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Medical technology has not only increased the possibility for a woman to bear a child, but

has led to methods whereby a couple can make use of another woman's body to bear a child for them.

Now, in many states it is even legal for fertile women to solicit paying customers. A Houston billboard advertisement recently announced "Womb for Rent." Such contractual arrangements should be made illegal.

First, these contracts too often result in lawsuits. Why subject children to years of bitter courtroom debate over whom to call "Mommy"?

Second, in a day and age when it is so important to maintain the heritage of families, surrogacy only confuses the very definition of "family."

Finally, surrogacy is immoral. It's one thing for a spouse to be assisted by a doctor with his or her own reproductive abilities. But to bring a third person's body into the situation is contrary to the idea of marriage: "two becoming one."

A childless couple should consider adoption. Yes, adoption agencies have long waiting lists. But that could be solved if we'd stop killing 1.5 million babies a year in abortion clinics.

Surrogate arrangements can lead to dire consequences. According to Genesis, God promised Abraham and Sarah a son. But since Sarah was old and "barren," she and Abraham decided that the handmaid, Hagar, could solve their problem. After sleeping with Abraham, Hagar conceived and bore a son, Ishmael. Later, to everyone's surprise, Sarah conceived and bore a son, Isaac. The result? International conflict: Ishmael's and Isaac's descendants, respectively, are the Arabs and Israelis!

The writer argues in the passage that ______.

A.surrogate motherhood should be banned

B.medical technology should be regulated by law

C.the traditional definition of family should be reasserted

D.children by surrogate mothers should be protected by law

更多“Medical technology has not only increased the possibility for a woman to bear a child, but”相关的问题


Hospital workers are called medical staff, or medical professionals, according ( ) thetype of work can be divided into clinical, medical technology, logistics, etc。


What is this passage mainly concerned with?A.The problems in U.S. hospitals and medical ce

What is this passage mainly concerned with?

A.The problems in U.S. hospitals and medical centers.

B.Why a hospital bill costs what it costs.

C.How difficult it is for a patient to get medical services.

D.How the medical charges rise as technology advances.



What is the reason for poor health care in the state according to its governor?A.Extreme p

What is the reason for poor health care in the state according to its governor?

A.Extreme policy on medical delivery and immigrants.

B.Poor medical technology and policy.

C.Too much medical and health insurance costs.

D.Imbalanced plans for individuals, businesses and insurers.



With the development of the medicine, clinics and hospitals have become________

A.a longer life expectancy for most people

B.artists are adroit in dealing with their painting subject

C.engage in the medical profession

D.careful study and experimentation

E.the chief centers for medical care in most countries

F.science and technology



A.To stop the war.B.To stop the crippling of children.C.Eventually to stop immunizing

A.To stop the war.

B.To stop the crippling of children.

C.Eventually to stop immunizing children against polio.

D.To develop medical technology in rural areas.



The example of Palmers client in the last paragraph indicates that______.A.the technology

The example of Palmers client in the last paragraph indicates that______.

A.the technology applied in medical services is quite advanced

B.the client spent $45,330 on a prostate surgery

C.the improvement of technology may lead to the rise of hospital charges

D.the surgery was conducted by robots only



A. a long life expectancy for most people B. artists are adroit in dealing with their pain

A. a long life expectancy for most people

B. artists are adroit in dealing with their painting subject

C. engage in the medical profession

D. careful study and experimentation

E. the chief centers for medical care in most countries

F. science and technology

Doctors are skillful in dealing with patients just as______.



第一篇The Hammersmith Hospital in West London, home of the Royal Post-graduate Medical Sch


The Hammersmith Hospital in West London, home of the Royal Post-graduate Medical School has been the scene(发生地点) of many innovations in medicine. It is now home(中心地,根据地) to the most expensive and ambitious medical technology project ever in Britain, which this year will make the Hammersmith the world's first fully digital hospital. The paper-free office brought about by computerization and modern information technology is familiar to(为……所熟悉) many office workers today. It has taken longer for the same technology to be applied to medical imaging(医学影像学), because of the immense computing power and high cost o the equipment required.

But now the Hammersmith is becoming the first hospital in which all imaging data-- X-rays, ultrasonic ,CT and MRI images--are stored not on cumbersome, inflammable films but as digital data on optical discs. The first consequence of this can be seen in the air-conditioned computer room in the new building, where two compact(坚实的,结实的) cabinets each about as tall as a man and 0.6m wide are ready to store every X-ray and scan made at the Hammersmith in the next 16 years on optical discs(光盘).

