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Smokers who want to kick the habit might soon get help from a product that's being tested

at the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine: a mouth wash that makes cigarettes taste bad. It could be on the market within a year.

The anti-smoking rinse itself tastes rather pleasant. But if you light up within 6 to 8 hours of smoking it, your cigarette will taste like burnt rubber and you won't smoke past the first puff, explains Dr. Sebastian Ciancio, director of the Center for Dental Studies at the University of Buffalo.

Ciancio is heading up a pilot study in which 10 smokers, each of whom normally smoke at least a pack of cigarettes a day, are rinsing their mouths three times daily with the anti-smoking solution. Another 10 are getting a placebo. Prior to this study, only the inventor had tested the anti-smoking rinse—a chemist who does not wish to be identified—and a few of his friends, who say it enabled them to quit smoking.

And Ciancio has no shortage of volunteers: The waiting list to participate in the study is already full. "People arc desperate," he says. If the pilot study is successful, it will be expanded.

Not only might the patented formulation deter smoking, Ciancio adds, but it also appears to reduce plaque, gingivitis, and halitosis. Manufacturing the rinse, he estimates, would cost approximately the same as conventional mouthwashes.

How many smokers are participating in the pilot study now?





更多“Smokers who want to kick the habit might soon get help from a product that's being tested”相关的问题


There may be a good reason why some people are not able to stop smoking cigarettes. A new
study found that people who suffer from depression were two times as likely to fail when they tried to stop smoking.

Alexander Glassman presented the findings recently during the yearly meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Doctor Glassman is the director of an antismoking center at Columbia University in New York City. His study examined 100 smokers who have a history of depression. People with depression suffer periods of extreme sadness.

The researchers studied people who have succeeded and those who have failed in their efforts to stop smoking. The study found that people who did stop smoking were two times as likely to suffer from depression again within six months as those who continued to smoke.

Doctor Glassman says smokers who are depressed use tobacco to make themselves feel better. But, he says people with depression seem to have a much harder time stopping than non-depressed smokers.

So, drugs to fight depression are now also being used to help people stop smoking. Doctors say the most effective one is called Buproprion.

Buproprion mainly affects the brain chemical dopamine(多巴胺). nicotine(尼古丁) is a substance in tobacco that also affects dopamine. Buproprion helps people stop smoking because it eases the body's desire for nicotine. Doctor Glassman says the drug does not make people stop smoking. But it makes it easier for those who want to stop.

When people with depression tried to stop smoking they are ______.

A.as likely to fail as non-depressed smokers

B.more likely to fail than non-depressed smokers

C.more likely to succeed than non-depressed smokers

D.most likely to succeed among the smokers



第二篇There may be a good reason why some people are not able to stop smoking cigarettes.


There may be a good reason why some people are not able to stop smoking cigarettes. A new study found that people who suffer from depression were two times as likely to fail when they tried to stop smoking.

Alexander Glassman presented the findings recently during the yearly meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. Doctor Glassman is the director of an antismoking center at Columbia University in New York City. His study examined 100 smokers who have a history of depression. People with depression suffer periods of extreme sadness.

The researchers studied people who have succeeded and those who have failed in their efforts to stop smoking. The study found that people who did stop smoking were two times as likely to suffer from depression again within six months as those who continued to smoke.

Doctor Glassman says smokers who are depressed use tobacco to make themselves feel better. But, he says people with depression seem to have a much harder time stopping than non-depressed smokers.

So, drugs to fight depression are now also being used to help people stop smoking. Doctors say the most effective one is called Buproprion.

Buproprion mainly affects the brain chemical dopamine(多巴胺). nicotine(尼古丁) is a substance in tobacco that also affects dopamine. Buproprion helps people stop smoking because it eases the body's desire for nicotine. Doctor Glassman says the drug does not make people stop smoking. But it makes it easier for those who want to stop.

When people with depression tried to stop smoking they are ______.

A. as likely to fail as non-depressed smokers

B. more likely to fail than non-depressed smokers

C. more likely to succeed than non-depressed smokers

D. most likely to succeed among the smokers



Common Problems, Common Solutions The chances are that you made up your mind about smoking

Common Problems, Common Solutions

The chances are that you made up your mind about smoking a long time ago — and decided it's not for you.

