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Between the eighth and eleventh centuries A. D, the Byzantine Empire staged an almost un-

paralleled economic and cultural revival, a recovery that is all the more striking because it followed a long period of severe internal decline. By the early eighth century, the empire had lost roughly two thirds of the territory it had possessed in the year 600, and its remaining area was being raided by Arabs and Bulgarians, who at times threatened to take Constantinople and extinguish the empire altogether. The wealth of the state and its subjects was greatly diminished and artistic and literary production had virtually ceased. By the early eleventh century, however, the empire had regained al- most half of its lost possessions, its new frontiers were secure, and its influence extended far beyond its borders. The economy had recovered, the treasury was full, and art and scholarship had advanced.

To consider the Byzantine military, cultural, and economic advances as differentiated aspects of a single phenomenon is reasonable. After all, these three forms of progress have gone together in a number of states and civilizations. Rome under Augustus and fifth-century Athens provide the most obvious examples in antiquity.

Moreover, an examination of the apparent sequential connections among military, economic, and cultural forms of progress might help explain the dynamics of historical change. The common explanation of these apparent connections in the case of Byzantium would run like this: when the empire had turned back enemy raids on its own territory and had begun to raid and conquer enemy territory, Byzantine resources naturally expanded and more money became available to patronize art and literature. Therefore, Byzantine military achievements led to economic advances, which in turn led to cultural revival.

No doubt this hypothetical pattern did apply at times during the course of the recovery. Yet it is not clear that military advances invariably came first. Economic advances second and intellectual advances third. In the 860's the Byzantine Empire began to recover from Arab incursions so that by 872 the military balance with the Abbasid Caliphate had been permanently altered in the empire's favor. The beginning of the empire's economic revival, however, can be placed between 810 and 830. Finally, the Byzantine revival of learning appears to have begun even earlier. A number of notable scholars and writers appeared by 788 and, by the last decade of the eighth century, a cultural revival was in full bloom, a revival that lasted until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Thus the commonly expected order of military revival followed by economic and then by cultural recovery was reversed in Byzantium. In fact, the revival of Byzantine learning may itself have influenced the subsequent economic and military expansion.

The primary purpose of the second paragraph is which of the following?

A.To show that Augustan Rome and fifth-century Athens are examples of cultural, economic, and military expansion against which all subsequent cases must be measured.

B.To suggest that cultural, economic and military advances have tended to be closely interrelated in different societies.

C.To argue that, while the revivals of Augustan Rome and fifth-century Athens were similar, they are unrelated to other historical examples.

D.To indicate that, wherever possible, historians should seek to make comparisons with the earliest chronological examples of revival.

更多“Between the eighth and eleventh centuries A. D, the Byzantine Empire staged an almost un-”相关的问题


Food and CancerMedical experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link b

Food and Cancer

Medical experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link between what a person eats and cancer. They say a new study provides the first evidence that vitamins could reduce a person's chance of developing cancer. A team of Chinese and American scientists did the study. They are from American National Cancer Institute and the Cancer Institute of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of the study. About thirty thousand people between the ages of 40 to 69 took part in the study. They were from the northern central Chinese area of Linxian. Most of them took vitamins and minerals every day for five years.

Linxian was chosen because the people there have an extremely high rate of cancer of stomach and esophagus. Researchers believe that fungus and molds in local foods may be partly responsible for the high cancer rate. Researchers divided those into eight groups. Seven of the groups received different mixtures of vitamins and minerals daily. The amounts of the vitamins and minerals were 1 to 2 times greater than what American health officials say is needed. The eighth group received sugar pills that had no effect. Those who seemed to gain the most received a mixture of a form. of vitamin A called β-carotene, vitamin E and the mineral selenium. The vitamin and mineral are believed to prevent damage to cells caused by cancer-causing substances. Researchers reported a 13 percent drop in cancer rates in those who took β-carotene, vitamin E and selenium. They also found a 10 percent drop in the number of deaths caused by strokes from bursting blood vessels.

Scientists warn that it is too soon to know if the effect would be the same among people in other countries. They note that the people in Linxian eat foods that lack necessary vitamins and minerals. Chinese officials will continue to record the health records of the people in Linxian for many years. For now officials reportedly are considering using the .results of the study. They want to find a way to improve the health of people in Linxian and other small towns in China.

The results of the new study are unexpected.



