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Do not be intimidated by people who think they are smarter than you, and don't ___

____when facing competition; inner confidence is important.

A、stay with

B、shut up

C、back off

D、resort to

更多“Do not be intimidated by people who think they are smarter than you, and don't ___”相关的问题


听力原文: Today's discussion is about a common animal reaction — the yawning. The diction
ary defines a yawn as "an involuntary reaction to fatigue or boredom". That's definitely true for human yawns but not necessarily for animal yawns. The same action, the yawn, can have quite different meanings in different species.

For instance, some animals yawn to intimidate intruders on their territory. Fish and lizards are examples of this. Hippos use yawns when they want to resolve a quarrel. Observers have seen two hippos yawn at each other for as long as two hours before they stop quarreling.

As for social animals like baboons or lions _ they yawn to set up the pecking order within social groups, and lions often yawn to calm social tensions. Sometimes these animals yawn for a strictly physiological reason __ that is to increase oxygen levels. And curiously enough, when they yawn for a physical reason like that, they do what men do __ they try to stifle the yawn by looking away or by covering their mouths.

What's the main topic of the monologue?

A.Different animals' yawn.

B.Human's yawn.

C.Fish's yawn.

D.Social animals' yawn.



听力原文: Today's discussion is about a common animal reaction--the yawning. The dictionar
y defines a yawn as "an involuntary reaction to fatigue or boredom". That's definitely true for human yawns but not necessarily for animal yawns. The same action, the yawn, can have quite different meanings in different species.

For instance, some animals yawn to intimidate intruders on their territory. Fish and lizards are examples of this. Hippos use yawns when they want to resolve a quarrel. Observers have seen two hippos yawn at each other for as long as two hours before they stop quarreling.

As for social animals like baboons or lions--they yawn to set up the pecking order within social groups, and lions often yawn to calm social tensions. Sometimes these animals yawn for a strictly physiological reason--that is to increase oxygen levels. And curiously enough, when they yawn for a physical reason like that, they do what men do-they try to stifle the yawn by looking away or by covering their mouths.

What's the main topic of the monologue?

A.Different animals' yawns.

B.Human's yawn.

C.Fish's yawn.

D.Social animals' yawns.



听力原文:Today's discussion is about a common animal reaction--the yawning. The dictionary

听力原文: Today's discussion is about a common animal reaction--the yawning. The dictionary defines a yawn as "an involuntary reaction to fatigue or boredom". That's definitely true for human yawns but not necessarily for animal yawns. The same action, the yawn, can have quite different meanings in different species.

For instance, some animals yawn to intimidate intruders on their territory. Fish and lizards are examples of this. Hippos use yawns when they want to resolve a quarrel. Observers have seen two hippos yawn at each other for as long as two hours before they stop quarreling.

As for social animals like baboons or lions--they yawn to set up the pecking order within social groups, and lions often yawn to calm social tensions. Sometimes these animals yawn for a strictly physiological reason-- that is to increase oxygen levels. And curiously enough, when they yawn for a physical reason like that, they do what men do--they try to stifle the yawn by looking away or by covering their mouths.

What's the main topic of the monologue?

A.Different animals' yawns.

B.Human's yawn.

C.Fish's yawn.

D.Social animals' yawns.



