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根据以下内容回答题:No one knows for sure why birds migrate.One theory of migration says th


No one knows for sure why birds migrate.One theory of migration says that ancient birds of the northern part of the earth were forced southward during the Ice Age,when ice covered large parts of Europe,Asia and North America.As the ice melted,the birds came back to their homelands,spent the summer,and then went south again in winter.Gradually,these comings and goings became habits,and birds now migrate though much of the ice has gone. Another theory proposes that the ancient home of all modern birds was the tropic areas.There lived so well that the region became overcrowded.Many species had to move northward.During the summer,these birds found plenty of room and food.In winter,however,food be-came scarce and they had to return to the south. A newer theory is that increasing daylight stimulates certain glands(腺)in the bird’s body and prepares it for migration.One scientist is able to make birds migrate in midwinter by expo-sing them for two months to artificial daylight.Recoveries of marked birds indicate that they fly north as soon as they are set free.The conclusion is that the urge to migrate is determined by changes in the bird’s body which take place under seasonal changes in the length of daylight. This theory would account for the fact that not all birds migrate at the same time.Each sDecies seems to have its own schedule.The theory would also account for the regular time and rou‘tes of migration.Birds arrive at a given place year after year.Unfavorable weather delays them only a few days.Total hours of daylight,rather than weather,start them on the way. How birds find their way to the same place year after year and why they follow their own Darticular route are still mysteries.They evidently do not follow known landmarks,for many young birds migrate alone without the help of experienced adults.

We can conclude from the first paragraph that__________ .

A.during the Ice Age,the whole Europe was covered with ice

B.the south used to be the homelands of all birds

C.scientists can confidently explain why birds migrate now

D.migration of birds can be explained by the change of ice on earth



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根据以下内容回答题: 美国的无风险利率 0.04/年 澳大利亚的无风险利率 0.03/年 即期汇率 0.52美元/1


美国的无风险利率 0.04/年

澳大利亚的无风险利率 0.03/年

即期汇率 0.52美元/1澳大利亚元



根据以下内容回答题:People landing at London’S Heathrow airport have something new to look


People landing at London’S Heathrow airport have something new to look at as they fly overBritain’S capital city.It is attractive,simple and a little strange.The Millennium Dome is a huge semi-circle of plastic and steel and it contains the largest public space in the world.It has been built to house an exhibition of all that is best in British life,learning and leisure. The Millennium Dome was designed by Sir Richard Rogers,one of British’S most famous architects.His work points the way to new developments in buildin9.Think of it as a giant symbol of the buildings in which we will all be living and working in the near future. Buildings are also a part of history.They express the culture of the times.Sir Richard Rogers is aware of this responsibility.While different designers have individual styles,their work also has a common style.That is:to express the values of the information age. What is an“information age”building?The dome is a good example.After the Millennium exhibition ends,it will be used for another purpose.Just as people no longer have“jobs for life”,modem buildings are designed for a number of different use for another Richard Roger’s building,the Pompidous Center(蓬皮杜艺术中心)in paris,uses the idea that information is communication.Instead of being hidden in the walls,heating pipes and elevators are open to public view.The Pompidous Center is a very honest building.It tells you how it works.

The Millennium Dome has been originally buih to hold an exhibition__________ .

A.of different building designing

B.of the finest things in Britain

C.of everything that can draw the attention of people

D.of recent developments in information technology




A.Most people carl bear the losing of their wallets but not cell phones.

B.Most people admit mobile phones are the“remote control”for life.

C.Most people must live with their mobile phones.

D.Most people owned more than one mobile phone.



根据下面短文内容,回答题。 The World"s Longest Bridge 第46题___________


The World"s Longest Bridge

第46题___________ 查看材料

A.Some environmentalists are against the project on biological grounds.

B.What do the world"s longest bridges have in common?

C.If true, one day you might spy the beast while zipping (呼啸而过) across the Messina Strait Bridge.

D.They"re what will keep the bridge from going anywhere.

E.The second job will be to pull two sets of steel cables across the strait, each set being a bundle of 44,352 individual steel wires.

F.They will tip up the scales at 166,500 tons——more than half the bridge"s total mass.



