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Placebo pills usually are made of ______.A.inactive substanceB.active drugC.radioactive su

Placebo pills usually are made of ______.

A.inactive substance

B.active drug

C.radioactive substance

D.explosive substance

更多“Placebo pills usually are made of ______.A.inactive substanceB.active drugC.radioactive su”相关的问题


The placebo pills can ______.A.ease painB.stop painC.cure a doctorD.cure disease

The placebo pills can ______.

A.ease pain

B.stop pain

C.cure a doctor

D.cure disease



Placebo pills usually are made of ______.A. inactive substance B. active drugC. radioactiv

Placebo pills usually are made of ______.

A. inactive substance

B. active drug

C. radioactive substance

D. explosive substance



The placebo pills can ______.A. ease pain B. stop painC. cure a doctorD. cure disease

The placebo pills can ______.

A. ease pain

B. stop pain

C. cure a doctor

D. cure disease



根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。 The Placebo Effect When scientists want to test a new

根据下列文章,请回答 51~65 题。

The Placebo Effect

When scientists want to test a new dru9,they usually divide a large number of people___________ (51)two groups.One group takes the medicine and the other takes a substance___________ (52)as a placebo(安慰剂).It may contain nothing more than sugar.The people do not know which pill they are takin9,the active one or the inactive one.In this kind of experiment,the medicine must perform___________ (53)than the placebo to prove it is effective.

Yet,people who take a placebo sometimes experience improvements in their health.This is known as” the placebo effect’ the effect of something___________ (54)is not supposed to have any effect.

Some doctors even use the placebo effect in their treatments.They might tell patients that a new drug will stop their pain.The patient does not know that the pills are___________ (55).The patient___________ (56) the pills and later tells the doctor that the pain is gone.

Now research in Sweden suggests that placebo treatments can als0___________ (57)the emotional effects of unpleasant experiences.The effects in the brain were similar to those seen when placebos have been used to ease pain.The researchers say that in both cases expectations of improvement are a major___________(58)on the effectiveness of placebos.The new study involved a group of people who looked at unpleasant pictures,___________ (59)images of dead bodies.Predrag Petrovic of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm led the study.The findings appeared in the publication Neuron(神经元).

An influential study on placebos appeared in 1955.It said treatment with a placebo___________ (60)patients feel better 35% of the time.But in 200 1,Danish researchers reposed that they had examined more than 100 studies.They found___________ (61)evidence of healing as a result Of placebos.

Some researchers think a good relationship between a doctor and patient can increase the effectiveness of real medicines.In any case.Some medical researchers are against the use of___________ (62).They think it is___________ (63)to give some people inactive substances when testing new medicines.They say it would be better to___________ (64)new drugs with existing drugs.That way, a study would show___________ (65)the new drug is more effective.

第 51 题







Many science reports discuss medical studies that test the effect of a new drug. Usually,
a large number of people is divided into two groups. Each group takes a different substance. But no one knows which group is getting which substance. One group takes the medicine being tested. Another group takes what we call an inactive substance. Medical researchers call this substance a "placebo." The word "placebo" is Latin for "I shall please." Placebo pills(宽心丸)usually are made of sugar.

Using placebos to test drugs sometimes has a surprising result. Researchers say people taking the placebo often report improvements in their health. This is known as "the placebo effect"--pain that is eased or stopped by an inactive substance. In such testing, the drug must perform. better than the placebo to prove that it is effective.

Doctors have reported that the placebo effect can be used in treatment. For example, a doctor tells a patient that a new drug will stop the pain in his leg. The pill is only sugar. But the patient does not know that. He takes the pill and says his pain is gone.

Scientists are beginning to discover some physical reasons for this reaction in some people. They are learning that much of what people believe to be true comes from what the brain expects is going to happen. If the brain believes a drug will ease pain, the brain may begin physical changes in the body that can cause the expected effect. A recent examination of studies on drugs for depression found that placebos eased the depression about as well as the active drugs.

Other studies have explored the power of placebos. A study in Japan involved thirteen

people who reacted to the poison ivy (常青藤)plant. Poison-ivy causes red itchy sores(伤痕)on some people who touch it. Each person was rubbed on one arm with a harmless leaf, but was told it was poison ivy. Each person was then touched on the other arm with poison ivy, but was told it was a harmless leaf. All thirteen people developed a reaction on the arm where the harmless leaf touched their skin. Only two reacted to the poison ivy leaves.

Doctors and scientists worry that the use of placebos may not always be harmless. They say people can become victims of false doctors and others who use placebos to claim they can cure disease.

