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听力原文:Hi, Richard, this is Phillip. I'm calling about some changes in your upcoming fli

听力原文: Hi, Richard, this is Phillip. I'm calling about some changes in your upcoming flight itinerary. You were scheduled to return to New York by Saturday September 27th at 9 a.m. from Los Angeles. I received your e-mail that stated you needed to be back in New York earlier to get started on litigation proceedings so I checked all of the airlines offering flights from Los Angeles to New York. According to what I found, most of the flights had a minimum of two stopovers due to the increase in domestic travel this time of year. After checking all the airlines, I found that Trans-Flight was the only airline offering a flight from Los Angels to New York with only one stopover in Chicago. The stopover will be for nine hours and is at night so we'll need to book a hotel. However the stopover also means a $130 reduction in your ticket price. I went ahead and booked the flight since it was the best offer available. Please e-mail me back with your hotel preferences ASAP so I can have that booked for you as well.

Who is most likely speaking?

A.A travel agent

B.A hotel worker

C.A lawyer

D.An airline attendant

更多“听力原文:Hi, Richard, this is Phillip. I'm calling about some changes in your upcoming fli”相关的问题


听力原文:Hi, there. Let me make a brief introduction of the brain first.The brain tells th

听力原文: Hi, there. Let me make a brief introduction of the brain first.

The brain tells the other parts of the body what to do. We think with our brain. We understand the world around us with our brain. However, doctors don't know much about how the brain works. Doctors can do many things with other parts of the body.

They can give a person a new heart. They can put an arm back on 'after it has been cut off. It is easy to study some parts of the body. However, it is difficult to know how the brain works. It is most difficult to work on a brain. If the brain is without enough blood for three to five minutes, the brain dies. So when doctors work on the brain, they only have three to five minutes to do their work] Doctors try new things on the brain, but they must be very careful. The brain is the center of those things that make us what we are.

Which of the following can't doctors do?

A.They can give a person a new heart.

B.They can give a person a new brain.

C.They can put an arm back on after it has been cut off.



听力原文:W: Hi, John. What a sunny day today, isn't it? Congratulations!M: Not too bad. Th

听力原文:W: Hi, John. What a sunny day today, isn't it? Congratulations!

M: Not too bad. Thank you, Jane.

W: Are you ready to go?

M: Honestly speaking, I'm glad you're here. What a terrible morning!

W: Why? What happened?

M: It's too troublesome to relate it.

W: Take it easy. It's such an important day for you ! Mary and all the guests are waiting for you. They are eager to witness your happiness.

M: I know, thank you. But after I got dressed for the wedding, I was having a cup of coffee, and then, I carelessly spilled it all over my shirt, my new shirt just prepared for the wedding.

W: Well, don't worry. It looks just OK now.

M: Yeah. Luckily, I had another white shirt, so I changed. Now, look at me. Am I OK all over?

W: Definitely. Uh, wait a moment ! John, is there a place around here where I could get a pair of pants cleaned quickly?

M: There's a one-hour dry cleaner in the Shell Building on Madison. It's about two blocks from here.

W: So, it's close. That's good. And which one is the Shell Building?

M: It's that big, glass office building just past the park. But why ask all these questions about the dry cleaner?

W: Because we have to stop there on the way to the wedding. I think you sat in something.

M: Oh, no!


A.The man's home.

B.The woman's house.

C.A church.

D.John's wedding.



听力原文:W: Richard should have arrived in Minneapolis by now.M: If the weather didn't int

听力原文:W: Richard should have arrived in Minneapolis by now.

M: If the weather didn't interfere. He might be delayed.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.The weather might prevent Richard from getting to Minneapolis oil time.

B.Richard will not arrive on time in Minneapolis due to bad weather.

C.Richard will call them as soon as he knows more about the weather in Minneapolis.

D.The woman shouldn't interfere with Richard's plans to go to Minneapolis.



听力原文:W: Richard works as hard as his roommate.M: That's not saying very much.W: Do you

听力原文:W: Richard works as hard as his roommate.

M: That's not saying very much.

W: Do you mean that he does not have a good performance at school?

M: I don't really mean that.

What conclusion can be drawn from this conversation?

A.Richard is hard to work.

B.Richard speaks with difficulty.

C.Richard's does not necessarily bring satisfactory results.

D.Richard doesn't work very hard.



听力原文:W: Will Richard be coming to the meeting tonight?M: He's supposed to. But in fact

听力原文:W: Will Richard be coming to the meeting tonight?

M: He's supposed to. But in fact he won't be hack from the vocation until the day after tomorrow.

Q: Where is Richard now?


A.At work.

B.At the meeting.

C.Back at home.

D.Away from home.



听力原文:M:Hi,Kate! Which Class are you in?W:Hi,Tom! I'm in Class Four,Grade Six.Q:Which C

听力原文:M:Hi,Kate! Which Class are you in?

W:Hi,Tom! I'm in Class Four,Grade Six.

Q:Which Class is Kate in?







听力原文:Why did Richard come so early today? (A) Because he had to work so late last nigh

听力原文:Why did Richard come so early today?

(A) Because he had to work so late last night.

(B) I didn' t come that early. I was on time.

(C) So he can get overseas calls.







听力原文:Hi, John, what does your father do?(5)A.He is watering the flowers.B.He is a work

听力原文:Hi, John, what does your father do?


A.He is watering the flowers.

B.He is a worker.

C.He does it well.

D.He can do everything.

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