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But I felt maybe there was ______ in my answer.A.something wrongB.a wrong thingC.wrong not

But I felt maybe there was ______ in my answer.

A.something wrong

B.a wrong thing

C.wrong nothing

更多“But I felt maybe there was ______ in my answer.A.something wrongB.a wrong thingC.wrong not”相关的问题


Dan: Have you ever participated in a risky sport? Kay: Yes, I like hang gliding. It's fant
astic to be able to fly like a bird. Though landing is sometimes difficult, I've always felt hang gliding is quite safe. Dan: ______ Kay: I've never been seriously injured. Maybe I've just been lucky. Once, my glider turned upside down, and I lost control. I almost crashed, but I parachuted away just in time.

A.What sports are risky?

B.Do you ever get into some difficult situations'?

C.Have you ever hurt yourself in an accident?

D.Have you ever been to a sports centre?



听力原文:W: Hey, Jake, rise and shine.M: What time is it, Shelly? I have no idea how long

听力原文:W: Hey, Jake, rise and shine.

M: What time is it, Shelly? I have no idea how long I've been here.

W: Hmm... the library is too quiet. You need a place that's nice and noisy to study.

M: You've got a point. I always mean to study hard but I quickly nod off. It's just too quiet here.

W: Maybe you were thinking of Professor Carlson's psychology lesson. That's as good as a sleeping pill.

M: Yeah, nice guy, but he just can't seem to come down to earth. The whole time he seemed to be talking to himself.

W: You should have been in my history class with Professor Rivers. What a trip! One student got up and challenged him to name six women who contributed to the American Revolution. He was speechless.

M: The class must have been buzzing.

W: Especially when the student started rattling off over a dozen names. She was no fool and she wasn't going to let him off the hook.

M: Seems she gave Professor Rivers a good lecture.

W: Yeah, although I felt she should have given him a chance to save some face. After all I doubt whether many people can name even one.

M: That's true. I sure can't.

W: Jake, Jake. You should attend Professor Anderson's class on women's studies.

M: Hmm... Maybe Rivers could join me.


A.He was studying.

B.He was making noises.

C.He was nodding off.

D.He was looking for a book.



There came a guest who had booked a standard room. But after checking, I found that there
was no standard left. I checked the record of this guest, and found that he had always booked deluxe rooms.

I felt that it was perfect chance to up-sell. I checked the booked room with the guest, “Thank you very much for your reliance on our hotel, Mr. Gao. It’s my pleasure to serve you. This time, you have ordered a standard large-bed non-smoking for three nights, right?” “Yes.”

”I suggest you are on a business, right? I’d like to suggest you try our executive floor. It’s newly decorated, and you will enjoy the top-level service. And there are many preferential treatments.”

“Really? Then what preferential treatments can I have if I take that?”

“Mr. Gao, you need to use the internet to deal with you business, right? The Internet service is not free, but you may have one-hour free Internet use each day if you take the ECF. In addition, 80 yuan’s free laundry service, 6 tins of free soft drinks, and so on. And for all of these, you will only need to pay another 20 yuan.”

Here I stopped to observe the reaction of the guest. He kept silence for a while, looking hesitated. Then I said. “Maybe your concern is not how much you will pay, but rather whether the room is worth the price. Would you like to make your decision after having a look at the show room?”

The guest felt very hard to turn down my warm-hearted offer, so he decided to take an executive room for three nights.

30、The guest booked a deluxe room in Lisa’s hotel()

31、Lisa wanted to earn more money by recommending a higher-priced room()

32、The guest can use the Internet for free is he takes the executive room()

33、Lisa really knew why the guest hesitated()

34、At last, the guest accepted Lisa’s suggestion()



46 .If there is one-which I take leave to doubt-then it is older people who create it, not
the young themselves.Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings people just like their elders __47____:the young man has a glorious fu-ture before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is.

When I was a teenager, I felt that I was just young and uncertain that I was a new boy in a huge school, 48 .For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of the things the young are busily engaged in seeking.

49 .They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort.They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devo-tion to material things.All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of things.It's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures.All that is in my mind when I meet a young person.He may be conceited, ill-mannered,presumptuous or fatuous, but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect for elders as if mere age were a reason for respect.I accept that we are equals, 50 .

A.There is only one difference between an old man and a young one

B.People are always talking about "the problem of youth".

C.and I will argue with him as an equal, if I think he is wrong

D.and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem.

