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There are two methods to make a brainstorm, so which of the following is NOT involved?


B.Making a researc

C.Personal inventory.

D.none of the above

更多“There are two methods to make a brainstorm, so which of the following is NOT involved?”相关的问题


This new method not only saves time but also saves energy ________ operating on two
batteries instead to four.

A) in

B) on

C) by

D) for



According to the author, one possible reason for the growth of science during the days of
the ancient Greeks and in modern times is ______.

A.the similarity between the two periods

B.that it was an act of God

C.that both tried to develop the inductive method

D.due to the decline of the deductive method



According to the last two paragraphs, Spindler believes thatA.dieting is not a good me

According to the last two paragraphs, Spindler believes that

A.dieting is not a good method to give us health and a long life.

B.seeing the effect of a diet, people will eat less than normal.

C.calorie restriction is very important to young people.

D.drugs do not have the effects of calorie restriction.



According to the last two paragraphs。Spindler believes that A.calorie restrict

According to the last two paragraphs。Spindler believes that

A.calorie restriction is very important to young people.

B.seeing the effect of dieting,people will eat less than normal.

C.dieting is not a good method to give US health and a long life.

D.drugs do not have the effects of calorie restriction



According 10 the last two paragraphs,Spindler believes that A. calorie restriction is very

According 10 the last two paragraphs,Spindler believes that

A. calorie restriction is very important to young people.

B. seeing the effect of a diet,people will like to eat less than normal.

C. dieting is not a good method to give US health and long life.

D. drugs do not have the effects of calorie restriction.



What is true about a contrast essay?()
A、A contrast essay is an essay in which two things are contrasted

B、In a contrast essay, the author discusses how two things are different

C、By the “point-by-point” method, supporting details are presented according to the “points”

D、In the “subject-by-subject” pattern, the author fully explains one subject by presenting all its points or characteristics. He then proceeds to do the same for the other subject



Two People, Two PathsYou must be familiar with the situation: dad's driving, mum's telling

Two People, Two Paths

You must be familiar with the situation: dad's driving, mum's telling him where to go. He's sure that they need to turn left. But she says it's not for another two blocks. Who has the better sense of direction.'? Men or women?

They both do, a new study says, but in different ways.

Men and women, Canadian researchers have found, have different methods of finding their way. Men look quickly at landmarks (地标) and head off in what they think is the right direction. Women, however, try to picture the whole route in detail and then follow the path in their head.

"Women tend to be more detailed. "said Edward Cornell, who led the study "While men tend to be a little bit faster and a little bit more intuitive(直觉感知的). "

In fact, said Cornell, "sense of direction" isn't one skill but two. The first is the "survey method". This is when you see an area from above, such as a printed map. You can see, for example, where the hospital is, where the church is and that the supermarket is on its right. The second skill is the "route method". This is when you use a series of directions. Yon start from the hospital, then turn left, turn right, go uphill, and then you see the supermarket. Men are more likely to use the survey method while women are more likely to use one route and follow directions. Both work and neither is better.

Some scientists insist that these different skills have a long history. They argue it is because of the difference in traditional roles. In ancient times, young men often went far away with the older men to fish or hunt. The trip took hours or days and covered unfamiliar places. The only way to know where you were was to use the survey method to remember landmarks—the mountains, the lakes and so on.

The women, on the other hand, took young girls out to find fruits and plants. These activities were much closer to home but required learning well-used paths. So, women's sense of space was based on learning certain routes.

When finding his way Dad tends to rely on ______.

A.his intuitive knowledge

B.his book knowledge

C.Mum's assistance

D.the police's assistance



Two People, Two Paths You must be familiar with the situation: Dad's driving, Mum's t

Two People, Two Paths

You must be familiar with the situation: Dad's driving, Mum's telling him where to go.He's sure that they need to turn left. But she says it's not for another two blocks. Who has the better sense of direction Men or women.

They both do, a new study says, but in different ways.

Men and women,- Canadian researchers have found, have different methods of finding their way. Men look quickly at landmarks (地标) and head off in what they think is the right direction. Women, however, try to picture the whole route in detail and then follow the path in their head.

"Women tend to be more detailed," said Edward Cornell, who led the study, "while men tend to be a little bit faster and...a little bit more intuitive (直觉感知的)."

In fact, said Cornell, "sense of direction" isn't one skill but two.

The first is the "survey method". This is when you see an area from above, such as a printed map. You can see, for example, where the hospital is, where the church is and that the supermarket is on its right.

The second skill is the "route method". This is when you use a series of directions. You start from the hospital, then turn left, turn right, go uphill -and then you see the supermarket.

Men are more likely to use the survey method while women are more likely to use one route and follow directions.

Both work, and neither is better.

Some scientists insist that these different skills have a long history. They argue it is because of the difference in traditional roles.

In ancient times, young men often went far away with the older men to fish or hunt.The trip took hours or days and covered unfamiliar places. The only way to know where you were was to use the survey method to remember landmarks -- the mountains, the lakes and so on.

The women, on the other hand, took young girls out to find fruits and plants. These activities were much closer to home but required learning well-used paths. So, women's sense of space was based on learning certain routes.

第 31 题 When finding his way, Dad tends to rely on.

A.his intuitive knowledge.

B.his book knowledge.

C.Mum's assistance.

D.the police's assistance.

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