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What other reasons might there be for relocating a company? (Why?)

What other reasons might there be for relocating a company? (Why?)

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What does the passage mainly discuss?A.The differences between the English and the other E

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.The differences between the English and the other Europeans.

B.The different character of the Englishman and its reason.

C.The reasons for English people's shyness.

D.The code of behavior. of the nationalities in Europe.



听力原文:M: Are you the head resident?W: Yes.M: I'm Bill Miller. I'm here because I want t

听力原文:M: Are you the head resident?

W: Yes.

M: I'm Bill Miller. I'm here because I want to change roommates.

W: Really? That surprises me. I thought that you and David were good friends.

M: We were. You see, we knew each other before. We are from the same home town, but it looks like we had different reasons for coming to college.

W: How so?

M: Well, David is really into having fun, which is great. But be has so many people in our room all the time that I can't study. And the stereo is on constantly.

W: Have you talked to him about it?

M: Yes, but he just doesn't take me seriously.

W: I see.

M: Miss Todd, I have to study. I'm on scholarship. David isn't.

W: Okay. Here's what we can do. Let me talk to David, and then you see how it goes. Just one week.

What do the speakers mainly discuss?

A.The man wants to get authorization for a room change.

B.The man is worried about his friendship with his roommate,

C.Then man needs a scholarship to continue living in the dormitory,

D.The man wants the head resident to talk to David for him.



听力原文:W:In Britain we are often told that people are leaving the big cities to live in

听力原文:W: In Britain we are often told that people are leaving the big cities to live in the countryside but is this tile case worldwide?

M: Not at all. If you look at the biggest cities in 1950, seven out of the top ten were in the developed countries. However, by the year 2000, the developing countries will have eight out of the top ten.New York, which in 1950 was number one with a population of around 12 million, will only be the sixth largest city in the world with an extra of 2 million.

W: And London?

M: London, which was number two, won't even be in the top ten. Its population in 1950 was about 10 million.

W: Why is this happening? Why are people moving to tile big cities from the country in developing countries?

M: The reasons are complex but many are moving to look for jobs. And the problems this creates are enormous. Just imagine the kinds of difficulties this is going to cause in terms of health, transport and education.

W: Yes. What about the cities of Asia? Will they be experiencing a similar sort of growth?

M: In some cases, yes. Calutta in India which was No. 10 in the league in 1950 is expected to be the fourth biggest city in the world with a population of 16 million, four times in its size in just 50 years.

W: What about Japan?

M: Ah! Well, Tokyo was number three in 1950; at the beginning of the next century, its population will increase by 18 million, three times of the year 1950.Looking at the other major cities in Asia, Shanghai and Seoul will be in the top ten as well but, perhaps surprisingly, not Beijing or Hong Kong.


A.People in developing countries.

B.People living in poor conditions.

C.People in the 1950s.

D.People in New York.



听力原文:W: Mark really needs to see this article in Psychology Weekly.M: Why? What's it o

听力原文:W: Mark really needs to see this article in Psychology Weekly.

M: Why? What's it on?

W: Reasons for negative behavior. patterns—like procrastination, habitual lateness...

M: You're right. That's Mark. He's never on time. So what does it say?

W: That people who are always late often do it for a reason--either conscious or unconscious. It could be an expression of anger and resentment—or a way of resisting authority. It could even be anxiety.

M: Well, I don't know. In Mark's case, I think it's because he wants to be noticed.

W: That's the next reason in the article—the need for attention. They give the example of movie stars who used to make these grand entrances.

M: That's not really Mark's style. though—he's so quiet.

W: What gets me is that he's late for his friends all the time—but not for other things, like work.

M: Well... but they might deduct pay for that.

W: Exactly. You know, sometimes I'm tempted to tell him to come at, say, seven, and everybody else at 7.15. Then maybe we wouldn't have to wait so long.

M: We have to try something. You know, he confessed to me one day that he was even late for his sister's wedding. She was really angry.

W: I remember that. He was in the wedding--so they couldn't start until he got there.

M: Maybe you should slip that magazine under his door anonymously. And hope he gets the message.


A.A comparison of unconscious behavior. patterns.

B.Recent trends in psychology.

C.Reasons for certain behavior. problems.

D.Causes of anxiety.



The development of information technology has made the world smaller, and made people beco
me more and more isolated from each other at the same time. What do you think are the reasons for this phenomenon, and how to deal with the problem? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: People Are Becoming Isolated from Each Other



With more and more universities introducing online resources or even self-made online cour
ses into college education, especially in the field of minor programs and other foundation courses, debates on this topic could be found on many occasions. What are the reasons behind this phenomenon? And what is your position on this issue,and what are the possible benefits and potential problems? Write an essay of about 400 words.



听力原文:People enjoy talking about trips, but what are the reasons they leave home? (33)O

听力原文: People enjoy talking about trips, but what are the reasons they leave home? (33)One reason is for education. People travel because they want to broaden their horizons to learn about other people and other places. They are curious about other cultures. When people are tourists, they get a quick look at different ways of living. Even a short look at another kind of lifestyle. is an important lesson.

