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Last week, I read a story about a 34-year-old British woman who is extremely afraid of met

al forks. Shes been using plastic ones for 17 years because the sound of a fork rubbing against a plate gives her a panic attack. Strange, right? But shes not alone. While popular phobias(恐惧症)about snakes and spiders might get all of the attention, there are a wide variety of not-so-obvious horrors that make people nervous. While some phobias might seem a bit silly, they can cause serious emotional distress. My coworker Magda is terrified of pigeons, a phobia that is taking over her life. She wont walk in certain parts of the city and runs screaming from the subway when one of these "rats with wings" finds its way onto the platform. Another friend is disgusted with cheese. Once I saw her run away from a slice of it. So where does an irrational fear of cheese come from? Are phobias something we inherit from our genes or do we acquire these unusual anxieties over time? Ever since I can remember I have been unreasonably frightened of elevators. There was no terrible childhood experience and I am fine with confined spaces, but something about elevators makes me nervous. And so, when my boyfriend and I found ourselves trapped in an elevator last year — because these sorts of things always happen eventually — I was anticipating the worst. While he gave me a suggestive eyebrow raise and proposed we " take advantage of the situation," I began screaming uncontrollably. I was far from turned on by the whole facing my worst nightmare thing. However, after the fear subsided(消退)I realized that, yes, this was my greatest fear come true, and yet — it wasnt all that bad. Nervous and inconvenient maybe, but terrifying? Not so much. Liberating yourself from a deep-seated phobia can be a long and difficult process, but sometimes it can be as simple as confronting it head on.

The 34-year-old British woman is extremely afraid of metal forks because______.

A.she is afraid that they may hurt her

B.she couldn"t bear their sound on plate

C.she has been injured by them before

D.she has never used them before

更多“Last week, I read a story about a 34-year-old British woman who is extremely afraid of met”相关的问题


This book is as more interesting as the one I read last week。()


NoteDear Jessica, I have a piece of good news to tell you. I bought a book last week It is


Dear Jessica,

I have a piece of good news to tell you. I bought a book last week It is called How to Study. It is written by Gail Brown. I have read the author's work before and this work I think is as excellent as his previous. I read it this week, and I found it very helpful. It gives many examples on how to study efficiently. It also introduces several new ways of studying. I thought I get much enlightenment through reading this book on studying well. So I enclose the advertisement of the series of the books to you and I hope that you will be interested in them. If you like How to Study and want to read it please call meat 3287690 or e-mail me to Iiluxi@453. com I will bring the book to school and lend it to you.

Your sincerely,





A New approach to "Mastering the Basics." An innovative 20-step self

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How many books are listed in the advertisement?







&8226;Read the memo below.&8226;Complete the Expenses Claim Form.&8226;Write a word, phras

&8226;Read the memo below.

&8226;Complete the Expenses Claim Form.

&8226;Write a word, phrase or number in spaces 41-45 on your Answer Sheet.


From Arthur Bowyer, Head of Marketing

To Secretary

Date 30.11.97

Re Expenses claim from

Could you fill out the rest of this Expenses Claim Form. for me for my trip to Liverpool last week to attend the VIS conference? I enclose a couple of receipts.

&8226;Read the memo below.&8226;Complete the Expen




Betty knows how to deal with the woman because ______.A.She was a middle school studentB.S

Betty knows how to deal with the woman because ______.

A.She was a middle school student

B.She's very clever

C.She knows her well

D.She had read a lot by last week



听力原文:W: Hello.M: This is Jim Evers, from Market Research Corporation. We're conducting

听力原文:W: Hello.

M: This is Jim Evers, from Market Research Corporation. We're conducting a nation-wide survey of people's reading habits. Would you have five minutes to answer a few questions?

W: Oh, I suppose.

M: First of all, do you read any newspapers and, if so which ones?

W: I read the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

M: Approximately how many hours per week do you spend reading a newspaper?

W: Oh, let me see. About an hour a day, so I'd say at least seven hours a week.

M: Okay. Now, do you subscribe to these newspapers?

W: I subscribe to the Times, but I get the Wall Street Journal at the office.

M: I see. What about magazines? Do you subscribe to any?

W: Oh, yeah, I get Fortune and Psychology Today. And my husband gets Esquire, so I read that too, sometimes.

M: About how many hours a week do you read magazines then?

W: Oh, about two or three.

M: All right. Now, do you read books regularly and, if so, what type?

W: Well, novels are my favorite kind but, to tell you the truth, I haven't read one in quite a while. I'm taking a class at night, so the only books I've been reading lately are my textbooks.

M: I take it then that you don't belong to a book club?

W: No, I don't.

M: And about how much time do you spend a week reading textbooks?

W: Not enough. I guess a couple of hours.

M: Okay. Besides textbooks, about how much money do you spend a year on books?

W: Very little. I prefer going to the library.

M: About how many hours of television do you watch a week?

W: Television? Who's got the time? We have two seats, but I watch PBS only once in a while no more than an hour a week.

M: Well, we're just about done. I just have a few personal questions, if you don't mind answering them.

W: That depends.

M: 1 need your approximate age. Are you between 25 and 35, 36 and 45, 46 and 55, 56 and above?

W: I'm 49.

M: And what is your occupation, madam?

W: I'm a stockbroker.

M: Is your yearly income between 15 and 20 thousand, between 20 and 30 thousand... ?

