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What does "politically impossible to bring it down" (Para. 3) really mean?A.Politicians wi

What does "politically impossible to bring it down" (Para. 3) really mean?

A.Politicians will not sacrifice their interest to deal with inflation.

B.Politicians think rise in inflation is no big deal.

C.Politicians may not recognize inflation is a big threat.

D.All efforts conducted by presidents have been useless.

更多“What does "politically impossible to bring it down" (Para. 3) really mean?A.Politicians wi”相关的问题


what does the word "tug-of-war" probably refer to?A.Serious social disorder.B.Military ove

what does the word "tug-of-war" probably refer to?

A.Serious social disorder.

B.Military overthrow by army officers.

C.Fierce international political and economic competition.

D.Struggle between modernization and the sentiments of tradition.



What does the word" tug-of-war"(L3, Para3 )probably refer to?A.Serious social disorder.B.

What does the word" tug-of-war"(L3, Para3 )probably refer to?

A.Serious social disorder.

B.Military overthrow by army officers.

C.Fierce international political and economic competition.

D.Struggle between modernization and the sentiments of tradition.



What does the White House say about the eight peoples being discharged?A.They are not qual

What does the White House say about the eight peoples being discharged?

A.They are not qualified for their work.

B.They are involved in party struggles.

C.They are extreme in political issues.

D.They launched aggressive investigations.



What does the man find surprising about the woman?A.She has never been to Cettysburg.B.She

What does the man find surprising about the woman?

A.She has never been to Cettysburg.

B.She took a political science course.

C.Her family still goes on vacation together.

D.She's interested in the United States Civil War.



听力原文:M: I'd better read one of the articles for our political science class. W: You ca

听力原文:M: I'd better read one of the articles for our political science class.

W: You can't read just one. They say each presents a different theory.

What does the woman tell the man he must do?

A.Read an article on political science.

B.Present a different theory to the class.

C.Read more than one article.

D.Choose a better article to read.



听力原文:M: I'd better read one of the articles for our political science class.W: You can

听力原文:M: I'd better read one of the articles for our political science class.

W: You can't read just one. They say each presents a different theory.

Q: What does the woman tell the man he must do?


A.Read an article on political science.

B.Present a different theory to the class.

C.Read more than one article.

D.Choose a better article to read.



The Role of Pressure Groups in Britain General Elections in Britain are usually held only

The Role of Pressure Groups in Britain

General Elections in Britain are usually held only once every five years. Governments can seem to be remote from the people they represent. The process of protesting about government actions is very slow, even though everyone is permitted direct contact to their member of Parliament.(46)

Pressure groups will seek to influence those who have political power, such as members of Parliament.(47)If members of a pressure group feel that there is public support from outside their group for their demands, they will tell members of Parliament about this.

Pressure groups will thus seek to get support from the public. A powerful way of doing this is by making use of the mass media.(48)Meanwhile, the group will have to be sure of its facts, and fact-finding is thus an important part of its work. Up-to-date information can be made known to members of Parliament and to the general public.

Pressure groups will not only seek to make their causes known to government but also try to inform. and influence the public.(49)

Pressure groups may support political parties, but will lay stress only on some of their policies. For instance, the Monday Club will support the more right-wing policies of the Conservative Party.(50)


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.

B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.

C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.

D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.

E Governments always stay close to the people.

F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.E Governments always stay close to the people.F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.E Governments always stay close to the people.F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.E Governments always stay close to the people.F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.


A A good example of this sort of activity is provided by the educational work of "Shelter", which fights for better housing for poor people.B They will want to tell them what policy their interest demands.C For all these reasons there is something of a vacuum between government and the governed, which pressure groups help to fill.D There can also be public meetings, demonstrations, etc.E Governments always stay close to the people.F However, a pressure group is not a political party, because it does not seek complete or continuous political power.




听力原文:For most people, reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generati

听力原文: For most people, reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation. I'm sure in a hundred years we will still be reading newspapers.

What basically makes news is what affects our lives — the big political stories the coverage of the wars, earthquakes and other disasters will continue much the same. I think there will be more coverage of scientific research, though. It's already happening in areas that may directly affect our lives, like genetic engineering. In the future, I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do — as we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.

It's quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home. In fact, I'm pretty sure that is how it will happen in the future. You will probably be able to choose from a menu, making up your own newspaper by picking out the things you want to read.

I think people have got it wrong when they talk about the competition between the different media. They actually feed off each other. Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers, but that hasn't happened. What is read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen or sound lost in the air. And as for the Internet, it's never really pleasant to read something just on a screen.

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. What does the speaker say about news in the future?

30. What will probably be on in the newspaper made by yourself?

31. What does the speaker think of different media?


A.It will cover more big political affairs.

B.It will cover less disasters.

C.It will cover more scientific research.

D.It won't be printed in publishing houses.