On a trip, a person can learn directly--by visiting museums and historic spots. (34)What does a tourist learn who sees the art museums, visits the historical palaces and other scenic spots in Paris, and shops along the River Seine? He gets a vivid picture--a real-life one--of the French people. He learns about their attitudes, how they feel about business, beauty, and history.

What about the tourist who goes to Hong Kong? Does he get the same information that he could get from a book? He might read that Hong Kong is crowded, that there is less than 200 square meters of space for each person, but seeing and feeling the lack of space will (35)impress him much more. He might read that there are nearly 200 vehicles for every kilometer of roadway, but the sight of so many vehicles parked along the roadside will be (35)a much more vivid lesson. The tourist to Hong Kong will never forget the contrasts--the straight vertical lines of the tall modern buildings and the moving lines of boats that people live in.


A.To look for a different lifestyle.

B.To enjoy themselves.

C.For adventure.

D.For education.



听力原文:M: Which university do you think you'd like to attend?W: Well, I've narrowed it d

听力原文:M: Which university do you think you'd like to attend?

W: Well, I've narrowed it down to two, so I'll choose one of them and keep the other as my hack up. How about you?

M: I'm in the same situation as you. A back up is a good idea because you might not get accepted by your first choice.

W: My first choice is London and my back up is Cardiff. How about yon?

M: I went for Edinburgh as my first choice and I'm keeping Belfast as my back up. What made you decide on London?

W: Well, it's ranked highly in the subject I want to study, accounting, and it means I can live at home with my parents, which will save on money.

M: I can understand those reasons, but I think one of the benefits of going to university is that you can live away from family.

W: Which is why you're going to the other end of the country! I see what you mean, but money's tight and I'd rather stay somewhere that's familiar to me.

M: So why have you chosen Cardiff as your back up? There are plenty of other universities in London.

W: My grandmother lives there. She's said that she'd appreciate having me around. So why did you choose Edinburgh and Belfast, aside from getting far away from your family?

M: Well, there's the fact that they're both rated highly in the field I want to study—economics. Aside from that, I liked the way they presented themselves on their websites. There was plenty of information and it seems that the life there is pretty good.

W: What in particular caught your eye?

M: Well, Edinburgh has a well-organised climbing club. It's also famous for its arts and music festivals. There's a lot going on considering it's not a very large city.

W: Will it be expensive to live them?

M: It will be more expensive than average. Rents have gone up a lot in recent years. However, it will be cheaper than London.

W: Unless you live with your parents!

M: I think they'll be happy to see me go to another city and live on my own.

W: At least your poor mother won't have to wash your stinking socks!


A.You might not get into your first choice university.

B.Something might change at your first choice university.

C.There may be change in the ranking of your first choice university.

D.Your first choice should be in your city and your back up in another city.



听力原文:W: So Mr. Baker, this is your bed and as you can see there're five other beds in
the ward. Have you got everything you need.'?

M: Yes, ! think so. l followed the hospital's advice and I've only brought a few belongings with me.

W: Good! You can see the reasons why we ask you to do that; the cupboard is really very small. And have you arranged for anyone to bring in changes of nightwear and other clean clothes?

M: Yes, my wife will deal with all that. Can you tell me what the visiting hours are?

W: Yes, of course. They're in the afternoon from 2:00 to 3:00 and in the evening from 7:30 to 8:30, but remember that only two people can see you at the same time. Sony about that but you can imagine the chaos if we didn't have these rules!

M: Yes, I suppose so. What other rules are there?

W: Well, first of all I should tell you about our hours. We start pretty early—you might not be used to that. We wake you at 6:30, and breakfast is at 8 o'clock, lunch is at noon, there's tea at 3:30 and supper is at 6 o'clock.

M: Oh, my goodness! That's very different from what I've been used to. Still, I won't be here for long, I hope. You'd better tell me the rest of the rules.

W: Yes, well, you can see the no-smoking sign—we don't allow smoking in the wards under any circumstances, and the same goes for alcohol. I'm sure you understand why. However, if you do need to smoke there are special areas when it's allowed.

M: Oh, I don't smoke, so it doesn't affect me. And I think it's a good rule. Do you smoke, nurse?

W: Er, no! But l used to. !'ye given up in fact. 1 haven't had a cigarette for three months now.

M: Well done! kook, I mustn't keep you any longer, but just one more question—can I make a telephone call? I mean, is there a phone anywhere?

W: Yes, of course there is. Outside the ward there's a payphone. You need changes for that of course.

M: Oh, and that reminds me'"

W: Can you make sure that only one of your relatives' phones in each day to find out how you are? The switchboard gets congested with callers. M: Yes, OK.

W: I must go now. You get changed and into bed, and I'll check on you in a while. The radio controls are there, with your own headphones, if you want to listen. It's our own hospital radio.

M: Thanks very much. You've been very helpful.


A.Bringing his nightwear to the hospital.

B.Bringing only the necessities.

C.Bringing all the stuffs he may need.

D.No need to bring anything with him.



According to the writer, you should take time to think about criticisms because______.A.pe

According to the writer, you should take time to think about criticisms because ______.

A.people may have a mistaken idea of what you did or your reasons for doing it

B.you should welcome other people's opinions

C.people may discuss it with .you in depth

D.you need time to understand yourself

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