根据以下内容回答题:If you asked people what the most important invention has been,manv wou


If you asked people what the most important invention has been,manv would say the printing press.Others(1)say the wheel.But even though it's(2)whether the appear- ance of the printing press affected the course of history more than the wheel,the printing press(3)within the top two or three inventions in history.

(4)the telephone,the television,the radi0,and the computer,the written word was the only way to(5)ideas to people too far away to talk with.Until the 6th or 7th century.all books had to be written(6).Creating a book was difficult,and very few existed.Therefore,very few people read books.

In the 6th and 7th centuries,the Chinese invented a way to print pages by(7)characters and pictures on wooden,ivory,or clay blocks.They would print a page from the block by putting(8)on the block and pressing paper onto the ink.This(9)is called letterpress printing.The invention of letterpress printing was a great advance in communication(10)each block could be inked many times and many copies of each page could be made.Many books could now be made.Therefore,many people could read the same book.

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B.ought to

C.had to




根据以下内容回答题:Earthquakes may rightly be ranked as one of the most destructive forces
known to man:since reeords began to be written down,it has been estimated that earthquake-related fatalities(死亡)have numbered in the millions,and that earthquake-related destruction has been be-vond calculation.The greater part of such damage and loss of life has been due to falling down of buildings and the effects of rockslides,floods,fire,disease,gigantic sea waves,and other phenomena(现象)resulting from earthquakes,rather than from the quakes themselves. The great majority of all earthquakes occur Off two specific areas,along the coasts of the Pacific Ocean and from the East Indies to the Atlas Mountains.But they may,however,happen anywhere at any time. This element of the unknown has for centuries added greatly to the fear and horror sur-rounding earthquakes,but in recent times there have been indications that earthquake predic-tion may be possible.By analyzing changes in animal behavior,patterns of movements in the earth’S surface.and other unusual phenomena,scientists have shown increasing Success in pre-dicting when and where earthquakes will strike.As a result,a worldwide earthquake-warning network is already in operation and has helped to prepare for the vast destruction that mightotherwise have been totally unexpected. It is.doubtful,that man will ever be able to control earthquakes and do away with the destructiveness altogether。but as how.and why earthquakes happen become better understood,man will become more and more able to deal with their possible destruction before it occurs.

Most destruction caused by earthquakes is the results of the following EXCEPT__________ .

A.the collapsing of buildings and the fire it causes’

B.the floods and huge sea waves resulting from earthquakes.

C.the disease that often follows earthquakes

D.the panic brought about by earthquakes



根据下面材料,回答题。 Development in Newspaper OrganizationOne of the most important deve


Development in Newspaper Organization

One of the most important developments in newspaper organization during the first part of the twentieth century ____46____, which are known as wire services. Wire-service companies employed reporters, who covered stories all over the world. Their news reports were sent to papers throughout the country by telegraph. The papers paid an annual fee for this service. Wire services continue ____47____ Today the major wire services are the Associated Press (AP) and United Press International (UPI). You will frequently find AP or UPI at the beginning of a news story.

Newspaper chains and mergers began to appear in the early 1900s. A chain consists of two or more newspapers ____48____. A merger involves combining two or more papers into one. During the nineteenth century many cities had more than one competitive independent paper. Today in most cities there are only one or two newspapers, and ____49____. Often newspapers in several cities belong to one chain. Papers have combined ____50____. Chains and mergers have cut down production costs and brought the advantages of big-business methods to the newspaper industry.

第46题__________ 查看材料

A.to play an important role in newspaper operations

B.was the growth of telegraph services

C.and they usually enjoy great prestige

D.they are usually operated by a single owner

E.in order to survive under the pressure of rising costs

F.owned by a single person or organization



根据内容回答题. Musical ChairsDo you know how to play a game called Musical Chairs"


Musical Chairs

Do you know how to play a game called Musical Chairs" ? It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs, some people and some way of making music. You may use a piano or any other musical instrument, if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.

Put the chairs in a row. The chairs may be put in twos, back to back. A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it.