Space saving is the most obvious but not the most important advantage of the digital h6spital. A consultant conducting a clinic with a workstation linked by fibre optics(光纤) to the data store has no need of cumbersome trolleys loaded with patients' X-rays. The new technology considerably reduces the exposure to ionizing (电离的) radiation needed to get pictures doctors need, corresponding to reducing the slight but inevitable health risk that come with repeated X-rays.

X-rays record their images on fluorescent(荧光的) plates, lasers read off and store the data and the plates are wiped clean to use again. This requires less radiation than conventional(常规的) imaging. The ability to enhance imaging also reduces the need for extra exposures.

Another advantage is that any stored image can be sent to any of the hospital's 138 workstations in four seconds(soon that will come down(降落) to two seconds). Soon it will be possible to send it direct to other hospitals, or to computer screens in GP's(全科医生) clinics.

PACS(图像存档通讯系统) is the most expensive single medical technology project ever funded in UK. Most of the money has come from the Department of Health, which has realized that it will benefit patients at the Hammersmith Hospital and those referred from elsewhere, in terms of(按照) better, quicker and safer diagnosis and treatment.

Another technique uses radio a belled(用放射性同位素示踪的) white blood cells to guide doctors to the sites of hidden abscesses(脓肿) or other trouble spots.

In the most innovative technique of all, interventional(干预的,介入的) radiology, doctors use tiny instruments at the ends of fine catheters(导管), inserted deep into the body under local anaesthetic, to perform. a growing amount of microsurgery, viewed by surgeons—and patients if appropriate—in extremely clear detail. Every scrap(碎片,段) of unwanted image is electronically edited off the screen by the computer.

The Hammersmith Hospital is also pioneering interventional radiography, in which doctor carry out microsurgery at the same time as they image the patients' organs in minute detail. The blocking or unblocking of arteries to prevent damage due to bleeding or thrombosis(血栓形成) is among the conditions now being treated in this way.

The Hammersmith Hospital______.

A. is located in the west of London

B. takes the lead in medical innovations

C. has more advanced and modern medical technology than any other hospital in Britain.

D. all of the above



The Hammersmith Hospital in West London, home of the Royal Post-graduate Medical School ha
s been the scene(发生地点) of many innovations in medicine. It is now home(中心地,根据地) to the most expensive and ambitious medical technology project ever in Britain, which this year will make the Hammersmith the world's first fully digital hospital. The paper-free office brought about by computerization and modern information technology is familiar to(为……所熟悉) many office workers today. It has taken longer for the same technology to be applied to medical imaging(医学影像学), because of the immense computing power and high cost o the equipment required.

But now the Hammersmith is becoming the first hospital in which all imaging data-- X-rays, ultrasonic ,CT and MRI images--are stored not on cumbersome, inflammable films but as digital data on optical discs. The first consequence of this can be seen in the air-conditioned computer room in the new building, where two compact(坚实的,结实的) cabinets each about as tall as a man and 0.6m wide are ready to store every X-ray and scan made at the Hammersmith in the next 16 years on optical discs(光盘).

Space saving is the most obvious but not the most important advantage of the digital h6spital. A consultant conducting a clinic with a workstation linked by fibre optics(光纤) to the data store has no need of cumbersome trolleys loaded with patients' X-rays. The new technology considerably reduces the exposure to ionizing (电离的) radiation needed to get pictures doctors need, corresponding to reducing the slight but inevitable health risk that come with repeated X-rays.

X-rays record their images on fluorescent(荧光的) plates, lasers read off and store the data and the plates are wiped clean to use again. This requires less radiation than conventional(常规的) imaging. The ability to enhance imaging also reduces the need for extra exposures.

Another advantage is that any stored image can be sent to any of the hospital's 138 workstations in four seconds(soon that will come down(降落) to two seconds). Soon it will be possible to send it direct to other hospitals, or to computer screens in GP's(全科医生) clinics.

PACS(图像存档通讯系统) is the most expensive single medical technology project ever funded in UK. Most of the money has come from the Department of Health, which has realized that it will benefit patients at the Hammersmith Hospital and those referred from elsewhere, in terms of(按照) better, quicker and safer diagnosis and treatment.

