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听力原文:Man: Oh, no. I don't have my glasses. I think I must have left them on the desk i

n your office.

Woman: I'll wait for you here while you go back and look for them. Here, you'll need my keys. My office is locked.

Man: OK, thanks. Hold onto my briefcase for me, and don't wait here. I'll catch up with you at the car. It will only take me a minute.

Woman: All right. I'm parked right across the street, in front of the post office.

Where did the man leave his glasses?

A.On his desk.

B.In the woman's office.

C.In his briefcase.

D.In the car.

更多“听力原文:Man: Oh, no. I don't have my glasses. I think I must have left them on the desk i”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Is this the first time you've visited China, sir?M: Oh, no. I used to teach En

听力原文:W: Is this the first time you've visited China, sir?

M: Oh, no. I used to teach English in Peking University in the 1970s.

What can we say about the man?

A.It is the second time he has been in China.

B.He likes China very much.

C.He used to be a teacher in China.

D.He is a young man.



听力原文:W: My name is Helen Ware. Can I get a class permit for biology?M: Oh, no. Not now

听力原文:W: My name is Helen Ware. Can I get a class permit for biology?

M: Oh, no. Not now. Registration for students whose last names begin with W doesn't start until tomorrow.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The woman misplaced her class permit for biology.

B.The woman arrived for registration too early.

C.The woman missed registration for the biology course.

D.The woman got a wrong class permit.



听力原文:M: Why don't you pay us a visit about nine tonight?W: What's the occasion?M: It's

听力原文:M: Why don't you pay us a visit about nine tonight?

W: What's the occasion?

M: It's my wife Gloria's birthday and we're having new friends over.

W: Should I bring a gift?

M: Oh, no. It's a simple get-together.

Why did the man invite the woman to his home?

A.There was a get-together.

B.It was his birthday.

C.They hadn't seen each other for long.

D.It was his wife's birthday.



听力原文:M: Is No. 2 meeting room available this afternoon?F: Let me see... Mm... No, the

听力原文:M: Is No. 2 meeting room available this afternoon?

F: Let me see... Mm... No, the Production Department will have a discussion at 2:30.

M: Then what about No. 5 meeting room? How big is it?

F: It can only hold 15 people.

M: Oh, that's a bit too small. We have about 30 people.

F: I think No. 3 meeting room will be available at 3 this afternoon. Is that OK?

M: No problem. Thank you.

? For questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings.

? For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

? You will hear the eight recordings twice.

Which room did the man take finally?

听力原文:M: Is No. 2 meeting room available this after






听力原文:M: Good morning, Madame! I'd like to apply for a new credit card. What do I have
to do?

W: First of all, could you tell me whether you have any other credit cards, or have you ever applied for one before?

M: No. I've only just begun to work, I was a student before.

W: Oh, I see. Please fill in these two forms with your true private information, especially the items marked with asterisk, and then hand them to me…

What does the man want to do?

A.Get a credit card

B.Have a job interview

C.Apply for a master's degree

D.Buy something expensive



听力原文:F: Good morning. Bright Box Office.M: Oh, hello. Are there any tickets for No.50

听力原文:F: Good morning. Bright Box Office.

M: Oh, hello. Are there any tickets for No.50 Music concert on the 22nd please?

F: Just a moment. No, I think you've made a mistake. It's on the 30th.

M: Really? I read about it in the evening paper. It's part of the international festival, I'm sure it said No. 50 Music on the 22nd.

F: Oh sorry. I thought you said No. 15 concert. The No. 50 Music Concert is on the 22nd at 7: 30. But I'm afraid it's sold out apart from the front stalls and they're at £8.50.

M: That's fine. Can I have a couple please?

F: Are you paying by credit card?

M: Yes, please.

F: What's the card number?

M: It's a VISA card number 57762812.

F: And the expiry date?

M: November 2008.

F: And the name on the card?

M: Gunjee. That's G-U-N-J-E-E.

F: Thank you very much.

?Look at the notes below.

?You will hear a man phoning to book a ticket.

Ticket Booking Confirmation

Date: November, 30th 20--

Time: 10:15

Show: (5)______ Music Concert.

Time and Day: 19:30 December 22nd, 20--

Price of tickets: (6) ______

No. of tickets: 2

Card: VISA

Number: (7)______

Expiry pate: November 20--

Name on Card: (8)______



听力原文:W: So you work in a hotel now.M: Yes, that's right.W: What is it like?M: It's nic

听力原文:W: So you work in a hotel now.

M: Yes, that's right.

W: What is it like?

M: It's nice. You meet a lot of interesting people, but a lot of dull ones, too.

W: I beg your pardon?

M: I said, a lot of dull ones, too.

W: Oh, yes. I can imagine. I should think that's hard work, isn't it?

M: Yes and no. It depends.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, it's hard at weekends. I mean, it is quite well most of the time. What about you?

W: I started to work in a bank last Monday.

Where does the man work?

A.In a bank.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a hotel.



听力原文:M Maria, I have a 1 o'clock dentist appointment, so if anyone is looking for me,
could you please let them know I'll be back between around 4?

W Sure. But Where's your dentist's office? Will it really take that long for an appointment?

M Oh, no. He's on 77th Street. But I'll be stopping by the studio on my way back to pick up the audio CDs we had recorded on Monday.

W Oh, okay. That's good. I was going to call a messenger to have those picked up. All right, have a good dentist appointment and I'll see you later.

What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Call a messenger service

B.Answer his phone while he is out

C.Reschedule his afternoon appointments

D.Tell people when he will return to the office



听力原文:M: The native American craft exhibit closed this afternoon.W: Oh, no. I've wanted

听力原文:M: The native American craft exhibit closed this afternoon.

W: Oh, no. I've wanted to see that for months.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.She wanted to show people her crafts.

B.She has seen the exhibition.

C.She'd rather go hack home.

D.She's sorry to have missed the exhibit.



听力原文:W: So you work in a hotel now.M: Yes. That's fight.W: What's it like?M: It's nice

听力原文:W: So you work in a hotel now.

M: Yes. That's fight.

W: What's it like?

M: It's nice. You meet a lot of interesting people, but a lot of dull ones, too.

W: I beg your pardon?

M: I said, a lot of dull ones, too.

W: Oh, yes. I can imagine. I should think that's a hard work, isn't it?

M: Yes and no. It depends.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, it's hard at weekends. I mean, last Saturday, with all the rooms full and two receptionists away ill--well, my feet didn't touch the ground. What about you?

W: I started to work in a bank last Monday.

Where does the man work?

A.In a bank.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a hotel.

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