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听力原文:As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more are find

听力原文: As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more are finding it necessary to make business trips alone. Since this is new for many, some trips are certainly in order. If you are married, it is a good idea to encourage your husband and children to learn to cook a few simple meals while you are away. They will be much happier and probably they will enjoy the experience. If you will be eating alone a good deal, choose good restaurants. In the end, they will be much better for your digestion. You may also find it useful to call the restaurant in advance and state that you will be eating alone. You will probably get better service and almost certainly a better table. Finally, and most importantly, anticipate your travel needs as a businesswoman;, this starts with lightweight luggage which you can easily manage even when fully packed. Take a folding case inside your suitcase; it will come in extremely handy for dirty clothes, as well as for business documents and papers you no longer need on the trip. And make sure you have a briefcase so that you can keep currently required papers separate. Obviously, experience helps, but you can make things easier on yourself from the first by careful planning, so that right from the start you really can have a good trip!


A.Working women who have no time for cooking.

B.Husbands and children of working women.

C.Working women who must travel on their own.

D.Hotel personnel who must cater to working women.

更多“听力原文:As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more are find”相关的问题


听力原文:M: Do you think women are generally better at certain things than men? W: Well, i

听力原文:M: Do you think women are generally better at certain things than men?

W: Well, it seems to me women are much better at dealing with more than one thing at a time. I don't know whether this has to do with the difference in their brain or whether it's just how they have to cope more often with more than one thing. For example, it is usually women who work, have babies, look after the babies and take the main responsibility for looking after the home. And maybe it's practicing all that makes women be better able to do more than one thing at a time. Men, it seems to me, can only concentrate on one thing at a time, including boring domestic things like washing the dishes. If a friend of mine who is a man washes the dishes he'll find it quite difficult to conduct a conversation at the same time, whereas if I'm doing the dishes I'm always talking to someone, probably cooking something as well, and finding that not too stressful.

M: Do you think women are more interested in personal relationships than men?

W: Generally, yes, though again I don't know if this is because that from an early age they are taught to please other people, whereas men are always taught to please themselves. I think relationships are more central to most women's lives. For example, I think men don't have very good conversations with each other, whereas women do. If you listen to women talking, often they will be having, after a relatively short time of knowing each other, fairly personal and truthful conversations, whereas men have conversations not about what I'd call real things. They will talk about their work in a very superficial way, or their interests in a very superficial way, for example, and football is the—um—just a sort of way for men to relate to each other without actually saying anything important, it appears to me.

According to the woman, why women are much better at dealing with more than one thing at a time?

A.She doesn't know the reason exactly.

B.Because women are smarter than men.

C.Because women have more things to deal with than men.

D.Because men always refuse to deal with more than one thing at the same time.



听力原文:M:Do you think women are generally better at certain things than men?W:Well,it se

听力原文:M:Do you think women are generally better at certain things than men?

W:Well,it seems to me women are much better at dealing with more than one thing at a time.I don't know whether this has to do with the difference in their brain or whether it's just how they have to cope more often with more than one thing.For example,it is usually women who work,have babies.look after the babies and take the main, responsibility for looking after the home.And maybe it's practicing all that makes women be better able to do more than one thing at a time.Men,it seems to me,can only concentrate on one thing at a time,including boring domestic things like washing the dishes.If a friend of mine who is a man washes the dishes he'll find it quite difficult to conduct a conversation at the same time.whereas if I'm doing the dishes I'm always talking to someone.probably cooking something as well,and finding that not too stressful.

M:Do you think women are more interested in personal relationships than men?

W:Generally,yes,though again I don't know if this is because that from an early age they are taught to please other people,whereas men are always taught to please themselves.I think relationships are more central to most women's lives.For example.I think men don't have very good conversations with each other.whereas women do.If you listen to women talking,often they will be having,after a relatively short time of knowing each other,fairly personal and truthful conversations,whereas men have conversations not about what I'd call real things.They will talk about their work in a very superficial way,or their interests in a very superficial way,for example,and football is me—um—just a sort of way for men to relate to each other without actually saying anything important,it appears to me.

According to the woman,why women are much better at dealing with more than one thing at a time?

A.She doesn't know the reason exactly.

B.Because women are smarter than men.

C.Because women have more things to deal with than men.

D.Because men always refuse to deal with more than one thing at the same time.



听力原文:M: Why do you think that way?W: While I admit there is very little discrimination

听力原文:M: Why do you think that way?

W: While I admit there is very little discrimination here on campus towards orientation, appearance and nationality, women are not treated equally. Women are not represented in many faculties. They also hold fewer senior faculty positions, are not represented well in administration and, do you know, not once has them been a female president of the student union.

