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Which drop counter is stepped when a call is disconnected because MAXTA is exceeded?(

A.SS drop counter

B.Q drop counter

C.TA drop counter

D.All of these

E.None of these

更多“Which drop counter is stepped when a call is disconnected because MAXTA is exceeded?(”相关的问题


Which of the following is TRUE?A.If a language is not good for practicality, we can drop i

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.If a language is not good for practicality, we can drop it.

B.We can understand another cultural and intellectual system by learning language.

C.Time devoted to language teaching has never declined.

D.We should spend more time in learning language than playing chess.



听力原文:M: Good morning. Is this where we should come to add or drop a course?W: Yes, it

听力原文:M: Good morning. Is this where we should come to add or drop a course?

W: Yes, it is. Just write the name of the course you want to drop on this blue form.

M: Great! So where do I write the name of the astronomy course that I want to add?

W: Sorry, it's too late to add a course. You should only add courses two weeks into this semester. And Friday was the last day.

M: But I'm a senior. And if I dropped the class and couldn't add in, I wouldn't have enough credits to graduate.

W: So, what you have to do then is to get the professor's approval and have him sign the special add form. Then bring it back to me, and I put it to through.

M: Okay. Thanks, I hope I'll be able to find the right person.


A.How to drop a course.

B.The man needs advice about which classes to take.

C.How to get the approval of the professor.

D.How to add a course to the man's schedule.



听力原文:W Hello, I'd like to donate some old clothes. Is there anything I need to do?M We

听力原文:W Hello, I'd like to donate some old clothes. Is there anything I need to do?

M Well, you need to take them to the side door, which should be open. If you don't see anyone working there, just ring the bell.

W O.K. Great. Do you take old furniture donations as well?

M Yes, ma'am we do. We'll even pick them up for you. When you drop off the clothes on the side, you can ask them about it.

What does the woman want to do?

A.Try on a skirt

B.Make a donation

C.Apply for a job

D.Buy some furniture



MEMO To: All employees From: Nicholas West Re: Production I recently sent you our an
nual report. I believe you have already reviewed it carefully. The report shows that our company has met or exceeded its target production rate of 95,000 units per month in five of the last six months with production ranging from 81,000 units in September to 105,000 units in June. The significant drop in production in September was caused by problems of our electric generator in the assembly line, which was temporarily out of order. This issue has been addressed by purchasing a new state-of-the-art generator. I asked the maintenance team to ensure this problem should not recur in the future. The rest of our employees should take measures to reduce electricity usage during the summer months. Now that the facility has demonstrated that it can achieve production levels, the target monthly rate 95,000 units we increased to 120,000. In the final quarter of this year, we will hire and train a third shift of workers so that it is prepared to have the 40% production increase expected next year. Nicholas West President

In which month was production highest?







About one hundred yards along the path we got to a deep valley, on the far side of which t
he path led into some very thick bushes. Rather than go through these, I decided that if we walked along the bottom of this valley we could climb up again and rejoin the path on the far side of the bushes.

As I climbed down into the valley a bird flew off a rock on which I had put my hand. On looking at the spot where the bird had risen I saw two eggs. They were a kind that I did not have in my collection, so I placed them carefully in my bag, wrapped in a little dry grass.

As we went further down the valley the sides became steeper and not far from where I had entered it. I came to a drop of about twelve to fourteen feet. The water that rushed down all these small valleys in the rainy season had made the rock as glass. As it was too deep to climb down, I handed my gun to one of the men and slid down it. My feet had hardly touched the sandy bottom when the two men jumped down, one on each side of me. They quickly gave me the gun and asked me if I had heard the tiger. Actually, I had heard nothing, perhaps because of the noise I made sliding down the rock. The men said they had heard a tiger growling somewhere nearby, but they did not know from which direction the noise had come.

According to the passage we know that ______.

A.the writer decided to push through the thick bushes

B.the writer decided to walk along the valley

C.the writer wanted to stop climbing

D.the writer tried to find two eggs



听力原文:M: Right, I guess you' ve got some ideas for our product promotion.W: Well, first

听力原文:M: Right, I guess you' ve got some ideas for our product promotion.

W: Well, first we must win over the medical circle, so I thought we should launch a campaign in all the specialist medical journals to promote our drugs, antibiotics and so on.

M: Yes, that' s a good idea.

W: Then TV commercials.

M: Just a moment, are you sure we' re allowed to advertise medicines on TV?

W: Oh yes, provided they are not drugs which need a prescription. You can advertise over-the- counter products. We can get users of our products to recommend them-- "Their lotion cured my disease in six days." for example.

