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Quick News Review of the Week: May 8-14Sino-Japanese talksBeijing and Tokyo have agreed to

Quick News Review of the Week: May 8-14

Sino-Japanese talks

Beijing and Tokyo have agreed to hold talks later this month on natural gas exploration in the East China Sea. The two sides will soon set up a meeting between their foreign ministers in an attempt to thaw icy relations.

The agreement was reached last Tuesday, the third and final day of a Sino-Japanese strategic dialogue in Guiyang, capital of Southwest China's Guizhou Province.

Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister Dai Bingguo and his Japanese counterpart, Yachi Shotaro, headed the two delegations.

Retail growth

The Ministry of Commerce said last week that the country's retail sales rose by 16 percent year-on-year over the May Day holiday week, with larger retailers primarily driving growth.

Retail sales of consumer goods hit 278 billion yuan(US $34.7 billion) over the holiday period. The figure accounted for nearly half of the country's average monthly retail sales in the first quarter of this year.

Big chain enterprises used their larger sales networks and brand power to play a leading role in the "Golden Week" market, the ministry said.

Pyramid schemes

Chinese authorities have uncovered more than 1 billion yuan(US $125 million) in illegal pyramid scheme sales over the past 12 months, the Ministry of Public Security said last week.

Figures from the ministry reveal 516 cases involving l, 147 direct sales organizations. A total of 3,408 suspects were arrested.

Gao Feng, deputy director of the ministry's Economic Crime Investigation Bureau, said pyramid schemes had become a serious economic crime in China.

New fund

Bohai Industrial Investment Fund, the first fund launched by mainland enterprises to directly invest in other companies, will begin operations next month, Tianjin Mayor Dai Xianglong said last week.

"The fund's senior management team has been determined, so it's ready to start in June," Dai said.

The creation of the fund could lead to the establishment of similar organizations in China, which is welcome news for companies short on capital, analysts said.

Airport development

The central government said last week that China will spend more on airport development in the next five years than it has in the previous 15, opening up huge investment opportunities for overseas and domestic investors.

The Civil Aviation Administration of China(CAAC. the industry regulator, said 140 billion yuan(US $17.5 billion) has been earmarked(指定款项等的用途) for airport development from 2006 to 2010. Only 120 billion yuan(US $15 billion) was invested in the country's airports between 1990 and 2005. Spending will now focus on the development of 42 new airports, in addition to upgrades to existing infrastructure.

Dam completion

Construction of the giant Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River is scheduled to finish by May 20, marking the completion of the biggest part of the Three Gorges Hydropower Project.

Cao Guangjing, deputy general manager of China Yangtze River Three Gorges Project Development Corp, said last week the dam would be completed nine months ahead of schedule.

The dam, which is 2,309 metres long, 185 metres high and 15 metres wide, will be the world's largest. Approximately 16.1 million cubic metres of reinforced concrete bas been used on the project.

Port expansion

China's port and shipping facilities will be expanded to include two major new regions, the Ministry of Communications said last week.

Five new "port clusters" will be prioritized as part of a new development plan that will complement existing ports in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Tianjin.

Communications Minister Li Shenglin said some of the new port groups would be located on the mainland side of the Taiwan S




更多“Quick News Review of the Week: May 8-14Sino-Japanese talksBeijing and Tokyo have agreed to”相关的问题


听力原文:The first magazine was a little periodical called The Review and it was started i

听力原文: The first magazine was a little periodical called The Review and it was started in London in 1704. It looked a lot like the newspapers of the time, but in terms of its content, it was much different. Newspapers were concerned mainly with news event, but The Review focused on important domestic issues of the day as well as the policies of the government.

In England at the time, people could still be thrown in jail for publishing articles that were critical of the King anti that's exactly what happened to Daniel Defoe. He was the outspoken founder of The Review. Defoe actually wrote the first issue of The Review from prison. You see, he had been arrested because of his writings that criticized the policies of the Church of England which was headed by the King. After his release, Defoe continued to produce The Review and the magazine started to appear on a mare frequent schedule, about 3 times a week.

