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How would you define your personal style?

更多“How would you define your personal style?”相关的问题


How would you define originality?



The definition of a career is:()

A.Having a promotion

B.How you make money

C.How companies define work

D.Developing yourself in your work

E.Spending several years in the same job



听力原文:M: I have been tired of working and need a change. So I'm just making plans to go
away during Spring Festival.

W: Really? Where are you going?

M: I'm planning to visit Tibet.

W: My brother and I had a vacation there last year and we had a great time.

M: Did you get into Lasa?

W: Sure. That's the first stop. No one would miss Lasa.

M: Is the Potala Palace magnificent?

W: You bet. And don't forget the Barkhor Street. That place is full of treasures, I mean, all the exotic paintings and handicrafts, and the hand-made jewelries.

M: Well, as them is so much there waiting for mc, I guess I should stay longer.

W: Definitely.

M: I heard that the weather there is great.

W: Well, that depends on how you define "great". No humidity, but it could be extremely cold in winter. Besides, you do need to be careful about high altitude.

M: What should I do about that?

W: Oh, just take it easy for a few days. Don't exercise too vigorously. Just do everything gradually.

M: I'm sure I will be fine. And I will let you know all about my trip when I come back.


A.To work there.

B.To relax after work.

C.To see his relatives.

D.To join an international conference.



Passage Three:Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Most people would agre
e that, although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no corresponding increase in wisdom. But Agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define “wisdom” and consider means of promoting it.

There are several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight. This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for example, that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your mind. You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed (let us say) as modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowing the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations. To take an even more dramatic example, which is in everybody’s mind at the present time; you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested (无利害关系的) desire for knowledge, and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race.

Therefore, with every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments (增强) our capacity for realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our capacity for evil, if our purpose are unwise.

第31题:Disagreement arises when people try to decide ________.

A) how much more wisdom we have now than before

B) what wisdom is and how to develop it

C) if there is a great increase of wisdom in our age

D) whether wisdom can be developed or not



听力原文:How would you define your client base?We think of ourselves as having three impor

听力原文:How would you define your client base?

We think of ourselves as having three important client segments: First is the everyday investors with the resources on hand to invest with Vanguard, who might be just starting out with an IRA, for example. The second type of client is the affluent individual who owns multiple funds and may seek advice services from us. And the third, a very important client segment is corporations, winch range from small to large, domestic and international companies. We provide corporations with investment-management services, while also serving as the manager of their employee-retirement plans.

So, when you look at Vanguard's overall client base, we are, in a very real sense, Americans from recent college graduates starting their first day on the job to people with large amounts of accumulated wealth to sophisticated pension-fund managers.

How have your services evolved over the years, and will they remain relatively consistent?

They've evolved quite a bit. In fact, one of the core principles we live by internally is that we have to adapt, evolve, and continuously improve. That's something we believe innately and preach to our new "crew members", our term for employees. Our largest asset, of course, is our extremely loyal client base. So, while we never stray from our core mission of increasing our clients' wealth and meeting their objectives, we continuously adapt and evolve by enhancing our services.

Speaking of moving forward, how has the economic downturn affected Vanguard's business? And what's your prediction for the near future?

Our business is so dependent on market psychology that, in some ways, we don't directly correlate with the economy. But what we've seen over the past six months is confidence, and it's confidence at the corporate level. When we meet with corporate clients, they feel better about their ability to invest and their prospects moving forward. That impacts both the market and our business. On the retail side of the house, we believe that there's a great deal more confidence in the economy, the worst of the recession is behind us, and that the future looks bright.

Financial products often look similar from company to company. How do you differentiate Vanguard?

That's always difficult because we have a lot of great competition, but Vanguard has a few compelling attributes, which we feel set us apart. For one, we're owned by our clients. We have a single master: the clients. We don't have public shareholders; there's no parent company. So, 100 percent of our energy and attention is devoted to the clients.

The second key attribute is value. We live to a simple mission statement: to be the world's highest-value provider of investment services. So, every judgment we make about a service or product is geared toward making it the best one available. Also, value is a combination of performance which is critically important in the investment business -- service duality, and cost. We emphasize these three elements of value continually.

And third, we're disciplined. There are a lot of things we just won't do, such as compete outside our sphere of expertise. Other companies, recognizing that this is a highly competitive marketplace, will try to co-opt your space with marketing, as opposed to substance. Our view is that we'll let substance define our position in the market, instead of spending a lot of our clients' money to do that.

Do you focus primarily on North America?

