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听力原文:Man: Well, it was very different when I was at school. Oh yes, Where I went, we w

ere always taught to keep ourselves neat and tidy, not like these youngsters nowadays. I mean, you should see the riffraff who live in our street walking past each day. Long greasy hair, shirts hedging out, kicking tin cans along the pavement.... Oh dear, oh dear. More discipline at home and school, that's what they need.

Woman: I tell you, it's a dog's life. Up and down to the holler room, turning the heating on and off. I wish they'd make their minds up! And then it's time to move a few hundred chairs for some exam or other. You'd think those young rascals could move the odd chair themselves, wouldn't you? And do I get a word of thanks? Not likely! Ah well, no rest for the wicked. I suppose. Just off to replace a broken window. The little...

Man: It'd be all right if we didn't have so much extra work. I mean, the lessons are quite interesting. Sometimes. Well, not every boring anyway. But the assignments and projects just go on and on. You never seem to get to the end of them. I think it's seriously affecting my football.

Woman: You see, it ell boils down to one thing. These days, pupils have a choice. All my staff do their best in the classroom and I have every confidence in them, but at the end of the day it's up to the individual pupil to decide whether he or she is going to do the homework, or revise for the exam, or learn anything at all{ We can't force them. It simply doesn't work. No, what we have to do is much more difficult. We have to make them want to learn. No easy task, believe you me!

Man: I just hope they're going to push her enough. You know what I mean, at that age they're in a dream half the time, thinking about make-up or boys or something. At her last school they said she needed to spend more time on her homework. What's more, her report didn't look all that good to me. I'll have to speak to her from teacher about it next time I see him-I don't get the impression he's particularly concerned.

&8226;You will hear five short extracts in which various people are talking about school.

&8226;For questions 13-17, match the extracts as you hear them with the people, listed A—H

&8226;For questions 18-22, match the extracts as you hear them with the topics, listed A—H.

&8226;After you have listened once, replay the recording

Task One — people

A the caretaker

B a neighbour

C a teacher

D an inspector

E the head teacher

F a pupil

G a parent

H a former pupil

更多“听力原文:Man: Well, it was very different when I was at school. Oh yes, Where I went, we w”相关的问题


听力原文:W: What would you like to have, sir?M: Well, I'd like to have an apple juice and

听力原文:W: What would you like to have, sir?

M: Well, I'd like to have an apple juice and a chicken sandwich.

Where are the two speakers?

A.In a restaurant.

B.On a farm.

C.At a man's house.



听力原文:M:The bank is so crowded that it is so hard to pull me through in the line。W:Well

听力原文:M:The bank is so crowded that it is so hard to pull me through in the line。

W:Well! Usually it is the case in the morning.You can shift your time to avoid the peak hour.

Q:What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Pull through the crowds.

B.Come to the bank in the morning.

C.Choose another bank.

D.Choose other time.



听力原文:M: Do you mind if I turn the television off?W: Well, I'm in the middle of watchin

听力原文:M: Do you mind if I turn the television off?

W: Well, I'm in the middle of watching a program.

M: Sorry, I didn't notice that.

What does the woman imply?

A.The man should leave the television on.

B.The program will be over soon.

C.She'll watch television later.

D.The man should watch the program too.



听力原文:W: Margaret seems really well organized.M: Yeah, she's good at following up on th

听力原文:W: Margaret seems really well organized.

M: Yeah, she's good at following up on things.

Q: What docs the man mean?


A.Margaret makes a lot of plans.

B.Margaret gets things done.

C.Margaret does what others want.

D.Margaret is a good leader.



听力原文:W:Have you heard that John's been dismissed for cheating in exams?M:There must be

听力原文:W:Have you heard that John's been dismissed for cheating in exams?

M:There must be some mistake.

Q:What does the man believe?


A.John mistook a test.

B.John didn't behave well in school.

C.John was in poor physical condition.

D.John was an honest student.



听力原文:W: My pen is not as good as the one you bought yesterday.M: Well, but mine is wor

听力原文:W: My pen is not as good as the one you bought yesterday.

M: Well, but mine is worse than Tom's.

Q: Whose pen is the worst?


A.Hard to say.

B.The woman's.

C.The man's.




听力原文:W: Are you going to Canada or Mexico during your winter vacation?M: Well, I don't

听力原文:W: Are you going to Canada or Mexico during your winter vacation?

M: Well, I don't enjoy cold weather at all, and Canada is freezing in the winter time.

Q: What do we learn from this conversation?


A.The man will probably go to Canada for his vacation.

B.The man will probably stay home during his vacation.

C.The man will probably wait until summer to go to Mexico.

D.The man will probably not go to Canada for his vacation.



听力原文:W: I wonder if a problem like this can be solved by Linda.M: Well, if she can't s

听力原文:W: I wonder if a problem like this can be solved by Linda.

M: Well, if she can't solve it, no one can.

Q: What can be concluded from the conversation?


A.The problem may have been a very complicated one.

B.No one can solve this problem.

C.The man thinks that the problem is quite easy for Linda.

D.The man thinks that he can solve the problem himself.



听力原文:M: What seems to be the problem with your VCD, Madam?W: Well, the light switch is

听力原文:M: What seems to be the problem with your VCD, Madam?

W: Well, the light switch is broken and the plug needs repairing.

Q: What is the man's most probable occupation?


A.He is a driver.

B.He is an electrician.

C.He is a carpenter.

D.He is a bricklayer.



听力原文:W: I wonder who'd be willing to work on this committee.M: Well, you know more abo

听力原文:W: I wonder who'd be willing to work on this committee.

M: Well, you know more about it than anyone.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.There's no job for anyone to do.

B.Nobody will work with the committee.

C.The woman knows the committee members.

D.The woman should be on the committee herself.

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