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听力原文: Speaker OneMan: Good morning.This is Daily Business Report. Shanghai gets wester

听力原文: Speaker One

Man: Good morning. This is Daily Business Report. Shanghai gets western gas. Gas started pumping through the huge West-to-East Natural Gas Pipeline on Friday, sending gas from the Tarim and Chongqing gas fields in western Xinjiang and Shanxi Provinces to Shanghai. At 9:00 am on National Day, PetroChina President Jiang Jiemin pushed a button at a gas compression station at Jingbian in Northwest China's Shanxi Province to launch the 4,000-kilometre-long pipeline Construction of the pipeline began on July 4, 2002 and cost more than 140 billion yuan (US $16.9 billion). It will transmit 12 billion cubic meters of gas a year.

Speaker Two

Woman: China and Russia are going to build hi-tech parks. President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Lu Yongxiang said in Beijing Thursday that his academy and the Academy of Sciences of Russia (ASR) planned to build hightechnology parks both in Northeast China and in Russia's Novosibirsk. Representatives from CAS Changchun Academy and the ASR Siberia Academy signed a memorandum on seven cooperative projects Thursday morning at CAS headquarter. While carrying out the new form. of science and technology cooperation in building the hi-tech parks, Lu acknowledged, the two sides need to start appropriate research projects on the principle of equality and reciprocity. N. L. Dobretsov, vice ASR president who aim heads ASR Siberia Academy, said the hi-tech parks will epitomize increased cooperation between Russian and Chinese science communities.

Speaker Three

Man: Shanghai Volkswagen Corporation declared Tuesday a price-cutting plan for its car parts aiming to increase its market share in China. According to the plan, hundreds of components for Passat and Polo, its two dominant cars in China, will get large price cuts of between 25 and 80 percent starting Oct. 1. The price adjustment "will offer more preferential prices and lower the maintenance costs for consumers" as the corporation has formed "batch-produced ability for components" and set up an "after-sale service network" around the country, said a company spokesman. The spokesman said insurance premiums and purchasing and usage costs will also decline. Consequently, the two cars will become more competitive and help consumers regain confidence in the car market. China's car market is price-sensitive, but experts noted that price cuts only have short-term effects. In the long run, other factors will win out. Shanghai Volkswagen is one of the top car sales companies in China.

Speaker Four

Woman: China strives to build the "remanufacturing" industry as one of its pillar manufacturing industries, said Xu Binshi, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, in Beijing Wednesday. "China will also set up related auxiliary industries, aiming to promote the national economy and realize re-employment and sustainable development," said Xu at a national workshop on "recycled economy". He went on to say that remanufacturing and self-renovation are considered in China's medium and long-term plans as a priority development theme and a key technology in the manufacturing sector. From the 1990s on, there have been enterprises in China studying remanufacturing, said Xu. Although the remanufacturing project is yet to be mature, he said, it is a "sunrise industry" and a potential giant industry, which has the ability to improve the quality and performance of products, reduce material consumption, save energy resources and protect the environment. Xu added that the crucial step of putting forward China's remanufacturing industry is to establish relevant laws and standardize business activity and market operation.

Speaker Five

Man: China plans to regulate fireworks industry. The Chinese government is planning to strengthen safety supervision over its scattered fireworks manufacturers to reduce the rising risks of accidental fireworks explosions. Sun Huashan, deputy dir

更多“听力原文: Speaker OneMan: Good morning.This is Daily Business Report. Shanghai gets wester”相关的问题


听力原文:(A) The audience is listening to a concert. (B) The speaker is addressing the gro

听力原文:(A) The audience is listening to a concert.

(B) The speaker is addressing the group.

(C) The workers are returning to their jobs.

(D) The musicians are watching the conductor.

听力原文:(A) The audience is listening to a concert. (







听力原文:Speaker OneMan: This is a great chance and just what this region needs. The unemp

听力原文: Speaker One

Man: This is a great chance and just what this region needs. The unemployment here has been very bad and we've been very lucky to be chosen for this new factory. And this position would be a step-up for me... a real advancement, so to speak. It could lead to me having my own department one day and a senior position. Especially if I pass the certificate in Human Resources which I've almost finished. If I'm appointed, I'd have to draw up a list of everyone who's applied to the company and then help with the selection process. It helps knowing the area and I've already got quite a few contacts and I told them that all of my experience has been working with people.

