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根据以下材料,回答题In Sports, Red Is the Winning ColorWhen opponents of a game are equally


In Sports, Red Is the Winning Color

When opponents of a game are equally matched, the team dressed in red is more likely to win,according to a new study.

British anthropologists Russell Hill and Robert Barton of the University of Durham reached that conclusion by studying the outcomes of one-on-one boxing, tae kwon do, Greco-Roman-wresting, and freestyle-wrestling matches at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece.

In each event Olympic staff randomly assigned red or blue clothing or body protection to competitors. When otherwise equally matched with .their opponent in fitness and skill, athletes wearing red were more likely to win the bout.

"Where there was a large point difference- presumably because one contestant was far superior to the other——color had no effect on the outcome," Barton said. "Where there was a small point difference, the effect of color was sufficient to tip the balance."

In equally matched bouts, the preponderance of red wins was great enough that it could not be attributed to chance, the anthropologists say. Hill and Barton found similar results in a review of the colors worn at the Euro 2004 international soccer tournament. Their report will be published in tomorrow"s issue of the j ournal Nature.

Joanna Setchell, a primate researcher at the University of Cambridge in England, has found similar results in nature. Her work with the large African monkeys known as mandrills shows that red coloration gives males an advantage when it comes to mating.

The finding that red also has an advantage in human sporting events does not surprise her,adding that "the idea of the study is very clever."

Hill and Barton got the idea for their study out of a mutual interest in the evolution of sexual signals in primates——"red seems to be the color, across species, that signals male dominance and testosterone levels," Barton said.

For example, studies by Setchell, the Cambridge primate researcher, show that dominant male mandrills have increased red coloration in their faces and rumps. Another study by other scientists shows that red plastic rings experimentally placed on the legs of male zebra finches increase the birds" dominance.

Barton said he and Hill speculated some speculated that "there might be a similar effect in humans. And if so, it could be apparent in sporting contests."

The pair say their results indicate that sexual selection may have influenced the evolution of humans" response to color.

Setchell, the primatologist, agrees. "As Hill and Barton say, humans redden when we are angry and pale when we"re scared. These are very important signals to other individuals," she said.

The advantage of red may be intuitively known, judging from the prevalence of red uniforms in sports——"though it is clearly not very widely appreciated, on a conscious level at least," Barton said.

He adds that the finding of red"s advantage might have implications for regulations that govern sporting attire. In the Olympic matches he surveyed for the new study, for example, it is possible some medal winners may have reached the pedestal with an unintended advantage.

"That is the implication, though we cannot say that it made the difference in any one specific case," Barton said.

Meanwhile, Setchell noted——tongue-in-cheek——that a red advantage may not be limited to sports. "Going by the recent [U.S.] election results, red is indeed quite successful," she said.

Both Hill and Barton wanted to find out if color affects the outcome of sports matched. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

更多“根据以下材料,回答题In Sports, Red Is the Winning ColorWhen opponents of a game are equally”相关的问题


根据以下材料,回答题。The Greatest Show on EarthThe Olympic Games are the greatest festival


The Greatest Show on Earth

The Olympic Games are the greatest festival of sport in the world. Every four years, a hun-dred or more countries send their best sportsmen to compete for the highest honors in sport. As many as 6,000 people take part in over 20 sports. For the winners, there are gold medals and glory. But there is honor, too, for all who compete, win or lose. That is in spirit of the Olympics-to take part is what matters.

The Olympic Games always start in a bright color and action. The teams of all the nations parade in the opening ceremony and march round the track. The custom is for the Greek team to march in first. For it was in Greece that the Olympics began. The team of the country where the Games are being held——the host country——marches in last.

The runner with the Olympic torch then enters the stadium and lights the flame. A sportsman from the host country takes the Olympic oath on behalf of all the competitors. The judges and officials also take an oath. After the sportsmen march out of the stadium, the host country puts on a wonderful display.

The competitions begin the next day. There are usually more than twenty sports in the Games. The rule is that there must be at least fifteen. The main events are in track and field, but

it is a few days before these sports start. Each day the competitors take part in a different sport riding, shooting, swimming, and cross-country running. Points are gained for each event. Medals are awarded for the individual winners and for national teams.

More and more women are taking part in the games. They first competed in 1900, in tennis " and golf, which are no longer held in the Olympics. Women"s swimming events were introduced in 1912. But it was not until 1928 that there were any track and field events for women. Now, they compete in all but half a dozen of the sports. In horse riding, shooting, and boat racing, they may

compete in the same events as the men.

