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If couples can learn how to provide emotional support before they marry,______(他们更有希

If couples can learn how to provide emotional support before they marry,______(他们更有希望避免离婚).

更多“If couples can learn how to provide emotional support before they marry,______(他们更有希”相关的问题


听力原文:Anyone who's been married has the experience of arguing with your spouse. Those r

听力原文: Anyone who's been married has the experience of arguing with your spouse. Those romantic days of courtship have given way to arguing about doing the dishes and taking out the garbage. But, as any marriage advisor will tell you, (32) at least some fighting is a healthy part of a relationship.

According to a study done by researchers at Ohio State University, though, marital stress has its downside as well. According to the study, the stress that a married couple experiences during a typical argument can slow the body's power to heal wounds by up to two days.

(33) The study involved forty two married couples who'd been together for an average of twelve years. First, each spouse was given small wounds on their arms and took tests to determine their stress levels. Then they were videotaped while having a supportive discussion about their relationship.

Two months later the couples were again given small wounds and this time videotaped while discussing something more emotionally tensional. (34) The researchers found that the wounds took one day longer to heal after the stressful discussion than they did after the supportive discussion. (35) Couples that had really hostile arguments took as long as two extra days to heal their wounds.

The researchers are still trying to determine why higher levels of stress slow the wound healing process. But the findings could be important in many ways. Hospitals, for example, might take more care to make hospital stays less stressful, so patients will heal faster.

32. What is the advisor's view about the arguments?

33.What kinds of persons are involved in the study?

34.In healing the wound,how many days longer does the stressful discussion take than the supportive one?

35.What can we learn from the study done by researchers at Ohio State University?


A.Arguments do not always occur between couples.

B.Arguments or fights may lead to the end of the marriage.

C.Couples should argue with each other properly.

D.Arguments can be avoided after the romantic days of courtship.



In order to continue the marriages of the shiftworkers, ______.A.wives must learn to care

In order to continue the marriages of the shiftworkers, ______.

A.wives must learn to care for the children when their husbands are absent

B.shiftwork couples must administer their time and activities

C.wives mustn't adapt their own feelings of boredom to their husbands' work

D.all of these



In order to continue the marriages of the shifiworkers, ______.A.wives must learn to care

In order to continue the marriages of the shifiworkers, ______.

A.wives must learn to care for the children when their husbands are absent

B.shifiwork couples must administer their time and activities

C.wives mustn't adapt their own feelings of boredom to their husbands' work

D.all of these



听力原文:M: I think that intermarriage is a good idea. After all, we are living in a cosmo
politan country. We have so many different races living together peacefully, don't we? It is nothing new to us, and I feel that intermarriage will work out.

W: Personally, I feel that it is not a very sound idea. It is difficult for two people of entirely different religions to live and share a life together. They will face so many problems that it would be better if they don't get married in the first place. M: Of course there will be problems. Even two people of the same religion have problems. It is the same in this case, except that it will be slightly more difficult, I guess.

W: I agree with you, Henry. Naturally, there will be arguments and personal differences. Marriage thrives on a give-and-take policy, so a couple will have to learn to adapt to each other's customs and traditions.

M: That's right. Married people should be more tolerant towards each other and be willing to learn a bout each other's religion. Only then can understanding and acceptance be achieved ultimately.

W: You talk as if it were very simple. It isn't, you know. I should know, as I am a child of a mixed marriage.

M: All right, you tell us why it is not such a good idea.

W: You see, Henry, it depends on the individuals concerned. If two people of different religions marry, they should be prepared for the consequences. It is only after marriage that the vast differences in the cultures begin to show. Little things, from food and clothes to bigger aspects like religious beliefs, tend to clash, leading eventually to a rift. Besides, this will be either personal pride or the reluctance to accept the other's views. It may lead to a big gap between the parents, and their children may suffer a lot in between.

M: You have a point there, but I can also tell you of several such couples who are living happily together.

W: I suppose that you are right. Intermarriage can lead to happiness or sorrow, depending on how it is handled.