The image was riveting, as justice John Paul Stevens, a Chicago native, presented it. A ga
ng member and his father are hanging out near Wrigley Field. Are they there "to rob an unsuspecting fan or just to get a glimpse of Sammy Sosa leaving the ball park?" A police officer has no idea, but under Chicagos anti-gang law, the cop must order them to disperse. With Stevens writing for a 6-to-3 majority, the Supreme Court last week struck down Chicagos sweeping statute, which had sparked 42,000 arrests in its three years of enforcement. The decision was a blow to advocates of get-tough crime policies. But in a widely noted concurring opinion, Justice Sandra Day OConnor suggested that a less draconian approach-—distinguishing gang members from innocent bystanders—might pass constitutional muster. New language could target loiterers "with no apparent purpose other than to establish control over identifiable areas, to intimidate others from entering those areas or to conceal illegal activities," she wrote. Chicago officials vowed to draft a new measure. "We will go back and correct it and then move forward," said Mayor Richard Daley. Chicago officials, along with the League of Cities and 31 states that sided with them in court, might do well to look at one state where anti-gang loitering prosecutions have withstood constitutional challenges; California. The state has two anti-loitering statutes on the books, aimed at people intending to commit specific crimes—prostitution and drug dealing. In addition, a number of local prosecutors are waging war against gangs by an innovative use of the public-nuisance laws. In cities such as Los Angeles and San Jose, prosecutors have sought injunctions against groups of people suspected of gang activity. "The officers in the streets know the gang members and gather physical evidence for lengthy court hearings," says Los Angeles prosecutor Martin Vranicar. If the evidence is enough to convince a judge, an injunction is issued to prohibit specific behavior—such as carrying cell phones or pagers or blocking sidewalk passage—in defined geographical areas. "It works instantly," says San Jose city attorney Joan Gallo, who successfully defended the tactic before the California Supreme Court. "A few days after the injunctions, children are playing on streets where they never were before. " So far, only a few hundred gang members have been targeted, out of an estimated 150,000 in Los Angeles alone. But experts say last weeks decision set the parameters for sharper measures. Says Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe: "It just means they have to use a scalpel rather than an invisible mallet. "

What does the author intend to illustrate with the example of the gang member and his father?

A.How the anti-loitering law works.

B.How to maintain charming image.

C.How tough the crime policies were.

D.Why Chicago"s sweeping statute stroke down.



Bullying and ChildrenWhat your son is describing is bullying, plain and simple. Although i

Bullying and Children

What your son is describing is bullying, plain and simple. Although it is late in the school year, you should take action by reassuring your son that he did nothing to bring this on and that you will help him. Many parents, unfortunately, think that bullying and being bullied are rites of passage, something all kids endure at some point in their lives just like suffering through boring assemblies and bad cafeteria food. But bullying is not, and should not be, considered a normal part of growing up.

Studies done in Norway show that bullying is most common in the younger age groups but is still present even in the mid-teens. The percent of children who are bullied ranges from 17% in the second grade to about 5% in the ninth grade. A recent survey in the United States shows that 10% of children reported being bullied, 13% reported being a bully, and 6% reported being both bullied and being the bully. This survey was limited to sixth through tenth graders.

What is bullying?

Bullying involves intentional and repeated actions and words designed to intimidate or hurt another person. There is usually an imbalance of power, either physical or psychological, between the perpetrator and his or her victim. Occasional name calling and shoving are not considered bullying because they are usually not repetitive events. On the other hand, if a child is on the receiving end of taunts and name calling by any persons regularly, then that is considered bullying. Physical aggression, social alienation, verbal aggression, and intimidation are the four main categories of bullying.

Many parents are shocked when they find out their child has been the victim of a bully, and a few parents are shocked to find out that their child has been a bully. Victims tend to be more passive, anxious, and insecure than non-victims and to have more negative views of themselves. A small percentage of victims are termed provocative because they are both anxious and aggressive, often seeking the attention of the perpetrator.

The bullies, by comparison, tend to be aggressive children and frequently lack sympathy for others. Bullies usually have a positive self-image and a desire to be in control. Tile bully cherishes power. The cherished myth of the bully as a loner with a poor self-image seeking to bolster his own self worth by attacking others didn't hold up to scrutiny of scientific study. of course, there will always be victims and perpetrators who do not fit these profiles] Any child can be a bully, and any child can be bullied if the circumstances are right.

Although bullying is common, studies report that only half the children report what is happening to a parent, and even fewer to a teacher. Few adults witness the acts of the bully because most aggression occurs at school and places where there is little oversight by an adult. The playground, cafeteria, and rest rooms are common locations for the perpetrator to act.

Children who are victims may develop a variety of vague health complaints to avoid going to school or wherever the bullying is taking place. Sometimes this kind of school avoidance behavior. can be a red flag for parents, so ask your child if he or she is being picked on and bullied.

