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Since the accident he has walked with a ______ .A.slopeB.limpC.lameD.strain

Since the accident he has walked with a ______ .





更多“Since the accident he has walked with a ______ .A.slopeB.limpC.lameD.strain”相关的问题


Since the accident he has walked with a ______.A.slopeB.limpC.lameD.strain

Since the accident he has walked with a ______.







Since there were five different______ of the accident, it was difficult to know what reall
y happened.







W: Construction on the bridge has really slowed the traffic.M: I know. Since they started

W: Construction on the bridge has really slowed the traffic.

M: I know. Since they started working* the time it takes me to get to work has doubled.

Q; What are the speakers talking about?

A.A problem caused by the construction.

B.An accident that occurred on the bridge.

C.The building project they are working on.

D.The public transportation conditions.



听力原文:W: Excuse me sir, but I have to use your phone. There's been an accident and I ha
ve to call an ambulance.

M: Well, I suppose that'll be all right. This phone is usually for office use only, but since it's an emergency.

Q: Why did the woman sound urgent?


A.Because she was sick.

B.Because probably someone had been hurt.

C.Because her husband was sick.

D.Because her husband needed an ambulance.



Should the U.S. halt human space flight? The Columbia accident has revived the debate

Should the U.S. halt human space flight?

The Columbia accident has revived the debate on whether the rewards of human space exploration are worth the risks.

No. I was a teacher when men first landed on the moon in 1969, and I remember how it moved my students and this country.___________(46) And we haven't ventured outward since then. That's 30 years too long! America's human space-flight program is adrift, with no clear vision or goals beyond the completion of the International Space Station.

I want NASA to establish a phased series of goals over the next 20 years, including human visits to asteroids that cross the Earth's orbit, establishing a research and living facility for humans on the moon, and human expeditions to the surface of Mars and its moons.___________(47)

An astronaut is today's Christopher Columbus, who sailed into the unknown and discovered the Americas. The knowledge we gain from having actual people exploring can never be replaced by robots.___________ (48) Robots are useful, but humans can do things that robots can't.

The real obstacle we face in overcoming the drift in the nation's human space-flight program is not technological and it's not financial.___________ (49)The lesson from the Columbia accident is not that humans don't belong in space.___________ (50)

A.Instead, we should honor the memory of the lost astronauts by pushing our exploration of space future.

B.Astronauts are key to this expanded exploration.

C.It's the lack of commitment to get started.

D.Until then, we should stop risking people's lives by sending them into space.

E.It is now more than 30 year since the last American left the surface of the moon and returned to Earth.

F.Our ability to send humans into space and have them return gives us amazing information about ourselves and our universe.

第 46 题 请选择(46)处的最佳答案.



Those involved in the accident have been()and found blameless.
Those involved in the accident have been()and found blameless.


B、take into consideration


D、base on


F、be comprised of


H、narrow down





根据材料请回答 41~45 题 MemoryOne day more than fifty years ago, a young man had an acc

根据材料请回答 41~45 题


One day more than fifty years ago, a young man had an accident on his motor-bike in which he suffered a few apparently minor injuries.There was a bruise (淤青) on the left side of his forehead and some slight bleeding from his left ear.He was taken to hospital for examination but X-rays did not reveal any other injuries. Nevertheless, the doctor who was treating him decided to keep him in hospital for further observations because the young man was having difficulty in speaking and seemed very confused.

At the time of the accident, the young man was 22 years old, and the date was Au-gust, 1933.A week later, he was able to carry on what seemed a perfectly normal conver-sation.However, he told the doctor that he was only 11 years old and that the date was February, 1922.What is more, he could not remember anything that had happened since 1922.For example, he could not recall having spent five years in Australia, or coming back to England and working for two years on a golf course.

As time went by, part of his memory of the eleven missing years come back.A few weeks later, he even remembered his years in Australia.But the two years of his life just before the accident were still a completely a blank.Three weeks after his injury, he went back to the village where he had been living for those two years.Everything seemed unfa-miliar and he did not recall ever having been there before.Despite this, he was able to take up his old job again in the village and to do it satisfactorily.But he often got lost when walking around the village and found it difficult to remember what he had done during the day.

Slowly, however, his memory continued to return so that, about ten weeks after the accident, he could even remember most of the previous two years.There remained only one complete gap in his memory: he could remember absolutely nothing about what.he had done a few minutes immediately before the accident or the accident itself. This part of his memory never came back.

第 41 题 When did the accident happen?

A.In February 1922.

B.A few years ago.

C. when the young man was in Australia.

D.Over half a century ago.



听力原文: As the car industry develops, traffic accidents have become as familiar as the c
ommon cold. Yet their cause and control remain a serious problem that is difficult to solve.

Experts have long recognized that this discouraging problem has multiple causes. At the very least it is a problem that involves three factors: the driver, the vehicle and the roadway. If all drivers exercised good judgment at all times, there would be few accidents. But this is rather like saying that if all people were honest, there would be no crime. Improved design has helped to make highways much safer. But the total of accidents continues to rise because of human failure and an enormous increase in the number of automobiles on the road. Attention is now turning increasingly to the third factor of the accident, that is, the car itself. Since people assume that the accidents are bound to occur, they want to know how cars can be built better to protect the drivers.

What does the speaker think are the causes of automobile accidents?

A.The causes are very complicated.

B.The causes are obvious.

C.The causes are familiar.

D.The causes are not well understood.



Due to his financial problems, Mr.Johnson seldom _____ his friends in his home since h







听力原文:As the car industry develops, traffic accidents have become as familiar as the co

听力原文: As the car industry develops, traffic accidents have become as familiar as the common code. Yet, their cause and control remain a serious problem that is difficult to solve. Experts have long recognized that this discouraging problem has multiple causes. At the very least, it is a problem that involves three factors: the driver, the vehicle, and the roadway, ff all drivers exercise good judgment at all times, there would be few accidents. But that is rather like saying that ff all people were honest, there would be no crime. Improved design has helped make highways much safer. But file type of accidents continued to rise because of human failure and an enormous increase in the numbers of automobiles on the road. Attention is now turning increasingly to the third factor of the accident, the car itself. Since people assume that the accidents are bound to occur, they want to know how cars can be built better to protect the drivers.


A.The causes are obvious.

B.The causes are very complicated.

C.Tile causes are familiar.

D.The causes are not well understood.

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