Investment management is an increasingly global business for us. We've been in the global marketplace for about seven years, and a growing share of our cash flow is coming from international investors. Growth opportunities in the United States remain considerable for us, but we're also fully committed to enlarging our footprint in the Pacific, South America, and Europe in particular.

There's no doubt that corporate governance scandals have affected the public's view of the corpo

A.Most of them are recent college graduates.

B.They are investors of different levels and ranges.

C.The majority are affluent and sophisticated pension-fund managers.



How would you describe the Dr. Leemans' attitude towards China?A.Mainly favorable.B.Critic

How would you describe the Dr. Leemans' attitude towards China?

A.Mainly favorable.


C.Supportive in theory.




How would you like your steak,medium rare or well done?


I Know Just How Yon Feel Do you feel sad? Happy? Angry? You may think that the way you sho

I Know Just How Yon Feel

Do you feel sad? Happy? Angry? You may think that the way you show these emotions is unique.Well,think again.Even the expression of the most personal feelings can be classified,according to Mind Reading,a DVD displaying every possible human emotion.It demonstrates 412 distinct ways in which we feel:the first visual dictionary of the human heart.Attempts to classify expressions began in the mid-1800s,when Darwin divided the emotions into six types-anger,fear,sadness,disgust,surprise and enjoyment.【46】______Every other feeling was thought to derive from Darwin's small group.More complex expressions of emotion were probably learned and therefore more specific to each culture.But now it is believed that many more facial expressions are shared worldwide.【47】______The Mind Reading DVD is a systematic visual record of these expressions.

The project was conceived by a Cambridge professor as an aid for people with autism(孤独症),who have difficulty both reading and expressing emotions.But it quickly became apparent that it had broader uses.Actors and teachers,for example,need to understand a wide range of expressions.The professor and his research team first had to define an“emotion”.【48】______Using this definition,1,512 emotion terms were identified and discussed.This list was eventually reduced to 412,from“afraid”to“wanting”.

Once these emotions were defined and classified,a DVD seemed the clearest and most efficient way to display them.In Mind Reading,each expression is acted out by six different actors in three seconds.【49】______The explanation for this is simple:we may find it difficult to describe emotions using words,but we instantly recognise one when we see it on someone's face.“It was really clear when the actors had got it right,”says Cathy Collis,who directed the DVD.“Although they were given some direction,”says Ms Collis,“the actors were not told which facial muscles they should move.【50】______”For example,when someone feels contempt,you can't say for certain that their eyebrows always go down.

Someone who has tried to establish such rules is the American,Professor Paul Ekman,who has built a database of how the face moves for every emotion.The face can make 43 distinct muscle movements called “action units”.These can be combined into more than 10,000 visible facial shapes.Ekman has written out a pattern of facial muscular movements to represent each emotion.

A.We thought of trying to describe each emotion,but it would have been almost impossible to make clear rules for this.

B.These particular muscles are difficult to control,and few people can do it.

C.Research has also been done to find out which areas of the brain read emotional expressions.

D.They decided that it was a mental state that could be preceded by“I feel”or“he looks”or“she sounds”.

E.He said that the expression of these feelings was universal and recognizable by anyone,from any culture.

F.Any other method of showing all the 412 emotions,such as words,would have been far less effective.




听力原文:M: I have been tired of working and need a change. So Im just making plans to go
away during Spring Festival. W: Really? Where are you going? M: Im planning to visit Tibet. W: My brother and I had a vacation there last year and we had a great time. M: Did you get into Lhasa? W: Sure. Thats the first stop. No one would miss Lhasa. M: Is the Potala Palace magnificent? W: You bet. And dont forget the Barkhor Street. That place is full of treasures, I mean, all the exotic paintings and handicrafts, and the hand-made jewelries. M: Well, as there is so much there waiting for me, I guess I should stay longer. W: Definitely. M: I heard that the weather there is great. W: Well, that depends on how you define "great". No humidity, but it could be extremely cold in winter. Besides, you do need to be careful about high altitude. M: What should I do about that? W: Oh, just take it easy for a few days. Dont exercise too vigorously. Just do everything gradually. M: Im sure I will be fine. And I will let you know all about my trip when I come back. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. Whats the main purpose of the mans trip? 10. Why does the woman know so much about Tibet? 11. What can be inferred about the weather in Tibet during Spring Festival? 12. According to the woman, what may cause the man the most problems in Tibet?9.

A.Because she lives there.

B.Because her brother lives there.

C.Because she has a close friend there.

D.Because she has been there before.



How would you like to mail it?()

A.Thank you very much.

B.Post office is over there.

C.I'll be coming.

D.By air mail, please.

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