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——Must I stay here now? No, you ______ . ——You go home now.A.mustn't, mayB.can't, canC.nee

——Must I stay here now? No, you ______ . ——You go home now.

A.mustn't, may

B.can't, can

C.needn't, may

更多“——Must I stay here now? No, you ______ . ——You go home now.A.mustn't, mayB.can't, canC.nee”相关的问题


--Must I stay here now?--No, you ______ .A.won'tB.mustn'tC.needn't

--Must I stay here now?--No, you ______ .






听力原文:M:Well,it's just that I can't stay here all my life,can I?W:No,of course you can'

听力原文:M:Well,it's just that I can't stay here all my life,can I?

W:No,of course you can't,nobody ever suggested anything of the sort. Whcn have I ever tried to keep you at home? Haven't I just said that you must lead your own life?

Q:What does the woman.mean?


A.She wants the man to stay home all his life.

B.She doesn't want to keep the man at home.

C.She doesn't want anybody to suggest that the man. stay home.

D.She doesn't think that the man must lead his own life.



听力原文:W. Lovely day, isn't it?M: Oh, yeah, beautiful.W: You're not English, are you? Ho

听力原文:W. Lovely day, isn't it?

M: Oh, yeah, beautiful.

W: You're not English, are you? How long have you been learning English?

M: No, I'm from Italy. But my mother was born and brought up in England. I have been learning English for three years now.

W: For three years? Goodness me! Your English is very good. How long are you going to stay in this country?

M: Thank you, but there's still more for me to learn. I'll stay here for another two months. Then I'll go back to Italy to start work.

W: A cousin of mine went to Italy last year. He's an engineer, you know.

M: Really? What did he think of Italy?

W: He must like it very much, because he hasn't come back yet. I hope you'll also enjoy your stay in England.

M: Thank you. I'm sure I will.

Where does the man come from?






听力原文:Mr. Green: Do you live in the city, Mr. Anderson?Mr. Anderson: No, I am also new

听力原文:Mr. Green: Do you live in the city, Mr. Anderson?

Mr. Anderson: No, I am also new here. I came here for traveling.

Mr. Green: How long have you been here? Do you come here on business trip or just for tourism?

Mr. Anderson: I've been here for about five or six days. I'm here just for a paid vocation.

Mr. Green: Where do you come from, Mr. Anderson?

Mr. Anderson: I come from New York. I suppose everyone in the world must know this place.

Mr. Green: I think so. It's a wonderful city. All people long to go there for a visit. Do you live in the center of the city?

Mr. Anderson: I live at 2035 Washington Street. Do you know it?

Mr. Green: Sorry, I don't know. I've never been there. By the way, it seems that you know spree German. How long have you spoken this language?

Mr. Anderson: How long? I've spoken German all my life! You see, my grandfather is a German. He began teaching me German when I was very small.

Mr. Green: Oh, that's great. A language is a very useful weapon in our daily life. Many people nowadays seem to speak more than two languages.

Why does Mr. Anderson come here?

A.He comes here for tourism.

B.He comes here to live.

C.He comes here to stay for five or six days.

D.He comes here to see a friend.



听力原文:W: Dr. Eric, you were a political journalist in America and I was told that you'v
e chosen to live here, a mountain village like this in the Himalayan Community. Could you tell me why you came to India and settled down here?

M: Yes, certainly. I came to India a year ago to have a better understanding of the country. After I arrived, I had to find a place where I could live and write. After some months I settled down happily in this village because it is a little cooler.

W: Is the experience in this country so important to you that you came all the way from the United States?

M: Well, that's also the question that the villagers ask me. Why do I isolate myself from the outside world in this remote village, like a retired old man? I am no longer working as a political journalist because my ideas have changed. I've come to believe that what is happening in the Third World is more important than anything else. I want to understand how three quarters of the world's people live, and how their future might affect the rest of the world.

W: I must say I find your view on this issue very convincing. I'm sure when you go back to your own country you'll find your stay here very rewarding.

When did Dr. Eric arrive in India?

A.Several weeks ago.

B.Several months ago.

C.A year ago.

D.Two years ago.



听力原文:W: I’m tired of watching television. Let’s go to cinema tonight.M: All right. Do

听力原文:W: I’m tired of watching television. Let’s go to cinema tonight.

M: All right. Do you want to go downtown? Or is there a good movie in the neighborhood?

W: I’d rather not spend a lot of money. What does the paper say about neighborhood theaters?

M: Here’s the list on page... Column 6. Here it is. Where's the Rialto? There’s a perfect movie there.

W: That’s too far away. And it’s hard to find a place to park there.

M: Well, the Grand Theater has Gone with the Wind.

W: I saw that years ago. I couldn't wait to see it again. Moreover, it’s too long. We wouldn't get home until midnight.