Why is there honor for the losers as well as for the winners? 查看材料

A.Because failure is the mother of success.

B.Because losers need encouragement.

C.Because losers and winners should be equally treated.

D.Because what really matters is to take part in the Olympic Games.



根据以下材料,回答题。Knowing You r Real Personality fromSleeping PositionsEveryone has got


Knowing You r Real Personality from

Sleeping Positions

Everyone has got two personalities——the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real.You don’t show your secret personality when you’re awake because you can control yourself,but when you’re asleep,your sleeping position shows the real you.In a normal night.of course,you often change your sleeping positions.The important position that best shows vour secret personality is the one that you go to sleep.

If You goto sleep。n your back,You’re a Very oPen person.You norinally trust people and you are easily influenced by new ideas.You don"t like to make people unhappy,so you never express your real feelings.You’re quite shy and you aren’t very con6dent.

If you sleep on your stomach,you are a person who likes to keep secrets.You worry a lot and you’re always easily becoming sad.You never want to change your ideas,but you are satisfied with your life the way it is.You usually live for today not for tomoITow.

If you sleep on curled up,you are probably a very nervous person.You have a low oDinion of yourself and often protect yourself from being hurt,SO you are very defensive.You,re shv and you don’t usually like meeting people.You like to be on your own.

If you sleep on your side,you have usually got a well.balanced perSonality.You know vour strengths and weaknesses.You’re usually careful.You have a confident personality.You sometimes feel worried,but you don’t ofteIl get unhappy.You always say what you think.even if it makes people angry.

You may find the passage in 查看材料

A.a science magazine

B.a guide book

C.a sports newspaper

D.a story book



根据以下材料,回答题Birthplace of OlympicsNo sporting event takes hold of the world"s atten


Birthplace of Olympics

No sporting event takes hold of the world"s attention and imagination like the Olympic Games.

The Football World Cup fascinates fans in Europe and South America; baseball"s WorldSeries is required viewing in North America; and the World Table Tennis Championships attracts the most interest in Asia.

But the Olympics belong to the whole world. Now, after travelling to 17 countries over 108 years,the summer Games are returning to Athens, the place where the first modem Olympics was held.

Participation in the Games is looked on not only as an achievement, but also as an honour. The 16 days between August 13 and 29 will see a record 202 countries compete, up from Sydney"s 199.

Afghanistan is back, having been banned from Sydney because the Taliban government didn"t let women do sports. There is also a place for new comers East Timer and Kiribati.

A total of 10,500 athletes will compete in 28 sports, watched by 53 million ticket——paying viewers as well as a television audience of 4 billion.

Athens is to use its rich history and culture to make the Olympics as special as possible. The Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and Acropolis monuments.

The final event will be a historic men"s marathon following the original route run by Phidippides in 490 B. C. to bring news of victory over the Persians.

The ancient stadium at Olympia. first used for the Games nearly three centuries ago, will stage the shot put competitions. And the Panathenian Stadium, where the first modem Olympics was held, is to host the archery (射箭) events.

If the well-known ancient sites deliver a great sense of history to the Games, the 39 new venues add a modem touch to the city of Athens. The main Olympic stadium, with a giant glass and steel roof,is the landmark (标志 ) building of the Olympics.

"We believe that we will organize a "magical" Games." said Athens 2004 President Gianna Angelopoulos Daskalaki. "Our history with the Olympic Gaines goes back nearly 3,000 years, and Athens 2004 could be the best ever."

The World Table Tennis Championships attracts the most interest in Asian countries. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned



根据以下资料,回答题。<IMG nerror=jQuery.utils.imgErrorCallback(this) src="http://im


<IMG nerror=jQuery.utils.imgErrorCallback(this) src="http://img.shangxueba.cn/files/20141104/20141104134737_1884.jpg" ">查看材料








根据材料,回答题 可导致软骨关节病损、跟腱炎症,18岁以下儿童禁用的抗菌药物是()


可导致软骨关节病损、跟腱炎症,18岁以下儿童禁用的抗菌药物是()。 查看材料








根据以下资料。回答题。 2009~2012年中国农村居民家庭人均消费支出 2009。2012年,



根据以下资料。回答题。 2009~2012年中国农村居民家庭人均消费支出 2009。2012年,根据2009。2012年,中国农村居民家庭人均消费支出年均增加约: 查看材料



C. 957.25元




根据以下材料,回答题Things to Know about the U.K.(1) From Buckingham Palace to Oxford, the


Things to Know about the U.K.