What do medical researchers usually use to make placebo pills?

A.Ivy leaves.

B.Harmless leaves.

C.Medicine being tested.




第三篇Many science reports discuss medical studies that test the effect of a new drug. Usu


Many science reports discuss medical studies that test the effect of a new drug. Usually, a large number of people is divided into two groups. Each group takes a different substance. But no one knows which group is getting which substance. One group takes the medicine being tested. Another group takes what we call an inactive substance. Medical researchers call this substance a "placebo." The word "placebo" is Latin for "I shall please." Placebo pills(宽心丸)usually are made of sugar.

Using placebos to test drugs sometimes has a surprising result. Researchers say people taking the placebo often report improvements in their health. This is known as "the placebo effect"--pain that is eased or stopped by an inactive substance. In such testing, the drug must perform. better than the placebo to prove that it is effective.

Doctors have reported that the placebo effect can be used in treatment. For example, a doctor tells a patient that a new drug will stop the pain in his leg. The pill is only sugar. But the patient does not know that. He takes the pill and says his pain is gone.

Scientists are beginning to discover some physical reasons for this reaction in some people. They are learning that much of what people believe to be true comes from what the brain expects is going to happen. If the brain believes a drug will ease pain, the brain may begin physical changes in the body that can cause the expected effect. A recent examination of studies on drugs for depression found that placebos eased the depression about as well as the active drugs.

Other studies have explored the power of placebos. A study in Japan involved thirteen

people who reacted to the poison ivy (常青藤)plant. Poison-ivy causes red itchy sores(伤痕)on some people who touch it. Each person was rubbed on one arm with a harmless leaf, but was told it was poison ivy. Each person was then touched on the other arm with poison ivy, but was told it was a harmless leaf. All thirteen people developed a reaction on the arm where the harmless leaf touched their skin. Only two reacted to the poison ivy leaves.

Doctors and scientists worry that the use of placebos may not always be harmless. They say people can become victims of false doctors and others who use placebos to claim they can cure disease.

What do medical researchers usually use to make placebo pills?

A. Ivy leaves.

B. Harmless leaves.

C. Medicine being tested.

D. sugar.



In most systems of medicine, the healer artfully evokes the patient's powers of self-sugge
stion, which are responsible for whatever healing may occur. This mysterious gift of self-healing is cloaked with an anodyne(止痛的) label, the "placebo effect", and recognized only as a nuisance likely to confound clinical trials. But the placebo (Latin for "I will please" ) and its shadowy twin the nocebo ("I will harm" ) are much more than methodological problems: they lie at the heart of every interaction between doctor and patient.

How they work no one knows. But the brain rules the body in many subconscious ways, including its control of the body's major hormones and its subtle influence over the immune system. So it's possible that, in ways yet unknown, expectations about health or disease are sometimes translated in to a bodily reaction that fulfils them. The power of these effects is hard to overstate.

A rule of thumb is that 30 percent of patients in the placebo half of a drug trial (i. e. those who unknowingly receive a dummy pill instead of the real thing) will experience all improvement in symptoms. But the proportion may be much higher. Just like real drugs, placebo pills can produce stronger effects in larger doses. Patients will report greater relief when given a larger pill, or two dummy capsules instead of one.

Doctors' expectations also contribute to the awesome power of the placebo effect. In a study of tooth extraction, patients were given either a painkiller or sham drugs. Some dentists were assigned to give either drug, without knowing which, but other dentists knew they would be giving only sham drugs. The patients whose dentists thought they had at least a 50-50 chance of giving a painkiller suffered significantly less pain. Presumably, doctors transmit their expectations to the patient through subtle cues, often without knowing they are doing so.

Placebo and noeebo ______.

A.only exist in people's imagination

B.were medicines used by Latin people

C.are very effective in healing

D.are hated by both doctors and patients



听力原文:Can you tell me the difference between these 2 televisions?(A) No, I don't usuall

听力原文:Can you tell me the difference between these 2 televisions?

(A) No, I don't usually watch those kinds of shows.

(B) The XZ has better picture quality.

(C) I have a satellite dish.







Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women A recent study in Tanzania found that when pr
egnant women took vitamins every day, fewer babies were born too small. Babies that weigh less than two and one-half kilograms at birth have a greater risk of dying. Those that survive are more likely to experience problems with their development. And experts say that as adults they have a higher risk of diseases including heart disease and diabetes. The World Health Organization1 estimates that every year twenty million babies are born with low birth weight. Nine out of ten of them are born in developing countries.