M: You are running for president of the student union on the issue of equality, but you are not going to be a winner, I suppose. Most students feel women have equality nowadays.

W: Not the students I have talked to, particularly the women. My brother is a lawyer and he says the women in his firm have to work much harder than the men if they want to become a partner in the firm.

M: So you are going to champion women's rights for the election.

W: Yes, my campaign will focus on that but I will not ignore other issues such as transportation, cafeterias and so on. I have been a student here lot 4 years and am aware of all the issues. If I can make this campus a better place for all students, then as a woman, I would be setting an excellent role model. And, I am sure I can do a better job than Jerry did this year.

M: What did Jerry accomplish this year?

W: Next to nothing. He put pressure on the cafeterias to be a little more environmentally friendly but that is all about it.


A.To prove women's diligence.

B.To seek gender equality on campus.

C.To improve transportation and accommodation.

D.To put pressure on male students.



听力原文:It is my firm belief that men and women are equal. I cannot accept that some role
s are more suitable for males than for females. As far as I am concerned, men and women are equally capable of learning all skills.

In my view, parents should share household tasks and childcare. I think the division of labor should depend on individual circumstances. It seems to me that we can learn most things if we try. It's unwise to suggest that women should take care of most of the practical aspects of childcare because they are more patient, more gentle and more skilled at it. Men can be just as skilled in these areas if they have practice!

Of course, I acknowledge that men are often physically stronger than women and are therefore better at doing certain types of physical work. And I don't deny that one individual may be better at cooking, for example, than the other. But I reject the suggestion that cleaning, washing and ironing are women's work. I strongly believe that we should question all types of sexual stereotyping. If you ask me, there's no such thing as "women's work". There's no reason at all why a man shouldn't do the ironing! My husband does all the ironing in our house — and I do all the electrical repairs!


A.Some jobs are more suitable for men than for women.

B.Women should take care of the practical aspects of childcare.

C.Cleaning, washing and ironing are women's work.

D.There should not be such things as "women's work".



听力原文:M: Well, you seemed to be having fun watching the movie?W: Yeah, it was funny. I

听力原文:M: Well, you seemed to be having fun watching the movie?

W: Yeah, it was funny. I think it kept me in stitches right from the start.

M: You know, whenever I watch a comedy, I always like to know why it is that people like to laugh. I mean, why does it feel so good to laugh?

W: Yeah, I heard from my biology professor that even after centuries of scientific research, no one knows why human beings and just a few other primates laugh.

M: I read that Charles Darwin thought that laughter begins with small babies. He believed that even prehistoric parents must have interpreted baby’s laughter. The parents enjoyed the laughter, which encouraged them to continue caring for the child.

W: Yes, apparently researchers have also found that it has a positive effect on many parents and that it produces certain hormones that actually switch on the body’s immune system and actually help fight off diseases. So it could be helpful to fight off diseases.

M: I also heard that some psychology professors found that men are more likely to make jokes than women are, and women are more likely to laugh at them than men are. 30

W: If only your jokes are funny, I might laugh more and fit the pattern.

M: Well, I’ve heard that apes also like laughing.

W: I heard that too. Chimpanzees, apes, and a few other primates laugh, but no other animals do. I’ve seen them laugh at zoos, when tickling each other, and when playing chasing games. Their laugh sounds like rapid panting, but I’ve been assured it’s a kind of laughing.

M: Which reminds me I’d better get back to those apes I have for roommates before they eat all the chicken I left out in the kitchen!


A.The purpose of laughter.

B.The cause of laughter and its effects.

C.Why and when people laugh.

D.The origin of laughter.



听力原文:M: What did you think about the video we were supposed to watch for Professor Ste
phen' s class?

W: I didn't see it. Was it good?

M: Really it was. It was about stress, the effects of stress on the national health.

W: It was interesting, right?

M: Yes. I think they said that one out of nine women aged 45 to 65 will have a heart attack.

W: I' m surprised at that.

M: I was too. Oh, another thing. They said that women usually don' t get the same level of care as men do, so the heart attack is likely to be more serious.

W: Why is that?

M: Because many members of the medical profession still think of a heart attack as a male problem, so they don' t recognize the symptoms in women patients.

W: Well, it does sound very interesting. I' m going to try to see it before class next time, so I'll be ready for the discussion.


A.It is required by Professor Stephen.

B.It is very interesting.

C.He wants to know about heart attacks.

D.He took part in the discussion.



听力原文:Married persons spend more time doing household activities than unmarried persons
: 2 hours versus 1.5 hours per day. Women, regardless of marital status, spend more time doing these activities than men.




