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— I've started my own software company.—________________A、Could you tell me who is t

— I've started my own software company.


A、Could you tell me who is the owner?

B、 No kidding! Congratulations!

C、If I had the money, I'd start one.

更多“— I've started my own software company.—________________A、Could you tell me who is t”相关的问题


听力原文:W: What's the matter? I've mid you to arrive at 6:30, but now it's seven. Why don
't you answer my phone?

M: I'm sorry. I left my mobile phone in the office, so I cannot inform. you of my late arrival. Actually, I started one hour ago, but the traffic jam delayed me for 35 minutes.

Q: When did the man start to meet the woman?








听力原文:W: Thank goodness! You've finally arrived. The conference started thirty minutes
ago, and I was just beginning to panic.

M: Sorry for my being late. The traffic was extremely heavy this morning. The Fifth Avenue was totally a mess!

Q: How did the woman feel when she saw the man?








听力原文:As journalists, you must be prepared to travel around the world in search of stor
ies. You need to learn all you can about the place you are reporting from. I've been reporting for my newspaper for the past forty years, and I still find it difficult to get started on my story in a new country, even after all this time. If this ever happens to you, I strongly recommend a visit to the nearest local newspaper office or newspaper stand. Speak with local reporters and editors for important background material to use in your stories. Your colleagues there are the most reliable source of information on local issues.

Who most likely are the listeners?







听力原文:M: I've been looking all over the office for the overhead projector. Do you know
where it is?

W: Well, I used it this morning and then Mark needed it. He might have it in the conference room.

M: That' s good to know. I need it for my presentation to the stockholders at 3. Do you think he' II be finished by then?

W: I think so. His meeting started two hours ago and it will be finished any minute. I'll have him bring that to your office when he's done.

What is Mark using that the man needs?

A.A present

B.A marker

C.The conference room

D.The equipment



听力原文:My first semester of college was the worst I've been through. I had made plans du

听力原文: My first semester of college was the worst I've been through. I had made plans during the summer to share an apartment with two of my close friends from high school. But before we moved in, problems started developing.

One of the two girls I was to share an apartment with was going to work instead of going to college. However, a week before we were to move in, she found out that she didn't get the job. She was forced to live at home and look for work. The rest two of us lasted for a month and then agreed that we couldn't make it with the higher monthly rent payments. I started looking around.

I found another apartment and the rent wasn't bad. The place was noisy, but it was the best I could afford for the time. However, one clay when I returned, I saw smoke coming from the back of the house. The cottage had caught fire, and my room was a burned mess. I was once more out of a place to stay.

I finally gave up looking around and moved home. I had to drive forty miles to school every day, so I almost spent as much on gas as I would have on lodging. I was very bored. I almost lost the will to study. It had been really a bad semester!


A.To look for two of her close friends.

B.To stay at home and study.

C.To share an apartment with friends.

D.To move out and live alone.



听力原文:M: Have you seen my glasses? I can't find them anywhere.W: Go in the bathroom and

听力原文:M: Have you seen my glasses? I can't find them anywhere.

W: Go in the bathroom and look in the mirror.

M: You mean I've got them on. How about, that?

W: You're the most absent-minded person I've ever known.

M: I can't deny it. I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my shoulders.

W: I'll never forget the time you went fishing and forgot to take your rod and reel.

M: I won't forget it either, but that's not the most memorable example of my forgetfulness.

W: How about the time you started to leave without having any pants on?

M: No, that's not it.

W: It couldn't be forgetting your wallet. You've done that a hundred times. I'm tired of guessing, tell me.

M: You never would have guessed. I don't believe I've ever told you about it though you were indirectly affected by the incident. I almost married my college sweetheart.

W: You're right. You've never told me about her.

M: Well, anyway, the day we were supposed to get married was such a beautiful day that I forgot all about the wedding and went fishing instead. The girl never forgave me.

W: I hardly blame her, though I'm glad things turned out differently.


A.On his face.

B.In the bathroom.

C.The woman had them.

D.Above the mirror.



听力原文: When I was at school, my ambition was to be a pilot in the airport. But my eyesi
ght wasn't good enough, so 1 had to give up that idea. I went to university and studied physics. I wanted to stay there and do research, but my father died about that time, so I thought I had better get a job and earn my living. I started working in an engineering firm. I expected to stay in that job for a long time, but then they appoint ed a new managing director. I didn't get on with him, so I resigned and applied for a job with another engineering company. I would certainly have accepted the job if they had offered it to me. But on my way to the interview, I met a friend who was working for a travel agency. He offered me a job in Spain and I've al ways liked Spain, so I took it. I worked in the travel agency for two years, and then they wanted to send me to South America. But I had just got married, so I decided to stay here. Then we had a baby, and I wasn't earning enough to support the family. So I started giving English lessons at a school in the evenings. I liked English teaching more than working for the travel agency, and then the owner of the school offered me a full-time job as a teacher. So I resigned from the agency. Two years later, the owner of the school wanted to retire, so he asked me to take over as tile director. And here I am.