Another technique uses radio a belled(用放射性同位素示踪的) white blood cells to guide doctors to the sites of hidden abscesses(脓肿) or other trouble spots.

In the most innovative technique of all, interventional(干预的,介入的) radiology, doctors use tiny instruments at the ends of fine catheters(导管), inserted deep into the body under local anaesthetic, to perform. a growing amount of microsurgery, viewed by surgeons—and patients if appropriate—in extremely clear detail. Every scrap(碎片,段) of unwanted image is electronically edited off the screen by the computer.

The Hammersmith Hospital is also pioneering interventional radiography, in which doctor carry out microsurgery at the same time as they image the patients' organs in minute detail. The blocking or unblocking of arteries to prevent damage due to bleeding or thrombosis(血栓形成) is among the conditions now being treated in this way.

The Hammersmith Hospital______.

A.is located in the west of London

B.takes the lead in medical innovations

C.has more advanced and modern medical technology than any other hospital in Britain.

D.all of the above



If national health insurance would not cure the problems of the American healthcare system
, what, then, is responsible for them? Suspicion falls heavily on hospitals, which make up the largest component of the system. In 1988 hospitals accounted for 39% of all health expenditures-more than doctor, nursing homes, drugs, and home health care combined.

Although U.S. hospitals provide outstanding research and frequently excellent care, they also exhibit the classic attributes of insufficient organizations: increasing costs and decreasing use. The average cost of a hospital stay in 1987—$3,850—was more than double the 1980 cost. A careful government analysis published in 1987 revealed the inflation of hospital costs, over and above general price inflation, as a major factor in their growth, even after allowances were made for increases in the population and in intensity of care. While the rate of increase for hospital costs was 2796 greater than that for all medical care and 163% greater than that for all other goods and services, demand for hospital services fell by 34%. But hospitals seemed oblivious of the decline: during this period the number of hospital beds shrank only by about 396, and the number of full-time employees grew by more than 240,000.

After yet another unexpectedly high hospital-cost increase last year, one puzzled government analyst asked: "Where's the money going?" Much of the increase in hospital costs—amounting to $180 billion from 1965 to 1987—went to duplicating medical technology available in nearby hospitals and maintaining excess beds. Modern Healthcare, a leading journal in the field, recently noted that "anecdotes of hospitals' unnecessary spending on technology abound". Medical technology is very expensive. An operating room outfitted to perform. open-heart surgery costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. From 1982 to 1989 the number of hospitals with open-heart-surgery facilities grew by 33%, and the most rapid growth occurred among smaller and moderate-sized hospitals. This growth was worrisome for reasons of both costs and quality. Underused technology almost inevitably decreases quality of care. In medicine, as in everything else, practice makes perfect. For example, most of the hospitals with the lowest mortality rates for coronary-bypass surgery perform. at least fifty to a hundred such procedures annually, and in some cases many more; the majority of those with the highest mortality rates perform. fewer than fifty a year.

According to the passage, the American health-care system______.

A.is working smoothly

B.is the best system in the world

C.is not working efficiently

D.in on the point of collapses



听力原文:Medicine, law, and theology are known as the learned professions. That is, they r

听力原文: Medicine, law, and theology are known as the learned professions. That is, they require special study at the university level and beyond. Doctors, for example, do not begin to specialize in medicine until they have already finished four years of college. After that they must go to medical school for another four years. Even then they are not competent enough because they must serve as interns in a hospital for at least another year. Besides the above traditional professions, other occupations are also considered to be professions because of the amount of education required and specialization. A dentist used to be a barber who pulled teeth. Nowadays, however, dentists have to get university education similar to those of medical doctors. Architects, once considered artists or craftsmen, must now study special university programs. Both modem business practices and modem technology have also created many new professions. Accountants now have professional status because accounting is an important part of business. Engineering as a profession developed only after the Industrial Revolution, and science and technology have grown so rapidly that there are now many different specializations within engineering. Civil engineers, for example, deal with designing and building dams, bridges, and other structures, while electrical engineers work with generating, distributing and applying electric power.

Standards to practice almost all the professions are. set either by the government or by professional groups. Medical doctors must pass a state licensing examination and serve as interns before they set up their own practices. Law school graduates also have to pass a specific examination in order to become practicing lawyers. In short, it takes a long time and a lot of effort to be qualified for any of the professions.


A.After four years of college.

B.After another four years of medical school.

C.After at least one year as interns in a hospital.

D.After their education is complete.

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