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The British official had to use pidgin English because ______.A.his spoken English was poo

The British official had to use pidgin English because ______.

A.his spoken English was poor

B.the Chinese girl did not know French

C.it was the language all of them partly understood

D.the story happened in China

更多“The British official had to use pidgin English because ______.A.his spoken English was poo”相关的问题


Who is Dr. Wynnie Chan?A.A researcher for the Food Standards Agency.B.A nutrition scientis

Who is Dr. Wynnie Chan?

A.A researcher for the Food Standards Agency.

B.A nutrition scientist for the British Nutrition Foundation.

C.A cancer specialist at the British Cancer Foundation.

D.A government official for the Food Standards Agency.



Which of the following is wrong about the official title of the present British monarch El
izabeth II?

A.Head of the commonwealth.

B.Head of the Catholic Church.

C.Head of the executive, the legislature and the judiciary.

D.Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and her other realms and territories.



There is a story of a British official who was asked to marry a young French sailor and a
Chinese girl-none of the three knowing much about the other languages. The official said to the girl, "This man want to take you home-side make wife. Can do, no can do?" She said shyly, "Can do", and the official pronounced them man and wife.

Pidgin English, though sometimes regarded as" baby talk", is a useful language spoken in a large part of Pacific islands. About 30 to 50 million people speak some form. of it.

Pidgin English we know today was born on the Chinese coast 300 years ago when the Western nations first began to trade there. The Western merchants and the Chinese communicated with each other by using Westerner's words and Chinese sentence patterns. The result became known as "business" language, or because the closest Chinese could come to pronounce business as "bishin" or later "bijin"--at last "pidgin". It has nothing to do with a pigeon though it's sometimes spelt that way.

What do you think the British official's words mean?

A.This man wants to marry you. Is it possible? No, it's not possible.

B.This man wants to know if you are married If not, will you marry me?

C.This man wants you to find a wife for him. Can you help him?

D.This man wants to marry you and take you to his homeland Do you agree?



Which of the following is true about the World Digital Library according to the passage?A.

Which of the following is true about the World Digital Library according to the passage?

A.A team at the Library of Congress in Washington developed its website alone.

B.Libraries and institutions in most countries have contributed to the library so far.

C.All documents and their explanations in the library are in seven official languages.

D.You can learn from the library about British politics and economy 1000 years ago.



听力原文: The former leader of the so-called Provisional Irish Republican Army, Sean Mac S
tiofain, died Friday at the age of 73.

The IRA linked Sinn Fein party says he died in a hospital in Navan, northwest of Dublin.

Mac Stiofain was the first chief of staff of the Provisional IRA after the paramilitary group split from the more political official IRA.

He was a member of the IRA delegation that held secret peace negotiations with the British government in 1972.

Mac Stiofain was arrested in the same year and jailed for six months for IRA membership. He staged a hunger strike for 57 days before calling it elf.

He was born John Stephenson in London in 1928.

Mac Stiofain died _________.

A.on Saturday

B.when he was 73 years old

C.in 1972

D.in 1928



听力原文: The first postal service in North America began in New England in the 17th cent
ury. All mail arriving in Massachusetts colony was sent to the home of the appointed official in Boston. In turn, he would deliver the mail from Boston on horseback to its destination, receiving one penny for each good article of mail. Later in the century postal services were established between Philadelphia and Delaware. In 1691, the British crown appointed the first postmaster general to have charge of the mail for all the colonies in North America. Later, Benjamin Franklin served as the postmaster general for the British government and then was made postmaster by the newly formed United States government. Franklin was responsible for establishing the United States postal system on permanent basis. He increased the number of post offices, introduced the use of stagecoaches to carry mail, and started a package service system. Later, in the nineteenth century, as railroad and steam boats appeared, they were used to carry mail into the towns. Some communities, especially those out west, were far from the services of transportation. To serve them, the post office developed a system called "star routes". Private contractors paid to deliver mail to the communities from railways by horse and wagon. The postal service, which was started over 3 centuries ago, has developed into an extensive government service with post offices in every city, town, and village in the United States.

Many believe that ________ has the best chance of becoming a universal tongue.


B.artificial language





听力原文:The first postal service in North America began in NewEngland (33)in the 17th cen

听力原文: The first postal service in North America began in New England (33)in the 17th century. All mail arriving in Massachusetts colony was sent to the home of appointed official in Boston. In turn, he would deliver the mail from Boston on horseback to its destination, receiving one penny for each good article of mail. Later in the century postal services were established between Philadelphia and Delaware. (34) In 1691, the British crown appointed the first postmaster general to have charge of the mail for all the colonies in North America. Later, Benjamin Franklin served as the postmaster general for the British government and then was made postmaster by the newly formed United States govern ment. (35)Franklin was responsible for establishing the United States'postal systems on a permanent basis. He in creased the number of post office, introduced the use of stagecoaches to carry mail, and started a package service system. They were used to carry mail into the towns. Some communities, especially those out west, were far from the services of transportation. To serve them, the post office developed a system called "star routes". Private contractors paid to deliver mail to the communities from railways by horse and wagon. The postal service, which was (32) started over 3 centuries ago, has developed into an extensive government service with post offices in every city, town, and village in the United States.