Why did the man give up studying physics?

A.His eyesight was too poor.

B.Physics was too hard for him.

C.He had to work to support himself.

D.He didn't like physics any more,



听力原文:M: My doctor says I need an outside interest to get my mind off my work.Can you s
uggest a hobby?

W: Yes,I can suggest a hobby.Electronics might be fun,but you don't want a hobby that requires a lot of expensive equipment,do you?

M: No,I don't want to buy expensive equipment.I just want to do something that is relaxing and enjoyable. Do you think collecting umbrellas would be interesting?

W: Collecting umbrellas! I've heard of a lot of unusual hobbies,but I've never heard of that one. You don't play a musical instrument,do you?

M: Yes,I play the violin,but I want to do something different.What's your hobby?

W: My hobby is stamp collecting.I've just started collecting stamps and it's a lot of fun.Have you ever had a stamp collection?

M: No,I've never had a stamp collection.It takes a long time to build a good stamp collection.doesn't it?

W: Yes,building a good collection takes a long time, but a rare set of stamps can be very valuable. I can see that you're not interested in stamp collecting,but how about spots?

M: Yes, I am interested in sports.I want something I can do on weekends.Do you think golf or tennis would take my mind off my job?

W: Yes,I think they would.

Why does the man need an outside interest?

A.To free his mind off work.

B.To enrich himself.

C.To make new friends.

D.To kill the time.



听力原文:M: Hi, Miss Rowling. How old were you when you started to write, and what was you
r first book?

W: I wrote my first finished story when I was about 6. It was about a small animal, a rabbit I mean, and I've been writing ever since.

M: Why did you choose to be an author?

W: If someone asked me how to achieve happiness, step one would be finding out what you love doing most and step two would be finding' someone to pay you to do it. I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing.

M: Do you have any plans to write books for adults?

W: My first two novels were for adults. I suppose I might write another one, but I never really imagine a target audience when I'm writing. The ideas come first, so it really depends on the idea that grabs me next!

M: Where did the ideas for the Harry Potter books come from?

W: I've no idea where ideas come from and I hope I never find out, it would spoil my excitement if it turned out I just have a funny little wrinkle on the surface of my brain which makes me think about invisible train platforms.

M: How do you come up with the names of your characters?

W: I invented some of the names in the Harry books, but I also collect strange names. I've gotten them from medieval saints, maps, dictionaries, plants, war memorials, and people I've met!

M: Oh, you are really resourceful.

What do we learn from the conversation about Miss Rowling's first book?

A.It was about a little animal.

B.It took her six years to write.

C.It was adapted from a fairy tale.

D.It was about a little girl and her pet.



听力原文:When I was at school, my ambition was to be a pilot in the Air Force. But my eyes

听力原文: When I was at school, my ambition was to be a pilot in the Air Force. But my eyesight wasn't good enough. So I had to give up the idea. I went to university and studied physics. I wanted to stay on there and do research, but my father died at about that time. So I thought I'd better get a job and earn my living. I started working in an engineering firm.

I expected to stay in that job for a long time. But then, they appointed a new managing director. I didn't get on with him, so I resigned and applied for a job at another engineering company. I would certainly have accepted the job if they had offered it to me, but on my way to the interview I met a friend who was working for a travel agency. He offered me a job in Spain. And I've always liked Spain, so I took it.

I worked in the travel agency for two years and then they wanted to send me to South America. But I had just got married. So 1 decided to stay here. Then we had a baby and f wasn't earning enough to support the family. So I started giving English lessons at a school in the evening.

I liked the English teaching more than working for the travel agency, and then the owner of the school offered me a full*time job as a teacher. So I resigned from the agency, Two years later, the owner of the school wanted to retire, so he asked me to take over as the director. And here I am.


A.He didn't like physics any more.

B.His eyesight was too poor.

C.Physics was too hard for him.

D.He had to work to work to support himself.



听力原文:WB Next Friday's your last day of work here, isn't it?MB Yes, and I start my new

听力原文:WB Next Friday's your last day of work here, isn't it?

MB Yes, and I start my new job the following Wednesday.

WB That's not much time between jobs. Why don't you take some time off before you start your new job? You must have some unused vacation time...

MB I was going to, but I also promised John, my boss, that I'd finish the Longmont project before I left. I've been working on it since it started last year, and it's almost done. I'd like to see it through to the end.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.A scheduling problem

B.The man's role at the company

C.A problem with the man's project

D.The man's plan to leave the company

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