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Do you consider () more people over?

A.it any good sending

B.that any good sending

C.and good sending

D.any good to send

更多“Do you consider () more people over?”相关的问题


听力原文:M: My car is in the garage.W: Maybe you should consider trading it in for a new o

听力原文:M: My car is in the garage.

W: Maybe you should consider trading it in for a new one.

Q: What does the woman think the man should do?


A.Take a different bus.

B.Go shopping at the new store.

C.Find a new repair garage.

D.Buy a different car.



听力原文:M: Mrs. Anderson, you must have gained a deep insight into the problems of marrie
d couples.

W: I think I have, yes.

M: What do you consider to be the most common problems?

Who's the man?

A.A judge.

B.An interviewer.

C.A lawyer.

D.A shop assistant.



听力原文:M: My car is in the repair shop again. W: Maybe you should consider trading it in

听力原文:M: My car is in the repair shop again.

W: Maybe you should consider trading it in for a new one.

What does the woman think the man should do?

A.Find a new repair shop.

B.Go to a new store.

C.Buy a new car.

D.Take a different bus.



听力原文:M: Well then, you might like to consider a package tour to England.W: I've never

听力原文:M: Well then, you might like to consider a package tour to England.

W: I've never been on a package tour before.

M: They are very convenient. We'll arrange everything for you.

W: I see. Do you have some literature I can look at.

M: Sure, here you are.

What are they talking about?

A.A study plan.

B.Parcel delivery.

C.A travel program.

D.English literature.



听力原文:M: My car is in the repair shop again. It is the third time this month.W: Maybe y

听力原文:M: My car is in the repair shop again. It is the third time this month.

W: Maybe you should consider trading it in for a new one.

Q: What does the woman advise the man to do?


A.Repair the car himself.

B.Sell the car and take a train to work.

C.Sell his old car and buy a new one.

D.Find a new repair shop,



听力原文:M: What do you think? Should I accept this exchange program and head off to Japan
for three months?

W: Are you serious? Everyone I know is lining up to go there and you're actually considering not going?

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.The opportunity is too rare to pass over.

B.He should line up for the program as others do.

C.He should concentrate on his studies.

D.He should consider going together with others.



听力原文:W: I can not bear my job any more.M: If you are unhappy with your job, then just

听力原文:W: I can not bear my job any more.

M: If you are unhappy with your job, then just think about the terrible working conditions others have to endure. This will help you consider your own situation properly.

Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?


A.The woman should resign.

B.The woman should stop tolerating her job.

C.The woman should consider her job objectively by comparison.

D.The woman should be happy with the terrible working conditions.



听力原文:M: What were you doing at twelve last night?W: I was playing cards with my kids i

听力原文:M: What were you doing at twelve last night?

W: I was playing cards with my kids in the kitchen.

M: Do your kids always go to bed that late?

W: Not on weekdays.

M: Wasn't your husband with you then?

W: He was away on business in New York. He will be back late this evening.

M: Anything unusual happened?

W: The light suddenly went out while we were playing. We remained silent at the table for some moments. After a while, we all heard glass breaking somewhere on the floor above.

M: Do you mean a window?

W: I'm not sure whether it was a window or a glass or something else.

M: Didn't any one of you hear a cry or a fight? Didn't you even consider going up for a look?

W: We were frightened at the beginning and then went to bed as it was quiet all around.

What does the man probably do?

A.A teacher.

B.A policeman.

C.A postman.



听力原文:W: I need your help, John, I feel very nervous whenever speaking in the presence
of many strangers. Do you know how to overcome this?

M: Me too. Take it easy. I consider it a natural human response. You just need time and practice. Practice makes perfect.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.She should follow the human nature.

B.Strangers are nothing to be afraid of.

C.Feeling nervous is nothing improper.

D.She should accept strangers' presents naturally.



听力原文:M: How time flies! It's almost the end of the term. Do you still have time for wr
iting Internet blogs?

W: Only once in a while now, but I still consider it my hobby. I find it very fascinating.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He has some other hobbies now.

B.He wrote Internet blogs once.

C.He writes Internet blogs sometimes.

D.He has quit writing Internet blogs for the time being.



听力原文:M: How much do you charge for a piano lesson here? I was recommended by a friend
of mine who took lessons here a couple of years back.

W: Well, we charge by the hour here, and it's 20 dollars an hour.

M: Wow, that's a bit too pricey. Is there any type of discount considering the fact that I am going to sign up for a year or so.

W: Well, we do at times consider giving a discount, but you'd have to pay the entire fee in advance. Why don't you sit down, and I'll tell you more about it.

How did the man learn of this place?

A.He saw an ad in the paper.

B.He was referred by someone.

C.He happened to see it while walking.

D.He knows the owner of the store.

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