C.Not mentioned



It is well known that teenage boys tend to do better at math than girls, that male high sc
hool students are more likely 【26】______ their female counterparts to tackle advanced math courses like calculus, that 【27】______ all the great mathematicians have been men. Are women born with 【28】______ mathematical ability? Or does society's sexism 【29】______ their progress? In 1980, two Johns Hopkins University researchers tried to 【30】______ the eternal nature/nurture debate. Julian Stanley and Camilla Benbow have 【31】______ 10,000 talented seventh and eighth 【32】______ between 1972 and 1979. Using the Scholastic Aptitude Test, 【33】______ math questions are meant to measure ability rather than knowledge, they discovered 【34】______ sex differences. 【35】______ the verbal abilities of the males and females 【36】______ differed, twice as 【37】______ boys as girls scored over 500 (on a scale of 200 to 800) on mathematical ability; at the 700 level, the ratio was 14 【38】______ l. The conclusion: males have 【39】______ superior mathematical reasoning ability. Benbow and Stanley's findings, 【40】______ were published in "Science", 【41】______ some men and women. Now there is comfort for those people in a new study from the University of Chicago that suggests math is not, after all, a natural male 【42】______ Prof. Zalman Usiskin studied 1,366 high school students. They were selected from geometry classes and tested 【43】______ their ability to solve geometry proofs, a subject requiring 【44】______ abstract reasoning and spatial ability. The conclusion 【45】______ by Usiskin: there are no sex differences in math ability.








Food and Cancer Medical Experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link

Food and Cancer

Medical Experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link between what a person eats and cancer. They say a new study provides the first evidence that vitamins could reduce a person's chance of developing cancer. A team of Chinese and American scientists did the study. They are from American National Cancer Institute and the Cancer Institute of the Chinese Academy of Medical sciences in Beijing. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of the study. About thirty thousand people between the ages of 40 to 69 took part in the study. They were form. the northern central Chinese area of Linxian. Most of them took vitamins and minerals every day for five years.

Linxian was chosen because the people there have an extremely high rate of cancer of stomach and esophagus. Researchers believe that fungus and molds in local foods may be partly responsible for the high cancer rate. Researchers divided those into eight groups. Seven of the groups received different mixtures of vitamins and minerals daily. The amounts of the vitamins and minerals were 1 to 2 times greater than what American health officials say is needed. The eighth group received sugar pills that had no effect. Those who seemed to fain the most received a mixture of a form. of vitamin A called B-carotene, vitamin E and the mineral selenium. The vitamin and mineral are believed to prevent damage to cells caused by cancer-causing substances. Researchers reported a 13 percent drop in cancer rates in those who took B-carotene, vitamin E and selenium. They also found a 10 percent drop in the number of deaths caused by strokes from bursting blood vessels.

Scientists warn that it is too soon to know if the effect, would be the same among people in other countries. They note that the people in Linxian eat foods that lack necessary vitamins and minerals. Chinese officials will continue to record the health records of the people in Linxian for many years. For now officials reportedly are considering using the results of the study. They want to find a way to improved the health of people in Linxian and other small towns in China.

The results of the new study are unexpected.



C.Not Mentioned



【C5】A.eightB.the eighthC.an eighthD.eighth



B.the eighth

C.an eighth




Where is Ms. Owens?A.On the eighth floorB.At a different companyC.In the elevatorD.In the

Where is Ms. Owens?

A.On the eighth floor

B.At a different company

C.In the elevator

D.In the bakery



What does "pig out" mean in the eighth paragraph?A.Sleep soundly.B.Eat greedily.C.Lie down

What does "pig out" mean in the eighth paragraph?

A.Sleep soundly.

B.Eat greedily.

C.Lie down.

D.Howl angrily.



According to the eighth paragraph, hybrid carsA.offer fewer mileage than petrol driven car

According to the eighth paragraph, hybrid cars

A.offer fewer mileage than petrol driven cars.

B.rum faster than petrol driven cars.

C.run more miles than petrol driven cars.

D.offer more batteries than petrol driven cars.



What was Bethune?A.An Eighth Route Army soldier.B.A doctor.C.A Japanese scientist.D.A firm

What was Bethune?

A.An Eighth Route Army soldier.

B.A doctor.

C.A Japanese scientist.

D.A firmer.



What was Bethune?A.An Eighth Route Army soldier.B.A doctor.C.A Japanese scientist.D.A farm

What was Bethune?

A.An Eighth Route Army soldier.

B.A doctor.

C.A Japanese scientist.

D.A farmer.



Where is the technical support office located?A.Near human resourcesB.On the eighth floorC

Where is the technical support office located?

A.Near human resources

B.On the eighth floor

C.Next to the shipping department

D.In front of the elevator

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