It didn't take long for other magazines to start popping up. In 1709, a magazine called The Tattler began publication. This new magazine contained a mixture of news, poetry, political analysis and philosophical essays.


A.Its publication was banned by the British government.

B.It was the first weekly newspaper.

C.It caused a prison revolt.

D.It was the first magazine ever published.



听力原文:The first magazine was a little periodical called Tile Review and it was started

听力原文: The first magazine was a little periodical called Tile Review and it was started in London in 1704. It looked a lot like the newspaper of the time, but in terms of its content, it was much different. Newspapers were concerned mainly with news events, but The Review focused on important domestic issues of the day as well as the policies of the government.

In England at the time, people could still be thrown in jail for publishing articles that were critical of the King and that's exactly what happened to Daniel Defoe. He was the outspoken founder of The Review. Defoe actually wrote the first issue of The Review from prison. You see, he had been arrested because of his writings that criticized the policies of the Church of England which was headed by the King. After his release, Defoe continued to produce The Review and the magazine started to appear on a more frequent schedule, about 3 times a week.

It didn't take long for other magazines to start popping up. In 1709, a magazine called The Tattler began publication. This new magazine contained a mixture of news, poetry, political analysis and philosophical essays.


A.Its publication was banned by the British government.

B.It was the first weekly newspaper.

C.It caused a prison revolt.

D.It was the first magazine ever published.



Programming for Sunday, March 26 11:30 A.M. Ch 4Business Review A review of this week's

Programming for Sunday, March 26

11:30 A.M.

Ch 4 Business Review

A review of this week's business news. This week's special guest is international business analyst Marilyn Kim of the McGuire Institute.

1:00 P.M.

Ch 9, 11 Company Profiles

An in-depth look at significant companies around the world. Featured this week are Limnex, Inc., and Asian Global Industries, two newcomers to the international finance scene.

1:30 P.M.

Ch 4 Up Front with Pofitics and Economics

Discussion of the latest political decisions affecting business and finance. Host Richard Lee interviews political analysts and finance experts.

2:00 P.M.

Ch 7, 13 Business Today

Recent innovations in business. This week we visit with Tina and Luis Gomez, who will share how they built their small family clothing business into an international company.

3:00 P.M.

Ch 4 World View of Business

News on business around the world, with commentaries by Masafumi Sachimoto and Jacques DeLeon.

4:00 P.M.

Ch 20 Making Money

Successful personal investing. This week's topic: "How to Take Advantage of the Real Estate Market." Plus, tips for financing your child's college education.

What do these TV listings feature?


B.Business programs


D.Sports events



The Ancient Road BuildingA quick review of ancient history since men began keeping records

The Ancient Road Building

A quick review of ancient history since men began keeping records of their achievements would show that all the great empire (帝国) builders were also road builders. They knew well that good roads were necessary for keeping the extended empire together. The first of the great empire road builders were the Persians (波斯人). Between 500 and 400 B. C. all the parts of the Persian Empire were connected by roads with the capital city. The main, or "royal", road began near what is now Turkey(土耳其), and ended in Susa. The road had well-built inns where travelers could rest and eat, and tax-houses like those on a modern highway.

The people of Greece, unlike the Persians, believed that their city-states could remain independent only if the roads between them were not too good. Besides, the landscape(风景) full of mountains in Greece made road building an extremely difficult job. As a result, the Greeks turned to the sea, and instead of highways, developed sea routes that reached distant lands.

By far the greatest of the ancient road builders were the Romans. The Romans, like the Persians before them, recognized the importance of land routes to keep their empire together. At the height of its power, the Roman Empire covered about 2,000,000 square miles. It extended from Spain in the west to the banks of the Caspian Sea(里海) in the east. And from England in the northwest, the empire stretched south to include the coastal lands of North Africa. By about 120 A.D. the Romans had built an extraordinary network of about 50,000 miles of roads. The roads were originally built for military traffic moving from one part of the empire to another, but during periods of peace these same roads were busy with traders and travelers.

You can still travel over Roman roads in many parts of Europe today. The Roman engineers knew how to build things that would last and last.