The chances are equally good that you know a lot of smokers — there are, after all about 60 million of them, work with them, and get along with them very well.

And finally it's a pretty safe bet that you're open-minded and interested in all the various issues about smokers and non-smokers — or you wouldn't be reading this.

And those three things make you incredibly(难以置信地) important today.

Because they mean that yours is the voice — not the smoker's and not the anti-smoker's — that will determine how much of society's efforts should go into building walls that separate us and how much into the search for solutions that bring us together.

For one tragic result of the emphasis on building walls is the diversion(转移) of millions of dollars from scientific research on the causes and cures of diseases ,which, when all is said and done, still strike the nonsmoker as well as the smoker. One prominent(卓越的) health organization, to cite(引证) but a single instance, now spends 28 cents of every publicly contributed dollar on "education" (much of it in anti- smoking propaganda, and only 2 cents on research).

There will always be some who want to build walls, who want to separate people from people, and up to a point, even these may serve society. The anti-smoking wall-builders have, to give them their due, helped to make us all more keenly aware of choice.

But our guess, and certainly our hope, is that you are among the far greatest number who know that walls are only temporary(暂时的) at best, and that over the long run, we can serve society's interest better by working together in mutual accommodation.

Whatever virtue walls may have, they can never move our society toward fundamental solutions. People who work together on common problems, common solutions, can.

What does the word "wall" used in the passage mean?

A.Anti-smoking propaganda.

B.Diseases striking nonsmokers as well as smokers.

C.Rules and regulations that prohibit smoking.

D.Separation of smokers from nonsmokers.



Quit Smoking 1 Anyone who has ever tried to give up smoking cigarettes knows the meaning o

Quit Smoking

1 Anyone who has ever tried to give up smoking cigarettes knows the meaning of being hooked. Even those who succeed in quitting for the first time suffer the same 75% relapse rate as recovering alcoholics and heroin addicts. Last week, the U. S. Surgeon General made official what everyone has recognized for a long time-tobacco, like cocaine or heroin, is addictive.

2 The panic of a heave smoker bereft of cigarettes speaks alarmingly of a physiological force at work that is more powerful than mere desire. Not long after taking up the habit, smokers become tolerant of nicotine's effects as with heroin and cocaine, dependence quickly follows.

3 Like many drugs that affect the nervous system, nicotine at once stimulates and relaxes the body. Because it is inhaled, it takes only seven to ten seconds to reach the brain — twice as fast as intravenous drugs and three times faster than alcohol. Once there, it mimics some of the actions of adrenaline, a hormone, and acetylcholine, a powerful neurotransmitter that touches off the brain’s alarm system, among other things. After a few puffs, the level of nicotine in the blood skyrockets, the heart beats faster and blood pressure increases. The result is that smokers become more alert and may actually even think faster.

4 Nicotine operates on other parts of the body as well. By constricting blood vessels, it casts a pallor over the face and diminishes circulation in the extremities, often causing chilliness in the arms and legs. It relaxes the muscles and suppresses the appetite for carbohydrates. Since nicotine cannot be stored in the body, smokers maintain a relatively constant level in the blood by continuing to smoke.

5 As for nicotine's addictive qualities, the Surgeon General cited several national surveys that reveal 75% to 85% of the nation's 51 million smokers would like to quit but have so far been unable to do so.

23 Paragraph 2

24 Paragraph 3

25 Paragraph 4

26 Paragraph 5

A Statistics about the People Who Want to Quit Smoking

B How Nicotine Affects Other Parts of the Body

C The Effect of Smoking on the Nervous System

D The Formation of Dependence

E The Hardness of Quit Smoking

F Harm of Smoking



听力原文:Earlier this year, the American Lung Association launched a web site aimed at hel

听力原文: Earlier this year, the American Lung Association launched a web site aimed at helping people stop smoking cigarettes. The Association fights all kinds of lung diseases. Officials say using the Internet is the best way to help people save their own lives by helping them stop smoking.

The American Lung Association says the new web site is part of its Freedom from Smoking campaign. People around the world can use the web site twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

The program is free of charge. And it is interactive. A person who links to the web site can communicate with other people who also want to quit smoking. They can ask and answer questions, share concerns and tell about earlier attempts to quit smoking. The Freedom from Smoking campaign requires that everyone have a support group.

