginning of the holidays!

When my brother&39;s children arrive, Grandpa and Grandma come into full form. First they throw out all ideas about a balanced diet for the grandkids. While we were raised in a house where everyone had to take two bites of corn, beets (甜菜 ) , or liver (foods that appeared quite often on our table despite constant complaining ) , the grandchildren never have to eat anything that does not appeal to them. Grandma carries chocolate in her pockets to bribe (贿赂 ) the littlest ones into following her around the house, while Grandpa offers "surprises" of candy and cake to them all day long. Boxes of chocolate-pie disappear while the whole-wheat bread gets hard and stale. The kids love all the sweets, and when the sugar raises their energy levels, Grandma and Grandpa can always decide to leave and do a bit more shopping or go to bed while my brother and sister-in-law try to deal with their highly active kids.

Once the grandchildren have arrived, Grandma and Grandpa also seem to forget all of the responsibility lectures I so often hear in my daily life. If Mickey screams at his sister during dinner, he is "developing his own personality" ; if Nancy breaks Grandma&39;s mirror, she is "just a curious child" . But, if I track mud into the

house while helping to unload groceries, I become "careless"; if I scold one of the grandkids for tearing pages out of my textbook, I am "impatient." If Paula talks back to her mother, Grandma and Grandpa smile at her spirit. If I say one word about all of this excessive love, Morn and Dad reappear to have a talk with me about petty jealousies.

As regards his parents‘ shopping for the grandchildren, the author__________ 查看材料

A.feels jealous

B.feels amazed

C.thinks it unnecessary

D.thinks it annoying



Customers transferred their accounts to the slower bank, because ______.A.the tellers seem

Customers transferred their accounts to the slower bank, because ______.

A.the tellers seemed more efficient

B.customers didn't trust computers

C.the tellers did everything to minimize the delay

D.they didn't like the inefficiency of the old bank



听力原文:W: You didn't seem to enjoy the play.M: You must be joking. If I had applauded an

听力原文:W: You didn't seem to enjoy the play.

M: You must be joking. If I had applauded any harder, I'd have broken my hands.

What did the man think of the play?

A.He thought it was funny.

B.He thought it was a failure.

C.He thought it was boring.

D.He thought it was successful.



第三节 短文理解2阅读下列短文,从[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选择一个正确答案。Grandma was a good st

第三节 短文理解2


Grandma was a good storyteller, and she had a lot of interesting stories to tell children. There was the story of how the little boys were taught to listen to grown-ups. One day when they were out on the grassland, there was a fine. Their father shouted, "Fall down on your faces!" They did, and the big fire went over them and they weren't hurt(受伤). There was also the story of three boys at school. Each of them received something to eat. One stored his food for himself, and the mice (老鼠) ate it; one ate all of his, and he got sick; and who do you think had the best time? Of course, the one who shared his food with his friends. Then there was the little boy who ran a- way from home and stayed away all day. When he came home after supper, he found the family sitting around the fire and nobody said a word. He couldn't stand it and said sorry to the family. And there was one about a very lazy(懒惰的) man. He didn't want to work at all even if he was hungry. Of course, he died of hunger.

In this text we read about Grandma's ______ ?

A.happy life

B.interesting stories

C.lazy children



Why was there surprise and doubt in the first women's singles championship in 18847 Becaus

[A] all women players wore long skirts

[B] the ladies played so well in their long skirts

[C] all winners, both men and women, were always British

[D] it did not seem proper for women to play tennis



听力原文:W. You don't seem enthusiastic about the play?M: You must be joking, If I had app

听力原文:W. You don't seem enthusiastic about the play?

M: You must be joking, If I had applauded any harder, I'd have broken my hand.

Q: What did the man think of the play?


A.It was badly performed.

B.He liked it very much.

C.The actors were enthusiastic.

D.It was funny.

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