The Persians started to build roads about ______.

A.500 years ago

B.2000 years ago

C.1600 years ago

D.2500 years ago



The Ancient Road Building A quick review of ancient history since men began keeping record

The Ancient Road Building

A quick review of ancient history since men began keeping records of their achievements would show that all the great empire (帝国) builders were also road builders. They knew well that good roads were necessary for keeping the extended empire together.

The first of the great empire road builders were the Persians (波斯人). Between 500 and 400 B. C. all the parts of the Persian Empire were connected by roads with the capital city. The main, or "royal", road began near what is now Turkey(土耳其), and ended in Susa. The road had well-built inns where travelers could rest and eat, and tax-houses like those on a modern highway.

The people of Greece, unlike the Persians, believed that their city-states could remain independent only if the roads between them were not too good. Besides, the landscape (风景) full of mountains in Greece made road building an extremely difficult job. As a result, the Greeks turned to the sea, and instead of highways, developed sea routes that reached distant lands.

By far the greatest of the ancient road builders were the Romans. The Romans, like the Persians before them, recognized the importance of land routes to keep their empire together. At the height of its power, the Roman Empire covered about 2,000,000 square miles. It extended from Spain in the west to the banks of the Caspian Sea(里海) in the east. And from England in the northwest, the empire stretched south to include the coastal lands of North Africa. By about 120 A.D. the Romans had built an extraordinary network of about 50,000 miles of roads. The roads were originally built for military traffic moving from one part of the empire to another, but during periods of peace these same roads were busy with traders and travelers.

You can still travel over Roman roads in many parts of Europe today. The Roman engineers knew how to build things that would last and last.

The Persians started to build roads about ______.

A.500 years ago

B.2000 years ago

C.1600 years ago

D.2500 years ago



听力原文: The American humorist, Will Rogers, used to say, "All I know is what I read in t
he newspapers." This was an exaggeration for humorous purposes, but it is true that newspapers are an important source of information. Many people begin their day by reading the paper. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. Sometimes, however, they don't have time to read the news carefully and must be satisfied with a quick look at the front page; at other times they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to glance at the headlines. There are newspapers to satisfy every reader. In the big cities there are many types of papers, with several different editions every day. In small towns there are fewer newspapers and perhaps only one edition each day. In some areas the paper is printed weekly. Most newspapers have several sections, especially on Sundays when the edition is larger than usual. There are, in addition to the front page with the most important news, the sports section, the society page, the comics, the amusement section, a business page and the editorials. Another type of publication which helps keep the population informed is the magazine. Some magazines are published weekly; others are put out monthly. There are news magazines, literary magazines and magazines for such special interests as photography, sports, art and music. Some are primarily for men, others for women, and there is a selection of children's magazines, too. In the United States, there are publications for every taste and interest.


A.They are what people read.

B.Many people begin their day by reading newspapers.

C.They are important information sources.

D.They are important because of the front pages.



听力原文:W: Professor Weston, could I speak to you?M: Yes, but only for a few minutes. I h

听力原文:W: Professor Weston, could I speak to you?

M: Yes, but only for a few minutes. I have a meeting at three o' clock.

W: I think this will be quick, I need permission to register for your advanced sketching course.

M: Have you taken the prerequisite, the beginning sketching course?

W: No, and that' s just why I' m here. The catalog says that the instructor can give permission to register without the prerequisite.

M: That's correct. Have you had any previous experience?

W: I' ye brought lots of sketch books full of my work, but ! had no formal training.

M: Can I have a look at some of your sketches?

W: Certainly, here are some examples, mostly flowers and landscapes.

M: They look pretty good, but ! really don't have time to make a decision now, why don' t you give them to me and I'll review them this evening. I' 11 let you know tomorrow.

W: Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.

Who is the woman?

A.She is a teacher.

B.She is a school registrar.

C.She is a gardener.

D.She is a student.



—Look at the statements and the short news below.—Which news does each statement 1-7 refer

—Look at the statements and the short news below.

—Which news does each statement 1-7 refer to.