What to do about bullying

If your child reveals to you that he or she is being bullied, take action. Parents can help the child by teaching him how to demonstrate an air of' sell-confidence by making good eye contact, speaking clearly and loudly enough to be heard. Remind the child to walk away from the encounter, tell the bully firmly that he is in the wrong, and to tell a teacher, parent or other adult what is happening.

Parents of bullies should also intervene to stop the behavior. and make it clear that bullying will not be tolerated or ignored One stud






Improving Your T.Q. (Test-Taking Quotient)Types of TestsYou will have one hour to complete

Improving Your T.Q. (Test-Taking Quotient)

Types of Tests

You will have one hour to complete this test. All answers must be marked on the answer sheet. Make no marks on the test booklet. Using a No. 2 pencil, place your name... Ready? Begin.

They are off! Each test-taker working at a different pace; each using a different technique and strategy; all wishing they were somewhere else.

Ours is a test-taking culture. And whether you are an adult job-hunter, license applicant or student, tests always provoke uncertainty, especially if life decisions are attached to them.

In 12 years of your elementary and secondary education, you completed a conservative estimate of 2,600 weekly quizzes. College mid-term and final examinations over a four-year period account for another 100, and each year of advanced professional training adds another 25 major exams.

People do not realize that classroom examinations represent only a small segment of testing experience. School systems administer approximately 2 million standardized tests in addition to regular classroom tests.

The total number administered by business, government, industry and clinics, however, is astronomical (庞大的), dwarfing the total number of school tests.

People tend to take tests without really understanding them. One sure way to improve your performance is to familiarize yourself with the different types of examinations. Simply understanding the test format promotes self-confidence.

Can familiarity with test taking boost your test scores? Yes, along with 15 other "tricks". Read on.

All tests--whether simple classroom quizzes, tests for a driver's license, or statistically oriented aptitude tests--have one major point in common: A test is a measure of a person's behavior. at one point in time.

A long held myth has led most people to conclude that test scores are forever. This is simply not true.

Scores change from one test taking to the next. In fact, there are numerous reported cases of intelligence quotients (IQs)fluctuating (变动) as much as 30 or 40 points between test administrations.

Another source of score fluctuation is a result of the test-taker's uncertainty with different types of tests.

Overall there are two specific types: maximal and typical performance tests. Maximal tests attempt to measure an individual's best possible performance accurately. Included in this type are intelligence tests, academic or classroom (achievement) tests and aptitude tests. Of these, IQ tests are the most widely known and the least understood.

It's amazing how so much confusion over those two little letters IQ, has proliferated (扩散) since the testing movement began in the early 1900s. The first intelligence tests were conceived by Alfred Billet, a French psychologist, who was asked to develop a procedure to predict which children were unable to learn in a classroom setting. Today there are approximately 350 intelligence tests on the market.

Myths surrounding the IQ test have grossly contaminated the public' s understanding; people want the IQ test to do more than it is capable of doing. It is best used to predict school success: to assess mental skills and the ability to adapt in new situations and learn academically.

Another maximal performance test is an admission test (technically a form. of aptitude testing). These tests are designed to measure the degree of skill of people when they are attempting to perform. to the limit of their ability. But people allow these tests to intimidate (胁迫) them, and that puts them under a great deal of tension. If you've taken one of these exams previously, chances are your score will increase in subsequent testing.

Two important points here: First, put the practice rule to work for you (






Impressions of AmericaSan Francisco is a really beautiful city. China Town, peopled by Chi

Impressions of America

San Francisco is a really beautiful city. China Town, peopled by Chinese labourers, is the most artistic town I have ever come across. The people -- strange, melancholy Orientals, whom many people would call common, and they are certainly very poor -- have determined that they will have nothing about them that is not beautiful. In the Chinese restaurant, where these navvies (劳工) meet to have supper in the evening, I found them drinking tea out of china cups as delicate as the petals of a rose-leaf, whereas at the gaudy(俗丽的) hotels I was supplied with a delf cup an inch and a half thick. When the Chinese bill was presented it was made out on rice paper, the account being done in Indian ink as fantastically as if an artist had been etching little birds on a fan.