(1) From Buckingham Palace to Oxford, the U.K. is loaded with wonderful icons (标志) of past eras. But it has also modernized with confidence. It"s now better known for vibrant (充满活力的) cities with great nightlife and attraction. Fashions, fine dining, clubbing, shopping—the U.K. is among the world"s best.

(2) Most people have strong preconceptions about the British. But if you"re one of these people,you"d be wise to abandon those ideas. Visit a nightclub in one of the big cities, a football match, or a good local pub and you might more readily describe the English people as humorous and hospitable. It"s certainly true that no other country in the world has more bird-watchers, sports supporters, pet owners and gardeners than the U.K.

(3) Getting around England is pretty easy. Budget (廉价的) airlines like Easyjet and Rynnair fly domestically. Trains can deliver you very efficiently from one major city to another. Long distance express buses are called coaches. Where coaches and btises run on the same route,coaches are more expensive (though quicker) than buses. London"s famous black cabs are excellent but expensive. Minicabs are cheaper competitors, with freelance (个体的) drivers.

But usually you need to give a call first. London"s underground is called the Tube. It"s veryconvenient and can get you to almost any part of the city.

(4) The U.K. is not famous for its food. But you still need to know some of the traditional English foods. The most famous must be fish and chips. The fish and chips are deep fried in flour.

English breakfast is something you need to try. It is fried bacon, sausages, flied eggs, black pudding, flied tomatoes, flied bread and baked beans, with toast and a pot of tea. Other things like shepherd"s pie and Yorkshire pudding are also well-known as a part of English food culture.

(5) Pubbing and clubbing are the main forms of English nightlife, especially for the young. Pubbing means going to a pub with friends, having drinks, and chatting. Clubbing is different from pubbing and includes going to a pub, or a place of music, or a bar, or any other places to gather with friends.

Clubbing can be found everywhere. Usually there is some kind of dress code for clubbing, such as no jeans, no sportswear, or smart clubwear, while pubbing is much more casual.

Paragraph 2__________ 查看材料










斑鳖 肿斑鳖素的含量测定采用









请根据短文内容,回答题。 Star QualityA new anti-cheating system for counting the judges&39;


Star Quality

A new anti-cheating system for counting the judges&39; scores in ice skating is flawed, according to leading sports specialists. Ice skating&39;s governing body announced the new rules last week after concerns that a judge at the Winter Olympics may have been unfairly influenced.<br>

Initially the judges in the pairs figure-skating event at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City voted 5 to 4 to give the gold medal to a Russian pair, even though they had a fall during their routine. But the International Skating Union suspended the French judge for failing to reveal that she had been put under pressure to vote for the Russians. The International Olympics Committee then decided to give a second gold to the Canadian runners-up (亚军 ).<br>

The ISU, skating&39;s governing body, now says it intends to change the rules. In the future 14 judges will judge each event, but only 7 of their scores- selected at random--will count.<br>

The ISU won&39;t finally approve the new system until it meets in June but already UK Sport, the British Government&39;s sports body, has expressed reservations. "I remain to be convinced that the random selection system would offer the guarantees that everyone concerned with ethical sport is looking for," says Jerry Bingham, UK Sport&39;s head of ethics (伦理) .<br>

A random system can still be manipulated, says Mark Dixon, a specialist on sports statistics from the Royal Statistical Society in London. "The score of one or two judges who have been nobbled (受到贿赂) may still be in the seven selected."<br>

Many other sports that have judges, including diving, gymnastics, and synchronized swimming,have a system that discards the highest and lowest scores. If a judge was under pressure to favour a particular team, they would tend to give it very high scores and mark down the opposition team, so their scores wouldn&39;t count. It works for diving, says Jeff Cook, a member of the international government body&39;s technical committee. "If you remove those at the top and bottom you&39;re left with those in the middle, so you&39;re getting a reasonable average."<br>

Since the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, diving has tightened up in its system still further. Two separate panels of judges score different rounds of diving during top competitions. Neither panel knows the scores given by the other. "We have done this to head off any suggestion of bias," says Cook.<br>

Bingham urged the ISU to consider other options. "This should involve examining the way in which other sports deal with the problem of adjudicating (裁定) on matter of style. and presentation," he says.<

Who won the gold medal in the pairs figure-skating event? 查看材料

A.The Russian pair

B.The Canadian pair

C.Both the Russian pair and the Canadian pair

D.The French pair



根据下面短文内容,回答题。 Public Relations __________


Public Relations

__________ 查看材料





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