E.I find young people exciting

F.It is very enjoyable to teach young children

第 46 题 请选择(46)处的最佳答案



第二篇Have you ever suddenly felt that someone you know was in trouble-and he was? Have yo


Have you ever suddenly felt that someone you know was in trouble-and he was? Have you ever dreamed something that came true later? Maybe you have ESP(超感官知觉).

ESP stands for Extra Sensory Perception. It may be called a sixth sense. It seems to let people know about events before they happen, or events that are happening some distance away.

Here is an example: A woman was doing washing. Suddenly she screamed. "My father is dead! I saw him sitting in the chair!' Just then, a telegram came. The woman's father had died of a heart attack. He died sitting in a chair.

There are thousands of stories like this on record. Scientists are studying them to find out what is behind these strange mental messages. Here's another example--one of hundreds of dreams that have come true.

A man dreamed he was walking along a road when a horse and carriage came by. The driver said, "There's room for one more." The man felt the driver was Death, so he ran away. The next day the man was getting on a crowded bus. The bus driver said, "There's room for one more." Then the man saw the driver's face was the same face he had seen in the dream. He wouldn't get on the bus. As the bus drove off, it crashed and burst into flames. Everyone was killed!

Some people say stories like these are lies or coincidences. Others, including some scientists say that ESP is true. From studies of ESP, we may some day learn more about the human mind.

ESP lets people know about

A. their dreams

B. events after they happen

C. events before they happen

D. heart attacks



Have you ever suddenly felt that someone you know was in trouble-and he was? Have you ever
dreamed something that came true later? Maybe you have ESP(超感官知觉).

ESP stands for Extra Sensory Perception. It may be called a sixth sense. It seems to let people know about events before they happen, or events that are happening some distance away.

Here is an example: A woman was doing washing. Suddenly she screamed. "My father is dead! I saw him sitting in the chair!' Just then, a telegram came. The woman's father had died of a heart attack. He died sitting in a chair.

There are thousands of stories like this on record. Scientists are studying them to find out what is behind these strange mental messages. Here's another example--one of hundreds of dreams that have come true.

A man dreamed he was walking along a road when a horse and carriage came by. The driver said, "There's room for one more." The man felt the driver was Death, so he ran away. The next day the man was getting on a crowded bus. The bus driver said, "There's room for one more." Then the man saw the driver's face was the same face he had seen in the dream. He wouldn't get on the bus. As the bus drove off, it crashed and burst into flames. Everyone was killed!

Some people say stories like these are lies or coincidences. Others, including some scientists say that ESP is true. From studies of ESP, we may some day learn more about the human mind.

ESP lets people know about

A.their dreams

B.events after they happen

C.events before they happen

D.heart attacks



听力原文:Lisa was running late. She had a lot to do at work, plus visitors on the way: her

听力原文: Lisa was running late. She had a lot to do at work, plus visitors on the way: her parents were coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometown. But as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably. Lisa felt weak and tired — maybe it hadn't been a good idea to give blood the night before, she thought.

Several yards away, Frank, 33, and his girlfriend, Jennifer, found a spot close to where the front of the train would stop. They were deep in discussion about a house they were thinking of buying. But when he heard the scream, followed by someone yelling, "Oh, my God, she fell in!" Frank didn't hesitate. He jumped down to the tracks and ran some 40 feet toward the body lying on the rails. "No! Not you!" his girlfriend screamed after him. The train was about 20 seconds from the station. It was hard to lift her. She was just out. But he managed to raise her four feet to the platform. so that bystanders could hold her by the chin and drag her away from the edge. That was where Lisa briefly regained consciousness, felt herself being pulled along the ground, and saw someone else holding her purse. Lisa thought she'd been robbed. A woman held her hand and a man gave his shirt to help stop the blood pouring from her head.

Police and fire officials soon arrived, and Frank told the story to an officer. Jennifer said her boyfriend was calm on their 40-minute train ride downtown — just as he had been seconds after the rescue, which made her think about her reaction at the time. "I saw the train coming and I was thinking he was going to die," she explained.

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. What was the most probable cause for Lisa's weakness?

27. How did Frank save Lisa?

28. When did Lisa become conscious again?

29. Why did Jennifer try to stop her boyfriend?


A.She had run a long way.

B.She felt hot in the subway.

C.She had done a lot of work.

D.She had donated blood the night before.