W: I'd rather not answer that.

M: Okay. That's the last question. Thank you very much for your time.

W: You're welcome. Bye.


A.She gets it from the library.

B.She subscribes to it at the post office.

C.She gets it at her office.

D.She gets it from a book club.



Betty knows how to deal with the woman because ______ .A.She was a middle school studentB.

Betty knows how to deal with the woman because ______ .

A.She was a middle school student

B.She's very clever

C.She knows her well

D.She had read a lot by last week



听力原文: If you've been on campus for very long, I'm certain that you've already heard ab
out this course. You may know that last semester about 50 percent of the students enrolled in my course failed it. Let me explain how this came about before you jump to any conclusions. In the first place, since this is a composition class, I expect my students to follow certain rules of formality. Unfortunately, many students today dislike having to follow rules of any kind, especially those that they may feel to be unnecessary. For example, I ask that each of your papers be typed and centered on the paper correctly. I count off points for various kinds of mistakes. A misspelled word will cost you 5 points. You've lost 25 points if you've misspelled five words. If you write incomplete sentences, you've lost 10 points. If you give me two complete sentences as one without adequate punctuation, you've lost 15 points. I do not accept late papers. You will receive a zero for any theme which you fail to submit on time. I expect you to read each assignment. I will give you a short unannounced quiz from time to time. This class meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. If you have any questions at any time, you can see me on Tuesdays. My office is on the second floor of this building. Your assignment for Wednesday is to read Hemingway's short story on page 55. Friday will be the last class day of this week, so you can expect to write a short in-class theme for me then. That's all for today, I'll see you on Wednesday.


A.10 points.

B.2 points.

C.15 points.

D.5 points.



听力原文:If you've been on campus for very long, I'm certain that you've already heard abo

听力原文: If you've been on campus for very long, I'm certain that you've already heard about this course. You may know that last semester about 50 percent of the students enrolled in my course failed it. Let me explain how this came about before you jump to any conclusions. In the first place, since this is a composition class, I expect my students to follow certain roles of formality. Unfortunately, many students today dislike having to follow rules of any kind, especially those that they may feel to be unnecessary. For example, I ask that each of your papers be typed and centered on file paper correctly. I count off points for various kinds of mistakes. A misspelled word will cost you 5 points. You've lost 25 points if you've misspelled five words. If you write incomplete sentences, you've lost 10 points. If you give me two complete sentences as one without adequate punctuation, you've lost 15 points. I do not accept late papers. You will receive a zero for any theme which you fail to submit on time. I expect you to read each assignment. I will give you a short unannounced quiz from time to time. This class meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. If you have any questions at any time, you can see me on Tuesdays. My office is on the second floor of this building. Your assignment for Wednesday is to read Hemingway's short story on page 55. Friday will be the last class day of this week, so you can expect to write a short in-class theme for me then. That's all for today, I'll see you on Wednesday.


A.10 points.

B.2 points.

C.15 points.

D.5 points.



Last week, I visited a friend of mine.Last week, I visited ____________ my ____________ .



听力原文:In February last year, my wife lost her job. Just as suddenly, the 6wner of the g

听力原文: In February last year, my wife lost her job. Just as suddenly, the 6wner of the greenhouse where I worked as manager died at heart attack. His family announced that they were going to close the business because no one in the family wanted to run it. Things looked pretty gloomy. My wife and I read the want ads each day. Then one morning, as I was hanging out the "Going Out of Business" sign at the greenhouse, the door opened, and in walked a customer. She was an office manager whose company had just moved into the new office park on the edge of town. She was looking for pots and plants to place in the reception-areas in the offices. "I don't know anything about plants," she said, "I'm sure in a few weeks they'll all be dead." While I was helping her select her purchases ray mind was racing. Perhaps as many as a dozen firms have recently opened offices in the new office park, and there were several hundred more acres with construction underway. That afternoon, I drove out to the office park. By six o'clock that evening, I had signed contracts with seven companies to rent plants from me and pay me a fee to maintain them. Within a week, I had worked out an agreement to lease the greenhouse from the owner's family. Business is now increasing rapidly, and one day, we hope to be the proud owners of the greenhouse.


A.It was located in a park.

B.Its owner died of a heart attack.

C.It went bankrupt all of a sudden.

D.Its potted plants were for lease only.



听力原文:M: I'm so tired that I can't see straight.W: You've been tired a lot lately, have

听力原文:M: I'm so tired that I can't see straight.

W: You've been tired a lot lately, haven't you?

M: Well, for the last few weeks, I've had to stay up most the nights to observe star configurations for a project in my astronomy class. It's awful. No matter what time I go to bed, I always wake up at six a.m., and that's the time I usually get up.

W: Your biological rhythms probably haven't adjusted to your new schedule. I've read that some people have a lot of trouble when their sleep rhythms are interrupted. Even sleeping pills don't help them.

M: I know. In fact, I've heard that there me several special treatment centers for sleep disorders across the country. Some people sleep too little, scale too much, sonic sleepwalk in their sleep.

W: I'd like to find out how they treat problems like that. Maybe you should go to one of these centers.

M: Not me! After next week, my project will be finished and I'll go back to my regular hours. Now I know for sure that I don't want to be an astronomer.


A.Find his glasses.

B.Sit up straight.

C.Get enough rest.

D.Change his tires.

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