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听力原文:Man 1: Good evening. On 'Business World' tonight, it's my pleasure to welcome Pet

er Bull from the New Zealand Kiwi Fruit Marketing Board - the KMB for short! Good to have you with us, Peter. First of all, for those people who may not have seen kiwi fruit, what are they?

Man 2: Well, they're a small, green, round fruit and they're delicious! New Zealand now exports more of them than any other fruit and vegetable - so kiwi fruit are very important to us economically. Of course, New Zealand is famous for lamb and wool production, and trade in both of these is still very good - though dairy products is actually the biggest area in terms of export income.

Man 1: I see.., and can you tell me why the KMB was started?

Man 2: Well, some years ago kiwi fruit farmers found they were producing more fruit, but the market wasn't growing at the same rate. So the KMB was formed - partly to set up distribution to retailers and so on within New Zealand, but also to find more customers for kiwi fruit around the world - in other words, to make the export market bigger.

Man 1: I see.., now just what do you do to find more customers around the world for a particular product.., especially one which people have probably never seen before?

Man 2: Well, there are a number of ways of doing this. Some marketing boards might do an international advertising campaign, so that when anybody in one of the target countries watches TV, they're certain to see the product. That's fine, but of course it costs a lot, and it's not really suited to our product. So we've always approached this in a different way - we want to be certain that anyone who buys our product anywhere in the world has a guarantee that what they're buying is of the highest quality. This is the best long-term policy.., you can do all kinds of things, like selling at cost price at the beginning so that your product is cheaper than its competitors, but we didn't think that would present the right image, and in the end you'll only have to raise your prices anyway.

Man 1: So, as with anything, it all comes down to how good your product is...

Man 2: That's right.

Man 1: And where do most exports of kiwi fruit go?

Man 2: Well, our market is expanding all the time. Our oldest markets are in Europe and Japan, but demand is growing in the Middle East and Korea. Our latest destinations are South America and Vietnam.

Man 1: Really? So kiwi fruit are becoming truly international...

Man 2: Yes. And kiwi fruit currently make up 25% of all fruit exported by New Zealand.

Man 1: And do you expect that to rise?

Man 2: Yes - to 32% in five years' time, a 7% increase we hope!

Man 1: Mmm - OK how does the fruit get from grower to customer?

Man 2: Well, most kiwi is exported by sea though some is sent by air freight to Australia. The fruit comes into the ports by truck, after being packed by the growers at local packing stations.

There is a plan for express rail transport in the future, which should speed things up a bit more.

Man 1: And after the fruit arrives at the ports?

Man 2: Well, it's stored on the ships in large wooden boxes. We send 50 million boxes out of the country on 80 ships - but that's not enough! We're quite happy with the design of the boxes, and we know we've got exactly the right temperature on board for the fruit - in other words, our technology isn't a problem - we simply need more ships to be able to work as efficiently as we'd like to.

Man 1: And how do you see the future developing?

Man 2: Well, we hope to work out ways to send the fruit even more quickly to our export markets, to keep it as fresh as possible.

Man 1: Mmm - well thank you, Peter. One last question - is kiwi fruit popular in New Zealand?

Man 2: Yes... In fact it recently became the second biggest seller on the home market. It's overtaken sales of pears - although it'll be a while yet before we overtake apples. But that's OK of course, because all New Zealan

A.dairy products.

B.fruit and vegetables.

C.lamb and wool.

更多“听力原文:Man 1: Good evening. On 'Business World' tonight, it's my pleasure to welcome Pet”相关的问题


听力原文:Should I order more blank CDs?(A) Good idea, we're getting low.(B) Great, how man

听力原文:Should I order more blank CDs?

(A) Good idea, we're getting low.

(B) Great, how many did you order?

(C) Put on anything you want to hear.







听力原文:W: I really want to know why Nancy is always so hostile towards me.M: Did you eve

听力原文:W: I really want to know why Nancy is always so hostile towards me.

M: Did you ever think of just coming right out and asking her?

Q: What does the man think the woman should do?


A.Be hostile to Nancy.

B.Ask Nancy to come out.