In order to continue the marriages of the shift workers A.wives must learn to

In order to continue the marriages of the shift workers

A.wives must learn to care for the children when their husbands are absent

B.shift work couples must administer their time and activities

C.wives mustn' t adapt their own feelings of boredom to their husbands' work

D.all of these



In order to continue the marriages of the shift workers,______.A.wives must learn to care

In order to continue the marriages of the shift workers,______.

A.wives must learn to care for the children when their husbands are absent

B.shift work couples must administer their time and activities

C.wives mustn't adapt their own feelings of boredom to their husbands' work

D.all of these



We learn from the passage that ______.A.same-sex partners are still strongly looked down u

We learn from the passage that ______.

A.same-sex partners are still strongly looked down upon in UK

B.same-sex partners in England and Wales are granted many of the legal rights enjoyed by married couples of different sexes

C.same-sex partners are usually ashamed of their relationship

D.many "gay marriages" have been declared void by British court



In the classic marriage vow(誓约),couples promise to stay together in sickness and in
In the classic marriage vow(誓约),couples promise to stay together in sickness and in

health. But a new study finds that the risk of divorce among older couples rises when the wife—not the husband— becomes seriously ill.

"Married women diagnosed with a serious health condition may find themselves struggling with the impact of their disease while also experiencing the stress of divorce," said researcher Amelia Karraker. Karraker and co-author Kenzie Latham analyzed 20 years of data on 2,717 marriages from a study conducted by Indiana University since 1992. At the time of the first interview, at least one of the partners was over the age of 50.

The researchers examined how the onset(发生)of four serious physical illnesses affected marriages. They found that, overall, 31% of marriages ended in divorce over the period studied. The incidence of new chronic(慢性的)illness onset increased over time as well, with more husbands than wives developing serious health problems. "We found that women are doubly vulnerable to marital break-up in the face of illness," Karraker said. "They're more likely to be widowed, and if they're the ones who become ill, they're more likely to get divorced."

While the study didn't assess why divorce is more likely when wives but not husbands become seriously ill, Karraker offers a few possible reasons. "Gender norms and social expectations about caregiving may make it more difficult for men to provide care to sick spouses," Karraker said. "And because of the imbalance in marriage markets, especially in older ages, divorced men have more choices among prospective partners than divorced women."

Given the increasing concern about health care costs for the aging population, Karraker believes policymakers should be aware of the relationship between disease and risk of divorce.

"Offering support services to spouses caring for their other halves may reduce marital stress and prevent divorce at older ages," she said. "But it's also important to recognize that the pressure to divorce may be health-related and that sick ex-wives may need additional care and services to prevent worsening health and increased health costs."

91.What can we learn about marriage vows from the passage_____

A.They may not guarantee a lasting marriage.

B.They are as binding as they used to be.

C.They are not taken seriously any more.

D.They may help couples tide over hard times.

92.What did Karraker and co-author Kenzie Latham find about elderly husbands_____

A.They are generally not good at taking care of themselves.

B.They can become increasingly vulnerable to serious illnesses.

C.They can develop different kinds of illnesses just like their wives.

D.They are more likely to contract serious illnesses than their wives.

93.What does Karraker say about women who fall ill_____

A.They are more likely to be widowed.

B.They are more likely to get divorced.

C.They are less likely to receive good care.

D.They are less likely to bother their spouses.

94.Why is it more difficult for men to take care of their sick spouses according to Karraker_____

A.They are more accustomed to receiving care.

B.They find it more important to make money for the family.

C.They think it more urgent to fulfill their social obligations.

D.They expect society to do more of the job.

95.What does Karraker think is also important_____

A.Reducing marital stress on wives.

B.Providing extra care for divorced women.

C.Stabilizing old couples' relations.

D.Making men pay for their wives, health costs.



In order to continue the marriages of the shift workers,______.[A] wives must learn to car

In order to continue the marriages of the shift workers,______.

[A] wives must learn to care for the children when their husbands are absent

[B] shift work couples must administer their time and activities

[C] wives mustn't adapt their own feelings of boredom to their husbands' work

[D] all of these



Couples planning to have children can take prenatal genetic tests to know______.A.whether

Couples planning to have children can take prenatal genetic tests to know______.

A.whether their babies are genetically healthy or not

B.whether they can have a baby

C.when their babies will come into the world

D.whether their babies are boy or girl babies

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