A.The history of Benjamin Franklin.

B.The history of the U.S. mail.

C.The Changes of writing letters.

D.The history of U. S.



听力原文:The first postal service in North America began in New England in the 17th centur

听力原文: The first postal service in North America began in New England in the 17th century. All mail arriving in Massachusetts colony was sent to the home of appointed official in Boston. In turn, he would deliver the mail from Boston on horseback to its destination, receiving one penny for each good article of mail. Later in the century postal services were established between Philadelphia and Delaware. In 1691, the British crown appointed the first postmaster general to have charge of the mail for all the colonies in North America. Later, Benjamin Franklin served as the postmaster general for the British government and then was made postmaster by the newly formed United States government. Franklin was responsible for establishing the United States' postal systems on a permanent basis. He increased the number of post office, introduced the use of stagecoaches to carry mail, and started a package service system. They were used to carry mail into the towns. Some communities, especially those out west, were far from the services of transportation. To serve them, the post office developed a system called "star routes". Private contractors paid to deliver mall to the communities from railways by horse and wagon. The postal service, which was started over 3 centuries ago, has developed into an extensive government service with post offices in every city, town, and village in the United States.


A.The history of Benjamin Franklin.

B.The history of the U.S. mail.

C.The Changes of writing letters.

D.The history of U.S.



听力原文: Everyone knew the final decision would be close. And when the official announcem
ent from the International Olympic Committee came out from Singapore, Londoners exploded with exuberance.

Some 10,000 people crammed into London's Trafalgar Square for the important decision. All eyes were focused on a giant screen there as IOC President Jacques Rogge made the historic announcement. They stood in stony silence until he uttered the single word they were waiting to hear, "London."

The spontaneous reaction was one of joy and excitement.

Among those in the square, was British Olympic double Gold medallist, Kelly Holmes, who spoke on British television.

"It is absolutely amazing," she said. "I mean, really the feeling of it because the Olympic spirit is so passionate, you know. And I think the country is just going to do wonders for everybody and especially like the youth and them. I just think it is going to change our country around so much."

After two days of final persuasion in Singapore, Prime Minister Tony Blair had just flown to Scotland where he will host the Group of Eight summit at Gleneagles. There, he underlined his joy that the British bid had been successful.

"We have got a great chance now to develop sport in our country, to have a fantastic Olympic games and then to leave a legacy for the future," he said.

A big part of that legacy will be the revitalization of the economically depressed east part of London.

It will mean jobs for many increased business opportunities and a transformed landscape long after the games are over.

Winning the bid took two years, seven more tough years lie ahead, as London works to get every last detail right for the 2012 games.

That hard work will start almost immediately, hut for right now, the British capital is pausing to celebrate. The games are returning here for the first time since 1948 and Londoners are in a party mood.

Where did the London people crowd waiting for the announcement?

A.Hyde Park

B.Downing Street

C.Times Square

D.Trafalgar Square



听力:What made English a widely used language?

Q: What made English a widely used language?

W: Hi, Leo. Why do you say English will become the world language?

M: Well, for one thing, it's so commonly used. The only language that is used by more people is Chinese.

W: Why is English spoken by so many people?

M: It's spoken in many countries of the world because of the British Empire. And now, of course, there's influence of America as well.

W: Many students find English a difficult language to learn.

M: Oh, all languages are difficult to learn. But English does have two great advantages.

W: What are they?

M: Well, first of all, it has a very international vocabulary. It has many German, Dutch, French, Spanish and Italian words in it. So speakers of those languages will find many familiar words in English. In fact, English has words from many other languages as well.

W: Why is that?

M: Well, partly because English speakers have travelled a lot. They bring back words with them, so English really does have an international vocabulary.

W: And what's the other advantage of English?

M: It's that English grammar is really quite easy. For example, it doesn't have dozens of different endings for its nouns, adjectives and verbs, not like Latin, Russian, and German for example.

W: Why is that?

M: Well, it's quite interesting actually. It's because of the French. When the French ruled England, French was the official language and only the common people spoke English. They try to make the language as simple as possible, so they made the grammar easier.

A.It has words from many languages.

B.Its popularity with the common people.

C.The influence of the British Empire.

D.The effect of the Industrial Revolution.

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