听力原文:W: Oh, Jack. Im glad I caught you. I want to tell you I have to skip the history
study group session tonight. M: Really? Thats too bad. Arent you feeling well? W: Oh, its nothing bad. Theres going to be a public meeting down the town hall. The state senator from this area is going to be there. She has this meeting three or four times a year to speak with her constituency. M: Is that what youd like to do with your evening, going to listen to a politician? W: Actually, its a class assignment. Prof. Jackson, hes teaching that political science seminar Im taking. He told all of us in the seminar to go to hear what the senator has to say tonight and also write up a report about the issues people bring up. M: Oh, like medical care, and tax and... ? W: Right, as long as Im there, I think Id like to bring up government funding for state universities. The tuition keeps going up and its getting harder and harder for a lot of students to afford it. M: Tell me about it. W: Anyway, I want to do a really good job on this report. I need to get a letter of recommendation from Prof. Jackson for graduate school. So Id better show up there tonight and see whats going on. M: Yeah, but, what about the history test? W: Well, I already put some time on that this morning. So I think by tomorrow afternoon, Ill be ready. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. Why does the man assume the woman is not feeling well? 10. What is the general purpose of the meeting the woman plans to attend? 11. What does the woman hope to discuss tonight? 12. What does the woman hope Prof. Jackson will do for her?9.

A.To suggest changes in the tuition fees.

B.To improve the study skills of university students.

C.To give people the opportunity to speak with a politician.

D.To discuss graduation requirements for political science majors.



听力原文:Good morning and welcome. My name' s Keith Prentice and I've been asked to addres
s the conference today on the subject of teamwork. " Top management team" is a phrase we hear day in and day out, but does it have a meaning? Management executives don't work together in anything like the same way as a football team or a string quartet. These are real teams-people who work together with the same goal in mind. Executive boards are far more political, with at least as much conflict as cooperation. Their decisions are the result of many arguments, intensive bargaining and often bad-tempered compromises. But they work frequently in the complete absence of team spirit.

What is the purpose of the speech?

A.To welcome Keith Prentice

B.To inform. of the importance of top management

C.To discuss teamwork

D.To announce a day out for the top management team



The Play of Power: An Introduction to American GovernmentJames Eisenstein, Mark Kessler, B

The Play of Power: An Introduction to American Government

James Eisenstein, Mark Kessler, Bruce A. Williams and Jacqueline Vaughn Switzer. The Play of Power: An Introduction to American Government. New York St. Martin's Press, 1996. 639 pp. Tables, appendices, glossary, references, index.

ISBN 0 - 312 - 13662 - 5

There are dozens of American Government textbooks on the market, many of them very respected and successful, some even regarded as classics in their umpteenth(无数次的) edition. Frequently there is little that distinguishes one from another, other than an idiosyncratic (特殊的) "conceptual framework," the number and kinds of graphics, boxes, and photos, or the package of ancillary(辅助的) materials available to the adopter. The Play of Power: An Introduction to American Government is typical of the standard American Government textbook on the market. It provides balanced coverage of political and constitutional history, American political institutions and processes, and political participation. This basic version does not include separate chapters on public policy, but many policy issues are addressed in the coverage of the congress, the presidency, the bureaucracy, the courts, and interest groups.

The chapters are organized in a logical sequence but they are written so that they may be used in an alternative sequence if an instructor would so desire. The writing style. is very straightforward and not unnecessarily academic and jargonistic. The tone is respectful of students and their experiences and, despite multiple authors, it remains consistent throughout the text.

There are a number of features of The Play of Power that make it attractive and that make it one of the textbooks that I have used with satisfaction for several years. As is suggested by the title, the authors describe politics as a game of power played by many players, though theirs is not an application of formal game theories to politics. Instead, they ask students to think of a number of familiar games, like basketball or Monopoly(强手棋), and the ways that the rules, strategies, and resources shape how players go about pursuing their goals and with what effect. The authors invite students, then, to look at politics as a game a "grand" game with sometimes deadly consequences that is shaped by certain rules (some found in the Constitution), that is played by many players (politicians, voters, organized interests, etc.) who bring various and unequal resources (money, status, connections, etc.) to the game, and who win various material and symbolic outcomes. The "game of politics" metaphor is sometimes difficult to sustain throughout the coverage of many topics, but it provides a useful organizational framework. It dashes some of the idealistic notions of American government and politics that students may have picked up in high school civics classes, as well as the more cynical notions that they pick up in the popular media. In the end, I think it is useful in helping students make sense of who gets what, and how, as well as who does what, and why and with what success.

Another attractive feature of The Play of Power is a serious, consistent, and ultimately successful effort to draw on students' own experience to uncover the relevance of politics and government. The authors compare and contrast political issues and dilemmas to student issues, to student relationships among themselves, with the university, with their parents, and with local government. This helps students see the rule -making and choice -making, as well as the tradeoffs(权衡) of the political process.

The authors of The Play of Power also pull off fairly effectively the challenge of describing the roles of minorities and women in American political history and contemporary politics. This has become an increasingly common undertaking for authors of American government textbooks. Some authors wea




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