听力原文:W: Hi, John.M: Hi, Jenny.W: One of the issues today is the digital divide.M: I kn

听力原文:W: Hi, John.

M: Hi, Jenny.

W: One of the issues today is the digital divide.

M: I know it refers to the divide between who is online and who isn't.

W: What's the nature of the division? How do they divide?

M: They are looking atthree principal portions of the American population with regard to ethnic gap, income gap and also different age groups.

W: What do they discover?

M: They find that today 30% of African Americans, 33% of Hispanic Americans, and 47% of White Americans, are online, but the largest portion of the American population are Asian Americans with a 65% online.

W: Do they offer any explanations about why this might be?

M: Well, one reason is income. Low-income population's use of the Internet is less.

W: Well, computers are still a fairly expensive item.

M: But within five years double the amount of people will be using them.

W: Well, is there a gender divide?

M: No. Not only is there not a gender divide but this year mare women will be online than men.

W: Really?

M: But the difference here is the sites they visit. Men are interested in financial and technology sites. Women tend to prefer sites dealing with more, personal matters. For instance, they want to find out about woman's health.

W: Yeah. Interesting.

M: Well, they're also forecasting that three quarters of the country will be online within five years.

W: That's fast, isn't it?


A.Different countries.

B.Income, race and age.


D.Both men and women who are interested in lt.



听力原文:M: Hi, Sarah, What's up?W: Oh, hi. I just got out of a history class. I had to gi

听力原文:M: Hi, Sarah, What's up?

W: Oh, hi. I just got out of a history class. I had to give a presentation.

M: How did it go?

W: Terribly. I'm sure I made a fool of myself.

M: Why? Weren't you prepared?

W: No, it' s not that. I just get so embarrassed and nervous whenever I've to speak in front of a group of people. I stand up and my face gets red and then I get even more nervous because I know everyone can see me blushing.

M: It is not so bad to blush.

W: But it happens all the time. If the professor asks a question and I know the answer, I'll blush like crazy if he calls on me. Doesn' t that ever happen to you?

M: No, not really. Maybe you should try to forget about the people. Look at something else in the room, like the exit sign.

W: I guess I could try that. But I doubt it will help.

M: You know we talked about this in psychology class. Blushing, even though it's involuntary, is more or less a learned behavior.

W: What do you mean?

M: Oh, children hardly ever blush at all. And, among adults, supposedly women blush more than men.

W: I wonder why.

M: I don't know. But I had a friend in high school, Brain Smith. It was really easy to make him blush. He turned red whenever a waitress would ask him for his order.

W: I'm not that bad. Well, I've got to get going for my next class. I'll talk to you later.


A.She felt embarrassed in class.

B.Her presentation received a poor grade.

C.She had not completed her assignment.

D.She was unable to attend her psychology class.



听力原文:W: I think several people must have been killed in that road accident.M: There we

听力原文:W: I think several people must have been killed in that road accident.

M: There were 2 men in the truck and 3 women and a child in the car. Fortunately, no one was badly hurt.

How many people died in the accident?

A.2 men.

B.3 women.


D.One child.



听力原文:M: Hi, Sarah. What's up?W: Oh, hi. I just got out of a history class. I had to gi

听力原文:M: Hi, Sarah. What's up?

W: Oh, hi. I just got out of a history class. I had to give a presentation.

M: How did it go?

W: Terribly. I'm sure I made a fool of myself.

M: Why? Weren't you prepared?

W: No, it's not that. 1 just get so embarrassed and nervous whenever 1 have to speak in front of a group of people. I stand up and my Pace gets red and...then I get even more nervous because I know everyone can see me blushing.

M: It is not so bad to blush.

W: But it happens all the time. If the professor asks a question and I know the answer, I'll blush like crazy if he calls oil me. Doesn't that ever happen to you?

M: No, not really. Maybe you should try to forget about the people. Look at something else in the room, like the exit sign.

W: I guess I could try that. But I doubt that it'll help.

M: You know we talked about this in psychology class. Blushing, even though it's involuntary, is more or less a learned behavior.

W: What do you mean?

M: Oh, children hardly ever blush at all. And, among adults, supposedly women blush more than men.

W: I wonder why.

M: l don't know. But I had a friend in high school, Brian Smith. It was really easy to make him blush. He turned red whenever a waitress would ask him for his order.

W: I'm not that bad. Well, I've got to get going for my next class. I'll talk to you later.


A.She felt embarrassed in class.

B.Her presentation received a poor grade.

C.She had not completed her assignment.

D.She was unable to attend her psychology class.

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