The new study took place in Dares Salaam. 4, 200 pregnant women received multivitamins. The pills contained all of the vitamins in the B group along with2 vitamins C and E. They also contained several times more iron and folate than the levels advised for women in developed nations. Pregnant women especially in poor countries may find it difficult to get enough vitamins and minerals from the foods in their diet.

The scientists compared the findings with results from a group of 4,000 women who did not receive the vitamins. A report by the scientists, from the United States and Tanzania, appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. 3 Wafaie Fawzi of the Harvard University School of Public Health4 led the study. None of the women in the study had HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The scientists reported earlier that daily multivitamins were a low-cost way to reduce fetal deaths in pregnant women infected with5 HIV. The earlier work in Tanzania also found improvement in the mothers in their number of blood cells known as lymphocytes. Lymphocytes increase the body’s immunity against infection.

The new study in pregnant women who were not infected with the AIDS virus found that multivitamins reduced the risk of low birth weight. Just under eight percent of the babies born to women who took the multivitamins weighed less than 2,500 grams. The rate was almost nine and one-half percent in the group of women who received a placebo, an inactive pill, instead of the vitamins. But the vitamins did not do much to reduce the rates of babies being born too early or dying while still a fetus. Still, the researchers say multivitamins should be considered for all pregnant women in developing countries.


multivitamin/7mQlti5vaitEmin/adj.多种维生素的 urge/E:dV/v.促进/v.极力主张;强烈要求;敦促 pregnant/5pre^nEnt/adj.怀孕的,妊娠的

Tanzania/7tAnzE5ni:E/n.坦桑尼亚(非洲国家) diabetes/7daiE5bi:ti:z, -ti:s/n.糖尿病,多尿症 Dar es Salaam/5dB:r es sE5lB:m/n.达累斯萨拉姆(坦桑尼亚首都)folate/5fEuleit/n.叶酸盐 mineral/5minErEl/n.矿物质;无机盐adj.矿物质的;无机的 fetal/5fi:tl/adj.胎儿的, 胎的

lymphocyte/5limfEsait/n.淋巴球, 淋巴细胞immunity/i5mju:niti/n..免疫力;免疫性 infection/in5fekFEn/n.传染,感染;传染病 placebo/plE5si:bEu/n.安慰剂;安慰剂治疗 inactive/in5Aktiv/adj.无作用的 pill/pil/n.药丸,丸剂fetus/5fi:tEs/n.胎,胎儿

第36题:How many babies are born with low birth weight in the developed countries every year according to WHO?

A 20,000,000.

B 18,000,000.

C 2,000,000.

D 38,000,000.



Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant WomenA recent study in Tanzania found that when pregn

Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women

A recent study in Tanzania found that when pregnant women took vitamins every day, fewer babies were born too small. Babies that weigh less than two and one-half kilograms at birth have a greater risk of dying. Those that survive are more likely to experience problems with their development. And experts say that as adults they have a higher risk of diseases including heart disease and diabetes. The World Health Organization estimates that every year twenty million babies are born with low birth weight. Nine out of ten of them are born in developing countries.

The new study took place in Dar es Salaam. 4,200 pregnant women received multivitamins. The pills contained all of the vitamins in the B group along with vitamins C and E. They also contained several times more iron and folate than the levels advised for women in developed nations. Pregnant women especially in poor countries may find it difficult to get enough vitamins and minerals from the foods in their diet.

The scientists compared the findings with results from a group of 4,000 women who did not receive the vitamins. A report by the scientists, from the United States and Tanzania, appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. Wafaie Fawzi of the Harvard University School of Public Health4 led the study. None of the women in the study had HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. The scientists reported earlier that daily multivitamins were a low-cost way to reduce fetal deaths in pregnant women infected with5 HIV. The earlier work in Tanzania also found improvement in the mothers in their number of blood cells known as lymphocytes. Lymphocytes increase the body's immunity against infection.

The new study in pregnant women who were not infected with the AIDS virus found that multivitamins reduced the risk of low birth weight. Just under eight percent of the babies born to women who took the multivitamins weighed less than 2,500 grams. The rate was almost nine and one-half percent in the group of women who received a placebo, an inactive pill, instead of the vitamins. But the vitamins did not do much to reduce the rates of babies being born too early or dying while still a fetus. Still, the researchers say multivitamins should be considered for all pregnant women in developing countries.

How many babies are born with low birth weight in the developed countries every year according to WHO?





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