C.Talk to Nancy herself.

D.Write a letter to Nancy.



听力原文:Four. What was the weather like on John's holiday?Man 1: How was your holiday, Jo

听力原文:Four. What was the weather like on John's holiday?

Man 1: How was your holiday, John?

Man 2: We had a good time, but the weather was awful. We didn't have one sunny day!

Man 1: Oh dear, a week in the rain, poor you.

Man 2: Well, that's the funny thing. It never actually mined, it was just freezing cold and cloudy, we thought it might even snow.

What was the weather like on John's holiday?

听力原文:Four. What was the weather like on John's hol






听力原文:W: Do you like mountain Climbing?M: That's the last thing in the world that I eve

听力原文:W: Do you like mountain Climbing?

M: That's the last thing in the world that I ever want to do.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He went mountain climbing last year.

B.He definitely does not like it.

C.He hasn't traveled around the world yet.

D.He's always wanted to climb mountains.



听力原文:W: How's your morning exercise coming along?M: Perfect. I do morning exercise eve

听力原文:W: How's your morning exercise coming along?

M: Perfect. I do morning exercise every day now except when it rains. How're things with you?

W: Very well. Can you see I've lost several pounds?

What can we learn from tile conversation ?

A.Both the man and woman like sports.

B.The woman does morning exercise every day except when it rains.

C.The man wants to lose weight.

D.Both the man and the woman want to keep fit.



听力原文:W: I really want to know why Nancy is always so hostile toward me. M: Did you eve

听力原文:W: I really want to know why Nancy is always so hostile toward me.

M: Did you ever think of just coming right out and asking her?

What does the man think the woman should do?

A.Be hostile to Nancy.

B.Ask Nancy to come out.

C.Talk to Nancy herself.

D.Write Nancy a letter.



听力原文:(Woman) Weren't you surprised that Mr. Lee missed the meeting?(Man) (A) Very good

听力原文:(Woman) Weren't you surprised that Mr. Lee missed the meeting?

(Man) (A) Very good.

(B) The top prize.

(C) Yes, I was.







听力原文:(A) The man is dozing on the chair.(B) The man is in a good mood.(C) The easy cha

听力原文:(A) The man is dozing on the chair.

(B) The man is in a good mood.

(C) The easy chair is covered without cushion.

(D) The man is listening to the cell phone wearily.

听力原文:(A) The man is dozing on the chair.(B) The ma







听力原文:W: Hello. This is Dr. Gray's office. We're calling to remind you of your 4:15 app
ointment for your annual check-up tomorrow.

M: Oh, thanks. It's a good thing you called. I thought it was 4:15 today.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The man was confused about the date of the appointment.

B.The man wants to change the date of the appointment.

C.The man is glad he's got in touch with the doctor.

D.The man can't come for the appointment at 4: 1



听力原文:Woman: Good morning. Garden Hotel. May I help you?Man: Good morning. I'd like to

听力原文:Woman: Good morning. Garden Hotel. May I help you?

Man: Good morning. I'd like to book a single room with shower, please.

Woman: Yes. When are you arriving?

Man: I'll arrive on the afternoon of July 16. Can you tell me what time I have to check out on July 20?

Woman: Checking out time is mid-day, sir. Do you prefer a room overlooking the street or the garden?

Man: A room overlooking the garden, please.

Woman: One moment please. Yes, we have a single room available on that date. Can I have your name, sir?

Man: You just write down my company's name, Sunshine Company. Can you tell me the price, please?

Woman: For each night that's $100, bed and breakfast. Can I have your fax number, please?

Man: My fax number is 020—5648899.

Woman: Thank you. I'll send a fax to confirm the booking. Goodbye.

Man: Goodbye.

听力原文:Woman: Good morning. Garden Hotel. May I help











听力原文:W: Margaret seems really well organized.M: Yeah, she's good at following up on th

听力原文:W: Margaret seems really well organized.

M: Yeah, she's good at following up on things.

Q: What docs the man mean?


A.Margaret makes a lot of plans.

B.Margaret gets things done.

C.Margaret does what others want.

D.Margaret is a good leader.

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