听力原文:M: Hi, Sarah, What's up?W: Oh, hi. I just got out of a history class. I had to gi

听力原文:M: Hi, Sarah, What's up?

W: Oh, hi. I just got out of a history class. I had to give a presentation.

M: How did it go?

W: Terribly. I'm sure I made a fool of myself.

M: Why? Weren't you prepared?

W: No, it' s not that. I just get so embarrassed and nervous whenever I've to speak in front of a group of people. I stand up and my face gets red and then I get even more nervous because I know everyone can see me blushing.

M: It is not so bad to blush.

W: But it happens all the time. If the professor asks a question and I know the answer, I'll blush like crazy if he calls on me. Doesn' t that ever happen to you?

M: No, not really. Maybe you should try to forget about the people. Look at something else in the room, like the exit sign.

W: I guess I could try that. But I doubt it will help.

M: You know we talked about this in psychology class. Blushing, even though it's involuntary, is more or less a learned behavior.

W: What do you mean?

M: Oh, children hardly ever blush at all. And, among adults, supposedly women blush more than men.

W: I wonder why.

M: I don't know. But I had a friend in high school, Brain Smith. It was really easy to make him blush. He turned red whenever a waitress would ask him for his order.

W: I'm not that bad. Well, I've got to get going for my next class. I'll talk to you later.


A.She felt embarrassed in class.

B.Her presentation received a poor grade.

C.She had not completed her assignment.

D.She was unable to attend her psychology class.



听力原文:M: Hi, Sarah. What's up?W: Oh, hi. I just got out of a history class. I had to gi

听力原文:M: Hi, Sarah. What's up?

W: Oh, hi. I just got out of a history class. I had to give a presentation.

M: How did it go?

W: Terribly. I'm sure I made a fool of myself.

M: Why? Weren't you prepared?

W: No, it's not that. 1 just get so embarrassed and nervous whenever 1 have to speak in front of a group of people. I stand up and my Pace gets red and...then I get even more nervous because I know everyone can see me blushing.

M: It is not so bad to blush.

W: But it happens all the time. If the professor asks a question and I know the answer, I'll blush like crazy if he calls oil me. Doesn't that ever happen to you?

M: No, not really. Maybe you should try to forget about the people. Look at something else in the room, like the exit sign.

W: I guess I could try that. But I doubt that it'll help.

M: You know we talked about this in psychology class. Blushing, even though it's involuntary, is more or less a learned behavior.

W: What do you mean?

M: Oh, children hardly ever blush at all. And, among adults, supposedly women blush more than men.

W: I wonder why.

M: l don't know. But I had a friend in high school, Brian Smith. It was really easy to make him blush. He turned red whenever a waitress would ask him for his order.

W: I'm not that bad. Well, I've got to get going for my next class. I'll talk to you later.


A.She felt embarrassed in class.

B.Her presentation received a poor grade.

C.She had not completed her assignment.

D.She was unable to attend her psychology class.



听力原文:M: Hi, Jessica. What's up?W: Oh, hi, I just got out of my history class. I had to

听力原文:M: Hi, Jessica. What's up?

W: Oh, hi, I just got out of my history class. I had to give a presentation.

M: How did it go?

W: Terrible. I'm sure I made a fool of myself.

M: Why? Weren't you prepared?

W: No, it was not that. (19) I just get so embarrassed and nervous whenever I have to speak in front of a group of people. I stand up and my face gets red and that makes me even more nervous.

M: It's not so bad to be nervous.

W: But it happens all the time. If the professor asks a question and I know the answer, I will be nervous like crazy if he calls on me. Doesn't that ever happen to you?

M: No, not really. (20) Maybe you should just try to forget about the people. Look at something else in the room like the exit sign.

W: I guess I could try that but I doubt it'll help.

M: You know, we talked about it in psychology class. Being nervous, sometimes, is more or less a learned behavior.

W: What do you mean?

M: (21) Oh, children hardly ever become nervous at all. And among adults, supposedly, women become nervous more than men.

W: I wonder why?

M: I don't know, but I have a friend at high school. It was really easy to make him nervous. He turned red whenever a waitress would ask him for his order.

W: I'm not that bad. Well, I've got to get going for my next class. I'll talk to you later.


A.She felt embarrassed in class.

B.She received a poor grade in her presentation.

C.She had not completed her assignment.

D.She was unable to attend her psychology.

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