—For each sentence, mark one letter A, B, C or D oh your Answer Sheet.

—You will need to some of the letters more than once.


The Santa Cruz Operation Incorporate (SCO), a US-based software developer, opened a representative office in Beijing yesterday.

Founded in 1979, SCO has become the world's leading developer and supplier of software for UNIX systems. The new office in Beijing will bring SCO closer to Chinese customers and help it understand the massive Chinese market better, said Lars Turndal, SCO'S president and chief executive officer. SCO will mainly target government, departments, key industries and service institutions.


US computer giant International Business Machines (IBM) last week announced that it will invest at least $100 million in information technology projects in China. This makes IBM the first foreign company to become involved in the country's top information infrastructure project,


Coca-Cola has been voted the top international company in Asia, according to a recent survey published by the Far Eastern Economic Review, a major Asian magazine. Readers of this and other prominent Asian economic magazines choose Coca-Cola from among 500 large international companies in Asia. Cola-Cola is now the world's largest beverage company serving 685 million drinks per day in more than 195 countries.


GRD, the manufacturing giant, plans to cut 1,500 jobs at its Portland factory over the next five years after union refusal to increase productivity. As a result, GRD have been forced to downsize the Portland plant.

One of the purposes of entering China is to have a better idea of Chinese market.



Kenji Yanobe 4-2-8 Shiba-Koen Tokyo 105-0011, Phone:(0)3-3433-5111May 25Ms. Sylvia Alexan

Kenji Yanobe

4-2-8 Shiba-Koen

Tokyo 105-0011,


May 25

Ms. Sylvia Alexander

NEXCOM International Co., Ltd.

2-10-8 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-Ku,

Tokyo 112-8667

Dear Ms. Sylvia Alexander,

Ms. Dorothy Erickson of the TBM Group suggested that I write to you for information about job opportunities in the field of international communication at your company, NEXCOM International Co., Ltd.

Five months ago, I graduated from Concordia University, where I majored in Communications with a concentration in media relations. While I was at the university, I worked as the news editor of the Concord Times, interned for two semesters as a writer and editor at the TBM Group in the proposal division, and created my own small public relations company called Native PR.

My extensive experience of writing press releases and news articles in combination with my fluency in both Portuguese and Spanish would make me an ideal person to create communications materials for NEXCOM International Co., Ltd.

I will call you in a week to arrange a time when we can talk in person. In the meantime, please review my enclosed resume.

I hope to meet with you soon.


Kenji Yanobe

Why did Mr. Kenji Yanobe write this letter?

A.To inquire about employment

B.To contact his college friend

C.To recommend a colleague

D.To accept a job offer



Man-made climate change is "unequivocal(毋庸置疑的)" and demands urgent action. Yesterday'

Man-made climate change is "unequivocal(毋庸置疑的)" and demands urgent action. Yesterday's report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change underlined the former point,【C1】______discussions at the World Economic Forum in Davos last week demonstrated the growing consensus on the【C2】______. The challenge now is action.

The IPCC's warning is serious: temperatures are likely to【C3】______by about 3℃ by 2100, with a【C4】______of 2℃ to 4.5℃. The latter would be close to the difference【C5】______the hast ice age and today.

Adaptation is going to be part of the response, not least【C6】______a substantial rise in temperatures is already on the way: the stock of greenhouse gases in the【C7】______now is already 50 percent【C8】______pre-industrial levels. But it is also essential to【C9】______growth in the stock, ideally to【C10】______it below 550 parts per million, which would【C11】______be double the pre-industrial levels.

On present trends, the atmosphere is【C12】______to reach such a concentration in just three decades. To【C13】______levels rising further, emissions will need to be reduced【C14】______at least 50 per cent below what Sir Nicholas Stern called "business as usual" --【C15】______is, the continuation of historic trends--by then.

The good news,【C16】______the Stern review of climate change, is that the economic【C17】______of achieving these objectives【C18】______be as little a 1 per cent of global gross product. However, the【C19】______news is that big changes to long-lived investment decisions will be required soon,【C20】______in the power sector.






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