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I can __ a dog()






更多“I can __ a dog()”相关的问题


Don’t forget to walk the dog while I am away, ________.A) can youB) shall youC) do

Don’t forget to walk the dog while I am away, ________.

A) can you

B) shall you

C) do you

D) will you



听力原文:M: I think that dog racing is kind of fun and exciting. I've never miss that.W: F

听力原文:M: I think that dog racing is kind of fun and exciting. I've never miss that.

W: For me, I'm more fond of horses than cars and dogs.

Q: What can be concluded from the conversation?


A.The man thinks ear racing is too exciting to miss.

B.The man prefers dog racing to horse or car racing.

C.The woman prefers horse racing to dog or car racing.

D.The woman dislikes dogs and cars.



听力原文:W: I just bought some meat this morning, and now I can't find it anywhere. Do you
know what happened to it?

M: Did you hear there is a wild dog nearby? That was it. I'm sure.

Q: What is the problem?


A.The woman doesn't like meat.

B.The woman didn't come to see a dog.

C.The man was in the house this morning.

D.The dog stole the meat.



听力原文:W: I would like to have a dog of my own.Do you have any ideas of dogs?M: Oh, dogs

听力原文:W: I would like to have a dog of my own. Do you have any ideas of dogs?

M: Oh, dogs are social animals and without proper training, they will behave like wild animals.

W: It sounds terrible. How will they behave when they are not properly trained?

M: They will spoil your house, destroy your belongings, bark excessively, fight other dogs and even bite you.

W: Then I dare not keep the dog at my home.

M: Don't be so scared. The key to preventing or treating behavior. problems is learning to teach the dog to redirect its normal behavior. to outlets that are acceptable in the domestic setting.

W: Would you please offer me some suggestions on training dogs?

M: Certainly. One of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself is to train it to obey you. Obedience training doesn't solve all behavior. problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem.

W: Is there any other significance of training?

M: Yes. Training opens up a line of communication between you and your dog. Effective communication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do.

W: Oh, the relationship between people and dogs seems very important.

M: You are right.


A.Dogs are social animals.

B.Dogs are wild animals.

C.Dogs can bite their owners.

D.Dogs can obey to their owners if properly trained.



第一节 短文理解1根据短文内容,判断文后给出的陈述是否正确。认为正确的,选[A](True);认为错误的,

第一节 短文理解1


I am in a bus on a rainy day, and a woman with a dog gets on the bus. It is a big dog and its feet are not clean.

I don't want the dog to sit near me. But the woman says to the conductor, "Oh, I pay for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people?"

The conductor looks at the dog and says, "Yes, madam. But like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair."

It's raining outside the bus.





听力原文:Hi, Ann. This is Amy speaking. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I need your help.
I have to fly to Mexico to deal with some problems in my company and I will be not at home for about a week. But no one will take care of my lovely dog Lily this week. So I hope you can take care of her for a week. Please call me as soon as possible, because my flight will leave tomorrow evening. Thank you very much.

Why dose Amy call Ann?

A.Because Amy asks Ann to prepare her tour.

B.Because Amy wants Ann to look after her dog for a week.

C.Because Amy knows that Ann knows a lot about dog.

D.Because Amy is going to Mexico on holiday.



听力原文:A(man): Hi, Mice. I hear that you are planning to have a dog in your house. Is th

听力原文:A(man): Hi, Mice. I hear that you are planning to have a dog in your house. Is that true?

B(woman): Yeah. But I am not so sure now. I'd love to have one because I think dogs are good companions.

A: Sure. I think most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their byes. If you are thinking of buying a dog, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and whether the dog is likely to be happy in the surroundings you can provide.

B: So. What's you advice?

A: Specialist advice is available to help you choose the most suitable breed of dog. But in part, the decision depends on common sense. Most breeds were originally developed to perform. specific tasks. So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, you should choose a breed that has the right size and characteristics.

B: I have not decided yet, you know. I just thought dogs are lovely and they will do things you want them to do.

A: That's half true. You must be ready to devote a good deal of time to train the dog when it is young and give it the exercise it needs throughout its life. Dogs are demanding pets. The best time to buy a baby-dog is when it is between 6 and 8 weeks old so that it can transfer its affection from its mother to its master. If baby dogs have not established a relationship with the human being until they are over three months old, their strong relationship will always be with dogs. They are likely to be too shy when they are brought out into the world to become good pets.

B: Thank you so much for bring such valuable advice, Tom. I think I am readier than before to have my own dog now.

Why does the woman want to have a dog?

A.Because she is lonely.

B.Because she loves to protect a pet.

C.Because she thinks dogs are good companions.

D.Because she just lost one dog.



听力原文:W: I need to make some money so that I can go traveling. Do you know any part-tim
e jobs?

M: How about sending newspapers?

W: I already thought of that, but I don't have a bike.

