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Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis 1 When I was diagnosed with breast cancer near

Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis

1 When I was diagnosed with breast cancer nearly a year ago, I found myself at a loss for words at first. Over time, however, I developed some pointers (点子), which I hope will help others.

2 During the first few weeks of emotional =aftershocks" (余悸) from the diagnosis, I found myself unable to utter the word "cancer". Still, I wanted to share the news with my relatives and friends who already knew that I'd had a biopsy (活检) and were anxiously awaiting my telephone call. I did the best I could, which is all anyone can do in this situation. When I called them, I said, "What we feared has happened." They immediately knew what I meant.

3 Nearly a year after my diagnosis, I find myself more comfortable telling people “ I was diagnosed with cancer" instead of saying "1 have cancer." On some deep level; I don't want to "own" this illness. Choose language that suits you when you share your news: And keep in mind that there is no one "right" way of doing this.

4 Most people, after hearing your announcement, will be curious about the next step,They may wonder if you will be undergoing radiation therapy (诊疗) and/or chemotherapy (化疗). They may wonder where and when you will have surgery. Answer their questions as best you can, but keep in mind that "1 don't know right now" or "I'm still in too much shock to think about that" are good answers.

5 Wait until the initial wave of strong emotions has passed before telling the children in your life. Don't overwhelm (使不知所措) very young children with too much information, Assure them that, even if you will be in the hospital for a while, they will see you every day and they will be cared for. Older children may already fear the word "cancer", so be prepared to reassure them. Emphasize the positive steps that doctors will be taking to treat your illness.

第 23 题 Paragraph 2­­­­_________

更多“Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis 1 When I was diagnosed with breast cancer near”相关的问题


When breaking the news about your diagnosis, you can have___________



When breaking the news about your diagnosis,you can have______________



Excuse me for breaking in ,______I have some news for you.A.soB.andC.butD.yet

Excuse me for breaking in ,______I have some news for you.







Newspaper journalists are not required to________.A.react to breaking news storiesB.buil

A.react to breaking news stories

B.build contacts to the general public

C.investigate stories

D.allocate print space



When breaking the news about your diagnosis, you can have.



When breaking the news about your diagnosis,you can have_________.



Question 22 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given
5 seconds to answer the question.

Now, listen to the news.

President Obama has warned Wall Street bankers of

[A] repeating the reckless action that nearly made the US financial system crashed.

[B] breaking the new rules that protect consumers.

[C] ignoring the regulations of the financial system.

[D] opposing his reform. of the global financial system.



听力原文:Whether you're a beginning trader or a more experienced money manager, Global Tra
der Software is the trading tool for you. Our software will provide you with the training and tips you'll need to become a top trader. The Global Trader program offers numerous benefits that other trading software does not, such as real-time data, breaking financial news, advanced charting and market analysis, and international account and currency indicators. To download a free, 60-day trial version of Global Trader Software, visit www.gts.com.

Who is the advertisement for?

A.People interested in traveling

B.People interested in bookkeeping

C.People interested in trading stocks

D.People interested in financial news



根据下面材料,回答题。 Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis1 When I was diagnosed with b


Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis

1 When I was diagnosed with breast cancer nearly a year ago, I found myself at a loss for words at first. Over time, however, I developed some pointers (点子), which I hope will help others.

2 During the first few weeks of emotional "aftershocks" (余悸) from the diagnosis, I found myself unable to utter the word "cancer". Still, I wanted to share the news with my relatives and friends who already knew that I&39;d had a biopsy (活检) and were anxiously awaiting my telephone call. I did the best I could, which is all anyone can do in this situation. When I called them, I said, "What we feared has happened." They immediately knew what I meant.

3 Nearly a year after my diagnosis, I find myself more comfortable telling people "I was diagnosed with cancer" instead of saying "I have cancer". On some deep level, I don&39;t want to "own" this illness. Choose language that suits you when you share your news. And keep in mind that there is no one "right" way of doing this.

4 Most people, after hearing your announcement, will be curious about the next step.They may wonder if you will be undergoing radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy (化疗).

They may wonder where and when you will have surgery. Answer their questions as best you can, but keep in mind that "I don&39;t know right now" or "I&39;m still in too much shock to think about that" are good answers.

5 Wait until the initial wave of strong emotions has passed before telling the children in your life. Don&39;t overwhelm (使不知所措) very young children with too much information.

Assure them that, even if you will be in the hospital for a while, they will see you every day and they will be cared for. Older children may already fear the word "cancer", so be prepared to reassure them. Emphasize the positive steps that doctors will be taking to treat your illness.

Paragraph 2____________. 查看材料

A.Break the news as calmly as possible to children

B.Break the news at your own pace

C.Share the good news with your friends

D.Choose language that suits you

E.Follow your doctor"s advice

F.Be prepared for people"s curiosity



根据下列文章,请回答 23~30 题。 Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis 1 When I was di

根据下列文章,请回答 23~30 题。

Breaking the News about Your Diagnosis

1 When I was diagnosed with breast cancer nearly a year ago.I found myself at a loss for words at first.Over time,however,I developed some pointers(点子),which I hope will help others.

2 During the first few weeks of emotional” aftershocks”(余悸)from the diagnosis,I found myself unable to utter the word” cancel’.Still。1 wanted to share the news with my relatives and friends who already knew that I’d had a biopsy(活检)and were anxiously awaiting my telephone call.I did the best l could。which is all anyone can do in this situation.When I called them,I said,“What we feared has happened.”They immediately knew what I meant.

3 Nearly a year after my diagnosis.I find myself more comfortable telling people “I was diagnosed with cancer” instead of saying have cancer.”0n some deep level.I don’t want t0“own”this illness。Choose language that suits you when you share your news.And keep in mind that there is no one “right” way of doing this.

4 Most people.after hearing your announcement,will be Curious about the next step。They may wonder if you will be undergoing radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy(化疗).They may wonder where and when you will have surgery.Answer their questions as best you can.but keep in mind that” I don’t know right now”or“I’m still in too much shock to think about that”are good answers.

5 Wait until the initial wave of strong emotions has passed before telling the children in your life.Don’t overwhelm(使不知所措)very young children with too much information.Assure them that,even if you will be in the hospital for a while。they will see you every day and they will be cared for.Older, children may already fear the word “cancer”,SO be prepared to reassure them.Emphasize the positive steps that doctors will be taking to treat your illness.

第 23 题 23 Paragraphs 2______________

A.Break the news as calmly as possible to children

B.Break the news at your own pace

C.Share the good news with your friends

D.Choose language that suits you

E.Follow your doctor’S advice

F.Be prepared for people’S curiosity

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