M: Now, hold on. It is forbidden to claim any positive cure for a disease. And we mustn' t offer any drugs for illness which should be treated by a doctor.

W: Mmm. OK. What about this--a series of full page newspaper ads with the message that most doctors consider our products the best.

M: That depends on whether it' s true.

W: Sure it is. But here is another suggestion. We could offer to return the purchase price to anyone who's not satisfied with one of our products. It's possible to do that, isn't it?

M: No, I' m afraid not. Manufacturers of medical products are not allowed to promise a return of price in their ads.

W: Well, it looks as though I' ll have to come up with something else. I never realize the regulations were so rigid.


A.What kind of medicine to develop.

B.When to advertise the drugs.

C.How to promote their products.

D.The regulations of medicine advertising.



听力原文:This message is for Luis Pertin. My name is Barney Feldman, and I am a building c
ontractor with Weston Homes. I understand that you would like an estimate on a possible renovation to your kitchen. I believe you want to have a new set of cupboards installed as well as a larger kitchen window built. Although I do not know exactly what type of wood or other materials you would like to use, generally such a renovation would take approximately two weeks to complete. Our cupboards can be built using oak, maple, or birch. If you can let me know what type of wood you would prefer to use, we can determine a better estimate for the renovation. I will be available Monday and Tuesday evening to drop by your home and see what the job entails. Please call me at 647-2687 to determine which evening is best for you. Thank you.

What is the purpose of the message?

A.To order additional furniture.

B.To set up an appointment.

C.To ask for an estimate.

D.To ask when the renovation would begin.



听力原文:W: Hi, Dan, [23]you know which lab you missed? You can have my notes.M: Thanks. I

听力原文: W: Hi, Dan, [23]you know which lab you missed? You can have my notes.

M: Thanks. I appreciate that.

W: So how are you feeling?

M: Much better now that I began taking an antibiotic. Students Health gave me one, and it's really helpful. You know what amazes me? [24] The human races survive before antibiotics.

W: [24] I agree. When my father was a young boy in the 1940's, he got blood poisoning and would have died. But his doctor had heard of this new drug called penicillin.

M: Wow, he was really lucky. And we have lots of antibiotics that kill bacteria.

W: Well, penicillin kills bacteria, but not all antibiotics do. Some are just slowing the bacteria down until our normal immune defense can finish the job. Tetracycline(四环素) works in that way.

M: Wow, how do you know all these?

W: My mother used to look up all our medicines. There are lots of books around. It's interesting. What antibiotic are you taking?

M: I don't remember. It's on the bottle. [25] I think I'll take a new look at the label and drop by the library to see if they have reference books on medicines. See you in the lab tomorrow.


A.Her lab notes.

B.A medical reference book.

C.A homework assignment.

D.The name of her doctor.



Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Many famous people in history were actuall

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Many famous people in history were actually poor than the author.

B.Napoleon never had a refrigerator with glass door.

C.The rising and falling standard of living influences people's attitude towards their life.

D.After a century or two, the banker's fancy counter tops will also be worthless stuff.



听力原文:W: Good morning. Is this the right counter for international money transfers?M: Y

听力原文:W: Good morning. Is this the right counter for international money transfers?

M: Yes, it is, if you are sending money. If you are collecting money, you should go to the next counter.

Q: Which of the following is certainly true, according to what was said in the conversation?


A.The woman is sending money abroad.

B.The woman has been sent money from abroad.

C.There is more than one counter for international money transfers.

D.The woman is at the wrong counter.



听力原文:M: Anna, come in, please.W: Yes, Mr. Green. What would you like me to do?M: I nee

听力原文:M: Anna, come in, please.

W: Yes, Mr. Green. What would you like me to do?

M: I need a bus ticket to Seattle.

W: What time do you want to leave, Mr. Green?

M: Well, tomorrow morning, as early as I can. I have an appointment before noon.

W: There's a bus every thirty minutes starting at 5:30 a.m.

M: In that ease, I'd like to leave then. Wait…My wife's going to drop me off here on her way to work. Could you book me a 6:30 ticket instead?

W: Sure. Will it be one way or round-trip?

M: Oh, I probably should buy a round-trip ticket now, since I'll be coming back tomorrow evening. Oh, is there a bus around 6?

W: Yes, there's one at 5:45. You'd get back before 8 o'clock?

M: OK, I'll take that one. I told my wife we'd see a movie at 9:30.

Which bus would the man like to take tomorrow morning?

A.The 5:30 one.

B.The 6:30 one.

C.The 6:00 one.

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