The game is easy. When the music starts ,the players walk round the chairs. Everyone goes in the same direction, of course, they should walk in time to the music. If the music is fast they should walk quickly. If the music is slow, they should walk slowly.

The person playing music cannot see the people in the game. When the music stops, the play- ers try to sit on the chairs. If a person cannot find a chair to sit on, he drops out. Then, before the music starts again,one chair must be taken away. When the music stops again, one more player will be out.

At last,there will be two players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner.

If ten people are playing musical chairs, you must begin with 查看材料

A.nine chairs

B.ten chairs

C.eleven chairs

D.one chair



请根据短文的内容,回答题。 Development in Newspaper OrganizationOne of the most important d


Development in Newspaper Organization

One of the most important developments in newspaper organization during the first part of the twentieth century ___________(46), which are known as wire services. Wire-service companies employed reporters, who covered stories all over the world. Their news reports were sent to papers throughout the country by telegraph. The papers paid an annual fee for this service. Wire services continue ___________ (47). Today the major wire services are the Associated Press (AP) and United Press International (UPI). You will frequently find AP or UPI at the beginning of a news story.<br>

Newspaper chains and mergers began to appear in the early 1900s. A chain consists of two or more newspapers ___________(48). A merger involves combining two or more papers into one.<br>

During the nineteenth century many cities had more than one competitive independent paper. Today in most cities there are only one or two newspapers, and ___________(49). Often newspapers in several cities belong to one chain. Papers have combined .(50). Chains and mergers have cut down production costs and brought the advantages of big-business methods to the newspaper industry.

第46题__________ 查看材料

A.to play an important role in newspaper operations

B.was the growth of telegraph services

C.and they usually enjoy great prestige

D.they are usually operated by a single owner

E.in order to survive under the pressure of rising costs

F.owned by a single person or organization



根据下面短文内容,回答题。 Spoilt for ChoiceSome research which was recently carried out i


Spoilt for Choice

Some research which was recently carried out in Britain has confirmed what many ordinary shoppers have suspected for quite a long time. Having a__________(51) election of goods to choose from is not necessarily a__________(52) to consumers. The average supermarket in Britain has around 40,000 different products on sale at any one time and if you&39;re__________(53) of buying a car, then there are actually around 1,600 different__________(54) on the market.

In one sense, choice is a good thing because it __________ (55) us to buy those products which best suit our needs. But choice can also __________ (56) something of a problem. With over 400 brands of shampoo on the market, how does the consumer__________ (57) hold of the information necessary to choose between them?

For some people, the solution is to buy only well-known brands, whilst others are happy to be__________(58) by advertising. There is evidence,__________(59), that for some people the__________ (60) of choice available to them in Britain&39;s consumer society is actually a __________ (61)of anxiety and stress. One man interviewed by the researchers admitted that he had__________(62) out to buy his girlfriend a mobile phone for her birthday, but was so__________(63) by the number of different types on offer in the shop that he __________ (64) up and decided to buy her a bundle(束 )

of flowers__________(65)!

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请根据短文的内容,回答题。 SleepThe normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 7-8 hour



The normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 7-8 hours&39; sleep alternation with some 16-17hours&39; wakefulness and that the sleep normally coincides __________ (51) the hours of darkness. Our present concern is with how easily and to what extent this __________ (52) can be modified.<br>

The question is no mere academic one. The case with which people can change from working in the day to working at night is a __________ (53) of growing importance in industry where automation __________ (54) round-the-clock working of machines. It normally __________ (55)from five days to one week for a person to adapt to a __________ (56) routine of sleep and wakefulness, sleeping during the day and working at night. __________ (57), it is often the case in industry that shifts are changed every week. This means that no sooner has he got used to one routine __________ (58) he has to change to another, __________ (59) much of his time is spent neither working nor sleeping very __________ (60).<br>

One answer would seem to be __________ (61) periods on each shift, a month, or even three months. __________ (62), recent research has shown that people on such systems will revert to go back to their __________ (63) habits of sleep and wakefulness during the weekend and that this is quite enough to destroy any __________ (64) to night work built up during the week. The only real solution appears to be to hand over the night shift to those permanent night workers whose __________ (65) may persist through all weekends and holidays.

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