Support groups are necessary because quitting smoking is very difficult. The Freedom from Smoking campaign recognizes this. People who link to the web site answer a series of questions. These include why they smoke, how long they have been smoking and what causes the urge to have a cigarette. Then the program works with the person to design a successful way to quit. This may include making changes in a person's life or using medicines to help.


A.It launched the Freedom from Smoking campaign.

B.It vigorously called upon smokers to quit smoking.

C.It made available a new web site on the Internet.

D.It organized many supporting groups for those who want to quit smoking.



Most smokers want to stop smoke. Many of



Hypnosis is not effective in treating cigarette smokers and persons who eat or drink too m
uch is because ______.



Friendship and Living LongerDo you want to be healthier and live longer? Spend time with y

Friendship and Living Longer

Do you want to be healthier and live longer? Spend time with your friends. That is the prescription given by several medical studies. These surveys show that people with strong social ties--to friends, family and loved ones, even pets live longer and enjoy better health than lonely people.

One study in California, for example, followed 7,000 people over a period Of nine years. The subjects were asked to describe their social ties. Some said that they were isolated from others. These subjects had death rates two or three times higher than people with families and friends.

The stronger the social ties to others, the study found, the lower the death rate. The pattern held true for men and women, young and old, rich and poor. The race of the subject did not change the result. It also applied to people with different life styles. Cigarette smokers who had friends lived longer than friendless smokers. Joggers involved with other people lived longer than joggers who lived isolated lives.

Another study confirms this result. The University of Michigan looked at 2,754 adults in Tecumseh, Michigan. The researchers carefully measured their subjects' health at the beginning of the study. The lonely, isolated people started out as healthy as the others. But over ten years, they were two to four times as likely to die.

Other findings also show the health value of personal ties. Married men and women tend to live longer than single, divorced or widowed people of the same age. In nursing homes, patients became more aware and responsive when they played with cats and dogs. Pet owners are more likely to survive heart attacks than people without pets.

Another kind of proof that social ties support good health comes from Japan. Most Japanese people live hectic lives in cities as crowded, noisy, and polluted as ours. Such a way of life seems unhealthy. Yet the Japanese are among the healthiest and longest-lived people in the world. One reason may be their diet. Another reason, though, is the way of life. The Japanese have strong ties to family and co-workers. These ties are rarely broken. For example, companies tend to move co-workers as a group, rather than one at a time. Thus the work groups remain the same.

Studies of Japanese-Americans support the importance of the role of Japanese social life in preserving their health. Japanese-Americans who live in strongly Japanese neighborhoods and have mainly Japanese friends tend to live longer than those who do not. Both groups eat mostly American-style. food and many in both groups smoke and drink. Thus it appears to be the strong social ties of Japanese communities that keep their members healthy.

Why is it more healthy to have friends and loved ones? We don't know exactly. But it is probably a combination of several explanations. In part, people with strong social ties may simply have more to live for. They have loved ones or family who share their lives. They have friends who call them and ask them how they are doing. They have get-togethers to look forward to.

Social contacts also provide us with a buffer against the shocks of life. At some point, each of us moves, changes a job, or loses a loved one. Such abrupt changes tend to cause increase in the rates of many diseases. These include heart disease, cancer, strokes, and mental illnesses. Accidents are also more likely to happen to people whose lives have suddenly changed. Friends, loved ones, even a loyal dog can help us to get through the otherwise very rough changes that we must deal with in life.

Finally, friends and loved ones can affect our health in still another way. If we are smokers, they may help us to quit. If we overeat, they may urge us to cut back. They can remind us to go for medical checkups. And if we have fears or sadness bottled up inside us, friends






Scientists have concluded that nonsmokers who must______inhale(吸入)the air polluted by to

Scientists have concluded that nonsmokers who must______inhale(吸入)the air polluted by tobacco smoke may suffer more than the smokers themselves.







A.People who link to the web site can ask and answer questions concerned.B.People who

A.People who link to the web site can ask and answer questions concerned.

B.People who link to the web site can share experiences with each other.

C.The anti-smoking campaign can help individual smokers to design effective ways to quit.

D.All of the above.

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