Speaker Two

Woman: I didn't apply for this job. They wrote and asked me to come for an informal interview. It must have been because I've had considerable experience with the accounting system they use and I've done a lot of work on pricing and costing of new lines at a high level. They'd like me to start to work very soon. It's important to be in at the beginning when you deal with the money side, to make sure everyone stays within the budget constraints which you decide. But I'm not really sure about it at all. I've got a good job now and I'm happy where I am and not really looking for a change. It needs a lot of thought as they are a good company. Well, I've got the weekend ahead to think about everything.

Speaker Three

Man: Yes, I know a lot about this company. They are very good and I've had contact with them before, at various trade shows and advertising conferences in this country. It would be good to work for them. I would be doing the same sort of thing, except on a bigger scale. It's not a promotion or anything. The same grade and money but.., more presentations and a lot of consumer research. Although I like my present job, this would give me an opportunity to get around a bit more, to visit their overseas offices. In fact they are launching a big campaign soon in ten different countries and they'd like me to coordinate some of it. It would be a great chance and I accept it.

Speaker Four

Woman: It's going to be a successful venture. I can feel it and I'd really like to be involved. But I expect there were a lot of very well qualified applicants, what with all the word processing courses around and the number of computers in people's homes. But I've got all the keyboard skills. I'm fast and accurate and I can spell well. I've been doing the job for over ten years, since the days of typewriters. This is the same job but I think it would be interesting.., and I like the area. I'd really enjoy living here. Well, you can only hope. You never can tell with interviews.

Speaker Five

Man: Yes, indeed. I was very impressed and I must say that... Well, perhaps it's best not to say anything. But I do feel confident about it. There were some interesting questions, but my line of work is very technical so you know it or you don't. It's not as simple as people think. It's not just a question of checking the product at the end of a conveyor belt but setting up a continuous system which monitors every aspect of the production process. This is the only way to get an end product without fault. I hope I get the job.

?You will hear five different business people talking about how they started their businesses and how they are running their businesses now.

?For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the type of business from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the source of funding for the business from the list A-H.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.

Task One-Job

?For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people, listed A-H.

?For each extract, decide which job each speaker was interviewed for.

?Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.

A m



听力原文:The new auditor will have the office next to yours.(A) Who is the next speaker?(B

听力原文:The new auditor will have the office next to yours.

(A) Who is the next speaker?

(B) I'll drop by to introduce myself.

(C) Yes, she left for some reason.







听力原文:Kevin's new haircut really complements his beard. What does the speaker think of

听力原文:Kevin's new haircut really complements his beard.

What does the speaker think of Kevin's haircut?

A.He doesn't like Kevin's haircut.

B.Kevin often gets strange haircuts.

C.He wants a haircut like Kevin's.

D.Kevin's haircut looks good.



听力原文:M: Are you going to listen to the guest speaker this evening?W: I certainly am. H

听力原文:M: Are you going to listen to the guest speaker this evening?

W: I certainly am. He's speaking on a topic close to my heart.

Q: Why is the woman going to listen to the guest speaker?


A.Because she has nothing else to do that evening.

B.Because she likes the man.

C.Because she has once read a book written by the man.

D.Because she is interested in the topic of the lecture.



听力原文:Which of the following is one of the speaker's points of view?(36)A.Women are mor

听力原文:Which of the following is one of the speaker's points of view?


A.Women are more capable of handling housework.

B.It's tree that men are often physically stronger than women.

C.Women should also try to do electrical repairs.

D.Women should not do housework at all.



听力原文:According to the passage,the speaker supports the idea of which of the following


A.The environmentalists.

B.The businessmen.

C.The ordinary citizen.

D.None of the above.



听力原文:What is intercultural communication according to the speaker?(31)A.Language eleme

听力原文:What is intercultural communication according to the speaker?


A.Language elements.

B.Cultural differences.

C.Something happens when people from another culture want to communicate.

D.Practical problems in communications between different cultures.



听力原文:Regular, moderate exercise is important for good health. What does the speaker su

听力原文:Regular, moderate exercise is important for good health.

What does the speaker suggest doing?

A.People should get a reasonable amount of exercise regularly.

B.People should moderate the exercise they get.

C.People should be in good health before exercising.

D.It is important to have good health in this modem age.



听力原文:We could take the train, but a direct flight will be a lot less complicated. What

听力原文:We could take the train, but a direct flight will be a lot less complicated.

What does the speaker suggest doing?

A.Taking a direct flight.

B.Taking a through train.

C.Taking a through bus.

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