Salt Lake City contains only two buildings of note, the chief being the Tabernacle, which is in the shape of a soup-kettle. It is decorated by the only native artist, and he has treated religious subjects in the naive spirit of the early Florentine painters, representing people of our own day in the dress of the period side by side with people of Biblical history who are clothed in some romantic costume.

The building next in importance is called the Amelia Palace, in honor of one of Brigham Young's wives. When he died the present president of the Mormons stood up in the Tabernacle and said that it had been revealed to him that he was to have the Amelia Palace, and that on this subject there were to be no more revelations of any kind.

From Salt Lake City one travels over the great plains of Colorado and up the Rocky Mountains, on the top of which is Leadville, the richest city in the world. It had also got the reputation of being the roughest, and every man carries a revolver. I was told that if I went there they would be sure to shoot me or my traveling manager. I wrote and told them that nothing that they could do to my traveling manager would intimidate me. They are miners - men working in metals, so I lectured to them on the Ethics of Art. I read them passages from the autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini and they seemed much delighted. I was reproved by my hearers for not having brought him with me I explained that he had been dead for some little time which elicited the enquiry "Who shot him"? They afterwards took me to a dancing saloon where I saw the only rational method of art criticism I have ever come across. Over the piano was printed notice:



The mortality among pianists in that place is marvelous. Then they asked me to supper, and having accepted, I had to descend a mine in a rickety bucket in which it was impossible to be graceful. Having got into the heart of the mountain I had supper, the first course being whisky, the second whisky and the third whisky.

I went to the Theatre to lecture and I was informed that just before I went there two men had been seized for committing a murder, and in that theatre they had been brought on to the stage at eight o'clock in the evening, and then and there tried and executed before a crowded audience. But I found these miners very charming and not at all rough.

Among the more elderly inhabitants of the South I found a melancholy tendency to date every event of importance by the late war. "How beautiful the moon is tonight," I once remarked to a gentleman who was standing next to me. "Yes," was his reply, "but you should have seen it before the war."

So infinitesimal did I find the knowledge of Art, west of the Rocky Mountains, that an art patron(赞助人)--one who in his day had been a miner -- actually sued the railroad company for damages because the plaster cast of Venus of Milo, which he had imported from Paris, had been delivered minus the arms. And, what is more surprising still, he gained his case and the damages. Pennsyl






听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, John. This is Florence Richardson. I'm sorry to phone you at t

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, John. This is Florence Richardson. I'm sorry to phone you at this hour, but I'm experiencing a sticky issue and I can't think of anyone to get advice from besides you.

M: What's up?

W: Well, I moved to my present apartment a couple of months ago and now I'm thinking to defer my studies and planning to return to my parents' place next month. Today, I gave notice to my landlord but he said he's unable to give my deposit back since I have to stay a minimum of six months.

M: Are you giving him a-month-in-advance notice to move?

W: Yes, that's exactly what I did today. In the tenancy agreement that's the timeframe. requested to notify the landlord.

M: Yes, that's the usual practice. Well, in the tenancy agreement, did it state that there's a minimum of six months stay or the deposit would be forfeited?

W: Not that I could remember. Besides, I have never heard of such a clause in the contract.

M: Well, I have never heard of it either. It could be the landlord is trying to intimidate you. Perhaps you should pull your contract out and have a word with him.

W: Yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking of. But he said he spent time and money on advertisement to get a tenant and it wouldn't be fair on him if I just stayed for two months.

M: Well, that's not the Point, Florence. It doesn't matter how much he spent on advertisement, but the fact is he shouldn't force a tenant to stay if he or she doesn't want to. Besides, if the contract does not state the timeframe, then he shouldn't impose it himself.

W: You are right, John. You just confirmed my reasoning.

M: Look, Florence, I'll go with you to see the landlord tomorrow and if he still insists on not giving your deposit back, we'll go to the small claims court to get your money back.

W: Thanks, John. I really appreciate that.


A.She can't find a new place to live.

B.The landlord wants her to move out after only g months.

C.She thinks she will lose her deposit money.

D.The contract states she must stay for 6 months so she can't move.



- Marry, ()

-What do you want me to do?



听力原文:What do you do in winter? A.B.C.

听力原文:What do you do in winter?




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