M: The Center has a horror film. You wouldn't want to see that.

W: No, indeed. I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

M: That’s about all there is. Unless we change our decision and go downtown.

W: No, we just can’t pay for it. There must be something else we haven’t seen.

M: Here, look for yourself. I can't find anything else.

W: Look at this!

M: What?

W: In the television timetable, there's a baseball game on television tonight.

M: I wasn't looking for a TV program. I was looking at the movie ads.

W: I know, but I just happened to notice it. New York is playing Boston.

M: That must be good. I wouldn't mind watching that.

W: OK. Let’s stay home. We can go to cinema Friday.

Why does the woman want to go to the movie?

A.Because she is tired of staying at home all day.

B.Because there is a good film in the neighborhood theater:

C.Because she enjoys going to the movies.

D.Because she is tired of watching TV.



听力原文:W: I'm tired of watching television. Let's go to cinema to- night. M: All right.

听力原文:W: I'm tired of watching television. Let's go to cinema to- night.

M: All right. Do you want to go downtown? Or is there a good movie in the neighborhood?

W: I'd rather not spend a lot of money. What does the pa- per say about neighborhood theaters?

M: Here's the list on page. . . Column 6. Here it is. Where's the Rialto? There's a perfect movie there.

W: That's too far away. And it's hard to find a place to park there.

M: Well, the Grand Theater has Gone with the wind.

W: I saw that years ago. I couldn't wait to see it again. Moreover, it's too long. We wouldn't get home until midnight.

M: The Center has a horror film. You wouldn't want to see that?

W: No, indeed. I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

M: That's about ell there is. Unless we change our decision and go downtown.

W: No, we just can't pay for it. There must be something else we haven't seen.

M: Here, look for yourself, I can't find anything else.

W: Look at this!

M: What?

W: In the television timetable, there's a baseball game on television tonight.

M: I wasn't looking for a TV program. I was looking at the movie ads.

W: I know, but I just happened to notice it. New York is playing Boston.

M: That must be good. I wouldn't mind watching that.

W: OK. Let's stay home. We can go to the cinema Friday.

Why does the woman want to go to the movie?

A.Because she is tired of staying at home all day.

B.Because there is a good film in the neighborhood theater.

C.Because she enjoys going to the movies.

D.Because she is tired of watching TV.



听力原文:W: Hello !M: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Jim, please?W: He's not here at the moment

听力原文:W: Hello !

M: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Jim, please?

W: He's not here at the moment. May I ask who's calling?

M: This is Zhang Hua speaking. I've just arrived in Los Angeles from China.

W: Oh ! Mr. Zhang. How nice ! This is Mrs. Jim. I've heard Jim mention your name but we didn't know you'd arrive so soon. How many days will you stay in Los Angeles?

M: About a week or so. And then I plan to go to San Francisco for a few days.

W: Oh! Is there a number where I can. reach you?

M: I'm staying at the Airport Holiday Hotel. The number there is 646-3100. My room number is 264.

W: When Jim comes back, I'll tell him that you're in town, and we must spend an evening together.

M: That'll be very nice.

W: When is it most convenient to call you?

M: Anytime between seven and ten p. m. would be fine.

W: OK ! We'll call you.

M: Then I'll be talking to you soon. Bye.

Who is speaking to Mrs. Jim?

A.A Japanese.

B.A German.

C.A Chinese.



What are my chances of promotion if I stay here?A.advertisementB.retirementC.advancementD.

What are my chances of promotion if I stay here?







听力原文:W: Midwestern Bank. Good morning.M: Hello. I'd like to know how to open a bank ac

听力原文:W: Midwestern Bank. Good morning.

M: Hello. I'd like to know how to open a bank account here in Britain.

W: Certainly, sir. How long are you going to be here for?

M: Uh, a year and a half at least, I’m doing an MA at the polytechnic.

W: I sec. Well, you need to be hem for more than six months to open any account. Now if you want to open a current account with a cheque book, you must be over 18.

M: I'm well over that. Unfortunately.

W: Never mind! You'll need to come hi and fill in a form. and show some identity. I mean identification.

M: You mean a passport or credit card?

W: Urn, a credit card wouldn't be any good. A passport would be fine, or a driving licence.

M: That sounds fine.

W: Oh, and you'd need to give us a couple of specimen signatures and some kind of financial reference from an employer or your university.

M: Right. How long does it take before I get my cheque book and everything?

W: Oh, it's quite quick really. A week or so.

M: Good, and is the bank open all day?

W: From 9 to 3 Monday to Friday and 9 to 12 on Saturday.

M: Thank you very much.

W: You're welcome.


A.Registration at a polytechnic.

B.The length of his stay in this country to be allowed.

C.The way to open a bank account in Britain.

D.The course he intends to have next year.

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