M: How about walking dogs?

W: Walking dogs?

M: Yes, you know, there're a lot of people around here with dogs.

W: Then how much can I earn if I walk dogs?

M: More than sending newspapers. The dogs need to be walked every day, especially when people are at work.

W: That's a good idea since I like dogs very much. But how can I find dogs to walk?

M: You can put an advertisement in the Sunday newspaper.

W: Then how much shall I charge for walking a dog?

M: You can try for four dollars an hour.

W: That's great. Thank you so much.

Why did the girl want to make money?

A.She wanted to buy a new bike.

B.She wanted to go traveling.

C.She wanted to have a dog.



When we use a word in speech and writing, its most obvious purpose is to point to some thi
ng or relation or property. This is the word's" meaning."

Let us suppose that the one grandparent of the dog was a collie, another was an Irish terrier, another a fox terrier, and the fourth a bulldog. We can express these facts equally scientifically and objectively by-saying that he is a dog of mixed breed. We have in no way gone be yond the requirements of exact scientific description.

Suppose, however, that we had called the same animal a" mongrel". The matter is more complicated. We have used a word which objectively means the same as" dog of mixed breed", but which also arouse in our hearers an emotional attitude of disapproval toward that particular dog. A word, therefore, can not only indicate an object; but can also suggest an emotional attitude toward it. Such suggestion of an emotional attitude does go beyond exact and scientific discussion because our approvals and disapprovals are individual--they belong to ourselves and not to the objects we approve or disapprove of.

Once we are on the outlook for this difference between" objective" and "emotional" meanings, we shall notice that words which carry more or less strong suggestions of emotional attitudes are very common and are ordinarily used in the discussion of such debatable questions as those of politics, morals, and religion. This is one reason why such controversies cannot yet be settled.

There is a well-known saying that the word "firm" can be declined as follows: I am firm, you are obstinate, and he is pigheaded. This is a simple illustration of what is meant. "Firm," "obstinate", and "pigheaded" all have the same objective meaning--that is, following one's own course of action and refusing to be influenced by other people's opinions. They have, how ever, different emotional meanings:" firm" has an emotional meaning of strong approval, "obstinate" of mild disapproval, "pigheaded" of strong disapproval.

In much the same way when, during World War I , thoughts were dominated by emotions, the Americans contrasted the spirit of our heroic boys with ruthlessness of the Germans. Now with the more objective attitude that has been brought by the lapse of time, we can look back and see that the spirit and the ruthlessness are objectively the same. Only the one word has an emotional meaning of approval, the other of disapproval.

The first three paragraphs tell us that______.

A.there is no real difference between calling a dog a mongrel and calling it a mixed breed

B.a dog of mixed breed is an emotional term

C.mongrel is an objective term

D.words may suggest emotional attitude as well as objective meaning



听力原文:W Hi, this is Jean with Crescent Plumbing. I'm calling for an inventory check on
part R71-B — that's a drain under fitting in the bronze finish.

M Okay, let me pull it up on screen... R71-B... Okay Jean, I'm showing none in stock right now.

W Well, that's not good. How long do you think it'll be before you have them back in stock?

M Between 2 and 3 weeks, probably. If you're in a hurry, you can try Iron Dog Plumbing Supply on Market Street.

What kind of company does the woman work for?







Techniques to Help Us Remember BetterWe all have problems remembering things, but there ar

Techniques to Help Us Remember Better

We all have problems remembering things, but there are some techniques that you can use to help you remember.

First of all, remember the names and jobs of the people and where they come from. ______【46】. And you should try to think of funny images as they are easier to remember. For example, we have Tom—the student from Australia. Well, for Tom you might imagine a tomato. Then Australia has a shape a bit like a dog. ______【47】. So imagine Tom's face as a tomato and he's with a dog and the dog is reading a book. So now we have a picture of Tom the student from Australia.

Now let's take the numbers. The best thing to do here is to break a large number up into smaller numbers and then think of things that the numbers remind you of, such as a birthday, a particular year, the number of a house. ______【48】.

With the directions, the best thing is to imagine you yourself following the directions.

______【49】. Count the turnings 1, 2. . . Then turn left. Now imagine going past a supermarket and a cinema and so on.

When you have to remember lists of words, try to build them into a story. So with our words we might start with, "The sun was shining, so I went for a walk. I saw a horse wearing trousers. It was kicking some bananas over a television. The bananas landed in a bag. " And so on. ______【50】. Try some of these techniques and you'll be amazed at what you can remember.

A. We cannot remember the same as we can do before we get old

B. Now let's imagine it's a very clever dog and is studying

C. Create a picture in your mind of yourself going down the street

D. Here, the best thing is to imagine images of the people and the names that you want to remember

E. Again the funnier the story, the better

F. Or with a number like 747 you might think of a jumbo jet—a Boeing 747


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